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Han Emperor Liu Xie witnessed Wan Min Shan shouting “Long live”

The object of worship is not him.

The taste in your heart can be imagined.

This is trespassing!

Great contrarian!

Cao Thief’s disobedient heart is obvious!

The culprit who caused all this was Shen Xuan, the demon man.

Liu Xie looked at Shen Xuan.


That demon man…

His expression was indifferent, and there was a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth.

It was as if what was happening in front of him was not in his eyes at all.

High on top, keep an eye on everything.


Liu Xie was furious.

Of course he won’t know.

At this time, Shen Xuan was paying full attention to the system that had just awakened.

And who has the leisure to pay attention to what is happening outside.

Dog system!

From half of the fusion, to 99%.

Every time, it is a “five-seven-zero” head.

Throw away a so-called “beautiful gift”

Then none of the ghosts were seen.

Now it’s finally fully integrated.

It’s really not easy!

In front of Shen Xuan’s eyes, there was an attribute interface that could only be “seen” with consciousness.

“God-level library system?”

Shen Xuan was stunned there.

This dog system, what a special… Novelty!

Then there was a big curse in my heart.


This soil-to-dross system.

Are you also embarrassed to sleep for a whole year with such a big shelf?

No wonder both beautiful gifts were books.



That’s it.

Come and go, and you have to go up with your eyes closed.

Continue to explore the system.

System Introduction:

The book has its own house of gold.

The book has its own face.

The book has its own plan.

The book has its own overlord bravery.


Shen Xuan sneered in his heart.


Just blow it hard!

and so on to thoroughly explore the function of the entire system.

Shen Xuan’s state of mind has changed drastically.

His heart was shocked.

Then came ecstasy.

Bring up the character properties panel.

Host: Shen Xuan

Force: 65 (non-entry generals)

Intelligence: 115 (normal 60)

Title: Marquis of Xiaoyao

Fiefdom: Wolong Valley official position Yu Guoshi (not knighted)

Prestige value: 10,000 mouths. The lack of force is divided according to the strength level of the general.

Stream, third-rate, second-rate, first-class, super-first-class, a total of five. Junsheng Shen Xuan now belongs to the stream.

What is this concept?

Lü Bu, Zhao Yun, Dian Wei and others are super-class.

Low-ranking generals in the army belong to third-rate military generals.

Not in the flow…

Hehe, a fighter in the trash!

The intelligence is amazing, and it has broken through the ceiling.

This is not to say how high Shen Xuan’s IQ is.

It is thanks to his previous education, which has made his wisdom unattainable now.

Prestige value, this is easy to understand.

Gain the respect and gratitude of the Lebanese people from the bottom of their hearts, and convert them into prestige values.

The system is fully awakened.

It is precisely because of the present life of sweet potatoes, potatoes and other things that they are respected and grateful by the people of Li.

This is why he continues to gain reputation points, which eventually prompts the system to fully awaken.

The usefulness of prestige value can be great.

First, it is used for lotteries.

Second, exchange for attribute points.

Third, go to the book mall to read and buy books.

The first two items are normal operations.

What surprised Shen Xuan was the book mall.

The mall has three floors.

The books on the first floor are all pre-industrial revolutions.

According to the general book classification, philosophy, social sciences, natural sciences, comprehensive books, five major categories, 22 basic categories.

These are still in the normal range.

The number of books.


There is something in history, there is not, there is all here.

Countless of them!

On the second and third floors of the book mall, Shen Xuan did not have permission to enter.

Consuming prestige points, you can consult books.

God-level libraries are not ordinary libraries.

As long as there are enough prestige points, the knowledge and skills in the book can be fused into the host’s soul.

That’s pretty scary.

Take a chestnut.

For hundreds of reputation points, you can check out the “Shaolin Seventy-Two Stunts”.

And the absolutely authentic kind.

Spend thousands to tens of thousands of reputation points.

One item, even all of his stunts, can be fused and turned into Shen Xuan’s own ability.

Bo Ruo palm, dragon claw hand… These are not fragrant?

The knowledge and skills in the book can be transferred to others………

It is also possible to integrate others in a manner similar to empowerment.

However, the reputation points consumed are staggering.

God-level library, and an outrageous special feature.

When the character’s attributes reach a certain height.

Consume enough prestige points.

The objects recorded in the books can be created out of nothing and become real existences.

Take another chestnut.

There is a recipe book in the library.

Consume the corresponding reputation value.

You can directly realize the dishes in the recipe.

It’s not fake, it’s no different from what the chef does on the spot.

It is even possible to visualize characters in books.

It is exactly the same as a real person and has the same abilities as a Buddha-figure.

For example, Lü Bu in “Romance of the Three Kingdoms” can be realized.

Not only does he look the same, but he also has the strength of Lü Bu’s super first-class martial general.

Just imagine.

The scene of Lü Bu in realization, fighting with Lü Bu on the battlefield.

Shen Xuan shuddered.

Don’t dare to think.

It’s so mysterious!

However, to use this ability, the reputation required is astronomical.

The character attribute requirements are also extremely high.

Shen Xuan now, hehe, think about it.

Finish pondering the system.

Shen Xuan’s heart was very happy, beautiful.

The system has awakened!

And also so powerful.

The book has its own golden house, the book has its own Yan Ruyu, the book has its own Zhang Liangji 2.3, the book has its own overlord brave, really not blown!

How could Shen Xuan not be happy?

“Shen Xuan!”

“Shen Xuan, I’m talking to you!”

The eunuch’s shrill voice pulled Shen Xuan’s attention back to reality.

Shen Xuan looked at it.

I saw the eunuch beside Liu Xie, gritting his teeth and looking at himself with resentment on his face.

Shen Xuan squinted at the eunuch and said lightly: “You eggless castrate, you dare to call your own master by name?” Who gave you the guts? ”

Eggless gelding?

The eunuch felt as if he had been hit hard in the chest by a sledgehammer.

Almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood.

Although the eunuch has no eggs, there are still drops of human rights!

The crowd erupted into laughter.

Even many old ministers loyal to the Han family laughed along.

[Book friends Ollie gives, the tiger must also work harder to codeword]_

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