015 Milking the void?

Creak, the door opens

A middle-aged man wearing a blue gown and with an extraordinary temperament came out

Look solemn

He is Zhao Li, the only doctor proficient in medicine in Zhaojiazhuang

“Third brother, how is Teacher Tong?” Zhao An stepped forward and asked

Zhao Li sighed:

“Master Tong has been practicing martial arts since he was young, so he has many hidden diseases in his body. When he was young, his blood was strong, so he was fine. But now his blood is weak, and he can’t suppress the hidden diseases. So he suddenly fainted when many hidden diseases broke out at the same time.”

Zhao Yun was so nervous that he stepped forward and asked:

“So… can it be cured?”

Zhao Li shook his head:

“It’s difficult. The hidden disease has penetrated deep into the bone marrow and cannot be cured by ordinary medicine.”

“Of course, it may also be that my medical skills are not good enough. I heard that there is a great doctor named Hua Tuo in Pei County, Xuzhou. If we can invite him, maybe he can cure it.”

“However, Master Tong’s current condition is estimated to last only three days at most.”

Xuzhou Pei County?

Zhao Yun looked unhappy

How much more than a thousand miles is the distance from Changshan County of Jizhou to Pei County of Xuzhou?

Even if you ride a horse back and forth quickly, it will take half a month.

Half a month later……Master, I’m afraid the body is already cold.

No matter how miraculous a doctor is, can he bring the dead back to life?

Zhao Yun had no choice but to turn to Yun Yi for help.

“Lord God, please save my master.”

Yun Yi patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder:

“Don’t worry, I promised you. But I can’t guarantee that I can save you.”

He didn’t say too much.

Although the milk in MC has extraordinary effects in the game

But how it will perform in reality is still unknown.

But this is also a good opportunity to test the effectiveness of milk in reality.

Zhao Yun bowed:

“I am already grateful for your help, I dare not ask for anything else.”

Yun Yi nodded and walked into the house with Zhao Yun.

The house is very clean

You can see that it is cleaned frequently

There is a bed against the wall, and on it lies an old man with gray hair.

Is this the gun prodigy Tong Yuan?

Yun Yi looked at the sixty-year-old man curiously.

Tong Yuan has a very strong and sturdy figure

Estimated to be about two meters

Although due to old age and frailty, the muscles have shrunk

But you can still see the once explosive muscle lines


Anyone who could make a name for himself in the cold weapon era had to have a good physique.

Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun……

Unless you are born with supernatural powers

Otherwise, a thin person wouldn’t be able to wield weapons properly.

“Okay, let’s go out.”

Zhao Yun looked at Yun Yi in confusion.

Did the gods take action? Why didn’t I see anything?

Of course Yun Yi doesn’t know how to cure diseases

He just came in to see what the situation was.

It will be better to know when to use milk later.

He immediately explained:

“My mana has not yet fully recovered, so I need the help of some items to use it. Let’s go out and see if the cows have arrived.”

Zhao Yun suddenly realized

Get out of the house

Yun Yi repeated this set of words to the people around him.

There is the previous unlimited water support

Everyone has an almost fanatical trust in Yunyi

Moo…… soon

Zhao Yan came over with two large yellow cows, one male and one female.

That cautious look

Afraid of being hit by a cow

It’s not that he’s pretending.

But these two yellow cattle are one of the few working cattle in Zhaojiazhuang.

Usually the baby is very

It’s only Yun Yi who needs it, otherwise Zhao Yan can’t persuade him even if he talks himself into submission.

Looking at these two yellow cows

Yun Yi was not sure whether a bull or a cow could produce milk when it was not lactating.

But you have to try it?

If it doesn’t work, consider other options.

Yun Yi took out an empty iron bucket from his backpack

Walk up to the bull

Suddenly, a mysterious feeling came into my mind.

Silently thinking about milking

Next moment

The bottom of the empty iron bucket began to bubble up with milky white liquid.

Just a short while

The iron bucket is filled with fresh milk

Yun Yi paid special attention to the situation of the bull in front of him. fine!

No discomfort occurred

It seems that this milk is not really squeezed from the bull cow’s body.

The cow is just a trigger

The milk in the bucket is not infinite. When a bucket is used up, you have to squeeze it again. However, as long as you have a cow, you can achieve unlimited milk production.

Oh shit, perpetual motion machine?

Oh no, conservation of mass and energy does not exist!

Now not only Newton’s coffin has been lifted, but Einstein’s coffin may also be in danger of being lifted.

Of course, the most surprised people were the villagers of Zhaojiazhuang.

They all stared with eyes wide open, their faces filled with disbelief.

No, why can an empty bucket produce milk by just waving it in front of a cow?

The key is still the Bulls?

In this river?

This is not the river at all!

But if it is a god, then it is very strange.

Then Yun Yi asked Zhao An to find someone to bring a large vat.

He tilted the milk bucket

The milk inside flows down like a bottomless pit.

Soon, the large jar, which was as thick as two people’s arms, was filled up.

But there was still more than half of the milk in the bucket.

“What is the capacity of this tank?” Yun Yi asked

Zhao An leaned forward, looking eagerly.

He really couldn’t understand how such a small bucket could hold so much milk.

After thinking for a long time, I still couldn’t figure out the principle, so I had to give up.

“My Lord, this jar can hold 100 buckets of water.”

The weights and measures of the Han Dynasty were different from those of later times.

Although one dou is equal to ten liters

But one liter in the Han Dynasty was only 200 milliliters in later times.

One dou is equivalent to two liters in later times.

By this calculation, this tank can hold about 200 liters of water?

Yun Yi looked at the amount of milk left in the milk bucket.

Then I looked at the full vat.

I roughly estimated the amount of milk in the milk bucket.

It should be the same as infinite water.

One cubic meter

That is one thousand liters

So terrifying!

If this were really squeezed out of a cow, I’m afraid even if you squeeze the cow dry you still wouldn’t be able to squeeze out that much milk.

Yun Yi took a bite

The milky taste is quite strong, even if it does not have the effect of clearing the positive and negative states of the body, it can be drunk as ordinary milk

And you only need one bucket and one cow to milk endlessly

Even bulls can squeeze!

The items in MC are just outrageous when applied to reality.

Yun Yi tried to move the big vat again.

Did not move

Steve’s strength is also a mystery. A set of 64 one-cubic-meter gold nuggets can be easily held in the hand.

As a result, I can’t even lift a 200-liter milk tank.

Suddenly, Yun Yi thought of a possibility

Eyes light up

He immediately tried to put the jug full of milk into his backpack. no problem

Just like a box can hold wolf corpses, a backpack can also hold real-life objects.

Just like a box

One grid can only hold one cubic meter of items

Then Yun Yi switched the large vat to the item usage column

Sure enough, he succeeded!

Ignoring the weight of the large tank, I took it in my hand.

Yun Yi is thoughtful

It seems that no matter whether it is a real creation or a MC creation, only by putting it in a backpack can the weight be ignored, otherwise it can only rely on the strength of the body itself

As for his own strength…

Just an ordinary person’s level

Without the help of the cheat code, he would probably be turned into ashes in seconds by Zhao Yun, who is born with supernatural powers.

But Yun Yi has always been in a good mood

Doesn’t the golden finger count as a reflection of his own strength?

This is naked prejudice. so……Dark blue, add some!

Then he tried to see if he could recover the milk.

It can be taken back, but it’s troublesome

After all, the opening of the iron bucket is so small, and it takes a long time to pour it back bit by bit.

I just don’t know if the milk after pouring out of the milk bucket still has the special effect of clearing the body’s positive and negative states in MC

But it’s not a big problem

It’s a good time to test the effect of milk with Tong Yuan. certainly

Test yourself too

Although positive states are difficult to obtain, negative states are easy to obtain.

For example…poisoning


PS: Please give me flowers, evaluation tickets, and monthly tickets!!!

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