Three Kingdoms: I Have Unlimited Gifts

Chapter 280 What? The Inventor Is The Emperor? Liu Biao is Confused!

What did Liu Biao see?

Tingyun Loft was three stories high, Liu Biao looked out with a monocular, and saw Luoyang City.

The whole city of Luoyang!

The city of Luoyang with all the details!

You can see that the vendors in the market are haggling!

You can see that the pedestrians on the street are in a hurry!

It can be seen that the different looks of Shinong's industrial and commercial clothing are different!

It can be seen that the generals and soldiers in the barracks practiced rigorously!

As if in an instant, the telescope "pulled" objects in the distance to the front.

Yes, that compass can't be called magic, only this thing can be called magic!

After a long time, Liu Biao released the telescope and swallowed heavily. Said: "I dare to ask Your Majesty, what kind of treasure is this? Could it be the legendary treasure of the fairy family, and the clairvoyance is impossible?

Liu Zhao shook his head slightly and said, "What fairy treasures? This phenomenon is completely caused by two ordinary pieces of glass. Of course, the reason why these two pieces of glass can create such a magical effect is thanks to me, a skilled craftsman. grinding. The specific principle is


"Wei Chen doesn't want to hear it!" Liu Biao refused categorically.

Not only that, he also stood up, bowed slightly, and said sternly: "The ancients said that chaos is born, and words are considered as rank. If the ruler is not secretive, he will lose his ministers; Cheng. It is a gentleman who is careful and does not show it. Such a weapon of the military, His Majesty only needs to tell the subjects of the world that it exists. As for the specifics and principles, only a few people can know. Those who do not need to know, must not know. I entreat Your Majesty to make laws: but those who inquire about the manufacture of binoculars privately will be punished as espionage, and those who leak it privately will be punished as treason!"

The last two sentences are simply murderous.

No way, Liu Biao understood the significance of this telescope too well.

What is the most important thing in a war?


The art of war has a cloud, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Is there a better way to "know the enemy" than to see everything clearly about the enemy?

Think about it, on the Gobi, when the Han army and the Kushuang army fought, the Kushuang army had just begun to assemble, and the Han army knew where they assembled, and quickly dispatched the army to disperse it.

Come to think of it, the Kushuang Army split up a small group to outflank our army, and as a result, the action was completely under the control of our army generals. The ingenious strategy of the Kushuang people has completely become a food delivery for our army!

Think about it, where are the old and weak of the enemy army? Where are the food and grass? Where are the weaknesses in the formation of troops?

With telescopes, the information is completely asymmetric!

Our army knows ourselves and the enemy, but the enemy knows ourselves and does not know the enemy!

Did the odds increase by 10%?

This thing is almost immortal, completely beyond the scope of people's imagination!

How can the production method of such a military weapon be made public?

It must be kept confidential, strictly confidential!

Confidentiality at all costs!

Liu Zhao nodded slightly and said, "Liu Aiqing is worthy of being the backbone of my big man, what he said is true! Now the secret of the telescope should be kept secret, I am a little sloppy."

"Your Majesty is really reassuring, and Wei Chen was just a little reckless.

Although he said so, but seeing Liu Zhao express his position like this, Liu Biao became more courageous.

He said again: "I dare to ask Your Majesty, who invented this compass and telescope? These people have made great contributions to the country, and they must be rewarded greatly. , Money and beauty can be given, but their actions must be strictly restricted to avoid leaking secrets.

"Uh... Fenghou doesn't have to... Restricting movement... It's not good... This person won't leak secrets. 99

"Your Majesty... the ancients said that when chaos arises, they say that they are rank. If the ruler is not secretive, he will lose his ministers, and if the ministers are not secretive, he will lose his life..." Liu Biao also persuaded him.

It has to be said that what is good on the top will be worse off.

In ancient and modern China and abroad, this is not the case.

The king is virtuous, not only the virtuous will defect.

Even a thief will become a virtuous man!

The king is stupid, not only the wise will go away, but even the wise will become flatterers!

For example, Wei Zheng, indeed, he dared to speak out in front of Tang Taizong.

However, Wei Zheng's master is not only Li Shimin. Why didn't he speak bluntly in front of Li Mi, Li Yuan, and Li Jiancheng?

Without him, Li Shimin welcomed Wei Zheng's comments.

Liu Zhao had the courage to admit his mistake just now, which inspired Liu Biao's enthusiasm and began to actively advise.

It really makes people wonder, is this still the heroic figure who supported the army and respected himself during the period of the Eighteen Route Princes' anti-Dong period?

Liu Zhao couldn't help laughing bitterly when he heard it, and said: "Well, to tell the truth... these fried noodles, compass and telescope were all invented by me. What? You want the imperial court to make me a marquis and restrict my actions? 39

"What? This thing was invented by His Majesty? God, what stupid things did the old minister say just now?

The emperor brought out new things and the emperor invented new things, but they are completely different things!

Moreover, these three new things are all military weapons!

is this real?

This... how is this possible?

Hearing this, Liu Biao was stunned, completely dumbfounded!

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