Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 119 Letter from a Beautiful Lady

Although I still like to write letters in my heart, but when the boundaries of some people are broken, what is needed is not pure love, it is gone forever, and the only thing left is to face those people domineeringly and fight for love !

Lin Mu gently opened the envelope in his hand. Inside the envelope was only a piece of light pink paper, which exuded a familiar fragrance.

Looking at the familiar letter, Lin Mu's thoughts fluttered.

I still remember that autumn, when I met her, the beautiful figure was forever engraved in Lin Mu's heart, and I couldn't get rid of it, and I didn't want to forget it, it was an extraordinary autumn.

In high school, because they were both studying hard, although Lin Mu and Ji Shiting were at the same table, they generally seldom talked. The clever Ji Shiting seldom has any problems in study, and Lin Mu would not easily ask others if he had any doubts.

Lin Mu, who likes history, often brings some borrowed history books to the classroom to read. Once, Lin Mu received a note from his deskmate, and their story began like this.

Lin Mu remembered that the note said: Can you lend me your "Shan Hai Jing"?

The beautiful and correct font exudes the unique fragrance of calligraphy and ink, which shocked people's spirits. Lin Mu replied on that piece of paper: Yes!

He also brought the book to her.

From then on, Lin Mu and Ji Shiting began to chat sentence by sentence on paper, and rarely talked directly.

The friendship of paper is as plain as water.

Going to college, not in the same class, it evolved into a letter.

Until now, the two of them have been communicating by letter. This is a kind of retro information transmission, but the two of them enjoy it.


Lin Mu read the letter carefully.

Ah Mu, how are you recently?

I heard from a classmate that you moved out and rented a house outside the school, and now you are focusing on being a professional gamer.

Congratulations, you like virtual games very much, and you have a good talent. Being able to focus on this happily is also a small goal of yours!

Recently, Qingyu, this little girl has been nagging you, saying that you haven't replied to the last letter, and you haven't eaten snacks for two days in such a hurry, hehe!

In addition, let me tell you a secret, the national government may want to operate a mysterious virtual game, "Mythology World", this game contains shocking secrets, it is said that it can promote human evolution, and some elders in the family say that this game is also related to the third World War I has an ulterior connection. I know you like to play games. In this mysterious game, maybe those dreams and goals in your heart can be realized. This game is very important. Remember, remember, must Enter, and, if possible, work hard to build your own power. When something happens, maybe there is a support and confidence, which is also quite good.

In fact, with your vision, you will definitely enter this game, I have always believed in you!

The final exam is coming up this semester, you have to study hard, don't pass the exam again!

Really, you are so smart, why don't you learn more about science and technology, I always like history, and now it's pretty good to be a scientist, if you suddenly realize something better than nuclear fusion technology, you will be honored! Hee hee... But you don't like it!

Well, I won't nag anymore, I've been with Qingyu for a long time, and I've become nag too!

Reply quickly, or the little witch of Whispering Words will come to you again, haha!


Ji Shiting is a girl who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside. She is still very caring and eager to people she is familiar with, although she is still a bit cold.

Lin Mu knows that Li Qingyu has been reading the letters between Lin Mu and Ji Shiting, and Shiting also knows that this girl, if you don't show her and arouse the curiosity in the little universe, she will do a lot of funny things matter. Sometimes Lin Mu would be embarrassed by her.

In the letter, the main purpose is to tell Lin Mu that the government has launched a mysterious game, and this game is "Mythological World".

No matter in the previous life or the present life, Lin Mu attaches great importance to this game.

In the previous life, I also entered the game for the first time when the game was opened, because of Qiantu. After receiving Ji Shiting's letter, it inspired him even more. At that time, he already owned a territory. In Huaxia District, he was far ahead of many consortia, causing a great sensation.

However, because of the commotion, I made some small requests, but these requests caused some estrangement between Lin Mu and Ji Shiting's relatives. Ji Shiting didn't know what happened, and changed a lot. Of course, there is good news, For me at that time, it was considered to have officially entered the field of vision of her family, and it was considered to have a small reputation, but it was the reputation of a toad wanting to eat swan meat.

Improper households and households are the biggest gap!

No matter how hard Lin Mu tried in his previous life, he couldn't cross this gap.


Now, I am no longer what I used to be, Lin Mu has undergone tremendous changes, but now, Ji Shiting and the others have not changed, they are still a happy schoolgirl, dreaming of a childlike dream!

In Lin Mu's heart, Ji Shiting, the girl he has a crush on, is actually not easy. As far as Lin Mu knows, she bears a lot of pressure, and her personality has undergone two huge changes, one after graduating from university, and the other after Lin Mu. After Mu left [Mu Shi Legion], that is, after leaving the forces formed by her family.

Regardless of past and present, Lin Mu knew in his heart that Ji Shiting also liked or loved him, but the huge gap was like a sky, lying in front of the two of them!

Countless pressures and obstacles. Make him and her miserable! She had no choice but to undergo many changes. Lin Mu would not blame her in his heart, never will, but on the surface he needs to separate and calm down until he starts over again! In this life, I will figure out those things myself and prevent them from happening!


After reading the letter, Lin Mu sighed softly and smiled, in this life, you are mine, even the king of heaven and I can't stop it! If you stop me, I will uproot you and let you also taste what it feels like to have nothing!

Lin Mu suddenly felt an impulse, wanting to rush to Shi Ting's side and take care of her.

In this life, Shi Ting, you don't need to change for us! Let me change it. In this life, it is not that we adapt to this world, but that this world adapts to us!


Gently putting the letter close to his body, Lin Mu continued to wait.

Lin Mu thought he would let it go, but in fact he didn't, never did. The so-called letting go is just burying it in the deepest part of his heart, and he doesn't want to think about it.

Thinking of that autumn again, when I met her, that beautiful figure came to my mind again, and the pure and indifferent figures lingered in my mind and mixed together.


However, Lin Mu didn't realize that the current him is no longer what he was before, with a bit of arrogance and self-confidence. Moreover, the experience in the mythical world has also subtly changed him, and he is slowly becoming the overlord of the princes. On the road of co-ownership of the world, although it is still very immature.

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