Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 180 The First Bandit Suppression Campaign (Please Subscribe!)

The next morning, Lin Mu and the businessman said goodbye. Lin Mu was going to Dongye County, while the businessman continued to discuss the acquisition with Lin Dong and the others. ghost town.

Along the spacious official road, he rushed forward and arrived at the west gate when the sun rose in midair. In the bright sunshine, the high city walls of Dongye County look a little mottled and golden.

Xiaohu arrived at the county seat in the morning with twenty guards, and they were standing by a sentry box at the gate of the city.

Soldiers, with their dark faces and piercing eyes shining with confident and strong eyes, everyone also had joyful smiles on their faces. Their straight bodies were like pine trees on the top of independent mountains, with big knives and long guns in their hands. Under the sunlight, it is white, dazzling and cold.

After experiencing the baptism of the battlefield, they grew up very quickly. Looking at the energetic soldiers, holding their weapons calmly and powerfully, their faces looked relaxed. Lin Mu didn't go with him to conquer the bandits, but he could imagine the tragedy of the siege, especially the Battle of Dong'an Mountain. After experiencing the tragic battlefield, these soldiers have truly become fierce soldiers.

Lin Mu approached on horseback, and Xiaohu came forward to meet him. Xiaohu also participated in this operation, and came to bring the mission token to Lin Mu. It is inconvenient for Liu Feng and his former Qinglong troops to appear in places like the county town during the day.

"My lord, fortunately I did not disgrace my life, and successfully completed the task!" Xiaohu smiled brightly. In the past six months, Xiaohu has continued to grow.

The immature face has become so dark and mature, and the body has grown taller. Fortunately, there are no scars on the face, otherwise the appearance alone would be able to frighten children.

"Okay! Xiaohu, you are becoming more and more like a general. You are no longer the immature boy you used to be, and you are no longer the pawn who killed wolves with me." Lin Mu dismounted easily, patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Hehe, it was Master Fengzhong's careful training that made me powerful." Xiaohu scratched his head and laughed easily when he heard Lin Mu talking about the scene of killing wolves together.

"Okay, keep going! When you are able to stand on your own, I will let you lead an army, become a general, and be hired on the battlefield!" Lin Mu promised.

"On my own, I still have a long way to go. I haven't read all those Chinese characters yet." Xiaohu shook his head and said depressedly.

"It's okay, you didn't have the foundation before, now it's the stage of laying the foundation, take your time! Believe in yourself, believe in our territory background, can't we train you to be a general, haha!"

"Enen!" Xiaohu nodded heavily. He had never been to a school or private school before, he didn't know a single word, he must have never read the art of war, and he couldn't even write a paperwork report. These were all important factors that hindered his growth.

Lin Mu established a private school and attached great importance to education. One of them was to eliminate illiteracy. Whether it was a soldier in the army or a deputy leader, anyone with an enterprising heart could enter the private school to learn knowledge, read and write, and tuition fees were waived.

"You have perseverance, work hard, and I believe you will learn it soon." Lin Mu praised.

"For this operation, you and I should talk about it, let's go, talk while walking." Lin Mu led the horse and walked with Xiaohu.

On the way, Lin Mu gradually learned about the actual situation of this operation.


After receiving Lin Mu's message, Liu Feng led 80,000 elite soldiers to ambush in the woods south of Dong'an Mountain.

In addition, following Liu Feng, there are also Tian 29, 28, and 27 from the Yeying Department. The three of them are responsible for the transmission of information to the east, west and north of Dong'an Mountain respectively. All three of them have a sub-page of Qiankun in their hands, and they are also responsible for connecting the spies on the mountain. The Yeying Department has long been lurking dozens of secret operations and entered Dong'an Mountain. One is to burn food, arrows, wooden bows, kerosene and other military supplies to cut off their resistance capital when the war starts.

Every backbone member of the Sky Department of the Yeying Department is a shadow who has learned the earth-level skills. Not to mention the powerful information collection and spying, his force is also very good. The black internal force that permeates the rapier. It is the passing of life.

According to the plan, this time it was an annihilation operation, with no chickens or dogs left behind, and the Yeying Department went all out. Except for the main attack on the south side, people from the Tianbu Department were placed on the other three sides to prevent them from breaking out and escaping.

The night is dark and the wind is high, and the Dong'an Mountain is extremely quiet, like a giant beast entrenched in the night, ready to eat people at any time.

The cottage was built along the halfway up Dong'an Mountain, and the whole cottage surrounded the area above the halfway up Dong'an Mountain. The peaks and timber above halfway up the mountain were basically cut down, and villages were built one after another.

Dongshan bandits are notorious in the vicinity. They robbed passing merchants, robbed their property and killed them;

The county soldiers in Dongye County also pretended to encircle and suppress them, but they were all repelled and did nothing.

From the perspective of a modern person like Lin Mu, these bandits are so exposed to the public, and they are stationed on the mountain. Are they afraid of being surrounded by the government? If there is such an existence in modern times, they will be killed as soon as they appear. They are actually living well, and they go down the mountain to plunder from time to time, which is extremely nourishing. It is really too rampant. Unfortunately, in this era, such existence exists, and it exists tenaciously.

Late at night, in the Dong'an cottage, the bonfire was beating, and there were bandits patrolling beside them. Seen from a distance, the little bonfires are like stars, dotted on the mountainside of Dong'an Mountain, like forming a chain, wrapping around the mountainside of Dong'an Mountain. The cottage bandits on patrol were relaxed and lazy, unaware that the god of death was watching them in the dark.

The soldiers of the True Dragon Legion, ready to go, are ready to attack from the south gate with all their strength. Just waiting for the news from the Night Shadow Department.

The night gradually deepened, and some cool mountain winds blew gently, which eased the mood of the soldiers who looked a little nervous.

Many soldiers thought of the strategic military order mentioned by the team leader today, and they were inevitably nervous:

"The [Fenglong Division] is in the middle, all the arrows are on the bow, and the arrows are used to suppress the enemy, so as to relieve the pressure of the charging [Hu Ben Division], [Tianyuan Division] and [Qiansheng Division], in their three divisions The battalion shoots with all their strength before they rush to the city wall, so there is no need to save bows and arrows. When the three battalions rush to the city wall and break through the city gate, your part will charge forward. When you encounter enemies, you don’t need to hold back, kill them all! Remember This is a military order! Everyone will keep it in mind!"

Tens of thousands of people attacked, and they couldn't hide their bodies, which would definitely attract the attention of the bandits. However, with the obstruction of the Yeying Department, they should not react so quickly.

Seize this time difference and capture the city wall, then the attack will be half successful.

Sure enough, on the top of the mountain, several fireworks bursting into the sky slowly appeared, and it was the secret agents of the Yeying Department who played their role.

On the twenty-seventh day, they also received a letter from the cottage, and a few lines slowly appeared on the page:

Eighty-nine days, mission accomplished!


One hundred and seventeen days, the task is completed!


"Lieutenant Liu Feng, it's time to attack!" Tian Erqi said to Liu Feng, who was with the old god.

"Okay, soldiers, this is our first battle. Opposite is a group of vicious bandits. They are notorious and don't need mercy! According to the plan, attack!" There were no Sheng flags, no drums, and everyone held their swords, guns and shields in a low-key manner. The opened mountain road quickly advances and attacks.

There was a bandit sentinel lurking on the way. Liu Feng and the others would kill them when they encountered them, regardless of whether he sent a signal or not. Everyone moved forward at the fastest speed and killed the bandits they encountered along the way.

The city wall is the first target.

The city wall of Dong'an Mountain, after several years of development, has been built to be six or seven feet high, and ordinary people cannot climb it.

A huge city gate with a width of three feet stood in it. The real dragon army without siege equipment had no way to take this gate from the front, but the bandits guarding the gate were attacked by the Yeying Department, opened the gate, and greeted the soldiers. enter.

When the True Dragon Corps' attack started, Dong'an Mountain was also in full swing. The bandits carried buckets of water to put out the fire, and at the same time woke up the resting elite.

Compared to waking them up, destroying the supplies that defend the city is more important.

Xiaohu led the [Hubei Battalion] to attack from the right, He Yuan led the [Tianyuan Battalion] to attack from the left, Wang Sheng led the [Qiansheng Battalion] to attack from the middle, Liu Feng led the [Fenglong Battalion] to fan out, Overwhelm the archers on the walls with bows and arrows.

The three battalions charged forward like giant beasts, and killed all the bandits who blocked them along the way.

The sound of shouting and roaring slowly resounded throughout Dong'an Mountain. The soldiers of the True Dragon Legion turned into messengers of death, mercilessly harvesting the lives of the bandits.

Before the three battalions of Huben rushed to the city wall halfway up the mountain, the gate slowly opened, and they rushed into the stronghold and started killing.

In addition to the well-equipped bandits on the city wall, the soldiers who came to support them later were all short of clothes and helmets, and even the weapons in their hands were hoes. It seems that the operation of the Night Shadow Department to destroy military supplies was very successful.

The soldiers of the True Dragon Legion, after rushing into the cottage, shouted, the county soldiers of the Han Dynasty suppressed the bandits, surrendered and did not kill them! This is the momentum to overwhelm them in the interests of righteousness.

After this behavior, some bandits really put down their weapons. Unfortunately, they were wrong. They mistakenly believed that these well-equipped, well-mannered soldiers with extraordinary force were county soldiers.

They are the real dragon army, so afterward, these bandits who surrendered were also killed, but the whole body was left behind.

After capturing the city wall, the four battalions assembled and attacked the villages in the center of the village with all their strength, where the bandits were hiding.

In this battle, in addition to the outstanding performance of the four battalions, the Yeying Department also played a huge role. They are like emissaries walking in the dark, and with one sword they are bandit leaders with a team rate of more than one. The team leader, military marquis, military lieutenant, and even the owner of the Sanzhai in Dong'an Mountain all died in assassination.

The Yeying Department is not suitable for frontal, the sharpest is assassination. The Dong'an bandits failed to organize an effective defensive offensive because too many leaders died.

The siege continued in the middle of the night until dawn. The casualties of the True Dragon Legion were not heavy, and the corpses strewn all over the ground were bandits.

(Thank you [Science Fiction max], [Very Excessive Rice Cooker], [EEFL Beichen], [Helpless Star], [An Moxin], [Unlimited Salary Salary], [Wu Bai], [Book Friends 20170521171831538], [Book Friends 20170816131556945] for tipping! Thank you for your tickets!)

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