Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1805 [Kingdom Mansion Book]

(The fourth authority attribute in the previous chapter has been modified, you can go and have a look. The enlargement of the territory and the mutation of creatures are due to this attribute. This attribute has the same origin as the enlargement of Shenzhou, which is the same as the area server area of ​​100 in the opening chapter Doubling and increasing, linking the previous and the next.)

"There is an extra [Authority Attribute]!!" Lin Mu looked at the series of golden fonts in the attribute panel, and his heart surged.

The word authority has an unusual meaning.

This is the first time he has seen such a strange attribute panel. Even the Huanglong Token of the Nine Divine Tokens of Heaven and Earth is not so strange!

Obviously, this is a higher level existence than Huanglong Shenling.

When he saw the series of question marks... the waves in his heart became even more turbulent.

There are actually nine authority attributes! Is this the attribute that a god-level weapon should have? !

And in terms of attributes, it can also be shaped to grow, and there will definitely be more than 10 attribute bars in the future! !

"I thought it was just one attribute...Who knew that after being used for luck, there are so many extra attributes..." A certain big stone in Lin Mu's heart also fell.

Just when Lin Mu wanted to check the detailed attributes, a system prompt suddenly appeared:


"——System prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, because the source is insufficient, the dragon vein cannot be promoted to [Tianmai Yuanlong]. Please provide the original power of the dragon vein or the power of the ancestor dragon or the source power of the city or similar [Dragon Vein Promotion Order], Items such as [Dragon Vein Returning Order], [Dragon Vein Tongyuan Order] can supplement the source power of dragon veins."

It turned out that the level of the dragon veins of the territory was promoted, but because of insufficient power of some original sources, it could not be promoted.

"I originally wanted to wait for the transfer of the Dragon Vein and the Yellow Dragon God's Order to be promoted outside, but now the plan really can't keep up with the changes." Lin Mu sighed.

"According to the prompt, I can provide the [Dragon Vein Promotion Order] and the source of the city... However, the current level is enough, so let's wait..." Lin Mu did not meet the conditions immediately.

He knew that the higher the level of dragon veins, the more difficult it would be to migrate in the future, and the higher the price to pay. He could vaguely sense that the [Dragon Vein Fighting Talisman] was definitely not enough for the migration conditions.

This is a typical pain and pleasure.

And the use of [Dragon Vein Promotion Order] is actually limited, and can only be promoted to the level of [Earth Vein Shilong]. It is impossible to promote [Earth Vein First Dragon] to [Tian Vein Primordial Dragon].

It should be a big hurdle for [Earth Vein Shilong] to be promoted to [Tianmai Yuanlong]. Important changes are possible.

"I don't know what will happen to the attributes of [The Vein of Gods and Demons] in Luoyang, the capital of the gods?"


"——system prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, congratulations for the dragon veins in your territory being promoted to the [Earth Vein Shilong] level."


"—System prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, the size of the space, the concentration of aura in your [Liangzhou Ding] tripod, the concentration of [Liangzhou Mountain], etc., have changed due to the increase in the level of the dragon vein."


"—System prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, because of the fourth item [Authority Attribute] of [Liangzhou Ding], your territory and people have changed."


"——system prompt: Dragon Master Lin Mu, your territory's aura concentration has reached 450 points, and you have been promoted to [Advanced Spiritual Land], all gain attributes +500%."


"——system prompt: Dragon Master Lin Mu, due to special circumstances, your [Cave of Soldiers] has changed."


"——system prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, due to special circumstances, your [Kuiji Xiaodongtian] has changed."


"—System prompt: Dragon Master Lin Mu, due to special circumstances, your [Ziwei Xingting] has changed."


"——System prompt: Dragon Master Lin Mu, [Heaven and Earth Condensation Luck] attribute is in effect, within a ten-day period, you can increase your reputation by 38487785 points! Within five periods, you can increase the luck of three dragons. (One dragon has been stored Dragon Luck, you can get it)"


"——system prompt: Dragon Master Lin Mu, the attribute [Luck of Jurisdiction] is in effect, and the area of ​​your territory is calculated with the level of the city, the prosperity of the city, etc., and you can get the luck of five dragons and dragons, and the luck of fifty-nine tigers and tigers." , sixteen horses and horses, thirteen oxen and oxen. The luck of tigers, horses and oxen can be allocated by you. The [Luck of Jurisdiction] attribute needs to be settled once again with the [Sacrifice to Heaven] event, which can be repeated."


"—System prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, because of [Fengshen Bang] and [Liangzhou Ding], your territory was born [Renfu Book]."

A series of system prompts kept popping up, making Lin Mu dazzled.

"The level of the dragon vein is [Earth Vein Shilong], the territory is a high-level spiritual land, and it is about to break through to a blessed land..."

"Three dragons will be added every fifty days, almost twenty-one dragons will be added every year, and two hundred and ten dragons will be added every ten years. This is going to explode!!"

"The growth rate of reputation also exploded..."

"There are other things that have also mutated... The influence of Liangzhou Ding is simply all-round!"

Lin Mu took a deep breath.

[Liangzhou Ding] Entering the Great Wilderness Territory directly raised the heritage of the Great Wilderness Territory by several levels.

At this moment, he believes that even the background of the Yuan clan cannot be compared with the Great Wilderness Territory!

"Hey... What is the last [Real Mansion Book]?" Lin Mu suddenly asked a question.

Afterwards, he checked the backpack space ring, but there was no such thing.

"Bo Bo!!!" A series of strange heaven and earth powers appeared, continuously condensed into golden threads, and slowly condensed a huge light group under the list of gods.

And within the light cluster, a strange thin book the size of 4A paper loomed.

After a few breaths of time, that majestic power disappeared.

With a thought in Lin Mu's mind, the ball of light floated over.


"——system prompt: Dragon Lord Lin Mu, you have obtained a rare item [Kingdom Man's Mansion Book]."

A system prompt appears.

"A strange object [Book of the Kingdom's Mansion]?" Lin Mu was slightly taken aback.


"——system prompt: Dragon Master Lin Mu, you can use the [Kingdom Mansion Book] to replace the naturalization book in your territory, and you can re-naturalize the citizens. Naturalized people, loyalty +20, have a chance to get a chance."

Another system prompt appeared.

"Is there even a chance to get household registration? It's so awesome! In ancient times, there were such awesome things? It's even more powerful?" Lin Mu was shocked.

He seems to have seen how happy the citizens of the glorious fortune dynasty in ancient times were, and the incomparable welfare is definitely not comparable to what it is now...

As the things and levels he came into contact with got higher and higher, he realized how big the gap between himself and the existence in the myth was!

Lin Mu looked at the huge Liangzhou tripod and the Fengchan list, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He will catch up slowly!

(The monthly ticket has exceeded 3,000, thank you! 3,000 monthly tickets plus three changes. This weekend, there is no way to add changes due to family chores. Please forgive me. I will make up for the owed later.)

(The 12th update is still owed! Huh...July has passed, August is coming!)

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