Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 1960 stabbing one of my own

"We invaded the imperial capital because we wanted to use the so-called heaven teleportation point to use the heaven teleport order. Our goal is heaven!" A meaningful voice came.

"It's better for you to give up resistance and let us drive straight in."

"Fight against us, the price you pay is too great."

"Even if you have the heart to die, you can't change anything!"

The sound haunted my mind like a nightmare.

Not far away, a thin and tall figure slowly appeared, his body seemed to be covered with a layer of sacred aura.

Adrian looked at the prestige, his heart suddenly jumped, and a sense of fear climbed into his heart.

It was this guy who brought a lot of god-level combat power out of the battlefield, killed and revived or was afraid of being killed, and ran for his life. Some were even attacked and killed by his manipulative teammate Pao Ze, which was very terrifying.

Some combat forces that were casting god-level magic or forbidden spells were also destroyed by this guy using his strange power similar to chaotic rules.

This person is simply the shit-stirring stick of the entire battlefield! !

Also a nightmare! !

In this battle, if it is said that what scares the imperial army the most is not the terrifying fighting power of the Great Wilderness Territory Legion, nor is it their fearlessness and tenacity, nor is it the unpredictable plan. people!

At this time, Xun You seemed to have some mysterious light flashing around his body, which looked as deep as a starry sky.

"Huh!" Adrian let out a breath of bitterness on his radiant face.

"Your goal is the gate of heaven, but you will let the castle heart of the imperial capital go? If my guess is correct, you have already planned for it. Even, the castle heart of the imperial capital is in your plan It's already in the bag." Adrian said bitterly with a look of resentment and powerlessness.

These Chinese people are too scary!

Had it not been for the knowledge that they would not take land, the Empire would have collapsed long ago.

When Xun You and the others heard this, they all looked at Adrian indifferently.

Indeed, as it said, everything was arranged properly.

"No matter what, people are fundamental. As long as your empire's elite and royal family exist, the Otomi Empire can be passed on."

"We're plundering resources, not land. That's the most important thing."

Xun You walked forward slowly and persuaded in a concentrated voice.

Indeed... as long as there is land and talent, a new empire can be forged. If the pillars of the empire are gone, it would be empty talk.

It is most appropriate for Xun You to say such words at this moment.

The resistance of the imperial capital is now the most intense. If the emperor is persuaded at this juncture, the Great Wilderness Territory will definitely save a lot of effort.

"We have also preserved the talents. The god-level magicians and knights you killed, and even those who were repelled, are the pillars of our empire." Adrian retorted.

"Moreover, once the magic circle in the city is destroyed, the Fire Seed Project will also be launched, and the outstanding talents and precious resources of our empire will also be sent out!"

Adrian took a deep breath.

"You want to enter heaven easily, but it's not that simple." Adrian was still stubborn.

When the magic protection array of the imperial capital was destroyed and the encirclement and suppression plan was used, the imperial capital had already come to an end, and it would not be wise to bury it with him.

But so what... Save the fire, these old guys, continue to resist! !

Thinking of this, Adrian's magic power surged all over his body, and gusts of wind blew up around him.

Xun You stood not far away, looking at Adrian with a serious face.

"Sure enough, although an empire lord is not as mysterious and weird as the Dragon Lord of Shenzhou Yunchao, he is not an existence that can be manipulated by others, and his skills have failed."

Xun You secretly sighed in his heart.

It turned out that in the dark, he had already used some persuasion or mysterious skills, but none of them could affect this old but still tough guy.

"You all want to enter the imperial capital smoothly, come and defeat me!" Adrian said sonorously.

"Now you are the only one left, and any one of us will be able to defeat you." Tai Shici's voice sounded.

"So what about one person... In the past, I killed eight god-level magicians with one person's power, and I also forged the glory of the sky!" Adrian laughed loudly. However, in the laughter, there is a touch of twilight and despair that cannot be concealed.

This battle might be his end!

He can't escape? No...he has the ability to escape, and he has the opportunity to escape, but after entering the battlefield, he can't escape. Otherwise, the other soldiers on the battlefield will be completely defeated when they know that he has escaped. Maybe even the morale of the soldiers in the city will collapse.

Other nobles, god-level combat power, etc., can escape, but he, the master of the empire, cannot escape. This is the right given to him before, and it is also the obligation now!

"I alone is enough!!!" Adrian roared, and the next moment, bright lightsabers suddenly appeared and shot at the generals in the Great Wilderness Territory.

"Clang!~~~" After an instant, clangs sounded, and those white lightsabers were defeated by the blade light, spear light and arrow light.

Unlike Huang Xu and Zang Ba, who were half-baked, the few who came here were genuine historical generals.

"Whew!" Before the huge clang echoed away, more brilliant arrows appeared, constantly bombarding Adrian.

That was Tai Shici's arrow!

"Pfft!~~" For some reason, Adrian directly took those arrows with an ugly face.

"Kacha" the tough magic shield shattered directly...

"Pfft!" The huge force made Adrian spit out a mouthful of old blood, and was immediately sent flying away by the huge force.

Tai Shici's arrow wounded the emperor.

"Huh!~~" However, Adrian, who was knocked into the air, paused in mid-air, quickly adjusted his figure, and was still chanting spells in his mouth.

Unlike the Chinese military generals, these mages basically need to chant spells to release their skills. This forward swing is too deadly, but there is no way!

"Boom!!!!" The next moment, dozens of terrifying sharp blades cut away, covering everyone in the Great Wilderness Territory, including Xun You.

Xun You stood with a slight frown. He was not afraid of the attack, but he didn't expect the emperor to resist desperately.

Persuading Adrian to surrender is also an important part of the plan he and Guo Jiaxi Zhicai made.

I didn't expect this guy to be so arrogant and stubborn.

"It's so, then this battle will be the end of your emperor!" Xun You shouted in a low voice.

The voice did not spread out, but only rang in the ears of Tai Shici and the others.

Several people nodded upon hearing this.

This is the signal for the siege!

A wave of fighting intent spread rapidly, and that solemn intent made the surrounding space vibrate.

"Haha! With one against six, in this life, I have no regrets!" Adrian thrust the staff in his hand into the ground suddenly, raised his head and laughed.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

"We're here to help you!!" At this moment, several figures with a majestic aura rushed over at top speed.

Sensing this, Xun You frowned slightly, and immediately sighed: "Although the high-class people in this big state don't have the soul tower method, there are countless strange resurrection methods."

The seven figures who rushed over at a high speed were all god-rank magicians and sword masters who had been killed by him with his abilities.

" didn't you leave with the retreating troops? Didn't you tell you that if the angels of the angel team evacuated, you would leave the imperial capital with the third prince and return after the Shenzhou army left?!!" The appearance of seven reinforcements , although it made him feel very happy when he was born with arrogance, but he didn't want these pillars of the empire to fall here.

"If His Majesty doesn't leave, we won't either!" A sword master said forcefully.

"Your Majesty, you also have space transfer scrolls and resurrection items in your hands, why don't we evacuate together!"

The arrival of several people did not allow the generals of the Great Wilderness Territory to start fighting. Instead, Tai Shici and others watched with great interest as they joined Adrian and asked them to talk.

However, although the fight did not start, Huang Xu and Zhou Tai left the battlefield to support Zang Ba.

The Imperial Army does not have such an existence as Xun You. Once the god-level combat power joins in, the battlefield will soon turn to the Great Wilderness Territory.

"You know... I won't evacuate. If the imperial capital is here, I will be there. If the imperial capital falls, I will perish!! This is my glory." Adrian blushed.

"Your Majesty, let the old minister accompany you to continue fighting!" A rather elderly magician of the god rank said as if death was at home.

"His Majesty's glory is our glory! We will always follow His Majesty."

"You... well... Forget it, besides you, there are still eight god-level combat powers preserved, which should allow Ismuel to suppress those nobles." Adrian said relievedly.

"Your Majesty, we are not afraid of these Shenzhou troops. We also have resurrection props, which can exchange injuries for injuries and lives for lives!" A rather young sword master said sonorously and forcefully.

Adrian shook his head slightly when he heard the words, and looked at Xun You intently.

In the dark, he has a feeling that if he uses the teleportation scroll or the resurrection item, he will be unsuccessful. Even, the guy who has been wandering in the dark definitely has items to restrain him.

As soon as he left the gate of the imperial capital, he could no longer go back... The enemy had already figured this out.

Seeing Adrian looking at him, a faint smile appeared on Xun You's face.

"Originally, I just wanted to kill you, the emperor. Now that seven more people have come to be buried with you, it would be even better." Xun You said meaningfully.

However, before Xun You could make a move, Adrian suddenly moved, pulled out a short knife from his arms, and immediately stabbed the slightly younger sword master in the heart under the astonished eyes of everyone.

However, before it was over, after Adrian stabbed the Juggernaut to death, he quickly stabbed to death the two magicians next to him.

Without the slightest precaution, the three were forced to be resurrected.

However, when Adrian wanted to stab the fourth one, a bright arrow of light accurately knocked the short knife away.

Adrian felt the tearing sensation coming from the tiger's mouth, and gave a wry smile.

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