Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 26 The Lord's Second Step

Hearing Feng Zhong's arrogance, Lin Mu burst into pride. Indeed, the god-level attribute bonus of the territory, and the aptitude of the people in the territory are one level higher than others, so after being transferred to a soldier, the force attribute will be more powerful, and the growth potential Raise a level, 1000 soldiers with level 6 aptitude, only if their level reaches level 30, which is the peak of level 3 soldiers, their combat power can be compared to the soldiers in Qinglongzhai who have reached level 40, which is the peak level of level 4, and they can deal with the soldiers of level 3. Probably 1 can play 100 no problem.

Using Feng Zhong's magical ability to train soldiers, in fact, it took less than two months for soldiers to reach level 30.

During the interval, Lin Mu checked the 100 soldiers in the barracks of the territory. The current level has basically reached level 24. Sure enough, with his strong military training expertise and 10 times the training speed, the formation of soldiers is at least faster than others. 10 times, plus the territory and other bonuses, it is really worthy of the name.

"Okay, Fengjin is indeed the god of war. With you in our Zhenlong village, we can reach thousands of troops!" Lin Mu said passionately to Feng Zhong.

Chang Yin next to him looked at the confident Feng Zhong, and at the relaxed-looking lord Lin Mu, and was also very happy: "Okay, it's fine that Feng Zhong is in charge of these things, it's just 100,000 ants! You don't need to worry, my lord, but I think My lord's goal is to take Qinglongzhai and Qingfengzhai into his pocket, and the enemy soldiers inside will not be spared!" Chang Yin's tone was louder than Feng Zhong's, and he also guessed Lin Mu's real purpose.

Haha, brother likes his subordinates to be so awesome, so that brother will be even stronger! Hahaha……

"That's right, we have just established a village, and there are very few people in the territory. Although there is a god-level territory attribute bonus, the refreshed refugee qualifications will be slightly better, but the daily number is still too small. The Yinglong Valley is vast, and the land It is fertile and requires a lot of manpower and material resources to develop and develop. The people who only rely on the refreshment of the camps will still only have the people of a town after the world is in chaos. It is very different from the goal in my heart. Therefore, we need to seize every opportunity to increase our resources. Various resources in the territory! Including human resources!" Lin Mu also said firmly.

100,000 elite soldiers, with Lin Mu's previous power, may be a lot of pressure, but now the background of his territory, there are god-level scribes to manage the territory, logistics is worry-free, and there are god-level generals to train soldiers and defend the territory. I really don't have to worry about it !

Feng Zhong and Chang Yin's contempt for the enemy also infected me, yes, there are only a hundred thousand soldiers, and I will meet more soldiers in the future. The battle for hegemony is a battlefield where millions of soldiers fight, and I am actually afraid A mere 100,000 soldiers are really useless!

It hasn't been long since Lin Mu was reborn, and his small territory is still vivid in his mind, as if it was just yesterday, the influence of the invincible and fierce princes in the previous life's princes' hegemony also affected him imperceptibly, in fact, Lin Mu subconsciously also Infected by the peerless appearance of some invincible princes in the previous life, I was cautious, and even when I established the village, there were reasons for avoiding the world and developing.

It seems that he is still not generous enough, Lin Mu thought softly in his heart.

In my previous life, I was a small ordinary professional player during college, and barely managed to get enough food and clothing. After graduation, because I got a village building order, I accidentally established my own territory, and began to enter the field of vision of some powerful guilds. When I was looking for investment support, I was recruited by the goddess of the previous school, and entered the guild elite who received a fixed salary and had no freedom.

Later, I entered the eyes of the high-level with my strength, and was named the so-called eighteen generals of the guild. In fact, before the eighteen generals, there are twelve kings, four emperors, etc., who are not really high-level , is just a more important errand cannon fodder.

Lin Mu was able to be recruited by the school goddess, and more importantly, he had a crush on her before, which made it easy for him to work for her.

It's ridiculous to think about it.

Later, I accidentally offended one of the Twelve Kings, the Sword King, and was framed by him, kicked out of the guild, and confiscated all my belongings. The so-called agreement was also invalid, and the unintentionally obtained territory changed hands from then on. , although he was originally in name only.

The tenacious self made a difficult start again, and came to Dongye County, Kuaiji County, Yangzhou to start again, and rebuilt from a primary village. With his own experience, he developed into a county-level city again, and he paid a lot of bitterness, blood and tears, but he also I deeply realized how good it is to have freedom, although I lost a lot.

Lin Mu didn't want to say anything more about the frame-up that time. The former goddess also began to gradually blur in his heart, slowly disappearing...

Thinking of the past, Lin Mu also began to face up to himself slowly, cultivate his own character, and develop his own behavior style.

The thoughts in Lin Mu's mind wandered around the world, and he slowly figured out a lot of things!


"My goal is very clear, all the people from Qingfengzhai and Qinglongzhai will be taken!" After hearing Feng Zhong's bold words, Lin Mu thought carefully and made a decision.

"Okay, I'll leave the hard task of training the soldiers to you, Feng Jin! In addition, the affairs of the territory have also been worked hard! Now there is no brewery in the territory, and there is no wine to drink, otherwise I will definitely invite you to drink ten bowls! Haha..." Lin Mu said in a much more relaxed mood.

"Haha, my lord, it's settled. You owe us a drink. I like drinking the most. Don't feel bad when the time comes!" Feng Zhong said boldly, and at the same time, his tone made Lin Mu feel Bad things happen as well.

"No problem, I will treat you to the top ten fine wines of Qiongyao!" Lin Mu also promised with pride, but later Lin Mu regretted this promise very much, of course, this is a later story.

"Chang Yin will also come at that time!" Lin Mu pulled Chang Yin.

"Thank you, my lord! The subordinates will definitely come as promised." Chang Yin said hehe.

"Literati are literary, hum, I will definitely drink you down!" Feng Zhong joked.

"Okay, Feng Jin, you continue to train the soldiers. Don't let the elite plan of our territory fall behind. The original aptitude of the soldiers should be as high as level 5 or higher!" Lin Mu ordered.

"Yes, my lord!" Feng Zhong said respectfully, the joke was over, now it's time to refuel, he turned around and went to the barracks to train soldiers.

Lin Mu watched Feng Zhong leave and asked about the development of Chang Yin's territory. At the same time, the two discussed the development of the territory. Lin Mu also told Chang Yin some of his modern advanced theories. Chang Yin was also very smart and very Quickly combine the current basic social conditions to make changes and improve the various efficiencies of the territory.

In "Three Kingdoms of Mythology", many modern theoretical players are not recognized by the system, that is, they are not recognized by the rules of the world of mythology, and there is no system efficiency bonus, but if there are smart NPCs who understand The reason is recognized by the rules of heaven and earth, so that the efficiency of the territory can be greatly improved. Later, many strategic players cooperated with NPCs to specialize in the management of territories, and also established some private schools, schools, and colleges to train NPCs and players. System recognition can be regarded as an innovation, but it should not have developed yet.

The recognition of the rules of heaven and earth is a very important iron law!

Lin Mu is now thinking about whether to recruit some management talents in reality, but Lin Mu thought of the need to hide himself and not reveal his own information, so he temporarily suppressed this idea. Although Lin Mu was very attracted by those top ten magic players and top ten magic players in the previous life, but this conflicts with his own plan, so he will not consider it for the time being.

In reality, the tentacles of many forces are hidden very deeply. Real people are also full of too many uncertainties. Don't lose too much because of small things!

Lin Mu and Chang Yin discussed for a long time, and then Chang Yin went to work, while Lin Mu rushed towards the blacksmith's shop. Now Lin Mu needs to do a big job!

Come to the blacksmith shop which is in full swing. Now the blacksmith shop has 5 senior blacksmiths, 17 intermediate blacksmiths, and 59 junior blacksmiths. The level of the blacksmith shop has also been upgraded to a senior blacksmith shop. It is spacious and high-end, and it is quite different from the crude blacksmith shop at the beginning, such as the difference between being rich and handsome and holding silk~!

Lin Mu found the leading senior blacksmith and took away all the weapons in the warehouse.

Lin Mu didn't know if he didn't look at it. He was startled when he saw it. The weapons and equipment in the warehouse had already piled up like a mountain. If he didn't go to clean it up, there might be no place to put it.

Filling up all the grids in the backpack, Lin Mu hurried to the direction of the primary trading market. The big thing he had to do was to sell weapons.

Haha, brother likes you piled up like a mountain!

When talking with Chang Yin, I learned that the money in the original territory is not much, and the money is stretched, and cash income is needed. And this action needs to earn copper coins.

Currently, there are no more than 15 player territories in Huaxia District. Lin Mu doesn't know the situation in the world, but judging from the situation in Huaxia District, there should not be many villages established in the world.

The primary trading market has been established for many days, and I have no time to come back, so I have fallen behind. For the time being, there are no smart people who are worthy of entrusting such important things to me. Everything needs to be done by myself. If you fall behind for a few days, it should not be a big problem , I have so many weapons and equipment because of the iron ore rewarded by the system, and the number of blacksmiths is also due to the influence of the God-level territory attribute, so there may be so many. Other player territories should not have such an advantage as myself.

I am very much looking forward to the harvest in this trading market. This is also the second step in the construction of my territory. The first step is to obtain a god-level village building order to build a village. Now I am collecting wealth and funds for the territory to develop my territory.

The first step: the dragon rises from the abyss and establishes a territory!

The second step: build high walls and accumulate food widely!


The primary trading market can be connected to the trading market in the county, which is the only connection between his territory and the outside world.

Lin Mu made an inventory, and there were 1337 ordinary iron swords, iron spears, and iron knives in total, while advanced weapons that reached the yellow rank included [Black Iron Fine Steel Spear], [Black Iron Fine Steel Knife], [Black Iron Fine Steel Knife], and [Black Iron Fine Steel Knife]. Iron and fine steel sword] These three are also considered mainstream weapons and are very popular in the market.

Huang Jie has 2,500 weapons, which is what Lin Mu told Chang Yin to order the craftsmen in the blacksmith shop to specialize in the manufacture of three types of weapons, guns, swords and swords.

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