Three Kingdoms Mythology World

Chapter 446 The Opponent of Ten Thousand Cities Contest for Hegemony

When Lin Mu met Xun Shuang and Xi Zhicai, many things happened in other places.

In the secret realm of Absolute Beginning, there is a magnificent hall somewhere.

In the center of the main hall, there is a luxurious yet quaint three-dragon throne cast.

Two exquisite golden dragons hover on the armrests of the throne on both sides, and another dragon is cast on the back of the dragon chair. These three dragons are all made of exquisite materials. And its technology must be a master-level craftsman to forge such a peak thing!

Three golden dragons, with angry eyes and ferocious expressions, rushed towards them with an aura of howling to the heavens and looking down upon the world.

Apart from the fact that the throne was quite eye-catching, there was also a burly emperor with a domineering face sitting on the magnificent high seat. I saw him wearing a purple gold robe with three dragons, a purple jade dragon crown on his head, a pair of Qingyun silk shoes on his feet, and his hands casually resting on the golden dragons on the armrests on both sides.

A pair of tiger eyes, not angry but majestic, a majestic and domineering aura permeated from his body.

The emperor's frontal bone protruded slightly, with sword eyebrows and star eyes. Especially those eyes, like stars and black holes, seem to suck people's souls in at a glance.

On the surface, his age should be about forty years old.

"That's the end of today's court affairs. Dismiss the court!" The burly emperor concluded, his voice was as thick and loud as a bell, slowly echoing in the hall.

After everyone responded respectfully, they began to leave the hall.

It turned out that this hall was the place where state ministers and emperors discussed government affairs. It just so happened that the current state affairs had just been discussed at this time.

"Long Qi, wait a moment!" After the court was dispersed, the emperor shouted to a general on his right.

Hearing this, the general named Long Qi was slightly stunned, then stopped, looked at the emperor on the dragon chair and asked, "What orders does your majesty leave behind?"

Long Qi's words were also quite loud and full of spirit. If Lin Mu heard this voice, he would definitely feel quite familiar with it.

After Long Qi finished asking, Wei Wei stood respectfully, looking at her nose with her eyes and heart with her nose.

"Recently, the rules of heaven and earth will hold a hegemony competition for aliens in China, an inter-city competition. The specific location is [Scarlet Wasteland] in the bloody battlefield. Among them, the rules of heaven and earth will set up ten large-scale townships. Chu is fortunate to be able to get the quota for this expedition."

"I am going to let you lead half of the elite of the [Landu Legion] into it, stationed in ten townships and territories, to resist the enemy's attack. This time you can stay in the Scarlet Battlefield for 30 days, you must take advantage of the opportunity , Harvest a lot of luck! Although the power of other rules and laws is rich and prosperous in the secret realm of the beginning of time, it only lacks this luck!"

"After the previous layout was deciphered, it will be difficult to connect to Shenzhou again, so this time we will want to collect some luck!"

"You are restricted by the rules of heaven and earth. You must protect the [Scarlet Battle Banner] in your hand from being captured by the enemy within these 30 days, or protect at least one town from being captured. In that case, our side will win. The winning side will contribute The biggest one, you can get the reward this time, one dragon luck!"

"The three destiny merchants in the Great Chu have ample supplies of various materials. Unfortunately, the currency has been lacking, resulting in missing many items. Now the opportunity to enter the bloody battlefield to strangle aliens is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for soldiers. The soldiers who promised to go out this time will only pay 10% of their luck!" The emperor said in a deep voice.

"This is the [Scarlet Battle Talisman] and [Scarlet Battle Flag]. Among them, the Bloody Battle Talisman, you carry it yourself! It can allow the soldiers under your command to gain a lot of reputation when killing aliens! And the Scarlet Battle Flag must be placed in one of the most Important villages and towns should be protected."

Immediately, he flicked his right hand, and two strange props appeared in his hand. A slap-sized command talisman glowing blood red, and a five-foot-high battle flag engraved with strange totem inscriptions.

"Okay! By the way, Your Majesty, how many people have we entered the Bloody Battlefield this time?" Long Qie asked softly, with an evil spirit flowing in his eyes.

"One hundred thousand soldiers below level 50! The specific soldier qualifications are not limited by the rules of heaven and earth, but only the level. If the level exceeds level 51, they will be banned, and the limit is below level 50."

"You will command one hundred thousand [Landu Iron Warriors] to enter the bloody battlefield. Their level is 80. After entering the battlefield, they will be banned to level 50!"

"As the leader, you will also be banned by the rules of heaven and earth at that time, and your strength may only reach the early stage of the earth stage. Therefore, you must adapt to the strength of this stage after you go down!"

"Long Qi, don't be careless in the face of these aliens. They are the best among many aliens. They should be quite outstanding to be able to enter the bloody battlefield. You who are restricted by the rules of heaven and earth should be treated with caution!"

"In the early years, it was because of our own arrogance and self-will that we caused the big defeat back then. We completely withdrew from the struggle for hegemony in China and the stage of history!"

"Now, I have devoted myself to tempering, and so are you."

"Although the ten cities are important, if it comes to a critical moment, they can be discarded. As long as we hold the bloody battle flag and stick to one city, after thirty days, our Great Chu will win."

"In addition, during this precious 30 days, try to kill as many aliens as possible, and take away their luck! Our 100,000 elites are not vegetarians."

"The hegemony competition will be held in seventeen days, go down and prepare well!" the emperor said in a concentrated voice.

"Of course, if there is a chance to wipe out all these aliens, then do it! We must not lose our arrogance!" The domineering arrogance in the emperor's bones seemed to emerge again.

Hearing this, Long Qi smiled cruelly and nodded.

However, thinking of something else, he immediately asked: "Your Majesty, why don't we enter the Bloody Battlefield on this trip to find those original things?"

"It's cheap! If you can kill the main force of those aliens, you can go explore it. Everyone hasn't entered the bloody battlefield for a long time! If you have any questions, go to the counselor's pavilion for advice!"

"Okay, you go down and get ready!"


Then, after a respectful salute, Long Qi stepped back.

Long Qi, who was slowly pacing away, thought about it, and he still had to go to the chief strategist to plan the defense strategy of the ten towns this time before he could rest assured.

This trip to the bloody battlefield will be a beautiful victory!

"Hey, according to that guy Xu Zhao's information, Yiren is quite weak, and it should be no problem to wipe them out!" Long Qi grinned, confident and arrogant.

As the time for this Ten Thousand Cities Contest draws closer, situations like the Secret Realm of Absolute Beginning are constantly appearing in mysterious areas in other districts.

This is like a collision between emerging forces and old forces!

(Thank you for your votes, I have something to do today, so there will be two updates!)

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