According to the information from the lord Lin Mu, the lord needs to do a big thing when he returns to his world. As for this major event, they even consulted Guo Jia, the chief counselor of the Great Wilderness Territory.

This point, Huang Zhong who followed Lin Mu was clear.

Huang Zhong can vaguely deduce that after the protagonist returned to his world, the important thing he did was to be an enemy of a country.

As for the country that the lord wants to be an enemy, according to what the lord said, there is basically no bottom line for the sake of profit. Unlike those princes and gentry in China, there is still a basic bottom line.

All in all, what the lord wants to do must be cautious and cautious, so he needs to spend a lot of time planning.

Therefore, for the Great Wilderness Territory, the lord Lin Mu needs to leave for a while.

During this period of time, the Great Wilderness Territory will still operate and develop at a high speed. So through this meeting, some affairs are arranged properly.

"My lord, my lord, the little yellow gate of the imperial court came outside, saying that they want to promulgate the sacred will of the Dragon Court and promote my lord's military rank!" As soon as the two of them reached the door, they met messenger soldiers running over to report.

It turned out that the final result of Xi Zhicai pretending to be Lin Mu and going to the god capital Luoyang to "seek an official" was finally implemented, and Long Ting came to announce the promotion information.

General Fubo!

Although many people already knew that Lin Mu was promoted to this military position, even Lin Mu himself knew about it, but Longting's seal, imperial decree, etc. were delayed, causing Lin Mu to be in name only.

"Oh, the imperial decree has finally come..." Lin Mu twitched the corner of his mouth slightly upon hearing this. The efficiency of the Han Dynasty is sometimes really speechless.

"The current efficiency of Longting is really worrying." Huang Zhong knew about the plan, and he sighed softly when he heard this.

The original plan was for Xi Zhicai to "walk around" in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, with the strange medicine he contributed himself. That's right, that strange elixir was Xi Zhicai's own property, but Xi Zhicai contributed it in order to curry favor with Zhang Rang.

Then when the lord Lin Mu comes out of the Scarlet Wasteland, he can be a 'dandy' under the name of a sixth-rank general.

But it was delayed until now to promulgate the imperial decree, the official announcement, it was indeed a lot late. There is a teleportation array in Shenzhou. At this time, in the huge Shenzhou, it is basically impossible to rush for a month. It must be because of some changes in Longting.

In fact, this plan will have a fatal loophole, that is, it is impossible for the lord Lin Mu to participate in the Ten Thousand Cities Competition in the Scarlet Wasteland to appear in Luoyang, the capital of God.

But under the unanimous determination of Guo Jiaxi Zhicai, it is necessary to enter Luoyang during this time period and contact Zhang Rang.

At first, Lin Mu and the others were also very curious as to why Guo Jia, Xi Zhicai and others exposed this loophole. In fact, Xi Zhicai could also contact Zhang Rang before the Ten Thousand Cities Competition.

But under the analysis of the two people's understanding, everyone finally understood their deep meaning.


That's right, the deep meaning of Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai is actually to buff the main protagonist Lin Mu!

Stick the mysterious buff!

(The strange word buff comes from the protagonist Lin Mu.)

Lin Mu, who was in the bloody wasteland, can still appear in Luoyang, the capital of the gods, it is indeed mysterious!

Everyone in the Great Wilderness Territory, including the lord Lin Mu, began to truly appreciate the intellect of the god-level counselors Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai, who are rarely seen at ordinary times. They have already begun to plan for the "future" of the lord Lin Mu.

One part of this layout is to label the protagonist Lin Mu! !

According to Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai's preliminary planning, the protagonist Lin Mu has to be labeled with many labels. Mystery is the first one, followed by the Lord of the Rebel Army, the Lord of the Strong Army, the Lord of Modesty, the Bravery of a Tiger General, the Help of the People, etc...

In the words of players like Lin Mu and the others, it is to gain prestige, reputation, and popularity! !

Fame, being well-known as a teacher, fame, etc., all play a key role in the "future".

In addition, those labels are not listed randomly, they are in a meticulous order, because under them, Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai have even planned specific operations for Lin Mu. One of Rin.

Allies, fortunately these strategists are allies!

Many of Lin Mu's advanced planning plans are based on the experience of his previous life and a little cleverness, but the layout of Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai is really wise!

Hearing Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai's plan in this regard, Lin Mu was very impressed.

Regarding this, although Lin Mu also had some ideas in his mind, they were all very vague, unlike Guo Jiaxi Zhicai, who had already worked out the "planning book" and implemented it according to it.

In addition, they have some other mysterious layouts, all of which present the word wisdom to the fullest.

Lin Mu knew the wisdom of Guo Jia's play Zhicai, but he didn't really experience it, it was all hearsay. I feel it at this moment, my heart is surging, and I am deeply shocked!

The arrangement, paving the way, laying the groundwork for talents... made Lin Mu feel a lot easier all of a sudden.

In fact, the wisdom of Xi Zhicai and Guo Jia is also reflected in normal times, but it is not as strong and awe-inspiring as the last discussion and labeling meeting. It was also the reason why people in the Great Wilderness Territory, among others, respected Guo Jia and Xi Zhicai in the Advisor's Pavilion at that time.

Lin Mu even wanted to raise his head to the sky and scream, my genius! !

Of course, for this first act of labeling, the premise is that Xi Zhi pretending to be Lin Mu will not be seen, otherwise, it will be self-defeating.

The extremely mysterious Xi Zhicai, single-handedly ventured into the capital of God, and met the moody Zhang Rang, could there be a loophole? impossible.


"Hehe, don't care about him. The seventh rank is promoted to the sixth rank, which is another step forward. You can have more say in the future battles." good. The first step of the labeling plan should be a success.

The last time Yuan Shu attacked and killed him, maybe there was a reason for this.

He feels very relaxed now. It really is comfortable to have generals and plans under your command!

Immediately, he took off the seal ribbon of the seventh-rank general against rebellion on his waist, and with a thought, the seal ribbon flashed yellow, and a strange and simple small seal suddenly emerged from it, which was the Nine Seals of Dao!

Regardless of promotion or demotion, Longting needs to take back the relevant seals and replace them with new ones. And Lin Mu's Dao Jiuyin can be integrated with Longting Yinshou.

Now to hand over the seal and ribbon of General Disputing Rebellion, you have to untie it and reintegrate it into General Fubo's seal and ribbon.

Putting Dao Jiuyin in his arms, Lin Mu held the seal ribbon, and walked out under the leadership of the messenger soldier, followed by Huang Zhong.

General Fubo of the sixth rank, the lord Lin Mu has finally stepped into the middle position of the Dragon Court! (About the word soft bit, readers should know it. If you don’t understand it, you can look at the grading information related to the work.)

Hurrying to the destination, Lin Mu couldn't help but another thought appeared in his mind: the Xiaohuangmen who came here this time, could it be the acquaintance Zuo Feng?

To be honest, if the person who came was really Zuo Feng, Lin Mu didn't know if he would have the idea of ​​attacking and killing him again...

It's not that the enemy is too hateful and evil, but that the enemy's drop is too attractive.


Soon, in a small pavilion at the entrance of Wenyuan Town, Lin Mu and Huang Zhong saw the little yellow gate that issued the imperial edict. It's not the Zuo Feng who appeared in Yangzhou Governor's Mansion last time, but just an ordinary little Huangmen.

The little yellow gate had a dusty face, with a bit of anxiety on his face, he didn't even enter the town pavilion, and just waited for Lin Mu in this small pavilion.

"General Lin, please come here." This little Huangmen, not as arrogant as Zuo Feng last time, seemed rather polite and familiar.

" is to trouble the nobleman to work hard." Lin Mu was also quite polite. He knew why these little yellow gates were so polite, but he didn't act arrogantly, he was still humble and polite.

"After the imperial decree is promulgated, the nobleman must stay here, and let us show our friendship as landlords."

"No, no, because I still have some private matters to deal with, so I will let down the general's kindness." Xiao Huangmen's words were tight.

"So, next time..." Lin Mu said politely.

"Good! Those who promulgate the holy will."

Putting aside the politeness, Lin Mu read out the imperial decree under Xiao Huangmen's familiar operation, and then "exchanged" the seal and ribbon of General Fubo with the seal and ribbon of General Fubo.

A lavender ribbon with the word "Fubo" engraved on it.

After handing over the seal and ribbon of General Fubo to Lin Mu, Xiao Huangmen said softly with a touch of envy, "Here, congratulations to General Lin first. In addition, in addition to being promoted to the sixth-rank General Fubo, General Lin will also get a This is a special gift, this is a big gift from Mr. Zhang to the general!"

When Lin Mu heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

Big gift? What gift did Zhang Rang return?

(Resume update!! Everyone has been waiting for a long time!!)

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