"Dashuai, it's an evil ghost, the evil ghost has been killed!".

A group of soldiers crawled to Cheng Yuanzhi and the others on their knees, and they were obviously frightened when they looked frightened.

"What evil ghost, Hugh is going to talk nonsense here and disturb the morale of the army!"

Cheng Yuanzhi was furious, he was not ambiguous about his own people, and swung out with a knife, cutting off the head of the person who led the team.

"Whoever dares to talk nonsense, this person is a role model!".

"We ......".

The Yellow Turban Army felt that he was just a dumb person who had eaten Coptis chinensis, and he couldn't say anything about his suffering.

They're really evil ghosts!

"There is a general here, what are you afraid of!

If they had been human beings, they would have killed. If they were ghosts, they would have killed them for you to see!"

The first cowhide king of the Three Kingdoms was born.

I saw Deng Mao glance at the general on Chu Feiyan's side contemptuously, and walked forward angrily.

Someone came out, and he was still the best right arm of the handsome! The Yellow Turban soldiers around him suddenly felt a lot more relieved.

Hurry up and get out of the way.

So, Li Cunxiao, who rushed all the way to kill, saw a strange scene.

There were people blocking them in front, so why did everyone take the initiative to get out of the way when they got to the front? The Yellow Turban Army stood on both sides, as if they were greeting them.

"Could it be that there is a trap?".

A hint of hesitation flashed through Li Cunxiao's mind.

However, he is really a master of art and daring

"Xiaoxiao, even if there is a trap, you can help me and you!".

If it were someone else, I am afraid that the strategic plan would have to be changed. However, Li Cunxiao has a kind of recklessness that knows that there are tigers in the mountains and prefers to go to the tiger mountains.

Speaking with strength, Lao Tzu is a tiger when he kills!

Without obstacles, Li Cunxiao sprinted faster with the back army!

"Well, come and get the name, your grandfather Deng Mao's knife doesn't kill the nameless ghost!".

Before Deng Mao's single-handedly slashing team, he experienced the feeling of being a hero in front of an army of 100,000!

As if at this moment, he is the master of the entire battlefield!

"Deng Mao?

Li Cunxiao snorted disdainfully and rode his horse over.

The momentum of the charge has been achieved, a rare opportunity, how could Li Cunxiao be stupid enough to stop and answer.

He deeply remembered that the lord said a good saying: Often the fastest death, the one who talks a lot.

"It's so rude, look at the head of a certain person!".

Deng Mao was furious

These guys are so rude, can't they let people pretend to be forced?

Tens of thousands of people watched!

Deng Mao recognized Li Cunxiao, the leader of this team, and bravely rushed forward.

Capture the thief and capture the king first, kill this general, I am the most beautiful boy ...... on the entire battlefield

Deng Mao shouted in his heart, using all his life's courage at this moment.

The brave are invincible, kill!


The two generals intersected, only to see Li Cunxiao's wrist, and Yu Wang's lance made a stab, overturning Deng Mao from the horse.

The battle is over!

Li Cunxiao's speed did not receive the slightest delay, and continued to charge forward.

"How can this be...... Also a general?".

Li Cunxiao was like killing an ordinary soldier, with no sense of accomplishment. His goal is Cheng Yuanzhi!

"The devil is coming, the devil is coming!".

"Oh my God, even General Deng Mao can't stop him! How can we be his opponents!".

Panic, because Deng Mao's death spread again, and spread at a geometric rate that was several times higher than before.

Fighting a war is about morale, and now morale is so low, it's still a wool!

Cheng Yuanzhi was furious!

I'm about to break through the city, what are you going to do!

"The thief will be rampant, and Ben Shuai will come to take your head!"

As described in the book, Cheng Yuanzhi is also reckless. In other words, he didn't recognize his strength at all, and always felt that he was much stronger than Deng Mao.

Therefore, Deng Mao was killed in seconds, which did not make him have the slightest fear.

But Chu Feiyan's mind is much more sober than him

"Deng Mao's martial arts are not low, but this person's killing Deng Mao is no different from killing ordinary soldiers, and his strength is terrifying!"

After a simple calculation, Chu Feiyan knew that she was definitely not this person's opponent.

However, the feud of the eldest brother can't be counted like this.

No matter how powerful you are, two fists are hard to beat four hands!

"Let's go up together, kill this person, and the morale of the army will be greatly boosted, and the city can be broken in one go!"

Chu Feiyan gritted her teeth and rushed forward with Cheng Yuanzhi.

He commanded his personal guards to stop the Beiwei army who were left behind by Li Cunxiao, so as to buy them time to besiege Li Cunxiao.

Under Zhang Niujiao's tent, in addition to Chu Feiyan, who led the team to sit in the Chinese army, and Zhang Leigong, who led the team to attack the city, there were several generals, all of whom were stronger people in the Yellow Turban Army.

There is Zhang Bai riding on a white horse, there is a bearded Yu Gengen, and there is a big eye Li Damu. There are also Yang Feng, Yu Poison, Zheng Gu and others.

They took Chu Feiyan as the first to see, and when they saw Chu Feiyan rushing out, they surrounded and killed him.

plus several generals under Cheng Yuanzhi's account, a total of more than 20 generals, besieged Li Cunxiao alone!

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