With Xiao Yat's encouragement and recognition, all the members of the troupe are full of energy, and everyone must aspire to become the best actor and the brightest star in the sky!

However, having a fighting spirit does not mean that you will be successful, and talent and understanding are very important.

In order to fully play the role of "Monkey King", Xiaosheng Han Tong thought of a way, he sold a group of monkeys, lived with them, observed their habits, and even imagined himself as a monkey, talked to the monkeys, played with them, and even slept together!

As the saying goes, do one line and love one line.

To be able to do this, to form Han Tong's love for acting!

With this persistent pursuit, coupled with his talent, his progress is the fastest among all.

Of course, that's an afterthought.

After talking about the actors, Xiao Yi also has a lot to say about their director.

"How did you come up with the idea of having a group of people perform the story?".

Xiao Yat was curious about how she came up with this kind of stage performance in the Song Dynasty a thousand years later.

Liu Xi said proudly, "After listening to your story, I suddenly thought of it." "

A great story can really inspire people's potential.

The stories told by Xiao Yi are too exciting, but just listening to them, Liu Xi feels that they are not enjoyable, if they can see these stories with their own eyes, it will be called perfect.

So, she thought of finding a group of people to perform.

"In other words, you are a first-time director?".

Xiao Yi exclaimed.

Although the actors' acting skills are very poor and the viewing effect is not good, the director is still a big plus.

The necessary modifications of the story and the arrangement of the plot, as well as the lines, all require a certain amount of skill to be able to do a good job.

Xiao Yi even doubted that this girl would not have crossed over from the director department who had not graduated.


Liu Xi was stunned, "What is a director?"

Director...... It is an artist who uses actors to express his thoughts. The popular explanation is that someone who teaches others how to act. "

This explanation made Liu Xi like it very much.

"Actually, it's not the first time. "

Liu Xiqiao's face was slightly red, and she said coyly, "Before I met you, I spent most of my time alone at home, and when I was bored, I would find people in the house and let them act out some stories." "

At that time, the acting was a bit like playing house, purely to have fun for herself.

However, the subordinates were very perfunctory, but she was very careful in every arrangement.

"Husband, how do you know so much?"

Diao Chan listened very seriously, and looked at his man with a look of adoration.

"That's right, aren't you a county magistrate, how do you know these three-way things?"

Liu Xi was also curious.

The part where she directed the actors just now also inspired her.

"The more you see, the more you will. Xiao Yi didn't dare to say it deeply, and hurriedly changed the topic, "Miss Liu, I have an idea, at the city celebration banquet in five days, let your troupe make the finale appearance and add fun to the people of Zhuoxian." "

"Great! I was about to tell you about it. "

Liu Xi was pleasantly surprised.

I actually coincided with Xiao Yi.

If she wants to make this business bigger, she naturally needs more people to understand and support. The city celebration banquet, the people of the whole county will come to participate, is the best stage for them to show themselves.


Xiao Yi looked at her in surprise, feeling that this girl had been fighting this idea for a long time.

"I have a few suggestions for the performance with you, would you like to hear it?"

Since you want to show it to everyone, you have to come up with the best work.

After all, this is also her debut novel, if it is good enough, I am not afraid that no one will love it in the future. It is also of great help to their development.

"Think, think!".

Liu Xi nodded hurriedly.

Xiao Yat's words to the actors made her infinitely useful, and she naturally wanted to hear the advice she gave to herself.

"It's okay to let me point me, but I have one condition. "

Xiao Yi naturally won't help her in vain.

He is well aware that the entertainment industry has great potential, and it is now in its infancy, so he can maximize his benefits by investing in shares now.

"What conditions. "

Liu Xi glanced at him resentfully, and pouted dissatisfiedly.

"I'm giving you advice to make you better and better. I can also give you a script to make your story richer and richer. At the same time, it can also give you investment and publicity, so that you have more opportunities to perform, but ......

In the future, I want 70% of all the profits!".

This is a huge business opportunity, seventy percent is Xiao Yi's conservative asking price, and it can be negotiated.

thought that Liu Xi would refuse, but after she heard it, she waved her hand nonchalantly

"That's it, don't say seventy, it doesn't matter if you take it all. "

Listen, domineering!

It doesn't matter if she really doesn't lack money, or she doesn't know how big the profit is, since she said so, Xiao Yi naturally won't pretend to excuse herself.

"One word is a deal!".

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