As long as it is a talent who is subdued, Xiao Yitou can see their four dimensions through the system.

Xu Shu,

67 in force, 81 in intelligence, 77 in politics, 71 in command

Four-dimensional attributes, only one has just reached eighty, so it is indeed a second-rate talent.

However, his comprehensive attributes are not bad, and he can be regarded as a top-notch among second-rate talents.

However, this is not the Xu Yuanzhi I know.

"System, come out and give me an explanation, where did you get that Xu Yuanzhi in my mind!".

[The Xu Yuanzhi that the host knows is him more than ten years later. 】

The system explained coldly, and took the initiative to cut off contact with the host.

I ......

What a brain.

Xiao Yi was embarrassed to ask the system.

In history, Xu Shu's self-recommendation to Liu Bei was already after the Battle of Guandu, and it was indeed many years later.

Regarding Xu Shu's deeds, Xiao Yi has also heard about it.

He was born in a poor family, when he was young, he liked to dance and play guns, and he was a famous chivalrous warrior in the local area, and later killed the bully in order to avenge others, and then fled with a cloak. But the escape failed and he was caught.

Later, he was rescued by his accomplices, and he decided to abandon martial arts and study everywhere.

Judging from Xu Shu's age and his four dimensions, it should be this time.

In other words, although this person is not high in the fourth dimension, he is an extremely talented and manufacturable material! If he is allowed to learn strategy from Liu Ji, politics from Ji Xiaolan and Shen and others, commander from Yue Fei, and martial arts from ordinary generals.

With his talent, what kind of pervert will he become in the future?

DIY talents,

It seems to be quite exciting.

Xiao Yi suddenly felt that such a Xu Shu was better than the already stereotyped Xu Shu.

"My lord, I heard that you are going to transport the garbage from the city to your backyard?"

Xu Shu is a person with a free and easy personality, and after a few words of familiarity, he is no longer restrained.

Looking at the people who were digging hard in front of him, he couldn't help but speak.

"That's right. "

Xiao Yi nodded.

Xu Shu said, "With all due respect, the lord's move is really inappropriate.

The lord's backyard is only so big, but the garbage generated by people's daily lives is endless. According to a certain point of view, this place can only carry half a month's garbage at most, why doesn't the lord dig a big pit outside the city?".

In this era, there is no systematic way to dispose of garbage, and everyone throws it away casually.

Nature is enough to purify this garbage.

The corners of Xiao Yi's mouth lifted, "Yuan Zhi thinks that I can only carry half a month's garbage here, but I tell you, this place can carry garbage for a year, three years, or even ten years!"

"How is this possible!".

Xu Shu was shocked.

Ten years of garbage can be piled up, and this mansion has long been submerged.

"Why don't we make a bet. "

Xiao Yat likes to bet with people of this era the most, because he has never lost.

"It's absolutely impossible, my lord, are you sure you want to gamble?".

Xu Shu thought for a while, and finally looked determined, as if this was a bet that must be won.

"In this world, there are no absolutes. Because I'm the impossible. "

"Okay, so-and-so made a bet with the lord!".

There was a rabbit that was put on the set.

Xiao Yi was beaming in his heart, "Fifteen days later, the results will be out." "

Seeing that he was so confident, Xu Shu felt a little weak.

But he racked his brains and thought about it for a long time, and he couldn't figure out how such a small pit could carry ten years of garbage. He felt that Xiao Yat was cheating on him, so he put his heart in his stomach.

"My lord, the person you want has already been found for you. "

This is, Ji Xiaolan came to the house with several people dressed differently.

And then introduce them one by one

"This is Mr. Zhu, who has the best pottery skills in the city, because he is very famous in the east of the city, everyone calls him Zhu Dongtao.

This is the ironsmith blacksmith Li, and these are excellent masons......


Before Ji Xiaolan finished speaking, Xiao Yi had already recognized two of them, "You are the two brothers Liu Long and Liu Hu." "

The brothers were flattered and hurriedly said, "Xiao Jun still remembers the villain!".

"When you renovated the walls, you did a great job. "

"Thank you Xiao Jun for your approval!".

In Zhuo County, it is the greatest honor to be recognized by Xiao Jun.

The two were excited.

"Alright, I'll explain things to you. "

There is a reason why these people were called

Xiao Yi ordered them to burn red bricks, polish cement and sift sand and gravel, and the two brothers, Liu Long and Liu Hu, did a great job and already had their own engineering team. Therefore, it is fitting that this matter is left to them.

They have a very good character and are sincere.

Therefore, Xiao Yi plans to let them be responsible for opening a brick and tile factory after the biogas digester is repaired to help him make money.

In this era, there were basically wooden houses and thatched huts, which were very unstable.

It would be nice if everyone could live in a brick house.

In addition to firing bricks and tiles, the most important thing is pottery.

Xiao Yi took out a drawing and handed it to Zhu Dongtao, "Can you make this thing?"

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