Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 41 The Drunken Beauty of Xiangxi (41)

The water ripples outward in circles from the white fox, and dense silvery piranhas are like embellishments around the graceful fox body. The originally broken boat was carried on the back by the white fox. Even though the boat was becoming more and more broken as time went by, the bow and stern were almost rotten, but it didn't matter anymore.

No piranha can bite the people on the boat, and nothing can hurt the people the white fox values. Viewed from the sky, this scene is breathtakingly dreamy.

【Tianmen Fox Fairy! 】

[Holy shit, is it the Tianmen Fox Fairy? ! How could it appear here? I wasn't dreaming! 】

The audience in the live broadcast room were all shocked. Some people did not understand the barrage and asked about Tianmen Fox Fairy. Someone immediately answered:

[It’s the fox they killed in the live broadcast of Yi49, Zuimei Xiangxi! 】

[Damn it, that fox thief is so powerful that he almost overturned the entire B49 regiment. If B49 hadn’t made a sneak attack first, then used all possible means to consume more than ten puppets, and then gave up four passengers to force the passage, otherwise the outcome would not have been certain.】

[Come on, it’s not necessarily about winning or losing. It’s okay to say that Yi Forty-Nine is so embarrassed, it’s just about escaping]

[Yes, the correct way to do that project is to drive away the resentful spirits and make the fox fairy escape from trouble and become a fairy. Yi 49 clearly accepted the mission of the Fox Immortal, but he hid his resentment and carried out a sneak attack while the Fox Immortal was passing through Tianmen Cave. In the end, he was almost killed and seriously injured, and the four passengers also died! 】

[Obviously he can pass the mission normally, but he wants to be greedy! 】

[Tour guides are supposed to be greedy, but who is not greedy during their trip? ? Yi Forty-Nine is just greedy for losing. If he is greedy for winning and not all the passengers in the team benefit, why don’t I say this?]

[Laughing to death is still beneficial. People are already dead. What’s the use of talking about it now? 】

[No, is this fox really the Tianmen Fox Fairy? Isn’t it already dead? It’s impossible for it to make another journey.]

[It should just look alike. Didn’t Yu and An just say that this fox is his younger brother?]

[Maybe the younger brother with a special title, Passenger, died, leaving a residual soul to protect his brother or something like that]

[This fox is so big that it can swim directly in the Lost Soul Stream. It must have been a very powerful traveler during its lifetime]

[No matter how strong a passenger is, what’s the use? He’s still going to die]

As soon as this barrage came out, there was a moment of silence in the live broadcast room. Without the obstruction of the barrage, the scene of the extremely beautiful fox carrying the crimson boat and swimming lightly across the dark river was like a beautiful painting, imprinted in everyone's heart and unforgettable for a long time.

"The second attraction has passed."

Shi Xiao murmured, with complicated eyes. He seemed to see himself and Shi Tao through brothers Yu, An, Yu and Hui. If one day he encounters an absolutely dangerous journey where he is likely to die, he will definitely prepare items for Shi Tao in advance.

No one is immune to death. Although I don’t think this fox is the one who died next door to the Tianmen Fox Fairy, it is just a little residual soul that can carry the boat to the soul-destroying stream. Shi Xiao thinks that he was definitely a very famous person during his lifetime. A powerful traveler might be legendary.


No matter how powerful the traveler is, he will eventually die.

"Yu Hehui."

Bai Xiaosheng blocked the barrage and took a closer look at the white fox in the live broadcast room. With a wave of his hand, an even more aged parchment appeared in his hand. Bai Xiaosheng looked through it and seemed to find something. He pondered for a moment, picked up the purple quill and wrote a note, then folded the note again and let it disappear between his fingers.

* *

"Hui Hui, Hui Hui..."

"Brother Yu, take it easy."

Wang Pengpeng's expression moved slightly and he put down the bamboo pole. With the white fox carrying the boat, he didn't have to punt it anymore. Wang Pengpeng bent down to help Yu Hehui, who was lying on the bow of the boat, looking down hard, and comforted him. Yu Hean had been watching the white fox. He almost fell when the bow of the boat collapsed, but Wang Pengpai caught him in time.

But it seems that Yu Hean would rather be with Yu Hehui.

Wang Pengpai was so relieved that he took advantage of this to take a peek at the note that appeared between his fingers. The content on the note made Wang Pengpai breathe a sigh of relief, and patiently helped Yu Hean calm down. Wang Pengpai advised:

"Brother Yu, don't press forward. What if you hit Huihui's head?"

"Yes, yes, you can't press forward."

Yu Hean, who just couldn't stand up, immediately straightened up when he heard this. Even though his eyes were filled with the expression of wanting to jump, he did not continue to press on the bow of the boat. In fact, now the whole boat is being carried by the fox that Yu Hehui has turned into. There is no difference between the past and the future. Only Yu Hean, who has his younger brother in his heart and eyes, will think that Wang Pengpai is right.

If the relationship between brothers hadn't reached this level, who would be so emotionally moved.

Wang Pengpeng comforted and patted Yu Hean's shoulders. This time it was really comforting. The note from Bai Xiaosheng just now made Wang Pengpeng feel much relieved.

Wang Pengpai felt delighted. Fortunately, he had the wit to come to this beautiful Xiangxi. Otherwise, how could he have met Yu Hehui? It was such an unexpected surprise. Wang Pengpeng scratched his buttocks, his movements casual and rough, just like what a great gentleman would do casually and naturally.

[You have unlocked the seal of a hidden talisman]

Okay, just unlock one layer of the seal and it will be enough to use that thing.

Wang Pengpai glanced at Bingjiu from the corner of his eye, and saw that he was looking down and distracted, so he took out a gourd ring from his trouser pocket and clamped it between his fingers.

[Name: Purple Gold Gourd (Low Configuration Copy Version)]

[Quality: Personally made by the ‘replicator’]

[Function: Say ‘XXX, do you dare to agree when I call you daddy?’, if the other party agrees, it can absorb the body or soul of the creature, the number of uses is 0/1]

[System judgment: This item is extremely unstable. If any ingestion-conquering props are activated at the same time during use, the judgment level will always be the lowest. It is available to passengers with a comprehensive judgment of four stars and above]

[Note 1: You can only choose one if you want body or soul, it depends on what you want, you know what I mean - by the replicator]

[Note 2: It is basic etiquette to call someone daddy when you are looking for someone. Do you understand what I mean - by the replicator]

Wang Pengpai's eyes twitched, and he gritted his teeth in his heart, feeling that sooner or later he would have to fight the replicator. But what this guy made is really useful. Yu Hehui only has the remaining souls left, and there is no need to choose between body and soul. As long as you still have some soul, you'll be fine. There are various ways to do it when you get back to the hotel.

As a brother, Wang Pengpai really couldn't bear to see him fall into this situation. Even if Bai Xiaosheng didn't have the note, he would rather take the risk of being exposed and unblock it, but he still had to recover the remaining souls of Yu Hehui.

Although this replica version of the Purple Gourd has the lowest comprehensive judgment when faced with any subduing props, that is to say, even if there is a ragged subduing prop, and Wang Pengpai can subdue the souls of Yu and Hui at the same time, it will be judged that the other party has succeeded. Wang Pengpai failed and seemed very useless, but who would deliberately prepare conquering props during this small journey. Who would have nothing to do with Yu Hehui's remnant soul?

It is really worthwhile to come to Zuimei Xiangxi this time. Wang Pengpai sighed again, it was a full harvest. The only thing to worry about is the attack from Bingjiu after his identity is exposed.

He thought and glanced at Bingjiu, but Bingjiu was also looking at him. The two people's eyes met, and Wang Pengpai smiled awkwardly but flatteringly. Unexpectedly, Bingjiu also curved the corners of his mouth politely.

Wang Pengpai:? ? ?

It is really worthwhile to come to Zuimei Xiangxi this time. Wei Xun sighed in his heart, it was so rewarding. He held the black gold rope in his hand. Just now, he took the rope and touched the name tag in his pocket.

Then this rope, which was completely unknown to Wei Xun, was unsealed for him!

[Name: * * * climbing rope]

[Quality: unknown]

[Function 1: Toughness]

[Function 2: Bundling]

[Function 3: After touching, subdue and trap all living or inanimate things. Number of uses 0/1]

[You are the deputy owner of the climbing rope and can use all functions of the climbing rope]

Good guy, Wei Xun really didn't expect it. He said in his heart that this agreement was really a good deal. He could get An Xuefeng's stuff for nothing before joining the brigade!

‘How do the master and deputy masters judge? ’

Wei Xun pondered and said sincerely: 'Do you think I look like the real master? ’

Of course, a climbing rope can't speak. Wei Xun was quite satisfied. He sat on the stern of the boat with his legs crossed, as if he didn't like being soaked by the water. Wei Xun casually opened the collar of the clothes that stuck to his body.

The yellow value was rising desperately. When the live broadcast room was blocked again, Wei Xun leaned back lazily, his hands naturally resting on the side of the boat. The black rope had become transparent under Wei Xun's control. He only learned that the rope could change color after obtaining the deputy master's authority. Think of a transparent rope. Whoever touches it will tie up whoever it touches. Who can prevent it?

This An Xuefeng must be an old cunt.

Wei Xun thought to himself as the transparent rope slipped from his fingers and landed silently on the white fox carrying the boat.

Yu Hehui was exhausted. He could feel that his humanity was getting less and less. Reason, emotion, and memory were all gone with him. Swimming across the Lost Soul Stream across the journey was too much for him now. If he had any residual soul that could barely maintain his body, it would all disappear after this time.

But brother, it’s enough that my brother can survive this scenic spot safely.

After all, unlike local ghosts like Pingping, Yu Hehui is different from the boss who has a cooperative relationship with the hotel. From the moment he regains his memory, it is impossible for the hotel to allow him to live any longer. When he was the Tianmen Fox Immortal, he originally had a hundred ways to kill Fa Gui Yi Forty-Nine, but finally let him go.

He knew he would fail and the hotel would not allow him to live no matter what. In this case, he might as well die. While paralyzing the hotel, this residual soul can also see his brother for the last time.

Yu Hehui felt that he was about to dissipate and his body was sinking. Thousands of piranhas gnawed at its remaining soul frantically, but Yu Hehui could no longer feel the pain. The broken boat slipped from the body and was almost reaching the shore. The white fox used its last strength to push the boat to the shore with its nose. Then it lost strength and sank.

I still want to take another look at my brother...

The white fox tried hard to raise his head, but found that he had no strength at all and could only keep sinking. At this moment, all the unwillingness, pain, and despair deep in his heart were like wild grass growing after the rain, and the negative emotions almost swallowed him up. He didn't want to die, he really didn't want to die. It was so hard to get his memory back and finally be able to see his brother again. Why, why did everything have to end at this moment.

He was not willing to give in, he was really, really not willing to give in. Bai Hu seemed to hear his brother shouting his name in panic. He tried hard to open his eyes, but those beautiful emerald eyes were still closing slowly. At this moment, he The strong negative emotions even attracted more piranhas.

He wants to live, he wants to continue living. If anyone can let him continue to live, even if it means selling his soul to the devil, he will be willing to——

At the last moment when the remnant soul was about to completely dissipate, time seemed to suddenly stop. Yu Hehui's broken soul will no longer continue to be destroyed!

Although he didn't know what happened, he was desperate for survival and took this opportunity to crazily try to gather his soul. But Yu Hehui discovered painfully that he could never condense his soul by himself alone.

Unless someone, an outside force is helping him, Yu Hehui is going crazy with anxiety. Who is it? Who could it be?

At this moment, he almost heard two voices. One was vaguely inaudible and seemed to be saying something like, "Yu Hehui, do you dare to agree when I call you daddy?" The other was exceptionally clear, calm, powerful, and full of interest:

‘Yu Hehui, do you want to live? ’

I want to live!

Yu Hehui almost shouted, his soul almost became hot and excited. The man seemed to be aware of his excitement and chuckled, his tone full of convincing and powerful charm, like a seductive devil from hell.

‘Give me your life and I will let you live. ’

'good! ’

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