Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 613: Icelandic Horror (145)

"Hey you——"

Bingyi was unprepared and was thrown down - or rather, the snow leopard rolled unexpectedly in the snow, shaking off the snow all over its body. Its tail was always tightly wrapped around Bingyi's waist, and when it got up it stood up again. When I landed on its back with Bing Yi, it was no different from before.

The only difference is that a Maine Coon cat fell lightly into the snow, with cold eyes. It was the phantom cat that Bingyi dug out of the lizard egg just after waking up and put it on the back of the snow leopard!

"——You, you are injured?!"

Bingyi didn't have time to think too much. Just when he was holding on to the snow leopard's fur tightly to keep his balance, he was shocked to see that a large piece of fur had been removed from the snow leopard's shoulder blades, and there were also several wounds with deep bones visible. The shape was like Like claw marks! The blood flowed gurglingly, dyeing the snow-white fur red. Bingyi didn't think much and immediately took out the golden silk powder to heal its wounds.

However, the snow leopard swayed slightly and avoided his movement. Then the leopard's tail patted Bingyi's shoulder, and he turned aside and let him fall into the snow.

'How are you'

‘It’s okay, I’m okay’

The mental conversation between the two lasted only a moment. Bingyi sensed it again, and after confirming that Wei Xun was fine, he dropped the snow leopard. After looking at the injured snow leopard and then at the phantom cat that was licking its paws, Bingyi suddenly had countless thoughts in his mind.

"Come, come to me."

He opened his arms to the phantom cat, calling it over. But the phantom cat was indifferent, just squatting lazily in the snow and licking its fur. On the other hand, the corn shoot thought its father was calling it, so it happily came over and thrust its big head into its father's arms like a puppy. The gathering of corn shoots naturally relieved the inexplicably tense atmosphere. Bingyi smiled and patted its head, asking him to accompany Wei Xun while he walked towards the phantom cat.


He took the initiative to walk to the phantom cat and stretched out his arms, and it jumped into his arms. The Maine Coon cat is very big, and its fur has grown much longer, thicker and denser, as if because of the cold weather here. It overflowed onto Wei Xun's arms and covered his chest. Seeing this scene, the snow leopard's pupils shrank, and it couldn't help but take a step forward, but it heard the phantom cat breathing.

With twinkling eyes, the snow leopard also squatted down, its tail wrapped around its body and resting on its claws, like a statue. It followed Bingyi with its eyes, watching him skillfully hold the cat with one hand and follow the long hair on the cat's back with the other.

"You have such a bad temper. Do you get angry when you get up?"

Bingyi wanted to pinch the cat's paw, and after the cat hid impatiently for a few times, he talked about his mother in the dream, as if he wanted to continue the topic with Wei Xun. When talking about the mother in the dream, the phantom cat in her arms was obviously much more at ease, as if she was listening attentively. Without much warning, Bingyi grabbed the cat's paw, and the sharp claws were pressed out of the pink flesh pads. Bingyi saw the claws. Hook up the remaining blood stains.

"Rub it?"

Bing Yiyun said calmly, as if he didn't care whose blood was on it, but only cared about the cat whose claws were missing. He took out a small amount of golden silk powder and sprinkled it on the cat's paws regardless of how precious it was. He only sprinkled a small amount but was held down by the phantom cat, preventing him from wasting any more. The phantom cat shook its paws in disgust, and the dried blood turned into mud and fluttered down. Bingyi looked over Wei Xuebao's shoulder and saw that the wound there had frozen, and the flowing blood turned into mud.

Wei Xun has the title of Clay Man. This injury is really nothing to him. It just makes him look like a big cat that just rolled in the mud. It looks a bit funny. The look in his eyes is a bit pitiful. Bingyi He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and suppressed his smile. Wei Xun realized that the snow leopard was quite cute even if it was covered in mud. He found that he already had some filters for Wei Xun.

But of course he was thoughtful and didn't praise Wei Xun for being cute now, nor did he ride the snow leopard again.

"It's too cold outside. It's freezing to me. Please go back outside."

He complained, and the words he spoke were scattered in the air without any white mist, as if it was as cold as the extremely low temperature outside.

However, when he looked down at the phantom cat and smiled, the smile in his eyes was tainted with warmth, making people feel like they were thinking: "It's such a cold day, it will definitely feel good to drink a cup of hot honey water when we go back."

The phantom cat glanced at him. It wanted to jump off Bingyi when shaking the mud, but now it stopped struggling and let him hold it. His eyes were only half closed and half open, a bit tired, as if he would fall asleep at any moment. The corpses of one person, one leopard and one insect were wrapped in snow zombies and quickly returned to the three ice cracks. Bingyi was worried along the way, constantly observing the state of the phantom cat, and chatting with the snow leopard when he saw it closing its eyes, disturbing It kept its eyes open until three ice cracks occurred.

"Director C and the guards are back!"

"What is this? The corpse of a peak snow zombie?!"

The passengers were looking forward to seeing them come back and were full of surprises. Miao Fangfei secretly came over and whispered to Bingyi, saying that the fang hunter went to the frost giant corpse not long after he left, and he didn't know what he found.

But right now, for Bingyi, other things are of secondary importance. While everyone was watching the snow zombies, he entered the ice crevice as a temporary resting point, chiseled out the pure ice, lit the alcohol stove, and dissolved the ice. Honey water cannot be poured with boiling water, and cats don't like high temperatures.

When the water boiled to a temperature that was neither cold nor hot, the fire stopped. Yu Hehui took out the purified magic honey, and Bingyi personally mixed a cup of honey water with the cap of a thermos cup and placed it in front of the phantom cat. While it was sniffing carelessly, Bingyi sprinkled a little bit of golden silk powder into another glass of water and put it in front of Wei Xuebao. For some reason, he never returned to his human form.

However, Bingyi felt that the animal state was better than the human state at this time, and at least the current atmosphere was normal.

When the golden silk powder is dissolved in water, it looks like soaked bird's nest or crushed jelly. It is a translucent paste with a refreshing fragrance that smells very good. Bing put the cup of golden silk powder water in front of the snow leopard. The snow leopard sniffed it, looked at him and then at the phantom cat. He muttered with his blue eyes a little tangled. If an animal wants to drink water, he has to stick out his tongue to lick it. In this situation, …

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The phantom cat wagged its tail and looked over with a bit of teasing. However, after only a brief hesitation, An Xuebao calmly licked and drank the water Wei Xun gave him. He didn't mean to show off, and licked up the water in two licks. The golden silk powder was indeed effective, and in the blink of an eye, a little bit of powder caused hair to grow on his shoulder blades.

But the phantom cat didn't lick it, just touched it. Bingyi didn't care. Seeing how delicious the snow leopard's licks were, Bingyi also made a cup for himself and added some purified magic honey. At the same time, he whispered to himself some scenes from his dream.

"Hey, why are you all hiding here? Come and take a look, something big is happening outside!"

At this moment, B1 poked his head down from the edge of the ice crack, and his words were both excited and a little nervous. From just now, apart from the sound of the howling cold wind, there was indeed the sound of someone shouting and screaming outside. However, Bingyi did not go up, he just pointed at him and said to the phantom cat:

"The mother in the dream had a good relationship with Wei Xun's mother... and also had a good relationship with his mother."

"Although it's a dream, I think it's real."

"Hey brother, I like hearing what you say. The relationship between our mothers must be as good as the one between us."

B1 laughed happily, leaned out from the ice crack and stretched out his hand to Bingyi: "Come on, grab my hand, just like our elders did - Fu·ck!"

He suddenly exclaimed, and saw a cat stepping on his head and jumping out of the ice crevice. The cat's paws flew up and brought up snow, mist and ice that covered B1's face, and his body was stepped on by the cat and he almost fell down.

"Devil, why are your visions so heavy—why are you so powerful?"

After finally regaining his balance, B1 complained in shock. He touched his face and looked for the phantom cat, but couldn't find it. Bingyi and Snow Leopard immediately jumped out of the ice crevice and looked around. No trace of the phantom cat was found, but they saw a circle of people surrounding the Frost Giant's head not far away, and the huge head actually cracked open. Sew!

"The snow zombie corpse you brought back is amazing. It actually moved towards the frost giant! We all thought it was not dead, but it is indeed dead."

B1 said solemnly: "Yu Xiangyang said that he wanted to put them together, but the result was like this. The body of the snow zombie disappeared without a trace, but the head of the frost giant was cracked from the middle."

"There was a heart-stopping aura coming from the crack... No one dared to get close, except for two coaches."

This is very crucial information, but both Snow Leopard and Bingyi are a little absent-minded. Bingyi searches around with his eyes and uses his mental induction, but they can't find the phantom cat. The gold silk powder honey water in his hand is still warm, but the phantom cat is. has disappeared. They walked towards the head of the frost giant. There was something strange here. Maybe the phantom cat would be here. But Bing looked around and was still disappointed.

"Director C is here!"

"Director B, look, what is this?"

However, when the passengers saw him coming, they all moved out of the way, allowing Bingyi to walk in front of the frost giant's cracked head. You can see the crack running from the top of its skull to its face. The ice crack is deep black, and there seems to be a drop of black and viscous liquid inside. I heard that the tooth hunter had discovered this a long time ago, but it was hidden in the deepest part of the frost giant's cracked head, and the frost giant's head was extremely hard, and no matter how hard the travelers tried, they were unable to do anything.

Now it has split open after colliding with the snow zombie corpse, but the crack is extremely small, almost as thick as a few hairs, and no one can take it out. The passengers were talking a lot, and Bingyi showed a hint of surprise when he walked closer. He smelled an extremely alluring fragrance that made him ecstatic.

'father! father! There is something delicious! ’

The corn shoots cheered eagerly, and Wangcai squatted in front of the giant's head in high spirits. At the same time, his demon insects were all restless, but the most excited one was Dieda. As soon as Bing released it, he saw it flying back and forth in front of the giant's head, and finally stopped at his fingertips to convey a message to him.

This liquid is very tempting to it. After eating it, it can greatly increase its strength. If the amount is larger, it may even form a cocoon and transform again!

What kind of liquid is this? Bingyi comforted Dieda first, he wanted to get this drop of liquid and study it first. There are countless frost giants under this glacier, and there will be no shortage of liquid in the future. He stared at the slit to make sure there was no cat in the slit before communicating with Die Da. Die Da's mouthparts were long, thin and hard, and could suck the liquid out of the slit and give it to him.

'Um? The breath of the abyss? ’

'Very original...pure...'

Just then, Bing handed the task to Die Da, and when he saw it falling on the Frost Giant's face and about to start sucking it, a strange male voice suddenly sounded in his mind, and he could not hear it clearly.

Who is talking? ! Could it be that——Bingyi was a little excited. He carefully traced the source of the sound and finally took out the volcanic lava lizard egg. He was disappointed to find that the phantom cat did not return to the egg shell. The little lava lizard had the upper hand again. It stepped on the spider silk tail to press the flesh. Block, still biting and rubbing the cat's hair in his mouth.

When Bingyi looked over, he raised his head and looked at him, his golden eyes shimmering with arrogance. It took its time, turned around and looked around, and suddenly its eyes fell on the golden silk honey water in his hand. The little lizard showed an indescribable look at the prodigal son, and then it saw a butterfly on the Frost Giant's head. While trying to suck in the black liquid, it finally choked.

‘Stop it, stop it, don’t feed the bugs’

‘Do you know how precious that is? ’

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