Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 726: Iceland Shock (247)


Seeing an outsider come in, An Xuefeng burst out with the speed of a man who had been single for decades. He blocked Bingyi tightly in an instant, and then quickly wrapped him in the tour guide's cloak. But out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the owl that Yu Hehui threw in. An Xuefeng's heart froze, and he directly pulled open his collar to expose most of his chest, allowing his naked body to seamlessly block the live broadcast.

However, although the live broadcast has been blocked, only Yu Hehui can see the scene in front of him. If it were An Xuefeng's own body, he would certainly not worry about his brother, but An Xuefeng is now using Wei Xun's puppet body, and he does not want to Let the spring light be exposed for too long. He had been prepared, and the bare chest connection was just an emergency. Soon An Xuefeng took out a crown and put it on, and then took out a golden bell.


The crisp bell rang, and the owl that was flapping wildly in Bingyi's hand succumbed for a moment, allowing Bingyi to take the opportunity to grab its two wings like a chicken, making it unable to move. Then Bingyi looked at the crown on Ah Feng’s head with great interest and the golden bell between his fingers: “What is this?”

"This is the crown of Garuda's horns and the Golden Bell of Garuda, things from the north of Tibet."

An Xuefeng said that the five-piece set of Dapeng Garuda (eagle flute, coat of arms, necklace, golden bell, crown) is exactly the five items of Xiangxiong survivors that Wei Xun collected when he completed the main mission of exploring northern Tibet. The title 'False King' will be activated when there are any two items. This is a title that can block the live broadcast!

Before entering the competition, Wei Xun had a hunch that something to block the live broadcast footage would be used. Although the use of various props is restricted in the competition, the items collected by completing the main mission are still different. They are 'Items of the Shang Shung Remainers' and do not count the hotel. The 'props' that are rewarded or sold are all 'real items' that Bingyi obtained during his journey, and the restrictions will be weaker. At most, it is due to the different acclimatization of the myths and legends system that the power is weakened, but it does not mean that it cannot be brought in.

The weakened power is also the power of these items themselves. The effect of blocking the live broadcast brought by the false king title cannot be discounted. The hastily set up tent had little space, so shielding him alone was equivalent to shielding the entire tent.

Next to him, Bingyi was already asking Yu Hehui to explain everything in detail. As Yu Hehui described it, An Xuefeng looked at the owl in Bingyi's hand, focusing on its face. He saw that it was not a human face but a serious owl with big eyes, and its expression was reversed. More solemn.

"Is this all the bones?"

"That's right."

"No skull?"


An Xuefeng gathered the bones of Angel of Dawn into a pile, and then quickly pieced them together in the tent. In an instant, he had assembled a complete left arm bone, left hand bone, left leg bone and left foot bone. Eyebrow, An Xuefeng also took out the bones of little George. An Xuefeng picked and completed the ribs on the left side and some other bones.

The space in the tent was too small. Judging from the skeleton, George was at least 1.9 meters tall. The assembled bones could not be fully displayed, but he could roughly see his half-assembled skeleton. Bing could see clearly with a sharp glance that he couldn't tell the difference when Little George's bones were connected together, but after An Xuefeng took them apart and put them back together, the tiny difference between the bones he picked out and the bones he discarded became more obvious. The bones of the former are crystal clear, as if they are emitting light from within, while the latter is just golden on the surface, but lacks a lively charm.

Just like some archaeological excavations found that the skeletons in some coffins were not entirely filled with gold carvings, golden bones are still different from normal bones.

"So that's it."

Seeing the skeleton put together by An Xuefeng, Yu Hehui understood and couldn't help but sigh: "It's far away in the horizon, but close in front of you."

They kept digging to see how much foreshadowing Black Widow had laid in the match, and why George could appear next to them at regular intervals tomorrow. As soon as Bing referred to the bones left by little George to break through and obtain the title of Lost Joy, Yu Hehui seriously suspected that the Black Widow had left George's Angel of Dawn power in these bones, but they did not expect that the Black Widow would do something even crazier.

She was so bold that she put the real remains of the Angel of Dawn into little George's body and delivered them to Bingyi's hands! As long as Bingyi carries the bones with him, those 'Georges' will naturally appear next to him every day following the aura of power. The false angel Dawn Angel is the biggest bait and the biggest catalyst, attracting the invasion of the outer gods and the arrival of the real angel.

And now, Black Widow has handed over more remains of Angel of Dawn to Bingyi, obviously choosing his side completely and deciding to take action. But Yu Hehui didn't understand.

"Why is there no skull?"

Bingyi pondered: "Where is A5 (Little Witch)?"

He remembered that A5 seemed to have met many Georges, and even got a headless angel statue, and found clues to the angel's head. The angel's head was found in A5.

However, An Xuefeng and Yu Hehui looked at each other and shook their heads slightly: "I'm afraid not."

The little witch is obviously a target set up by the Black Widow. At best, she has some power from George. The real remains of George are definitely all in Bingyi's place. It's strange that Black Widow didn't give him her head as well. Everyone knows that at the launching ceremony of the Mutual Aid Alliance, the Puppet Master gave the head of Angel of Dawn to Bingyi as a gift, and Bingyi gave it to Black Widow. , this head must be in the hands of Black Widow, this is correct.

This skull is undoubtedly the most important thing. An Xuefeng still remembers Wei Xun telling it about the role of the skull. It is the only part of Angel of Dawn that is not deformed. After taking it, it will inherit a whole series of titles of Angel of Dawn, including the most important two orange titles of 'Angel of Dawn' and 'Absolute Cure' and five purple titles.

The most important thing is that after using the skull, the user will become the unique Angel of Dawn in the world. It is difficult for anyone to resist this temptation, but Bingyi resisted it and gave it to the Black Widow.

So why didn't Black Widow give it back?

Does Black Widow still have reservations? Or was it that the skull was tampered with by the puppeteer, so she didn't give it to Bingyi?

"If we want George to truly get rid of his identity as Baldr, the God of Light, and become an angel, the skull is absolutely indispensable."

Bingyi firmly said that even if he had no past memories, he had a say in this matter as he had been fused into the dead body of Badr twice. Little George's skeleton contains the ribs of the Angel of the Morning, so wings can be generated after fusion. It can be seen that the location of the bones is closely related to the changes. Without the skull, it would be impossible for George to truly come back to earth.

"The skull is crucial."

Yu Hehui also said that just by looking at the sentence "The crystal skull of Angel of Dawn is the only part of his body that is not deformed", he knew that only the skull could resurrect the complete and real George. If there is any distortion, the person who is resurrected will most likely be a monster.

"It's not that she doesn't want to give it."

At this moment, An Xuefeng, who had been silent and deep in thought, spoke up. His sharp eyes moved away from the skeleton and fell on the snow-white owl in Bingyi's hand. It seemed to be tired from struggling, and it was so wilted that it stopped moving. A pair of big round eyes stared at the bones pieced together on the tent floor. The eyes were beautiful, but there was no light of wisdom or humanity. It looked like Like pure raptor.

"I'm afraid George can't hold it any longer."

An Xuefeng said slowly, and the end of his words turned into a sigh.

He had met George. How could there be no intersection between the strongest newcomer passenger in the East District and the strongest newcomer passenger in the West District? In particular, tourists do not have as many restrictions as tour guides, and traveling abroad is a common thing. I have to say that even though An Xuefeng is not interested in religion, George is indeed a good man, upright and friendly, full of love and hope for the world.

An Xuefeng has a sharp eye and can tell who is a real good person and who is just a persona, and George is the former. And George was also very optimistic about him. The two of them were good friends, admiring each other and paying attention to each other. An Xuefeng had heard about the "George eloped with the poisonous spider" case in the East District, but he was not familiar with it. Many people sneered at the sayings such as "The young poisonous spider is a venomous beauty like Daji, who bewitched the Holy Son and lost his soul" and "it is difficult for a hero to be a beauty".

This can't be blamed on the woman. An Xuefeng said that even if there were no poisonous spiders, George and Whitechapel would part ways sooner or later. Their most fundamental ideas are not in line.

No one in the hotel does not want to regain their freedom, no one wants to die, and everyone works hard to live in their own way, especially the top brigade and tour guide alliance that have been inherited for many generations, all have their own understanding of the nature of the hotel.

Just like Whitechapel, the First Brigade of the Western District, they believe that the world has been polluted and collapsed to this point. It is because the sulfur poison in the abyss of hell spread out and polluted the human world. The hotel exists to mend the gap between hell and earth, but it will take hundreds or even thousands of years to mend it. In order to prevent the world from being completely destroyed, tourists and tour guides are summoned. Those tour guides or tourists who have awakened the title of demon are in line with the pollution of hell, and they have absorbed the poison of pollution into the world.

As long as they absorb all the pollution and kill them all, the poison seeping out of hell will be eliminated. As long as they continue to kill from generation to generation, one day the hotel will mend the gap, and there will be no more leftovers in the world. pollution, by then no one will be selected, and the world will regain peace.

It can be said that the travelers in Whitechapel are a group of martyrs with firm beliefs. They devote their whole life to cleaning up the filth. They are pious and persistent. Supported by the belief that they will go to heaven after death, then the 'life' of this world is no longer for them. important. God has entrusted them with important tasks, and compared with this, their own lives are so insignificant that they are not worth mentioning at all.

The travelers in Whitechapel are strong because of their firm faith and fear of death, and will not be weakened by life and death. At the end of every ten years, everyone in Whitechapel will happily go to the battlefield and destroy themselves - even if they kill all 'demons' ', but murder is guilty, and they will face their sins with regret. Until the body is engulfed by the holy fire of heaven, it will be a life of perfect dedication.

But that's not the case with George.

‘Are tour guides born with original sin? They are suffering from an incurable disease in reality, and they have to endure the pain of contacting the abyss in the hotel’

An Xuefeng still remembers that when he was talking to George, he said with emotion: "Is there really a paradise in the world?" She said that she had seen many angels, and those things were just the product of people's consciousness. The 'angels' did not punish her to death because she was an abyssal creature, so what qualifications do we have to kill her? ’

An Xuefeng did not believe in religion, but he knew how serious it was for someone who had always had a firm faith to have his faith shaken, and he also felt how deeply that 'she' had influenced George. He did not comment on George's beliefs, but calmly said that everyone should make their own choices and not be too deeply influenced by others. It is not a good thing to gravitate from one extreme to another.

At that time, George only said that I would not escape, and An Xuefeng didn't know if George listened. Anyway, not long after that, it was reported that George and the young black spider were in the same team, and then started a journey to the 30th north latitude to the Tower of Babel.

Further on...

"No one is born to die. At least everyone should be able to decide why they want to die."

That was the last time George met An Xuefeng after leaving Whitechapel. It is difficult for a tour guide to cross districts, so George came alone to meet An Xuefeng. There were rumors outside that George had lost weight, but his eyes were exceptionally bright, as if burning with blazing fire. An Xuefeng got interested in competing with him, and was surprised to find that George was obviously the false Angel of Dawn, but the power of the Holy Light was stronger.

‘Since real angels are nothing but the evolution of people’s will and thoughts over thousands of years, then false angels also represent reality. ’

George smiled: "Whitechapel is on the wrong path. No one is sinful, and there is no heaven. We are all just people struggling to survive. Only by ourselves can we find a chance of survival." ’

‘If there is any hostility between heaven and abyss, it would be better to gather the power of both. Maybe tour guides and tourists should work together.

‘So you chose to connect with the poisonous spider? ’

An Xuefeng asked. George was noncommittal, but his eyes were full of warmth when he talked about his connection with the poisonous spider. It was obvious that it was not just a struggle for survival, but also real feelings. An Xuefeng noticed that George was hesitant to speak several times, but in the end he said nothing and only shared with him the tokens of exchange and looking at 30 degrees north latitude.

At that time, An Xuefeng had already built the pyramids. The token of the Pharaoh's pyramid was a miniature pyramid statue, while the token of the Tower of Babel was a well-preserved mummy of an owl. According to George, they dug the mummy of this owl in a deep pit at the Tower of Babel site and used it as a medium to open the Tower of Babel.

‘Be careful not to touch this place, it’s poisonous. ’

George pointed out the position of the owl's neck to An Xuefeng, and saw two small pointed fangs embedded in it, soaked in the poison of the jet-black spider.

‘If she hadn’t poisoned the mummy, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be alive to talk to you now’

The journey to 30 degrees north latitude is naturally full of dangers. The poisonous spider gave up her poisonous fangs and sealed the mummy of the owl, but she gave the honor of starting the journey to George. Being able to transfer such a huge benefit, the two of them Time is not a whim. You can still find your other half after entering the hotel. An Xuefeng sincerely wishes them happiness.

George was still hesitant to speak, but in the end he said nothing. They gathered, met, and parted as they did in the past. Not long after, the news came that George had died, and the poisonous spider took the top title of Orange Black Widow and took over Babel. The Tower of Babel was in the limelight for a while. Many people say that Black Widow plays with George in the palm of her hand and gives up when she has had enough, but An Xuefeng thinks that is not the case.

He still remembered that during a trip to Iceland, the Black Widow paid an unknown price to become the tour guide. She found An Xuefeng, holding an owl in her arms, and asked him full of hope. Why did George go to find him specifically in the end? , did you leave any words for him, did you leave any escape route for yourself?

An Xuefeng looked at the owl. It was a token of the Tower of Babel, but it was completely different from the first time he saw it. It was no longer a mummy owl, but turned into a living, snow-white owl. The back looked normal, but when it turned its head and looked at An Xuefeng, An Xuefeng saw a long one on its face. A human face—George's face.

Part of George's soul actually remains attached to the Babel Tower of Babel token! This is so unbelievable that even An Xuefeng could not imagine that the Tower of Babel token could undergo such a change!

George's face and eyes were closed tightly, and the corners of his lips were slightly hooked, as if he had fallen into a sweet dream. Obviously, George paid a huge price for delivering the token to the Black Widow, and the Black Widow was looking at him. Her eyes were filled with hope that was on the verge of being shattered, as weak as a candle in the wind. When the wind blew, it turned into despair.


After a long silence, An Xuefeng slowly shook his head: "He didn't say anything."

He remembered the last conversation with George. George hesitated to speak several times, and his expression when he said that we should gather the strength of tour guides and tourists, and unity is the right way. Now that George is dead, the Black Widow can succeed him. An Xuefeng was vaguely aware of the journey to the 30th degree north latitude.

Perhaps George came to persuade him to find a tour guide to connect with him at that time. He and George were the strongest new star travelers in the east and west districts respectively, and they both embarked on a journey to the 30th degree north latitude. George may have noticed something during the connection with the black widow. Maybe this will be the new way out.

But at the same time, he should also feel the danger. Maybe it was the hotel's surveillance, or maybe someone in charge was secretly taking action, so in the end George did not choose to drag his friend An Xuefeng into the water, but chose to take it upon himself first.

This is the result.

George is dead.

There were rumors that a puppet master was involved in his death, but An Xuefeng did not believe that the puppet master could have forced George to death without the hotel's secret manipulation and calculation.

"It was supposed to be a human-faced owl."

In the tent of the camp restaurant, An Xuefeng's voice was very low, and his fingers passed over the owl's forehead, but the owl pecked him warily, almost breaking his finger.

It no longer recognizes him.

"A human face represents its human soul?"

Bingyi was very keen and noticed the hidden meaning of An Xuefeng's words. If George's real soul and owl's human face are gone, the animal nature has completely suppressed human nature, and the dissipation of the soul is not far away. He thought of Fenrir Wolf. Its situation was different from the Snow White Owl. Although it had always been a wolf, Bingyi could feel its wisdom and humanity that was different from the beast.

Not as confused as this owl made him feel, so bad. Bing opened the owl's wings and saw its feathers

The token of Thirty Degrees North Latitude has not changed, it is the mummy of an owl from beginning to end. It's just that the remnant soul of George is attached to it, giving the illusion of being alive. This is not considered fusion. When the soul gradually disperses, it will return to its original mummy form.

An Xuefeng believed that the Black Widow might have placed George's skull in the Tower of Babel, using the power of Thirty Degrees North to keep his soul alive. However, in An Xuefeng's view, this is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst. Once George's head is contaminated by 30 degrees north latitude, what kind of monster can be resurrected even if he is resurrected?

She was really desperate and on the verge of despair.

"How can I save this?"

Yu Hehui also sighed after hearing this. He could be said to be a veteran who joined the brigade before he was called by this name on the way home. Naturally, he knew the friendship between An Xuefeng and George. At the moment, the Black Widow even gave Bingyi the token of the Tower of Babel. , no matter from the perspective of feelings or benefits, it would be best if George could be resurrected.

But this is simply an impossible task! Part of George's soul is attached to the Tower of Babel. Now even the power of Thirty Degrees North Latitude cannot keep him alive. It seems that his soul is extremely weak. Once it is separated from the token of Thirty Degrees North Latitude, it will probably be destroyed immediately. The smoke has disappeared, not to mention that after so many years, the pollution at 30 degrees north latitude has probably completely soaked into his soul. Just thinking about Yu Hehui makes his scalp numb.

Compared with George, his Yu Hehui, Tong Hege and even the resurrection of Fenrir Wolf are really child's play! Thinking of this, Yu Hehui's eyes darkened and he said solemnly: "Otherwise..."

He made a cutting gesture, and now Black Widow pinned all her hopes on Bingyi. If he can't resurrect George and leave him completely dead, what the mad Black Widow will do is anyone's guess. Although George and Black Widow are pitiful, they must not endanger Bingyi's safety! Yu Hehui was ruthless, thinking that he could either strike first and restrain or even kill the Black Widow. There was nothing he could do about it, but he wouldn't do it if there was even the slightest other way to go.

"What are you doing?"

Yu Hehui naturally thought about An Xuefeng as well. He thought more and more deeply, and his eyes fell on Bingyi. Suddenly, he saw Bingyi summoning the twins of light elves, turning them into maggots and crawling on his fingers. The owl's eyes suddenly straightened, and he stretched his neck and stared at them intently until Bingyi ordered them to turn into elves again. , flying around the owl with a playful smile.

"I was wondering...are there maggots on the mummified owl?"

What Bingyi said was hard to understand. Yu Hehui looked at An Xuefeng. He had seen the initial mummy of an owl and knew best whether there were maggots on it. However, An Xuefeng didn't look at him. He stared at Bingyi and suddenly smiled. His eyes were very bright. When they looked at each other, their eyes were connected, as if they were in a clear mind and thought of the same thing.

"Almost like maggots."

An Xuefeng smiled, took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

The corpse of Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, contained huge power. Maggots were born on his corpse. He was chaotic and unconscious all day long. Under the enlightenment of the Nordic god, the maggots turned into elves.

As a token of the Tower of Babel, the mummy of the owl has great power, and the remnant soul of George is attached to it. Now it has lost its consciousness, just like a wild bird, just like the maggots on the giant's corpse.

"Today is Saturday."

Bingyi chuckled and looked at the owl, his eyes twinkling. Every day, the gods of the day would pay attention to the best-performing tourists/tour guides and give out various rewards. But today there was no prompt.

Is it because the performance of these two brigades was not the best the day before yesterday?

Not really.

Today is Saturday, the day of the fire god Loki, a day under Bingyi's control. Bingyi decides who Loki pays attention to and who he rewards. Today, the authority of his fire god Loki is the most powerful. He can feel the fire of Loki burning in his body, and his authority is almost complete. He could feel that his body was full of strength. Yesterday, Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, recognized him as his son.

Compared with the power of giants, the third version of Loki's power in terms of 'god' is slightly weaker. He is purely hostile to Odin, so naturally he will not get more recognition from him.

If you want to reach the peak of power, you must be balanced and not lose control. There is one thing that only the Nordic gods can do, and that is to create life. If Bingyi can complete it, then his authority as a Nordic god will no longer be able to be controlled by other gods. God questions! But it's not easy to do this. Bingyi has been experimenting with George for this reason, but it has not been successful so far. It is difficult to produce any results on Loki's Saturday.

Until he saw this owl, it was as if fate had sent it into his hands. What a perfect experiment. It was attached to a corpse full of power. Chaos had lost its humanity, and Bingyi had just melted the bones to George visited him a few times and had some experimental experience with him. This was such a good enlightenment material that Bingyi immediately had a whim and wanted to give it a try!

Miniature versions of Fenrir Wolf, Corn Snake and Xiaocui appeared beside him. Bingyi's body was ignited with the flames of Loki, his eyes shone with the light of wisdom and authority represented by runes, and the tent The room became inexplicably quiet, and the solemn and solemn atmosphere made Yu Hehui subconsciously hold his breath and focus. He looked at Bingqu without blinking for a moment. He picked up a finger, gathered all the power belonging to Loki, and gently tapped the owl's forehead.

It's like the Norse gods enlightened maggots and turned them into elves. Today, the God of Fire and Wisdom has gathered his divine power to rival the gods with a human body, and to burn the light of wisdom for the chaotic creatures!

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