Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 73 Exploring Northern Tibet (16)

After returning to the station, the passengers were still having a heated discussion. Intrigued by this atmosphere, Fei Lezhi and Yin Baitao looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

Originally, they thought it was difficult to hear about the crown scepter, the dragon god waterway, the lost bone flute, etc., and they had no clue, but when Jiang Hongguang said this, although it was deliberately simplified to comfort them, it had to be said that the two of them had no idea. People are much more relaxed.

Experienced travelers have prepared in advance the adventure equipment they may use, but each of them has different financial resources and experience, and the items they prepare are also biased, so there are always gaps. For novice travelers, here are the materials provided by the hotel. Although they are relatively basic, they are better than comprehensive.

Everyone gathered together to check and fill in the gaps. When the eagle flute successor arrived, the passengers had already been divided into groups in advance and had prepared their things. You can go with just a backpack.

However, the Shang Shung ruins are not the ruins that still have many above-ground buildings. It was severely damaged by many earthquakes in history. Visitors who come to Qiongzong Mountain for the first time to visit the Shang Shung ruins may be disappointed, because at first glance they see two bare buildings. There are some khaki-colored ruins on the mountain of earth and stone, but the rest cannot be found.

This adds a lot of difficulty to the exploration. Travelers have no way of knowing whether there is a secret passage under the khaki rocks of the Shang Shung ruins and where it leads to the ruins. They can only explore the mountain by luck. Exploring blindly will definitely waste a lot of time and may lead to nothing.

Legend has it that the Shang Shung Kingdom was built on the mountain. There may be secret chambers and secret passages under the earth and rocks from the top of the mountain to halfway up the mountain. The Dragon God Water Channel mentioned by the descendant of Ying Flute further shows that the underground secret passages under the Shang Shung ruins are intricate and there may even be water channels leading to the local area. Provoke Yongcuo.

In this way, even if Xu Yang's title of [Blind Perception] can detect the scene ten meters underground, the secret chambers on the surface and underground near the surface are likely to have collapsed long ago and cannot be entered.

Even though Ji Hongcai brought engineers and shovels, they couldn't dig a tunnel right away. We are not professionals. What if we fail to dig properly and collapse and bury people inside?

This is where the importance of maps comes into play. Wei Xun took the human skin thangka map and took the tourists to the top of Qiongzong Mountain and looked down. Everything you see is yellowish. People who are not archeology professionals may think that everywhere they look is the same. There is no difference at all.

But Wei Xun took the map and followed him. The three ruins that Snow Leopard and Mink discovered corresponded to the various complex symbols on the human skin map, roughly delineating the possible scope of Saikang Temple.

"Look from here."

Wei Xun casually circled around and basically covered most of the right side of the mountain and the area up the mountainside, which was close to the tunnel that Diao Zai had explored and was full of headless mummies.

That place may have been prepared for killing sacrifices. The last king of the Shang Shung Kingdom was assassinated and died while offering sacrifices to the lake. At that time, they were at war with Tibet. Before offering sacrifices to the lake, Gu Xin, the national master of the Bon religion, would definitely have prepared sacrifices in advance, most likely the enemy soldiers who were captured on the battlefield, and sacrificed them alive.

The Shang Shung Kingdom regards Bon as its national religion and respects high places. It is believed that the higher you practice in a steep place, the easier it is to achieve Dzogchen. Gu Xin's status is higher than that of the king, and the Saikang Temple is at the highest place in the kingdom. There should have been a higher tower for Gu Xin to practice. The place slightly lower than the Saikang Temple may be the former Shang Shung Palace.

But now that thousands of years have passed, Qiongzong Mountain still stands, but the buildings on the ground are basically invisible.

Seeing Wei Xun actually take out the map, the experienced travelers could only admire in their hearts. Having such a captain really saves them a lot of trouble. After Wei Xun delineated the general location, the passengers all knew what was going on. Now, except Wei Xun, there were nine people in the brigade, divided into three groups.

Jiang Hongguang and Ji Hongcai led groups respectively. With the top of the right mountain as the center, one group went eastward and the other group went westward around the range drawn by Wei Xun. Yin Baitao and Fang Yuhang stayed at the station as a temporary maneuver, watching everyone's equipment. Once a signal is sent from the east and west sides, all members will be notified immediately. Xu Yang followed Wei Xun exclusively and became his exclusive underground detector.

"If Ding Yi is still here, this shopping spot should sell walkie-talkies."

Jiang Hongguang said that the signal on the high mountain is not good, and the mobile phone signal is only one bar. They acted separately. If something happened to one of them and it was difficult to contact them, especially if they accidentally fell to the ground and broke their legs and fainted, it would be a disaster for the sky and the earth.

"We don't have very professional expedition equipment, so we must be careful when exploring the ruins."

Ji Hongcai was dividing the whistles to ensure that there were at least two in each team: "Like this Xiangxiong ruins, which have been exposed to wind and rain, the seemingly solid earthen walls may have been loose for a long time, and they collapsed if you were not careful. When I left, Stay away from those earthen walls and stone bricks, carry a hiking pole, and check if there are cracks on the ground first, don’t step on them directly.”

"Buckle the climbing rope between the three of them and keep a certain distance. If someone falls, they must hold steady. If there is danger, blow the whistle."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the wind was not so strong. The passengers checked their equipment for the last time and acted as planned. After their figures disappeared among the khaki rocks, Wei Xun led Xu Yang down.

The mountain road was difficult to walk, and altitude sickness was also a severe test for Duoduo. Xu Yang felt sorry for his dog and trusted Wei Xun, so he let Duoduo rest at the station. He tried the trekking poles of the tourists one by one and chose one. The one with the most suitable length can be used as a blind cane, and it will be very stable when walking.

In front of the two of them, there was a little black dog with a droopy head leading the way. It was so small that it couldn't be seen when it was sunk in the cracks of the earth and rocks. But Wei Xun can know the location of Dingo with his consciousness and rarely looks at it.

Ding Yi’s [Old TV] props are actually not as good as Bingjiu’s original [Pornography]. The person who engages in pornography is Bingjiu himself. He appears in the split screen of other passengers’ live broadcasts, and he also has his own mosaic, which can be used to block pornography. Other split screens are also blocked.

Even if all the passengers are in the same screen, and the entire screen cannot be blocked for the sake of the outside audience, the mosaic will tenaciously cover Bingjiu's body and the people closest to him, and both his voice and image will be mosaic-ed.

The [Old TV] doesn't work. It simply blocks Ding Yi's live broadcast split screen and turns it into snowflakes. However, if Ding Yi is in the field of vision of other passengers, his figure will also be exposed in the split screen. on the screen. Just like the audience can see the little black dog stumbling and walking in front of Wei Xun's live broadcast through the split screen.

But in the current situation, the latter is more useful. If Ding Yi's shielding prop also shielded himself, the audience would have known what was going on as soon as they saw the small mosaic next to Wei Xun.

"Brother Wei, it's over 500 meters."

Xu Yang suddenly said that when they were alone, he used to call him Brother Wei, which seemed to make their relationship closer.

"It's okay. The reminder that Ding Yi was seriously injured is still there. He won't recover so quickly."

Wei Xun said, and then he saw the corners of Xu Yang's mouth curl up quickly and then flatten. The smart kid understood directly that Ding Yi would probably not come back.

If Ding Yi comes back, Xu Yang believes that Wei Xun will not stay five hundred meters away from others, and most likely everyone will always act together.

In fact, when Wei Xun said that the team was searching, Xu Yang guessed that Ding Yi might be dead. Even if he was not dead, it was not because Wei Xun said he would only sense it when he was close to 500 meters away, but because Wei Xun had a way to sense it all the time. To Ding Yi's position.

But he thought about it but would not say it. He just secretly smiled happily, feeling happy in his heart, as if he and Wei Xun were getting closer because of this little secret.

Then, Xu Yang felt Wei Xun's hand fall on his head and patted him gently.

"so smart."

Wei Xun praised that it was worry-free to take care of a child like Xu Yang, especially after he was completely convinced. The road down the mountain was not easy to walk, so Xu Yang walked extremely carefully even with the help of trekking poles, so his speed inevitably slowed down.

Wei Xun thought for a while and simply asked Xu Yang to stop and stand next to him. Just when the audience in the live broadcast room thought they were about to see a warm and friendly scene of Wei Xun carrying Xu Yang, they saw Wei Xun put his arms around Xu Yang's waist, lifted him up, and then tucked him under his arm. Then I saw Wei Xun holding Xu Yang in his arms and jumping straight down from the mountain!

Xu Yang:? ?

audience:? ? !

The strong wind howled past his ears, making Wei Xun look like a vigorous beast that was born to grow in the mountains. He jumped to a height of seven or eight meters every time, and it took no effort to carry Xu Yang. In three jumps and two jumps, he reached the underground ruins where he had discovered Shuang Xiu's mural.

"It's too fast."

Wei Xun was still recalling the feeling of leaping unscrupulously from the mountain just now. The excitement brought by the rapid fall and jump made his heart beat faster, the corners of his lips curled up, and his breathing became slightly faster due to excitement.

It's a pity - it's too fast.

He only jumped a few times before reaching the ground, which was not many meters in total.

If, if, Wei Xun couldn't help but look forward to it. What a joy it would be if one day he could climb Mount Everest and then start jumping from the highest mountain!

"Come on."

Wei Xun smiled and put Xu Yang down. He quite liked the child. When he became childlike, he couldn't help but want to share his favorite things with him.


Xu Yang was put down and fell to the ground as soft as noodles.

Dad, Mom, have I arrived in heaven?

In a hazy state, Xu Yang seemed to see his parents in heaven waving to him affectionately, and Duoduo was also yelling at him next to his parents, wagging his tail into a shadow.

Xu Yang happily reached out to them to grab his parents' hands. But at this moment, Wei Xun rushed out from the side, grabbed his waist, and led him to jump from heaven to the eighteenth level of hell!


Xu Yang woke up suddenly and felt wet on his lips. He licked it, it was sweet.

"Ahem, sorry."

Wei Xun fed Xu Yang a small half bottle of glucose and secretly added some medicine to calm the mind and replenish the blood. It was rare that he felt a little embarrassed. It is also rare to meet a child with such high IQ as Xu Yang, which reminds Wei Xun of his own childhood.

But not everyone is as unafraid of death as he is, and loves to try all kinds of excitement.

I think you Ziming also persuaded him to find a partner and fall in love, which might be better, but Wei Xun dismissed it because he was not in good health and could not delay others.

He really couldn't find anyone who could go crazy with him.

You can’t just ask someone when you meet them, ‘Hello, do you like extreme sports? Can you fly in a wingsuit or skydive from a low altitude? How many times have you climbed Mount Everest? ’

Wei Xun sometimes feels aggrieved. He wants to find someone who is as good as himself and has a common topic. This is not too much!

"No, it's okay, I'm fine."

Xu Yang still seemed to be floating in the sky. He felt that the earth was soft. He wanted to vomit as soon as he recalled the terrifying feeling of weightlessness, but he held on, refusing to let Wei Xun think that he was timid. In fact, he had a small face. They were all pale with fear.

"I'm fine, Brother Wei, where's my blind stick?"

Wei Xun felt even more embarrassed to see the child frightened like this. He took out the sleeping mink cub from his pocket and stuffed it into Xu Yang's arms. The Sky Fox cub is a good thing. When you hold it, you will feel a strong sense of warmth and a happy mood. You will naturally develop love and protection for it. It is indeed a very useful object to divert attention.

But Xu Yang, who was trying to stand up with his blind cane tremblingly, hugged the mink cub, but he seemed to be stupid, and fell directly to the ground again. The mink cub fell to the ground in a dazed sleep. , the little body gradually turning into snow-white rolled a circle of loess.

Mink Zai:? ? ?

When Wei Xun saw Xu Yang's condition, he felt that something was not good. Xu Yang's face turned even paler. He was trembling all over. He panicked and backed away with all his strength, as if he was frightened. His teeth clicked together and made a rattling sound. The floating soil was caked with sweat and looked extremely dirty.

No, it's not a mink problem. Wei Xun directly picked up Xu Yang, took the blind stick from his hand, and gave him a few sips of the remaining half bottle of glucose.

Xu Yang grabbed Wei Xun's clothes tightly and staggered back more than a dozen steps before finally stopping, gasping for breath in shock.

"What did you see?"

When Xu Yang managed to calm down, Wei Xun asked in a low voice:

"What's underground?"

[Blind Perception (Blue Title): As a blind person, you have extraordinary perception. You can go down to ten meters underground, go up to ten meters high in the air, and you cannot leave your range of perception for a week. Of course, it is not easy to perceive these. , you must have a guide dog or a blind stick]

This is Xu Yang's title. He was so scared when he got the blind stick. There must be something under the ground!

Wei Xun glanced at where they were just now, which was between the secret room with the strange Buddha statue discovered by Snow Leopard and the secret passage with Shuang Xiu's mural discovered by Wei Xun.

"Yes, there are corpses, one, no, many. There are many corpses in the soil."

Xu Yang's voice was trembling, his face was pale, and his words were rarely incoherent.

"There are so many, so many. They are standing and buried in the soil, forming a circle. I can't count how many there are."

"It looked like their necks were broken, their faces were completely looking upwards, and all the corpses were - they were looking at the people on the ground!"

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