Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 733: Iceland Shock (254)

"Wannadalschnukönuk is the highest peak in Iceland, with an altitude of more than 2,000 meters."

Yesterday's windy winter has passed. Today there is no deafening wind sound. The passengers can hear clearly what B1 said on the sled about the rules of this volcano hike.

Since this is not a mandatory attraction on the itinerary, there are not many tourist attractions set by the hotel that must be completed when climbing the volcano. It is all up to everyone to explore on their own, so it is quite easy for tourists.

"We are going on a ski-mountaining trip. The total distance is about 23 kilometers, and it is expected to be completed in two days. Everyone must have brought their own skis."

As soon as B1 said this, the passengers laughed, and even the werewolf Walker pulling the sled chuckled. Of course they didn't have personal skis, and the passengers were so poor that they only had money. It doesn’t matter if you can buy anything with Icelandic Mark. The tour guide always asks for money when he says this. Seeing everyone laughing, B1 couldn't help but curl up his lips, and then became serious: "Why are you laughing? I tell you, I'm afraid I won't be able to buy snowboards this time. I didn't bring any with me, so I had to use local materials when I got to the mountain. Freshly made.”

He signaled the travelers to observe their surroundings. In addition to the severe cold and heavy snowfall, the worst thing about the Finbul winter was that the indigenous people soon ran out of food and clothing on a large scale and began to fight among themselves brutally. The aborigines in the camp are a good example. If the training angel hadn't frightened them with its powerful force last night, and if the travelers hadn't left today, I'm afraid the aboriginals in the camp would have attacked the travelers soon and started brutally. Fighting internally.

The situation is so bad that the shops at the foot of the mountain, the tourist center and the like will definitely not be able to operate normally, and it is basically impossible to replenish supplies midway.

"Anyway, hiking today and tomorrow is not a necessary attraction. It is very flexible. If you really can't ski down the mountain, you can use my tortoise shell."

Tang Xiang said calmly, his tortoise shell was more than enough to hold these tourists, and the smooth plastron was also very suitable for gliding on the snow.

"Tang Xiang, your tortoise shell is good, but I don't know why. I feel sick when I think about it."

It was so dark outside that Tang Xiang didn't notice that all the passengers' faces turned slightly pale when he mentioned the turtle shell. Yin Qiaoqiao couldn't help but whisper and drank a few water to suppress the nausea. The passengers are also puzzled. They obviously don’t have any images in their memories, so why do they feel nauseated when they think of Tang Xiang’s turtle shell? Even the sleepiness of old dreams was swept away. Bingyi and B1 looked at each other, remembering the turtle shell that had a trajectory far better than that of a roller coaster last night and was finally buried deep in the ground. They looked at each other and smiled to hide their merit and fame. Then B1 changed the topic at the right time: "The most famous thing about this volcano climb is the many volcanic caves along the way and the ice bridges that you will pass when hiking."

Vannadalschnuk is the second largest active volcano in Europe. When it erupted in 1362, it burned the largest amount of volcanic ash in Iceland and completely destroyed the entire area, so that it was named Orafi (Big Wasteland), there are many volcanic caves on the way to climb the volcano. The scenery inside is wonderful and magnificent, but it is also very dangerous. You must have a professional guide to lead the group, otherwise you are likely to die on the way.

In addition to volcanic caves, ice bridges are also a wonderful sight that can be enjoyed when climbing volcanoes. Fang Hunter has the most say in this regard. He said that many companies advertise that the volcano climbing season will be very long, until August, but in fact six It will be impossible to climb the volcano after this month because as the temperature rises, the necessary ice bridges for hiking will melt and many places will become inaccessible.

"Of course climbing a volcano in late October would be a stupid decision."

The tooth hunter mocked unceremoniously: "Rather than calling it climbing a volcano, it's better to call it climbing a glacier. It's purely life-threatening."

Especially now it is the winter of Fenrir. It has snowed heavily all day and all night. The snow is so thick that if you want to hike up the mountain, you will end up in a snow pit when you jump off the sled. Unless you can float on the snow, you can't do without the sled. Even the tooth hunters couldn't understand why Bingyi and B1 insisted on climbing the volcano today. The aborigines in the camp had already been tamed. Wouldn't it be better to stay in the camp to rest and concentrate on dealing with old dreams?

"The first phase of the journey will soon end. The more information related to the volcano before the second phase of the journey to the center of the earth begins, the better it will be for us."

Wei Xun supported Director B 100% no matter what, so he heard this and said. They can get in touch with the volcano before exploring the center of the earth. Especially this is not an unknown volcano. It is the highest peak in Iceland. This is an absolute benefit for both teams. It is very likely that there will be the center of the earth in the volcano. Props that can be used during adventures.

"That's true, but it's really difficult."

Yao Jinghe sighed and opened a little scarf to let the cold wind blow in. She was shivering from the cold and barely managed to stay awake. Before setting off this morning, they each had a piece of smelly shark meat in their mouths, relying on it to stay awake. The darkness of Eternal Night and Finbul Winter will continue to reduce people's mental values, which is not only reflected in the SAN value, but also makes it more difficult to stay awake.

Although in addition to smelly shark meat, personal runes can also keep the original owner awake, but An Xuefeng is very strict about runes. After all, this involves the resurrection of the incarnation and relatives in the old dream, and Miao The resurrection of Fang Fei's avatar integrated the runes into it, and An Xuefeng would not easily take them out for the passengers to use as they pleased, so as not to waste power and affect the resurrection of the avatar and relatives.

The tourists could only endure the strong smell of stinky shark meat that irritated their nerves. Every time they saw them grinning, Bingyi felt happy in his heart. Fortunately, he had dragon hunter scales, and the sleepiness from the old dream had little effect on the tour guide. It's very big, otherwise he wouldn't be able to stand the smell of smelly shark and would have to eat Dead Bug No. 1.

But even so, Bingyi still hid his entire face in his scarf. The tour guide sat in the center of the sled, and the three most important baskets of smelly shark jerky were placed next to him. Unless Bingyi goes to ride on a loaded sleigh, he really can't get rid of this looming stench.

"If you want to explore the volcano in advance, you can expect to encounter difficulties."

Dan Lin said calmly, Bingyi felt him approaching and whispered to him: "Director Bing, angels are holy and pure, and their feathers can resist all filthy and evil atmospheres."

Bingyi raised his eyebrows when he heard this, took the little owl out of the lizard egg, held it and took a deep breath. Sure enough, what Dan Lin said was right. Even if he smoked the eagle through his scarf, the smell of smelly shark meat that was vaguely lingering around him was swept away, leaving only clean and refreshing air. Through the goggles, Bingyi’s eyes met Xiaoguang’s. There's no reason why Angel doesn't know what Dan Lin knows, so why doesn't Xiao Guang say it? For a moment, Bingyi thought about the various internal struggles between angels and demonic insects, and his face darkened slightly. Unexpectedly, Xiaoguang also had a look of shock and annoyance.

How could the Lord not like this smell? Raphael said that the Lord is Satan and must like the smell of sulfur from hell (similar to the smell of smelly shark fermentation). Damn it, it said that the Lord is not an ordinary Satan and loves purity. How could he like it? The smell of hell, Raphael cheated on it!

Bingyi didn't know that there would be internal fighting before his own angel group was established. He put this aside in advance and looked at Dan Lin. This person would definitely not talk to him without reason. Sure enough, after feeling his gaze, Dan Lin smiled helplessly and hesitated to speak: "Director C, Raphael and Raguel have been subdued by you, the security in heaven must be tighter... Is Maria still alive? ?”

"She's still alive."

Bing only said these four words and didn't reveal anything else. At one past midnight, Maria also lost her previous memory. She used to kill Lisa so decisively on the Diamond Black Beach. I heard An Xuefeng said that this could be regarded as a tacit understanding among tourists. But having lost the memory of the past, leaving only this journey and normal thinking, Bingyi believed that Maria would definitely feel repentant for her murder. Even in heaven, she would most likely ask for punishment, or even punish herself. Go to hell.

If everything goes well, he might be able to use Mary as a springboard to visit hell in the future. How could Satan not return to his hometown in hell? Sensing Bingyi's thoughts, the newly hatched little golden butterfly fluttered lively in his arms. This little thing combines the genes of golden silkworm Gu and Dieda, but it does not inherit the power of both parents. Instead, it has a unique variation. Its talent is to open a passage between the two worlds. If it had been there, the Fire Country passage would not have to rely on the little lizard.

Little Kingdee has a very positive personality. He has wanted to help his master in a big undertaking since he was born. He is particularly eager to help Bingyi when he wants to open up another world. But Bing pushed it back, now was not the time to think about heaven and hell.


An Xuefeng shouted sharply, and the Fenrir wolf pulling the sled suddenly accelerated, dodging the huge ice cone falling from the sky. There was a muffled roar behind him, and the ground shook and snow waves rolled, almost overturning the sled. The passengers on the sled screamed and hurriedly lowered their bodies to hold the sled down, but that was not the end. Densely packed ice picks fell from the sky, like thousands of sharp swords falling to the earth, mechanically stabbing the earth coldly.

They had completely left the camp and reached the range of the volcano. The terrifying and harsh weather of the Sword Winter suddenly arrived. Although the passengers had been prepared, the moment the ice cone fell, Tang Xiang set up his turtle shell and placed the sled carrying supplies beside him. It is also covered by the turtle's plastron, but the worst thing is not only the continuous falling ice picks, but also the rugged ice forest blocking the way for travelers!

After zero o'clock, it is the Winter of Swords. It can be said that the ice cones like showers have been falling all night outside the influence of the camp. Outside, there are towering and sharp ice cones standing on the ground everywhere, like a forest of swords, scattered throughout the area. earth. Unless Fenrir Wolf and Werewolf Walker can grow wings and fly over the icicle jungle, the way forward will be absolutely impossible.

"Bang bang bang——"

The sound of ice picks falling on the tortoise shell was continuous, shaking people's hearts as if they were about to pop out of their chests. Fenrir wolf roared outside, and the fang hunter screamed at the front of the sled. The continuous falling ice picks had begun to block their retreat. A decision must be made as soon as possible, whether to turn back to the camp or continue forward, and how to move forward.

"Pack your things and get ready for sledding. Let's dig a tunnel and go underground!"

An Xuefeng immediately ordered: "How far is it from the nearest volcanic cave?"

"The straight-line distance is at least five hundred meters, and we have just reached the volcanic cave at the foot of the mountain!"

The tooth hunter unceremoniously rejected Wei Xun's whimsical and crazy idea. However, just before he finished speaking, another calm voice sounded: "Pack your things, everyone and supplies get into the turtle shell and prepare to jump on the sled."

"Bingyi, you-" Why are you so crazy! The fang hunter looked over in shock and anger, but when he met Bingyi's eyes, his heart suddenly jumped. Bingyi's eyes were actually bright red at this moment, like the color of flames, and like -

"Hurry into the turtle shell, don't hesitate!"

B1 was the first to respond and greeted hurriedly, calling the werewolf Walker who was carrying a sled full of supplies not far away and was hit by an ice pick. The SAN value has been dropping so much that he has been in semi-undead form for a long time. It is also the undead transformation that makes B1's intuition extremely sharp. He has been trembling with fear from just now, as if there is some terrible power that can burn all the dead souls deep in the earth. Gathering and brewing, it is about to burst out.

Closer, closer, the fire in Bing's eyes became more dazzling. He seemed to be able to hear the gurgling sound of magma deep in the earth, and feel the terrifying firepower that had been accumulating underground and eager to erupt. This is the underground fire. When Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, recognized Loki as his child, Bingyi gained the authority to take charge of the underground fire (Ymir's three children were in charge of underground fire, air and water respectively), perhaps because Today was Loki's day, or maybe because they were driving on an active volcano at the moment, Bingyi felt the surging underground fire very clearly for the first time. They were already on the verge of erupting, and as long as they were a little stirred ——

Boom! ! !

At the moment when everyone and the beast barely hid in the turtle shell, the earth suddenly cracked, and the raging tongues of fire spewed into the sky instantly engulfed the sled. The ice cap at the foot of the long-sleeping volcano Vannadalshenuk cracked, ushering in There was a small volcanic eruption, a terrifying natural disaster that seemed to herald the coming of Ragnarok. The high temperature melted the ice cones, and the majestic force threw the turtle shell high into the air. The passengers followed the violently rolling turtle shell. Flying hundreds of meters with the turtle shell, and then crashing to the ground, I felt that this overwhelming feeling was strange but damn familiar!

But they were still some distance away from the volcanic cave, and they did not escape the area where the densely packed ice cones fell. Before the dizzy passengers could vomit and put their heads out of the turtle shell, Director B stretched out his evil hands and slapped the ground hard through the turtle shell.


Another burst of magma exploded, and the turtle shell flew away again! But this time the turtle shell did not fall to the snow.

【what happened? 】

The rumbling words were like thunder, and the volcano's continuous small-scale abnormal eruptions attracted the attention of Begelmir, the grandson of Ymir's ancestor giant and the ancestor of frost giants, who was searching for angels in this volcano. Like an iceberg collapsing, the huge Frost Giant stood up high and grabbed the flying turtle shell with one hand!

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