Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 744 The Horror of Iceland (265)


There was a crisp sound. During the earthquake, the ice pick in Hong's hand dug deeply into the basalt wall. He barely controlled his body. The temperature all around rose instantly. The magma that was originally just a gurgling stream around the rock wall spewed out like a huge flood. It was like streams of boiling golden-red molten iron shooting into a huge cave with unfathomable depths.

And as the underground fire was stirred up by Bingyi and shook violently, the torrent of magma gushing out from the gaps became more and more terrifying. The cracks in the rock wall were cracked even more, and the earth shook violently. In the blink of an eye, it looked like a volcano was about to erupt. Great scene! And in this disaster, the power of the abyss, which had tended to subside, became restless again, and thick black mist rose up from the depths of the bottomless pit, getting closer to everyone than before, like another dark and special tower about to erupt. of volcanoes.

The little golden butterfly is always on standby by the big white cat's ear, reporting on the stability of the abyss passage. The big white cat was relieved after learning that the abyss passage was stable again. He looked at Director Hong and saw that Director Hong was also looking back at her. Even though the tour guide's hood hid his face, he could still feel the extremely complicated emotions of the tour guide.

Could it be that the boss really became a butcher tour guide?

I saw a big white cat wearing a black cloak and flying in the air with demon wings. Behind it was the rising rich and twisted pollution of the dark abyss and the violent eruption of hot magma. It seemed to be particularly satisfied with what it was doing. In this almost... The cat's face was smiling at the scene of disaster, which made Director Hong feel dazed for a moment, remembering the anxious things in her heart when she was chatting with Director Huang on the ground.

She has spent quite a lot of time with the brown cat, and is keenly aware that it has a cold temperament, is by no means a good person, and has an extraordinary understanding of the abyss. Now it seems that it is not only him, but also the boss who is even worse. Not to mention that the butcher guide kills people like crazy. Among the tour guides in the entire hotel, the butcher guide definitely has the most zeros. He is the best at fighting in the alien state and fighting against the abyss. The most exposed to pollution.

The second child is like this, and the eldest child is like this too. Their futures are completely involved in the abyss. Could it be because she imprinted these characters on the wall of the giant cave in the abyss today, which affected their future?

But Director Hong will never give up when things get tough, especially when Dabai personally buys her time. She took a deep look at Baymax, and then took a look from her cloak. The character information engraved on the rock wall itself is a kind of pollution. The more important the information is and the deeper it is connected to the abyss, the more terrifying the pollution is. Even if you use abyssal stone cocoons and abyssal plants as ink and contaminated human skin as paper, it will be difficult to imprint the characters.

After repeated failures, Director Hong had fewer and fewer spare human skins at hand, but the most lacking thing was 'ink'. The phantom cat saw that Director Hong was blocking him and didn't force it to look. Seeing that the 'ink' was not enough, it jumped to other machines that were spraying magma. He continued to collect in the cracks, and before leaving, the cat's eyes glanced at the little phoenix bird standing on the head of the big white cat.

The little phoenix bird is in an excellent position, and the red guide cannot stop it. It stared at the rock wall without blinking, seriously recording and analyzing the characters on it. An Xuefeng became an explorer all the way from an archaeologist. Other pioneers of the 30th North Latitude may not necessarily have walked this line of designation. Analyzing various ancient texts is what he is best at, from La'lye to the ancient Maya, from the pyramids When he arrived at Daxi Continent, he made full use of the explorer's power and saved his life in critical situations many times.

When Bing said that the beginning of the ancient characters was decoded by Director Hong, An Xuefeng suspected that she was also an explorer. He spent almost all his energy on deciphering and memorizing the runes on the stone wall. Director Hong didn't know that human skins were there. He didn't stay, but there was very little news about the original abyss in the hotel. Even Whitechapel and Metaphysics had no records of this strong man who had left a mark in the huge pit of the abyss.

But the things that appeared in the old dream are definitely not just made up by the hotel. The most likely reason is that the Hong Dao couple really arrived here in the past, rubbed the characters on the rock wall, and brought them back to the hotel, so the hotel only There will be records.

Then why didn't he get this information even if he became the person in charge? Was it sealed by the hotel on purpose? In any case, An Xuefeng intuitively believed that the characters on the rock wall were very important. He suspected that the person currently in charge of the hotel might not be able to hold on to something so full of the power of the abyss. In other words, Director Hong might not be able to read them in his dream. Take it with you. So he must remember now!

I asked Bingyi if he could hold on for a long time without any serious problems. An Xuefeng devoted himself wholeheartedly to analyzing the memory characters. One person, two cats and one bird worked together in a tacit understanding. The magma spewed intermittently, and the volcano remained on the verge of breaking out. In the eruption state, the primitive abyss is in steady riot, and the abyss passage is as solid as a rock, leaving plenty of time for Director Hong to make rubbings and An Xuefeng to recite the analysis. However, Director Huang and the red team who were at the top resisting Michael were in trouble!

Michael absorbed the underground flames to protect himself against the pollution. He originally wanted to absorb all the fire, but the pollution here was so heavy that he had to temporarily avoid the edge. Moreover, Huang led the red team to be strong. The red team was taking the right path and was not at all affected by Mi. Caleb's Holy Light suppressed them, and they cooperated tacitly in tandem. Michael's Angel Legion was no longer around, and it was difficult for him to take advantage of two against one on his own. Moreover, he had to devote his energy to guarding against Huang Dao's red team.

The huge pit in front gave Michael an extremely dangerous feeling, even darker than the bottomless pit in the Book of Revelation. It is said in the Book of Revelation that when the fifth angel of the Last Judgment blows his trumpet, a big star will fall and give him the key to the bottomless pit. The angel opened the bottomless pit, and smoke rose up from the pit. Even the sun and the sky became extremely dark because of the smoke. There would be locusts with men's faces, women's hair, scorpion hooks, and lion's teeth. Fly out of the bottomless pit to punish those who commit crimes.

But the pitch-black pit ahead is obviously not under the control of the Almighty God. Even the evil Satan will tremble in fear in front of the pit. Even if Michael is the son of light, if he is knocked down into the pit, his bones will probably be gone. Contaminated into a walking zombie monster.

Once there is no flame to protect himself, Michael may eventually be able to retreat temporarily. In fact, Huang Daohong's team had already felt that Michael's offensive was weakening, and seemed to want to retreat. However, just as they were rejoicing, this stupid volcano went crazy and suddenly erupted again, sending a massive amount of underground fire to Michael. As soon as this good guy's living force came to support Michael, it was like a dead tree blooming into spring, and he launched an offensive It suddenly became violent and I simply didn’t want to leave!

However, the situation was changing, and Huang Daohong's team was secretly complaining. This evil pit made Michael jealous and made it impossible for tour guides and tourists to stay long. The ubiquitous thick fog of abyssal pollution has made Director Huang's alienated state more and more serious, his SAN value has almost returned to zero, and the red team is not feeling well either! The reason why the red guide was able to face the characters on the rock wall for so long was because they were tour guides and tourists who had a good understanding of each other and could support each other. The passengers are more tolerant of the pollution of the abyss than the tour guides, but they have been bearing the pressure of mental pollution coming from the red tour guide, and the red team's face has become increasingly pale.

Michael fought harder and harder, but they were about to be unable to withstand it.

‘It’s done! ’

Finally, after the phantom cat went back and forth several times to take the abyssal stone cocoon and grind it into paint, and when Director Hong's spare human skin was almost exhausted, she successfully finished rubbing the last character! At this moment, Director Hong's mental state was extremely poor. His lips were pale and he was covered in cold sweat. His eyes behind the mask were as black as ink. The medium's power was almost out of control. If he stayed here for a few more minutes, it might return to zero.

The big white cat and the phantom cat are also in very bad condition. The devil horns on their foreheads are coiled like sheep, and they have devil bone armor growing on their bodies, as if they are wearing cat-version black mechas. They are both almost in ruins. , mainly because An Fengniao had almost parsed most of the characters, and jotted down the rest for later analysis. He looked directly at the highly polluting characters for too long, and his spirit was severely damaged. Crazy devil, fortunately he has a deep connection with Bingyi, and this body is a clay sculpture, so it is difficult to absorb the effects of distortion.

The Bingdao cat shared a lot of mental pollution and poor mental state for him, and the phantom cat was his mental illusion, just like pulling out a carrot to bring out the mud. They were all in extremely bad states. Even if Director Hong failed to seal the seal in the end, Bingyi was still thinking about preparing to retreat at any time. When he saw this, he immediately asked Xiao Jindie to open the abyss passage and asked An Fengniao to escort Hong Director out. He and the phantom cat would join Director Huang's red team.

But as if he sensed a change in pollution in the abyss, and the people inside wanted to flee, Michael's offensive suddenly became fierce! Inspired by thousands of holy light flame arrows, the emerald seraph wings burst out behind him, and double images appeared on his body. There were actually fallen angels and demons. They were powerful enemies he had defeated before, and now they all became Michael's help. !


Director Huang, who was almost at the end of his strength amid the loud noise, and the red team were unable to stop Michael, whose strength suddenly soared. A fatal gap was suddenly opened in the defense line. Even though Director Huang's expression changed drastically, it was already too late to stop him immediately. Seeing a ray of light passing between the two of them like a meteor, it was Michael! I saw him like a god of war, covered in light armor burning with flames, with a handsome and cold face, holding a flaming holy sword and slashing at the big white cat - the little golden butterfly next to him!

His combat intuition was extremely keen, and he could sense that this spatial distortion started from the golden butterfly. If you kill it, Satan will have no way out, and it will be like catching a turtle in an urn. His speed was so fast that Satan didn't seem to have time to react, so he froze in place. However, when he saw that he could chop butterflies with one sword and cut off Satan's cat head, he saw the Mother of Satan who had already entered the passage suddenly turned around and stared at Micah. Well, her eyes were as dark as ink, and the power of the most powerful psychic exploded instantly. What was even more terrifying was that a blue-purple light faintly appeared in the depths of her black eyes, which was the power of the butterfly fragments.

The nearly zero powerful psychic, the power of the butterfly fragments, and the fact that they were above a huge pit in the abyss, the combined power of the three was extremely terrifying. Even an angel with a dull mood was aroused by her. of grief. It was as sad and painful as seeing his companions, Uriel, Raphael and Raguel, being plotted by Satan and falling into darkness one by one, but he was powerless and could only draw swords against them.

But Michael was determined, and he quickly dispelled this emotion and regained his composure, but there was a pause in the end. In a short time, Huang Dao, the red team, and the phantom cat and the big white cat had entered the abyss passage and escaped at the speed of light, leaving only the archangel flying alone above the dark pit.

"Oh God."

Michael looked coldly at the place where the abyss passage disappeared, with a cold face. He could not pursue it. The gods and giants of Northern Europe still had some power left, and they would soon drive the angels out of Northern Europe. Michael lowered his eyes again and looked at the bottomless pit at his feet. It was so dark that even his heart trembled, but he knew that the bottomless pit would appear in the world and Satan would not have much time to wreak havoc on the world.

This bottomless pit is the residence of the fallen angels and the prison of Satan. The Lord once said that Satan will be kept in the bottomless pit. He will close the bottomless pit and seal it with a seal. The bottomless pit will trap Satan for a thousand years. . When a thousand years have passed, Michael, the Son of Light, will temporarily release Satan according to the command of the Lord until he does evil again.

For a thousand years...he will trap Satan in the bottomless pit and prevent him from bewitching Uriel and other archangels in the future.

"Oh God."

'Oh God'

Hoping that everything would go well for him on this trip, Michael prayed devoutly to the Lord. Gradually, the flames in his body prayed with him, chanting that the Lord was equally pious. This had never happened before, but Michael was not too surprised. He thought it was the Lord's manifestation, so he showed a warm and amazing smile and held up the flame beside him.

With the help of these underground fires, he can persist here longer. Next time... he will definitely drive Satan into the bottomless pit, disappear, and return to heaven with his angel army.

In the abyss passage, the big white cat looked behind him thoughtfully, his tail raised and swaying proudly, his blue eyes slightly narrowed, and he seemed to be full of evil.

He was responsible for creating this underground fire, and Michael actually dared to smoke it. The more he absorbed, the more spiritual fire Bingyi mixed into.

It is true that once Michael is aware of the problems, it is easy to eliminate them, so Bingyi cannot let them reveal their flaws quickly. He can only order them to pray and use the power of faith to influence and distort Michael little by little.

The Archangel is extremely determined and this will take a long time. If it were reality, Bingyi would probably have a hard time subduing the living Michael, but now it's an old dream... This was at least twenty-five years ago.

Old dreams will affect reality, which means that when Michael meets Michael again in reality, he has been influenced by the spiritual fires for twenty-five years, and the spiritual fires will continue on their own after being raped by Raguel. Multiply, until then——

Bingyi is looking forward to meeting Michael in real life.

The abyss passage is very short. The red team carried the exhausted guide red on their backs, and the yellow guide advanced with a knife. The group quickly reached the end of the passage.

"Come out, they're back!"

There were sounds of surprise and excitement coming from outside, and silhouettes of people could be seen faintly. They were the passengers who came to pick them up. The red team perked up and recognized that this was Tang Xiang's father. To be on the safe side, they first handed over the human skin with the rubbing characters on it, and then carried the red team leader outside. However, as soon as they landed, they heard a cry of surprise from the people around them, and an ominous premonition came into their hearts. The red team looked suddenly, and saw that the human skin he handed to the person's hand turned into a pool of black mist!

No matter how quickly the passengers reacted, they could not prevent the black mist from dissipating. This thick pile of human skin, the news from the abyss that Hong Dao and his wife risked their lives to bring out, not a single word was left behind.


The red team vomited a mouthful of blood immediately, while the red team leader was already unconscious when they walked into the deep passage. There was silence in the cave. Director Huang stared blankly in the direction where the black mist disappeared, and finally sighed helplessly.


Things in the abyss can only stay in the abyss, and no one can take it out of the world.


An Xuefeng expected that the human skin turned into black mist and dissipated. He glanced at Director Hong and saw that the phantom cat had disappeared. Old Dream now also has a live broadcast, and I don’t know how the phantom cat came to be so cautious, and it was not caught in the live broadcast even once. The live broadcast in the abyss will be blocked, but it is different on the ground. If these abyssal characters were seen by the audience, a lot of people would die.

So no matter whether the red guide and his wife brought people to the ground in the past, they definitely couldn't do it in their old dreams, because... they were such idiots.

"Now it depends on how much Director Hong can remember, but she is in a very bad condition now."

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