Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 753: Icelandic Horror (274)


Bingyi, who had just sat up, froze up and couldn't help but take a breath of air. Using the shelter of the tent, he carefully lifted up his cloak, unbuttoned the collar of his jacket, and opened his cashmere sweater to look at his chest, his expression indescribable.

The red tooth marks ran from the chest to the lower abdomen, which was particularly dazzling on Bingyi's pale skin. It looked ambiguous and cruel, as if it had been eaten alive by a wild beast. Bingyi knew that old dreams would affect reality, but he never expected that it would be reflected in this place - the teeth marks bitten by the snow leopard in the dream were still there in reality, and there was no need for a snow leopard hanging ring this time - Bingyi Just by looking at it, you can tell where the eight points on the big white cat’s belly correspond to!

Although he wouldn't feel pain, it was still uncomfortable where the clothes rubbed against him. Bingyi was unprepared. When he first stood up, a soreness and numbness passed through his chest like an electric current. For a moment, Bingyi's waist felt a little soft. This feeling was really uncomfortable. Strange and evocative. His expression was unpredictable and silent, and he looked very fierce. No matter who looked at it, no one would know that Bingyi was in a daze and reminiscing, but he was lifeless, as if he had opened the door to a new world.

After a while, Bingyi came back to his senses and put down his clothes calmly. There was no need to apply any ointment, just get used to it - leaving this mark on his body until An Xuebao came back from his old dream and had a good talk with it.

Then Bingyi tidied up his clothes and hair that were messed up by sleeping, put on his cloak and almost tripped when he left the tent.

‘Father, Father, you are back! ’

The joyful and surprising voice of the corn shoots sounded in Bingyi's mind, and he saw that the flame cave was covered with light yellow worm bodies, like a very spiritually polluted carpet. However, the body of the corn shoots was too big, and it was stuffed into it. The one in the cave is only the tip of its tail, which came out after sensing the excitement of his father's awakening.

Originally, most of its body and head had already burrowed deep into the volcanic basalt, ready to ambush the enemy at any time. Only a few bright yellow tentacles hung down from the door of the tent where Bingyi slept. They looked like decorative tassels, but they were actually The worm tentacles will be discovered immediately once the father wakes up or someone dares to teleport into the tent. As long as others don't pull them in and take a look, they won't be able to find the problem at all.

'father! There are giants trying to destroy your insect nest! If he hadn't left in the end, the bamboo shoots could have swallowed Him whole! ’

After the corn shoot was happy, it realized that it had hindered its father's actions, so it quickly put the tip of its tail back into the cocoon and returned it to the ground. Only its tentacles were left to wrap around its father's arm, and began to complain. It originally shrank down to defend the hole, but because it was worried that the giant would come back, it was wary of defending in its original huge form. Speaking of this corn shoot, I'm a little cautious. The giant is really very big. Even if it is in its true form, it may not be able to swallow this person whole...

It was talking big words in front of the Father, but fortunately the Father did not notice. The corn shoots quickly changed the subject and chattered a lot. It's just that what it said was a bit confusing. After all, it wasn't a smart insect and it didn't have the mental state to express it clearly like Xiao Cui and others. Bingyi looked around while listening to the corn shoots talking, but was surprised that Xiaocui and Wangcai were nowhere to be seen!

He had left corn shoots, Xiaocui and Wangcai in the cave when he fell asleep. They were still there when he came back after sealing the first crack. Why now when he woke up, only corn shoots were still there? Apart from him, there was only one person sleeping beside the tent holding a knife, as if guarding the door for him, it was Ah Feng.

An Xuefeng did not wake up from the old dream with Bingyi this time. His mental pollution was almost removed by sucking the cat, so he stayed in the old dream and raced against time to continue resurrecting his incarnation and began to resurrect his relatives, while helping Bing As soon as I stared at the situation in my old dream, I didn't expect another accident to happen to the crack that had just been sealed.

Except for Ah Feng, who was still sleeping in the cave, the other sleeping bags had long been empty, packed and stacked together. The cave was filled with the smell of stinky shark meat. Apparently, as Ah Feng said, the other passengers were trapped in old dreams. They woke up early, and after eating shark meat, they gathered their energy and began to explore the depths of the volcanic cave - they should be exploring the cave where they are currently staying. The smell of stinky shark meat is faintly coming from the depths of the cave. Bing was so embarrassed that he even kicked Ah Feng, and then while listening to the corn shoots talking and contacting Xiaocui and the other insect dogs in his mind, he hurriedly covered his mouth and nose with his cloak and walked quickly to the entrance of the cave to breathe in the fresh air.

As soon as he walked out, a huge, fluffy figure rushed towards him. Bingyi now has a psychological shadow on white-haired animals, and his body turned away from Fenrir Wolf's passionate intimacy, and then he heard a slightly sinister voice coming from the side.

"You wake up, the volcano has erupted several times."

There were Wei Xun and Director Bing sleeping in the cave, so it was impossible for them to be left unattended. Bingding looked closely and saw the tooth hunter smiling kindly at him, but his bad tone seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, and his hair was shaved a lot shorter for some reason - the tooth hunter was originally quite artistic. She is thick and has long curly hair that reaches her shoulders. I don’t know whether her hair color is dyed or natural. It is a very luxurious dark red under the light, and she looks very beautiful.

However, Bingyi would not hesitate to ask the tooth hunter why his hair was so short all of a sudden. The remaining underground fire aura on his body showed that... ahem, there is a high probability that his hair was burned by fire. Maybe the volcano erupted too suddenly and the tooth hunter was unlucky again——

"It's hard to put it into words. It was too dangerous in the old dream."

Feeling that Fang Hunter's eyes were looking at him more and more dangerously, and his eyes were lingering on the hair by Bing Yi's ear more and more frequently, Bing Yi jumped out of this dangerous topic and sighed deeply: "After all, I am just a cat in my dream, and I really can't help myself. Thanks to you, I can protect Fenrir Wolf and the volcanic cave."

If Bing Yi only said that Fang Hunter protected the cave, he probably wouldn't have any reaction. If Fang Hunter's first reaction when the volcano erupted was to take the wolf away, or Fenrir Wolf howled and rushed into the cave desperately to save Bing Yi, he pinched his nose and followed, protected the cave and sent away the frost giant ancestor who came to spy on intelligence, and paid a painful price (hair).

But Bing Yi said that it was thanks to him that Fenrir Wolf was protected, and this was very pleasant to Fang Hunter. If you taste it carefully, you can also taste that Bingyi admits that he is not as good as Fang Hunter, and he is not as weak as him in protecting the wolf. In the future, the success rate of obtaining Fenrir Wolf will be greater. Fang Hunter's face also looks better. He said lightly that it was okay. The volcanic eruption was a small problem. He didn't try his best at all. Then he took the initiative to tell Bingyi about some things that happened after they fell asleep.

"I found something for the ancestor of the frost giant to do. He won't come to disturb us in the short term." Fang Hunter said with disdain and looked at Bingyi, complaining: "You slept too long. As a tour guide, you can't delay time. At noon, the ancestor of the frost giant arrived as scheduled, but he almost got angry when he saw that you didn't wake up. If he really wanted to take action, your passengers wouldn't be able to resist for long. Even if you left this big bug, some people would die."

It seems that the giant who was looking for trouble that Yumi Shoot mentioned is probably the ancestor of the frost giant. After all, Fang Hunter hasn't torn his face with Odin yet, and can barely be regarded as a spy of the Norse gods. He said that looking for trouble for the ancestor of the frost giant might have attracted some Norse gods. After all, Bergermir was searching for angels on the surface, but secretly exploring the volcano to find a passage. This was all hidden from the Norse gods. Once they came close to the gods, it would be easy to find clues, and they must be sent away.

‘Master, Xiao Cui has good news to report to you! ’

When Xiao Cui finally replied while chatting with the Fang Hunter, Bing Yi couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows when he heard her voice full of joy. He listened to Xiao Cui talking about what she had done - it turned out to be related to the visit of Bergermir, the ancestor of the frost giants, at noon.

Bergermir came at noon because he wanted to see Loki for sure. He knew how much Loki liked to play tricks on people, even if the previous agreement to explore the volcano in the afternoon was not reliable, so Bergermir found a legitimate reason that Loki could not refuse -

He brought a message for the giant Hlem.

In Norse mythology, the ancestor of the frost giants did not show up. It was the giant Hlem who led the frost giants to fight and assembled the frost giant army. In Norse mythology, the giant Helem has been colluding with the goddess of death Hela for a long time. The frost giant army was transported to the battlefield by Hela's ship Nagelfa - during the transportation, they also met Loki and all the fire giants of the Fire Kingdom. It can be said that all the giants in the myth were transported by her ship.

Helem came to inquire about the construction of Xiao Cui's ship. If help is needed, he can provide a batch of dead people's nails - the ship Nagelfa is made of dead people's nails collected by Hela for many years. But this death god has been replaced by Xiao Cui, and there is no accumulation for many years, so it is normal for Helem to worry.

If Xiao Cui needs help, Helem can help open the passage from Jotunheim to the underworld.

This is exactly what Xiao Cui wants! She knows that the underworld, the fire kingdom and the fog kingdom are at the bottom of the world tree. The master has long wanted her to open the passage between the underworld and these two worlds, so that she can come and go freely in secret. Xiao Cui has also been working hard to study this, but unfortunately her Little Netherland is just starting out, and there are no gaps in the barriers. It is extremely difficult to maintain the stability of Little Netherland while opening a channel with the outside world.

Xiao Cui does not have any insects that are good at drilling channels. The group of insects in northern Tibet are indeed good at gnawing holes, but it is almost impossible to rely on them to gnaw a channel. Just when she was at a loss and wanted to see if she could develop male insects with Nordic characteristics, Helem came to her door. With his help to open the first channel from Little Netherland to other worlds, Xiao Cui can gain valuable experience and strength in this development. After personally experiencing the development of the channel, she can cultivate engineer insects that are dedicated to the channel, and it will no longer be difficult to open the channel from Little Netherland to the Land of Fire and the Land of Mist!

Xiao Cui carefully said that the master was asleep at the time, and the opportunity was rare. At that time, Yu Hehui was transporting flame crystals back and forth in reality. She told Yu Hehui...

'Telling Yu Hehui is equivalent to telling me'

If you can really open a channel yourself, you must not miss the opportunity. Xiao Cui told Yu Hehui again, and it was not a private action. Bingyi became friendly to her, and the trembling Xiaocui keenly sensed the change in his tone, and boldly called her father again. The father was kind and the daughter was filial, and Xiaocui talked about where Wangcai went.

'Wangcai went to keep an eye on Yiwu. He was in danger of death in the afternoon, and he turned into a salmon when he was reset.' Xiaocui said regretfully, in fact, according to Yiwu's strength, he would definitely become more and more courageous after being reset. The problem was that he did not succeed in being reset, but because of 'Loki's gaze', he turned into a salmon and fell heavily on the ice in front of everyone - this was the biggest danger of death!

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