Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 759: Icelandic Horror (279)

"Woof woof!"

Unexpectedly, the dishes at the Giant's Feast were so suitable to his and Wangcai's tastes. The three-headed dog took a deep breath, and there was a hint of contemplation in the blue eyes on the right side of his head. What kind of meat is so tempting to him? It can't be an abyssal creature like parasitic bacteria and pupal juice, right? But if it were really an abyss creature, B3 could eat so enthusiastically?

"Wow." What kind of meat is this?

Wangcai landed next to B3 and finally started to communicate with her. B3 had just eaten a large piece of meat with difficulty. It was a bit difficult to swallow and his face didn't look very good. When Wangcai came down, she quickly looked over, not daring to take another look at the meat, as if she would vomit if she looked at it one more time. This expression of resistance was the same as that of the phantom cat when it smelled the pupa juice, which convinced Bingyi that the meat was most likely a product of the abyss.

"These giant sheep come from the abyss crack in the Jotunheimen Mountains, the same one you and I met."

Sure enough, I heard B3 say: "They are the only creatures in the crack of the abyss. In order to hold a banquet, the frost giants captured all the giant sheep in the crack."

Seeing that Wangcai was very interested in sheep, B3 simply took him across the glacier table to where the giants slaughtered sheep. Here you can still see the most primitive appearance of those giant sheep. The cooking method of the Frost Giants is extremely simple. They basically kill and eat the sheep immediately. The place where the sheep is slaughtered is very close to the dining table. The smell of meat is getting stronger and stronger, and the fragrant Wangcai tail can't help but shake out flowers. The long and thick black dog hair on its body is fluttering in the wind, and it seems like a black smoke-like flame is rising, intoxicated to capture the fragrance that is spreading in the air. Abyss energy, a pair of dog eyes staring straight ahead.

"Whoosh, whoosh."

A group of giant sheep are crowded in a large ice crack. They have no heads, only bodies and limbs. They cannot scream or struggle. Although they are called "giant sheep" by B3, they have no hair on their skin, but are red. The naked flesh is the same color as human skin. There is only heat coming out of the body, which is like wisps of white mist coming out when breathing in the extremely cold temperature. It looks weird and scary, making people feel very uncomfortable.


When Wangcai and B3 walked to the edge of the big ice crack, all the giant sheep suddenly stopped moving, as if they had pressed the stop button. They all raised their heads, their empty necks pointed in the direction of Wangcai, as if they were looking at it... No, Bingyi felt that they were looking at him through Wangcai.

"Hey! Welcome to the banquet. Do you want to eat something fresh?"

The strange movements of the giant sheep caught the attention of the Frost Giant 'Chef' who was cooking the giant sheep at the edge of the ice crack. He waved boldly to Wangcai, used a big ice pick to pick up a bunch of sheep from the ice crack, and threw it onto the ice. , skillfully used an ice pick to cut through the sheepskin, from the neck to the four hooves to the abdomen. In the blink of an eye, a complete sheepskin fell down, with a whole sheep on it.

When it was brought to the glacier table, at first glance it looked a bit like a normal sheep except for its size, but as a newly skinned sheep, you could tell there was something wrong with it at first glance. It has no abdominal cavity, no internal organs, and even no bones. It is just a cavity of meat that can be eaten anywhere on the body. The giant then used an ice pick to pick up the skinned sheep and rolled it in the bubbling lava next to it. The sheep was considered to be roasted, almost exactly the same as the one presented to the table.


The Frost Giant dropped the fresh roasted lamb in front of Wangcai and B3, like a mountain of delicious meat falling from the sky. Of course, what B3 saw was different from what Bingyi saw. Her face immediately turned uglier, even a little green, and she couldn't help but suddenly took a dozen steps back, not even daring to breathe. When he looked up again, he found that Wangcai was missing.

"Woof woof!"

"You want these skins?"

Although Wangcai was drooling over the sea from greed, he was a good dog who obeyed his master's orders after all. Instead of eating the mutton, he ran to the giant's side, and the skins peeled off from the giant sheep were piled here. . With the giant sheep blocking B3's sight, the dog's head on the right, which had been sleeping just now, opened its eyes. Originally, he had been observing the surroundings with Wangcai's sight, but when he noticed the sheep's skin, Bingyi's heart moved slightly and decided to see it with his own eyes——

That's right! The big dog even used its teeth and claws to bite the sheepskin and feel it. This was very similar to the 'human skin' in the old dream where the red guide was branded with characters on the rock wall. The touch was almost exactly the same! In an instant, a layer of fine goose bumps appeared on Bingyi's arms, and his breathing was slightly stagnant. He thought of what Di Feiyu had said about the densely packed 'human skins' floating in the river at the intersection of the Kingdom of Mist and the Kingdom of Fire. He thought of the swollen human skins filled with flesh and blood and sinking into the depths of the abyss, at the gate of the abyss. The front exploded, and the polluted slurry flowed out to irrigate the pupae...

Is this human skin or ‘sheepskin’? Is this mutton or ‘human flesh’? In ancient times, during famine years, when food was so scarce that humans protected food, humans were also called two-legged sheep. In an instant, Bingyi's appetite disappeared. The big dog stepped on the sheepskin with its paws and barked at the frost giant with determination.

Yes, it wants these sheepskins.

"No, we have to throw the skins into the crevice after the feast."

The Frost Giant said unhappily: "Without skin, we can't breed new food. We won't have the main course for the next feast!"

Skin breeds organisms? In other words, these skins will automatically absorb the pollution from the abyss and then 'breed' flesh in the skin? Bingyi's eyes softened slightly. If these 'meats' were essentially polymers of the power of the abyss, it would be acceptable, but he would not believe the Frost Giant's words. The souls of seals were hidden in the sealskin backpacks in the Diamond Black Beach attraction before. Who knows if there might be something else in these skins.

He had to get them no matter what. Wangcai barked for a while, and as his dog barked, the Frost Giant's face also changed. Finally he exclaimed:

"What? You said all the cracks here have disappeared? This is impossible!"

Regardless of whether he believes it or not, it is an established fact that all the cracks in the Jotunheimen Mountains have been blocked by C-1. There are no cracks in the abyss, how can these skins be thrown back? The news spread throughout the banquet in an instant, and the Frost Giants were shocked. Wangcai didn't say much, and just let the doubtful Frost Giants see it for themselves.

When they came back, their faces were extremely ugly. They must have finally recognized the reality. But no one suspected Wangcai - the secret of One, C and One did not leave any traces. The two three-headed dogs of hell were originally on the side of the giants, and they stood side by side with the giants countless times in the Ragnarok. Fighting, it has no reason to destroy the crack?

The three of them brought the tokens of Bergmir, the ancestor of the giants in Iceland, with their wealth. They learned that Bergmir in Iceland was busy for the resurrection of Ymir, the ancestor of the giants, but the cunning and insidious God King Odin... When they kept looking for trouble, the frost giants were furious, suspecting that the Nordic gods had sneaked into the giant's home, and it was their work to seal the cracks.

It's really despicable and shameless!

"I hope Hela's ship will set sail soon and carry the victorious giants to the battlefield!"

A fine feast was turned into a swearing-in ceremony. The frost giants roared and roared in anger, vowing to turn Mount Jotunheimen upside down and summon the hateful Norse gods! And I heard that Wangcai is on a mission to thwart the gods' conspiracy. Next, he will go to the Sverje volcano in the northernmost part of Norway (there is a middle fissure there) to remind the giants there to beware of the gods, and listen to its barking. These skins were of great use to Hela in shipbuilding, and when they could help her build large ships faster, the frost giants eventually gave her a lot of skins.

"When Ragnarok ends, be sure to throw them into the cracks again."

Before leaving, the Frost Giants repeatedly warned that the cracks on their side had been destroyed, and they had to search the Nordic gods to prepare for Ragnarok. They really didn't have the energy to throw these skins into the still intact abyss cracks, so why not borrow them first? To Hela, the god of death. She will survive until Ragnarok, and she will keep her promises better than Loki.

Before the original abyss disappears after dusk, there is always a chance to put these skins into the cracks and give birth to new giant sheep. However, these newly bred giant sheep may not necessarily appear in the cracks of Mount Jotunheimen again. Thinking that when their descendants would have dinner together again, there would be no meat sheep to grab. The Frost Giants became furious and filled with fighting spirit. They waved their ice pick spears angrily and whipped up whirlwinds with great force, causing a series of ice and snow storms.

"Let's get out of here!"

The storm could almost tear apart the fallen angel's wings. She was flying at low altitude, struggling to hold a package several times larger than her body - inside was piles of giant skins. The situation over the Arctic Circle was complicated, and B3 offered to guide it, but Wangcai did not refuse. At this moment, each of its three dog heads is holding a leather package no less than the size of B3's hand, and there is a pile of skins tied to its back. It looks like a monster, not like a dog at all.

Not only that, Wangcai also had more skins stored in his belly - Bingyi was ambitious and wanted to take away all these skins. The frost giants counted more than 20,000 skins in total, which is not a small number! Fortunately, Wangcai had a lot of room in his belly, so he hid most of them secretly. The remaining several hundred skins were put on the surface. He and B3 shared them, so he could test B3.

However, even if the puppet master wants to do something, she is powerless now - the violent wind and snow are trying to tear her wings apart. The pile of skin is filled with the disgusting smell of the abyss, and it is as heavy as a mountain, so tight that her fingers are almost broken. There were also red worm-like flesh threads crawling and drilling into her hands. The puppet master looked livid and wished he could destroy them all with a fire.

But seeing the huge body of Wangcai in front of her carrying more giant skins than she had in her hands, and looking back at her warily from time to time, as if the skin was some kind of gold, for fear that she would run away, the puppet master was reluctant to throw it away. , bite the bullet and take the skin with you. Although she can't understand the barking of dogs, she can understand Wangcai's tone and expression when communicating with the giants. These skins are definitely good things!

In order to catch up with Wangcai's speed, the puppet master had to fight tooth and nail. Fortunately, she had just eaten the Meat Abyss and had enough strength, otherwise she might not be able to catch up. At around eight o'clock in the evening, one person and one dog finally arrived at the northernmost tip of Norway, the Spitsbergen Islands within the Arctic Circle. The frozen Sverje crater on the archipelago contains ancient ice millions of years ago, and there is also an active medium-sized abyssal fissure.

It's just that Wangcai and B3 didn't explore immediately. They didn't look like dogs after running all the way. The puppet master was covered in ice and snow, and the black fallen angel wings were all white, and he was holding a head of ice and snow. With his intertwined white hair, his whole person looked several times more weathered, and he trembled a little when he spoke.

Bingyi is not a devil. Wangcai sneezed and summoned some flames to let B3 warm his body together. By the way, Bingyi secretly contacted the Dragon Hunter through the flames and always paid attention to the development in Sweden.

As a result, as soon as the flames ignited, he received a small note from Otoji. The handwriting on it was a bit childish, and it roughly said something about Otogo's transformation into a salmon.

[Brother, I almost died too, why couldn’t I turn into a salmon?]

Ai Ai asked in the second issue of the note, feeling a little resentful, and asked the fatal question:

[Is my brother’s gaze only for me, or is it for all the brothers? 】

After seeing Yiji's note and thinking about what she had said to coax him, Bingyi felt a little guilty.

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