Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 763: Icelandic Horror (283)

"I'm too lazy to say any more, and I know what you're thinking."

Oji, who turned his back to everyone, spoke in a gloomy and cold tone. This was not a discussion, but a warning. An orange-red butterfly fluttered and landed on his shoulder, and the fingertips of his hanging arm flashed with a cold knife light: "If you want to continue, kill me before you do it."


A5 was almost going crazy because of Oto's indifference. The black cat sensed her mood and was so angry that she was so angry that she was eager to kill the butterfly. However, neither Cat nor A5 took action in the end no matter how angry they were. If she could beat Yi Er as a joke, why would she need to quarrel with children here? The naughty kid is so powerful but can't be killed at all. What a pure scourge!

"Tooth Hunter, Dragon Hunter, are you really going to let Yi Wu do this? We regarded him as a teammate, but he deceived all of us. Such a greedy person should not have a good end!"

Unable to defeat Yi Er, the unwilling A5 had no choice but to encourage Dragon Hunter and Fang Hunter. She had seen the strength of these two people for a long time. They were guaranteed to be stronger than him and should be stronger than Yi Er. Besides, there is only one person in Ouji. As long as the three of them work together, this kid will definitely be able to walk around without food. However, even though he said this, A5 didn't have much hope in his heart. The fang hunter and the dragon hunter were completely hard-hearted and were no less annoying than Oji!

"Yiwu is indeed greedy."

Sure enough, the dragon hunter still pretended to be "blind and deaf" and said nothing. The tooth hunter spoke with a half-smile, and his tone sent chills down one's spine: "I really don't like people who play tricks on me."


But but, there is indeed a but. A5, with a numb expression on his face, wrote lightly: "You don't have to worry. It's not like Ouji absolutely doesn't want to go down. Didn't he say that it won't be too late for us to explore the volcanic ruins together after Bingyi descends on me?"

Do you believe what he says? Where did the imaginary god come from? The day lilies were really cold waiting for the Bingyi god to come. The tooth hunters, dragon hunters, and all the hunters were really small brain hunters! A5 mentally scolded everyone present, but he also knew that everyone was not a fool. This was just an excuse for the Dragon Hunter and the Tooth Hunter. I'm afraid they are essentially the same group as B2 and B5. They are all a damn small group surrounding Bing1, and of course they will cover each other.

"Okay, I'll see when Director Bing will show up."

A5 said angrily, and took the cat to the edge to rest alone. She turned her back to everyone, as if she was angry, but in fact she had already calmed down and her face was solemn. It's too late to leave now, Ouji and the others won't let her leave alone. But she just showed that she is incompatible with Yiwu, and maybe she can use this as a springboard to join Bingyi's team.

Judging from everyone present, not to mention the two powerful ones, the Tooth Hunter and the Dragon Hunter. Among the tour guides B2 and A2, B2 is a C1 person, and Yuntianhe in the A2 team is a C1 person. Further down, Yiwu is Bingyi's person, but he is too ambitious and calculating. As Bingyi is so suspicious, he will definitely find someone to check and balance. In this way, A5, who has increasingly conflicted with Yiwu, is the best candidate.

The more Yi Wu becomes brothers with Yi Er and Bing Er, the more she, A5, has to show that she has a bad relationship with them, so that Bing Yi will feel at ease with her. People need to plan for the long term. A single volcanic relic is not enough to make the A5 lose its temper. On the contrary, it is something that can be exploited. Now there are basically no passengers available in her team, and they must either go alone or join other teams.

Ragnarok is approaching, and the most powerful force today is Bingyi. Stroking the sleek fur of the black cat in her arms, A5 had already made up her mind. She believes that Yi Er will not tell lies, and Bing Yi may indeed be descended from the gods, but the candidates for the divine descendants are worthy of scrutiny. The fang hunter is invisible to A5. He is very powerful and scheming. Will the adventurous god descend on him and take control of him completely?


"Brother, you are finally here!"

Ouji's excited voice came, and A5 immediately looked back keenly, only to see Ouji in a silver-purple cloak throwing himself into the dragon hunter's arms, showing an extraordinary intimacy.


A5, who was filled with excitement, dropped the cat and walked quickly towards the crowd. His eyes fell on the dragon hunter. He was lowering his head and stroking Ouji's head. His movements looked very gentle. He smiled and said something to Ouji in his arms. Even his teeth The hunter also came over to chat, his face obviously looking better.

Sure enough, Bingyi did not descend on the tooth hunter, but chose the more stable dragon hunter!

"Director C, long time no see."

A5 smiled and said hello. When the dragon hunter looked back, he raised the corners of his lips and nodded casually to her. The familiar feeling made her feel even more confident. Even if Ouji looked at her with an extremely unkind look, A5 didn't care. The dragon hunter smiled, and the black cat followed closely, meowing and meowing at the dragon hunter. It sounded so cute.

"Without further ado, we will descend to the volcanic ruins in ten minutes."

When the Bingyi God descended, the originally loose-minded people seemed to have a backbone, and there was no objection at all. After saying hello, A5 consciously went aside to prepare things, leaving her private space to Bing 2 and Bing 1. She was not worried that Bing 2 would say bad things about her. She even wished that Bing 2 would say something more serious. It would be better to talk about the conflict between her and Bing 5. Come out, it's definitely better this way.

However, as if he was too excited, Otoji kept circling around the dragon hunter, acting coquettishly, and had no time to mention anyone else. He kept chattering, and the dragon hunter he was talking about smiled helplessly and put his arms around Otoji's shoulders, finally calming him down. Seeing that Ouji really didn't want to file a complaint now, A5 felt a little regretful in his heart.

However, she had no idea what Ouji and the dragon hunter were talking about at this moment.

‘No, no, no, let me take it easy, haha, if you act coquettishly at me again, I really can’t help but laugh. ’

The green strings were hidden in the cloaks of Ouji and Dragon Hunter. The dragon hunter couldn't help but laugh loudly in Bingyi's mind, leaving him speechless for a moment. Different from what was shown to A5 and Ya Hunter, Bing Yi was always on Yi Er from beginning to end, and the exchange with Dragon Hunter just now was just a show, thus misleading them.

After all, Otoji is too young and cannot match the strength of the Dragon Hunter and the Fang Hunter. God descends on him and cannot suppress the field. But if he doesn't reveal his divine descent and doesn't have the title of 'Bingyi', the tooth hunter will never be obedient.

So Bing Yi simply acted out a scene, controlling Yi Er to jump into the dragon hunter's arms and communicate with each other, and it was done. Yi Er is not good at acting, so Bing Yi goes into battle himself. Yiji's tone was both coquettish and obedient, pretending to be decent as if he was born with the talent of being a younger brother. However, the contrast was so shocking that the dragon hunter was shocked. No matter how good his acting skills were, he almost couldn't hold back. He hurriedly asked Bing He stopped and started talking to Bingyi. In fact, it was to give him time to communicate with Bingyi.

Currently, Bingyi controls this body, while Yiji's spirit takes a back seat, and the two people's spiritual communication is extremely smooth. Yi Er is not as able to observe various details as Yi Wu, but he has a superhuman talent for fighting. When he discovered that Yi Wu disappeared and the 'Silver Fish' left behind was only a small fragment, he immediately let the Yin Yang Butterfly swallow him. It forcibly peeled off part of the silverfish's memory, connected it to the original body, and let him know some information deep in the cracks of the volcanic ruins.

‘Brother, Yi Wu is so ambitious! ’

The more Ouji talked, the angrier he became. Yiwu really wanted to leave them alone and take all the benefits. He really let down his brother's love for him! He said that Yi Wu was not worthy of joining them. Thinking of this, Yi Er's tone became more cruel: "Brother, are you going to kill him? If you want to kill him, I will do it for you. Brother, there are more than 20 ways to kill him. Er Ten kinds! ’

‘A5 is not a good thing either’

When talking about Yi Wu, we have to talk about A5. Yi Er also dislikes this woman and even thinks that she has deep intentions - she doesn't want to be his sister-in-law, damn it! It's a pity that A5 is not a demonic insect and is not as easy to suppress as Yiwu. Yiji can only think of six or seven ways to kill her.

‘No hurry, no rush’

Bingyi touched Ouji's spirit with a smile. After the God descended, he realized that Ouji was really stupid, and he really didn't have the slightest intention to treat him. His attitude towards Ouji became better and better, and he was even willing to use it more on him. Some sincerity: 'Don't worry about this, they can't find the palm of my hand'

‘The top priority is to get the cracks in the volcanic ruins’

The B2 A5 Dragon Hunter Fang Hunter team is much better than the B5 single belt, with talents in all aspects. After simple preparations, everyone went to explore the volcanic ruins again. This time they did not rely on brute force like before. The dragon hunter followed the Bingyi plan and first asked the fang hunter, a hunter from Odin's side, to secretly contact the god of thunder and the god of war, informing them that Yiwu and others who had forced their way into the volcanic ruins were at the intersection of the Three Kingdoms at the moment, following the descendants of Loki. The three-headed dog of hell is prosperous in financial affairs and will soon reorganize its forces to invade the volcanic ruins!

Thor and the others had originally chased them to the sixth or seventh floor of the volcano ruins. They were furious when Yiwu plotted against him. They also felt a trace of Loki's divine power and the aura of the three-headed dog from Hell where he disappeared, so they naturally believed in the fang hunter. The lies - not really lies. God of War Tyr is the guarantor of the contract and the guardian of the oath. He personally verified that what the fang hunter said was all the truth. The Yiwu forces are really going to make a comeback!

So Thor, the god of thunder, led several Nordic gods to angrily go to Yi Wu and the three-headed dog to settle the score, leaving only the god of war Tyr, the fang hunter and some people to continue guarding the volcano ruins. It would be easy if the fang hunter became the spy. Soon A5's sleeping potion and the dragon hunter's alienation worked together to make the remaining gods fall asleep, and then they took the opportunity to sneak into the volcanic ruins without any effort.

Bingyi was determined, turning a blind eye to all the magical things on the first to sixth floors of the volcanic ruins, and went straight to the cracks on the seventh floor. There was a fanged hunter, and wherever he went, the volcanic lava lizards bowed to him and did not dare to act rashly. This made everyone move extremely smoothly, and soon they descended to the seventh underground level of the volcanic ruins and arrived at the abyss crack.

The middle rift in Sweden can be said to have the deepest connection with the primordial abyss. Even the environment is very similar to the big rift in Iceland. It can be regarded as one of the intersections of the Land of Fire and the Land of Mist. There is also a very Importantly, the big cow was born together with Ymir, the ancestor of the giants.

Therefore, if Bingyi wants to contract this rift, or destroy this rift, he must destroy the intersection point between the Kingdom of Mist and the Kingdom of Fire, destroy the environment where the original abyss power is generated, and then take the big cow away. , this can be solved once and for all.

Destroying passage nodes is a simple matter. Xiao Jindie has long been a proficient at destroying passages after so many times, and the energy spilled out when the passages of the Kingdom of Mist and the Kingdom of Fire are broken, Butterfly and the Fang Hunter can absorb it - in fact If Bingyi himself comes, he will never miss this pure Fire Country energy, but unfortunately now he has to give it to the fang hunter.

But this is all a small profit, the key is how to take away the cows. At this moment, Yi Er and Dragon Hunter were standing at the crevice where Yi Wu once stopped to look at the abyss, looking down solemnly. After just looking at the dragon hunter for a while, he turned away and closed his eyes tightly, not looking any further. But his nose was still filled with the strong smell of sweet and rancid milk, as if dirty milk had been poured into his nose and throat, and was about to overflow from his eyes and ears.

It's so scary, such a heavy pollution, the thick white contaminated milk that almost fills the entire crack in the abyss, the black spots on the thick milk skin that open and close like breathing holes, after looking at it for a long time, even the dragon hunter feels dizzy, as if he is drowning here. Contaminated by a strong milk smell. This is not a cow at all. How can I take it away? How can there be a container that can hold so much pollution?


After regaining consciousness, the dragon hunter continued to look down, worried about Bingyi in his heart. Seeing that Bingji had been staring directly at the crack, worried that he would be contaminated, the dragon hunter covered his eyes and warned: "Don't Stare into the abyss for a long time.”

"I feel fine."

Bingyi grabbed the dragon hunter's hand and looked from between his fingers to the crack in the abyss. After coming down here, he has full control over Ouji's body. At this moment, Ouji's eyes are glowing blue, so he is not afraid of the invasion of cow pollution. Otherwise, I might have almost been invaded and fell into the abyss like A5, and now I only dare to stay on the sixth floor temporarily.

"Tsk, how can we take it away?"

Listening to Bingyi sighing, he seemed a little worried. The dragon hunter couldn't think of any good solution, and sighed: "There are not so many containers that can hold pollution."

"Just take the cows away and don't worry about these abyssal pollutions."

Bingyi shook his head and looked at the big shiny white cow in the crack of the abyss. Compared with it, the medium-sized cracks in the abyss seemed small. The cow was stuck in it with all four hooves pointing upward. Its plump vagina spurted out several extremely thick streams of milk, but there was no container to contain it, so it could only fall into the abyss.

What a waste, this is the milk that nourished the ancestor giants and gods! Bingyi felt frustrated and worried. It is difficult to carry a big cow in this position, and you cannot put a nose ring on it and carry it away. Do you need to tie its four hooves and carry it away like a pig is slaughtered during the New Year? The magic chain Gleipnir can be used to bind cow hooves in the hands of the Tooth Hunter, but who has the strength to lift it?


Dragon Hunter and Fang Hunter are essentially dragons after alienation. If the two dragons go one behind the other, maybe they can carry the cattle away? Dragons can always carry cows away!


He thought about giving it a try, but when Bingyi told the dragon hunter about his idea, he found that he looked at her strangely.

"Tie him up? Carry him away?"

How to tie up the pollution in this crack? How to lift it? No, what exactly did Bingyi see?

"Of course it's a cow, what else?"

Hearing Bingyi's strange rhetorical question, the dragon hunter took a deep breath, his mind filled with questions. He looked carefully at Bingyi's expression and found that he was very serious and didn't seem to be teasing.


Dragon Hunter Dragon Scales is a bit chilly, it’s the first time I feel like this friend of mine has it, it’s a bit scary qaq

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