Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 766: Icelandic Horror (286)


The air waves stirred up by the roar of the golden dragon rolled up layers of ice and snow, and for a while it was completely white, just as its tail and limbs had long been polluted into pure white, and the golden dragon's scales were stained with large white spots. From a distance, it seemed to be fine. But if you look closely, you can see that these white spots bulge on the golden dragon's scales like milk caps, constantly rising and falling as if they are alive, and spreading to all directions at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is very scary and disgusting.

Along the way, the Golden Dragon was seriously affected by pollution, and it was one step away from being completely reset to zero. The crystal dragon on the other side was in a slightly better condition. It looked around calmly and heard the angry roars of manticores and wolves. The beasts that had just escaped from the cracks and wanted to escape were forced back by the formation. The bright rune The dark night that shrouded the sky and the earth was like day. A hundred meters away from the cracks in the volcanic ruins were the gods of war and thunder who had been waiting for a long time.

The Nordic gods they led surrounded the cracks and used the rune formation without hesitation. Which rune is this? How to crack it?


Just as the dragon hunter was thinking, the manticores and wolves that hit the rune formation immediately made a burning sizzling sound, and were bounced back in pain. Many beasts were even killed directly by the formation. On the road, the threat of death should have caused the herd to retreat, but the pollution that was constantly approaching in their hearts was even more terrifying!


The wolf king howled, the lions and scorpions gathered together, pairs of cold and cruel beast eyes stared at the rune formation that trapped them, the beasts roared like a menace from the throats of the beasts, they were smart and cunning, led by the leader to drive away the other layers. The beasts that rushed up in chaos, such as lizards, etc., were the first to attack the formation and weaken the power of the runes. Groups of beasts hurriedly crashed into the rune formation, exuding bursts of burning smell, but the light of the formation also began to shake with the impact of the beasts, giving it a shaky feeling.

Why is this formation so vulnerable? Even the attack of the herd seems to be unstoppable. How can this be used to intercept the cows? But the dragon hunter saw some clues. He once made the gods guarding the ruins dream, and he got some clues from their dreams. Combined with the fact that all the beasts that encountered the formation were burned to death. , the dragon hunter suddenly realized.

The rune formation set up here was built due to the geographical location. I am afraid that it is a formation that borrows the power of volcanoes and is biased toward flames!

This formation is probably specially used to restrain cows with an ice attribute, as well as Frost Giants who may come to kidnap the cows. However, many of the beasts living on the first to sixth floors underground of the volcanic ruins are all of a fire nature, and are originally related to volcanoes and the land of fire. This formation cannot cause much damage to them. If you want to kill them, you need to expend more power, which makes the formation attacked by the beast seem to be consumed very quickly and even a little vulnerable.

[Damn Loki, damn traitor, I will tear their faces apart! 】

The Nordic gods also discovered a problem. The God of Thunder looked gloomy and held a giant hammer. He looked like he wanted to kill the golden dragon that was trapped in the formation and roared crazily. It was obvious that the Tooth Hunter was definitely bewitched by Loki and had completely betrayed the Nordic gods. The camp has become Loki’s accomplice!

【It’s all Loki’s fault——】

Tyr, the god of war, also expressed anger. If Loki hadn't seized too much wisdom and authority and mastered too many runes, how could this formation that was set up by Odin, the king of gods, thousands of years ago be like this? Unstable. How could a complete formation be destabilized by a group of beasts contaminated by the power of the Kingdom of Fire? pity! Damn it!

[Zero o'clock has arrived, it's time to punish these criminals]

Seeing the surging milky white tentacles appearing in the middle of the cracks in the ground, and the formation of the beasts attacking more and more crazily, the thunder god glanced vaguely at the dark sky, and threw the hammer of Thor in his hand. For a moment, thunder rolled deep in the thick dark clouds, and even goose feathers and heavy snow fell. Everyone has to give in to the thunder and lightning, and the cold seems to be driven away by the thunder.

[No hurry, wait a moment]

Tyr, the God of War, held down the God of Thunder's hammer and looked at the golden dragon and the crystal dragon as if indicating: [Look what they are holding in their mouths]

In Norse mythology, the gods were afraid of Fenrir, the demon wolf that grew bigger and stronger. They asked the dwarves to forge a magic chain to bind it, on the pretext that they wanted to test Fenrir's strength to see if it could break free. this rope. Fenrir was suspicious and wanted a god to put his arm in its mouth before he was willing to try. At that time, Tyr, the god of war and contract, took the initiative and put his right hand into the wolf's mouth as a pledge.

As a result, Fenrir Wolf could not break free from the magic chain, and the gods' intention to imprison him was exposed. The furious Fenrir Wolf bit off Tyr's right hand, and the Nordic God of War became a one-armed man from then on. Tyr always remembered this incident and had a deep memory of the magic chain. He felt the breath of the magic chain immediately after the golden dragon and crystal dragon jumped out of the crack.

[They used magic chains to lift the cows! 】

Tyr, the God of War, said: [But the cow is huge. If you want to lift it completely and lift it completely to the ground, unless these two dragons can fly, fly very high]

Obviously, only one of the pair of dragons has wings. The golden dragon cannot fly, so it is impossible for them all to fly high into the sky and lift the big cow to the ground. According to the current situation, most of the big cow's body is underground, and not even much milk is leaking out. There is no need to rush to deal with it and seal it. Instead, it can be used as bait.

【They are almost there】

If everything goes well, even these difficult manticores and wolves with the power of the Kingdom of Fire can be dealt with together.

The God of War Tyr raised his long sword and looked towards the west with a resolute gaze. The winter of swords had passed, and no sharp icicles fell from the sky, but the temperature dropped again, and heavy snow fell. There was no more color except black and white. The whole world seemed to be frozen by the extreme cold. The rolling white glacier peaks in the distance were covered with ice and snow - no, those were not snow mountains! They were moving and approaching rapidly, like an avalanche from the sky, rumbling to sweep across the entire volcanic ruins and the entire Sweden!

"Thor, your opponent is me!"

A silver light came in an instant like an arrow amidst the deafening roar, so fast that the air exploded! Thor roared and swung the giant hammer, and with a loud clang, the silver light of the giant hammer met. In the roar, Thor, who was famous for his strength, actually took a half step back, and the silver light shattered into ice chips all over the sky. It turned out to be a spear made of roughly polished icicles, which was the weapon of the frost giant!


Amid the deep and fierce roar of the three-headed dog, the huge frost giant army came like a snow-capped mountain under the leadership of Bergelmir. They were the frost giants who had just chosen their weapons in Mount Jotunheimen. They were the giant ancestor Bergelmir who had long been unwilling to waste time in the volcano and would rather start a war in advance. They swarmed to the volcanic ruins under the guidance of the three-headed dog, vowing to take back the cows and revive the giant ancestor.


Before the frost giants reached the ice cones, the ice cones with sharp tips were thrown out by the giants like javelins, and the air seemed to be torn apart by them. However, these ice cones were not only thrown at the Norse gods, but also at the bright rune formation. Many of the targets of the ice cones were actually the lion scorpion and wolf pack in the formation!

These beasts with the power of the Fire Country conflicted with the power of the frost giants and were familiar with the power of the rune formation. They were mistaken for enemies by the frost giants! Just as the God of War Tyr had expected, when the Rune Formation was broken, most of the wolves and lion scorpions also died tragically under the ice cones. Their deaths were extremely unjust. The rest were all scared and fled in all directions. No one cared. The frost giants crossed a hundred meters in one step and had already arrived at the ruins of the volcano. The battle between the gods and the giants was about to break out, but at this moment——


A golden figure roared furiously, shook off the ice chips all over his head and body, slapped the earth with its tail, kicked the ground with its claws, and rushed towards the frost giants with anger. It turned out to be the golden dragon that was innocently affected! It was originally on the verge of zeroing out of control and endured it hard, suppressing the bloody and violent killing desire in its heart, but it was hit by the ice cones thrown by the frost giants. The dragon head hurt, and the anger burst out for a while. It could no longer bear it and there was no need to bear it anymore. The golden dragon attacked the frost giants, but another figure flew up at the same time as it, and it was the dragon hunter!

Although the golden dragon has no wings, it can jump very high and has super strong air retention, which is no less than flying for a while. In a flash, the crystal dragon immediately took off from the ground and flew to the same height as it.

"Zheng hum——"

If a single golden dragon attacks the frost giant, it may be that it has "woke up" and wants to hit the giant hard to show its determination to return to the camp of the gods, but the situation is very different when two dragons leap up at the same time. For a while, the faces of the Nordic gods were extremely ugly, while the frost giants were ecstatic. With the clanging sound of the magic chain being pulled tight to the limit, thousands of terrible milky white tentacles "cow hooves" with a strong smell of milk pollution were pulled out of the ground. Large pieces of milk spots corroded the surface. The big cow that has been locked under the ruins of the volcano for thousands of years is about to reappear in the world!

"Protect, protect them--!!"

Bergelmir roared and waved his icicle spear, rushing to the front and picking up a Nordic god, and stopped the god of war Tyr with his own strength. The other frost giants also roared in response. The frost giants who were originally blocking the golden dragon made way for them like Moses parting the sea, protecting them and rushing out.


The giants were so decisive that the golden dragon had no target when it landed from the sky and wanted to kill people. The anger that had nowhere to vent made it roar to the sky, and instinctively hated the milk pollution spreading on the surface, so it jumped up again quickly. For a while, they really brought the big cow to the surface, and the milky pollution surged out.

"What a terrible pollution!"

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