Thriller Tour Group

821 Nutrient solution 276 Pollution out of control


The rhythmic sound of chopping bones echoed in the cave. Bingyi had already chopped off half of the bones on the left side of Taoist Master Kongkong's body, and was currently climbing behind him, grabbing the bulging bones of his spine. In order to spare some energy to think about what Taoist Master Kongkong said, Bingyi cut the bones at a slower speed, which sounded quite rhythmic. It is familiar with its bone-cutting movements, and even when Taoist Master Kongkong talks about its 'childhood', the rhythmic voice is not disturbed in the slightest.

In fact, this topic should be quite heavy. Taoist priest Kong Kong sighed helplessly when he mentioned it. The emotions he fed back were unfailing, and the emotions conveyed by the phantom cat were also very complicated, but it was difficult for Bingyi to empathize with it. Maybe it's because they have no memory - of course, almost no one remembers what happened when they were in the womb. When Bing listened to Taoist Master Kongkong's talk about the past, it was like listening to a story, and his mood did not fluctuate much.

He actually knows that he has few mood swings, especially that he doesn't have many negative emotions at all. But Bingyi thinks that he is quite normal in terms of emotions, just like even if he doesn't have any memories related to his father, when he watches the red team's spiritual imprint disappear, he will feel a little sad when he talks about the past.

But listening to Taoist Master Kongkong tell stories doesn’t feel that way.

Maybe it was because this was a narration by someone else, and he could feel his truest emotional feedback when he was holding the red team, so he was touched, but now he is very calm. There is nothing wrong with being calm. It allows Bingyi to eliminate emotional factors and think more rationally.

Is it because he was able to fuse so many butterfly fragments because he was contaminated in the primordial abyss?

It's not just that.

If Taoist Master Kongkong is not telling lies, the spirit of Hong Dao dispersed the soul of the fetus, and the pollution of the primordial abyss deformed the fetus' body, then what was left in her belly was just a deformed empty shell, which was by no means normal. children.

So how was he born and raised? Where did his soul come from? How did his body return to human form?

Is he who he is?

‘When we went down to the primitive abyss, we were the only two people who came to the gate of the abyss. We have really succeeded in reaching the primitive abyss. What is in front of us is the gate of the abyss. We have come this far and must not retreat.'

Taoist Master Kongkong repeated the original abyss and the gate of the abyss twice, which was enough to tell how shocked he was when he personally visited the abyss, and how firm his determination and belief were. So when Director Hong decided to leave to find the red team, Taoist Master Kongkong understood her, but did not leave with her. He wasn't sure if anyone would be able to find this place again, and he wasn't sure if he could come back here after leaving the Gate of the Abyss.

After spending so much money and material resources, and sacrificing the lives of so many companions, no matter what, he was going to try the door of the abyss and explore the deepest truth of the primitive abyss. Even if he died, he would try his best. Use every method to bring more useful information back, so that the next generation, the next generation and countless people after that may become stronger and may be able to change their own destiny.

To Taoist Master Kongkong's relief, he was not alone. While waiting in silence, Grandma Miao, Our Lady of Whitechapel, Director Huang and other companions arrived at the Gate of the Abyss one after another. The last companions were all still alive. But what made him sad was that he could not wait for the red guide to come back until the end.

Bingyi and An Xuefeng touched their spiritual tentacles, and Taoist Master Kongkong's words matched what Director Huang said. Everyone gathered in front of the Gate of the Abyss, except for the red team's red director who was not there. Something happened to the red team, and the red director went to find him. All of these were correct.

Taoist priest Kongkong was talking about the reason why the red guide could still survive after the death of the red team. Different from their previous speculation that "Guang Tuan found Director Hong" and allowed her to survive, the old dream was a joke and not nonsense. Director Hong really had a child in her belly at that time.

However, Taoist Master Kongkong obviously didn't know what happened on the way to find the red team. After all, no one has omniscient perspective.

‘Butterfly fragments are extremely active in the primordial abyss, and every moment we are subjected to double internal and external pollution. ’

‘Maybe some people can hold on longer, and some can hold on shorter, but the length of time has no meaning in the abyss. We need to take a look at the world behind the door while our strength is still at its peak.’

Taoist Master Kongkong suddenly sped up his speech at this moment: "The moment the butterfly's mouthparts protruded out of the door of the abyss, Director Huang, who was the strongest, grabbed it, and everyone took the opportunity to squeeze in through the crack in the door. The door was extremely thick." It was as wide as a tunnel, and the pollution in the abyss was so thick that it was difficult to move forward. At the same time, the chrysalis on the door fell one by one and turned into butterflies to block us. But I finally walked through the door of the abyss and saw the world behind it. It was a vast area. Star - Ugh! ’

‘Break the tie! ’

Daoist Master Kongkong let out a groan of pain, accompanied by An Xuefeng's stern yell, and he felt An Xuefeng's spiritual tentacles pounce on him and wrap him tightly, blocking the torrent of pollution that suddenly exploded and terrorized him. This is pollution and erosion. Any images, words or even words related to the unknown abyss are pollution itself. Obviously, Taoist Master Kongkong’s attempt to describe what is behind the gate of the abyss has brought unprecedented terrible pollution!

The pollution was so violent and terrifying that Bingyi even felt that even the total pollution experienced by the entire Iceland was not as good as this wave of invasion. He had to withdraw the ties as soon as he became aware of the problem, even more than An Xuefeng reminded him. Fast, but the end of the string seemed to be stuck in a thick and heavy mud, unable to be pulled out at all, and it was even pulling Bingyi towards the source of pollution.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, an illusory cat's claw appeared in his mind and severely cut the thread connecting Taoist Master Kongkong, so that the situation did not get worse - but the current situation was already extremely dangerous, Taoist Master Kongkong had just been slashed on his body. All the fallen bone petals grew back in an instant, even more terrifying than before. The entire snow cave was filled with bone petals, like a crystal cave. Huge and thick bone fragments blocked the way out, and there were bone fragments full of pollution in all directions above and below their heads. They were like mosquitoes trapped in sticky rosin, with no way to escape. What's worse is that the ubiquitous pollution and erosion have caused the bones in their bodies to faintly protrude from the flesh, with a tendency to grow outward!

"The old man said: The great road is invisible, giving birth to the heaven and the earth; the great road is ruthless, moving the sun and the moon; the great road is nameless, nourishing all things -"

The situation was completely out of control. Just when Bingyi and others had no choice but to use dragon scales to force away the old dream, the sound of chanting suddenly sounded from the depths where the bone fragments were most densely packed and almost formed into balls. The sound of chanting sounded far away. It was not as clear as before, but very weak. The breath of singing sutras was intermittent, and occasionally there were a few words that sounded distorted and weird. Sometimes it was the sound of sutras, and sometimes it seemed like noisy and chaotic ravings that made the mind swell and collapse.

But fortunately, Zhongzheng's peaceful chanting sound gradually overwhelmed the others. This time, Taoist Master Kong Kong did not sing any more. He only chanted the first line of the Qing Jing Sutra repeatedly. Gradually, among the bone petals that grew wantonly and eroded everywhere, there was A glimmer of light emitted. The snow leopard, which had been forced to use its paws with no place to move, holding the big cat in its mouth and carrying the monkey on its back, narrowly climbed on the bone fragments, saw with its eyes a small space in the middle of the bone fragments that were densely packed like spikes. , just able to settle down.

It endured the acid swelling caused by the contact between the four claws and the bone fragments, causing the leopard's claws to be quickly eroded and deformed by pollution. After observing carefully for a moment, it slowly dropped to this small empty space. The cold wind blows from overhead, and where there is wind, there is a path! The big cat that was held in the snow leopard's mouth looked up and saw that the sharp bone fragments that originally grew like stalactites from the top of the snow cave were empty and were now receding to correspond to the ground beneath their feet.

This is heaven and earth! It is the saying in the long song of Kongkong Taoism, "The great road is invisible, giving birth to heaven and earth"! However, the distance between heaven and earth is infinite. Even if it seems to be within reach, it is impossible to reach the sky no matter how hard you jump. But it doesn't matter. Between the 'sky and the earth', there are two light balls that are enough for the snow leopard to climb up. One is hot and the other is cold. They are the 'sun and moon' that move between the sky and the earth.

In addition, An Xuefeng can also clearly feel that the distortion that has affected his limbs has slowed down. This is probably the effect of the verse "Growing and nourishing all things". There is heaven, earth, sun and moon to nourish all things, and empty space The Taoist priest has opened up a way for them to survive! An Xuefeng immediately aimed at the moment when the sun and moon reached their lowest point and jumped up, his skeletal, deformed and twisted claws clinging to the 'sun'. As the 'sun' rises they gradually leave the snow cave, and

‘The spiritual imprint of Taoist Master Kongkong will be completely broken’

Yu Xiangyang sighed deeply: 'He should have wanted to tell us the important clues behind the Gate of the Abyss, but it's a pity..."

The pollution backlash was so severe that I thought the pollution situation might be better after Bingyi cut off half of the petals. Perhaps it was because of this that Master Kongkong wanted to take a chance and tell them more news. He was being eroded by pollution all the time, and every moment he became weaker than before. If he didn't speak out, he might not be able to speak out anymore.

Like now, he still has energy left. Even if he is on the verge of being broken by the backlash of pollution, he can still use his last bit of strength to sing and send them out safely. But if we delay for a while, the situation may not be like it is now. Taoist Master Kongkong had calculated everything, but unfortunately the pollution still came too quickly and too fiercely.

‘Only those who have truly reached the abyss are qualified to know the scenery behind the gate of the abyss’

The phantom cat rarely spoke, and his voice was low and cold: 'He wanted to expose the scenery behind the gate of the abyss. It was impossible to succeed in the first place, but it was destined to fail long ago. ’


'What a pity'

The phantom cat heard Bingyi's regretful voice, which was exactly what he thought. Indeed, it is a pity that Taoist Master Kongkong’s spiritual imprint was completely destroyed like this. He knows too many things, even the original abyssal cord. Even if he doesn't like Taoist priests, it would be a pity even for the phantom cat to be destroyed like this——

'Let's go down'

Phantom Cat:?

Bingyi is talking nonsense. No matter how unfortunate it is, one has to weigh the gains and losses. What are you going to do in this situation, die with the Taoist priest? Taoist Master Kongkong is completely hopeless. Even if Bingyi can cut off the bone fragments and flower petals, it can't match the speed at which the pollution spreads and the petals are reborn - huh?

‘Go down, I have something else to ask him’

Bingyi ordered An Xuefeng again. Facing the disapproving look of the snow leopard, the silver-white cat raised its two front paws and cocked its two back paws. Both the front and back paws popped out brightly. , all of them are possessed by the power of the spiritual lancet!

"There are so many bone fragments and flower petals that it's too late to chop them off, I can just run"

Bingyi spoke quickly and shook his shining claws: "There is enough energy, but I still have five or six lancets, which is enough!" ’

The most critical point, Taoist Master Kongkong has not yet said, why Director Hong destroyed the flowers in the first place, and how they got the flowers. He had briefly mentioned it before, and it did not contaminate the riots, so this was not a matter behind the scenes, so it should be something that could be said. Bingyi would never let him disappear before digging out the contents of Kong Kong Daochang's belly. And looking at the sky, the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, Taoist Master Kongkong obviously left them a way to survive and did not intend to put them to death.

In this case, he has saved Taoist Master Kongkong's spiritual imprint! Even if the number of lancets is not enough, he can still find memories on the spot and get more!

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