Thriller Tour Group

838 Nutrient Solution 282 Lizard’s Repayment

The little lizard felt depressed when he thought about how hard his journey had been. He was exploring the cracks in the abyss alone and was almost killed by a suddenly closed crack. When he was planning the Kingdom of Fire, the disgusting Flame Angel Francis and Yu Hehui were causing trouble. He tried to gain access to the Flame Giant and tried to improve the Flame Demon Sword, but the Flame Demon Sword disappeared out of thin air!

Whenever the plan was ruined, the little lizard couldn't help but think of what the astrologer God said about adapting to fate. It had always scorned it before, but this whole journey changed his mind a lot. After all this tinkering, the little lizard has become a Buddha. It doesn't matter. If plan A fails, there will still be PnB.

After learning that the Flame Demon Sword disappeared, the little lizard simply turned to attack the Moon God and the Moon. The first day of Ragnarok was the Moon God's day, and the increase in the Moon God's power would definitely be useful. The moon can also be used to feed Fenrir wolf. In mythology, the offspring of Fenrir wolf swallowed the sun and moon. Now it is impossible for wolves to have children, so they can be more perfect by swallowing some sun and moon themselves.

With Bingyi on the other side of the sun, Fenrir Wolf will definitely not be treated badly. But the little lizard has its own arrogance. What does it mean to expect other tour guides to feed its own wolf? This moon was prepared by him for Fenrir Wolf, and by the way, it could ease the relationship with Bingyi. Bingyi wanted to drive a wedge between it and the fang hunter, pulling one to beat the other. The little lizard could see this clearly, but it didn't want to be the one being beaten.

It would be best to use Old Dream to fuse with the Tooth Hunter. Even if it fails, it still has a backup plan. The little lizard, which had been holding back its energy, led a group of volcanic lava lizards and easily carried the Moon God. While letting the giant lizard pull the cart to prepare to transport the moon, he was thinking about how to induce the tooth hunter next, but at this moment Sally Ye came uninvited and landed next to the moon.

The little lizard has been able to deal with the unexpected accident in the originally smooth plan. Not only that, this accident can still be solved by it. The little lizard finally felt a little proud when it successfully captured Sariel. It believed that Bingyi would want this archangel, and was thinking about how many benefits Sariel could get in exchange.

Although the little lizard still has many trump cards, the more trump cards the better. At present, both the Fang Hunter and Fenrir Wolf have completely fallen into the hands of Bingyi. Bingyi is okay, but the phantom cat that will appear next to him at any time makes the little lizard extremely jealous, fearing that it will do anything. In the past, he might not have even planned so calmly, but perhaps because he was separated from the fang hunter and no longer affected by the golden dragon's bellicose personality, the little lizard could now rationally calculate the gains, losses, and opportunities of every step.

This feeling is indeed good. Being warlike keeps the Lizard Duke in a low SAN state all year round. He is constantly experiencing visual and auditory hallucinations and inexplicable pain. He was used to it, but now he finds that he has no pain and cannot hear murmurs. The feeling is really great. If he hadn't been connected to the Silver Moon Killer, lest the wolf would be cut away by all the slices, the Lizard Duke would have wanted to try slicing it.

Of course, the little lizard is not only not thinking about slicing it, but is also thinking about how to make the tooth hunter willingly merge with it. It stands to reason that Yifan Hunter's pursuit of strength and obsession with Fenrir Wolf will make him try his best to seize every opportunity to become stronger, no matter what the cost.

But now he trusts Bing Yi more and more, and he actually feels that the trust between him and Bing's small team is more important than becoming stronger by any means necessary. Naive, the little lizard scoffed. He has always been a lone ranger, and has always been tired of the sense of restraint brought by the brigade. Having the Silver Moon Killer by his side is the limit of what he can endure. Obviously werewolves value group and unity, but Silver Moon Killer has been led by him to become a lone wolf over the years.

As a result, now the fang hunter doesn't want to take Fenrir Wolf away, but wants to squeeze into Bingyi's small group. Yes, the little lizard also admits that Bingyi does have an unlimited future, but he also has his own pride. Moreover, Bingyi is the tour guide of the East District. How can they squeeze into the East District no matter how crowded the people from the West District are? Even if it is possible for others to transfer to another area, as the leader of S2, he, Lizard Duke, cannot be allowed to transfer by the hotel.

Surrendering now and waiting until Bingyi recovers his memory will be in vain. Thinking of this little lizard is full of indescribable feelings, and even the joy of catching Sariel disappears a lot. We still have to find a way to merge with the tooth hunter as soon as possible, otherwise their goals will get farther and farther away, and there may be a risk of being sliced ​​into pieces after they go out. The little lizard looked solemn and decided to meet the tooth hunter before the old dream was over.

When the little lizard hid Sariel, Luna, the Lunar Chariot and the Moon, and took some of the moon fragments to Asgard to find the upper fang hunter, he was surprised to find that the God of Thunder started to kill the Fenrir wolf, which must have been C in the old dream. As soon as he did something, the real Thor relied on chopping wolves to influence Bingyi in the dream. The little lizard thought about it and felt that Bingyi in the dream might be fusing runes to gain wisdom and power.

The fang hunter also has a corresponding rune character. If this is the case, Bingyi will definitely ask the fang hunter to go to the old dream, and he can also go in together, and just merge with the fang hunter in the dream! The opportunity was not to be missed, the little lizard was really unexpectedly ecstatic. After thinking about it, I realized that Bingyi's method of calling the fang hunter into the old dream was nothing more than summoning Fenrir wolf into the dream, and then bringing him in together through the connection between the wolf and the fang hunter.

So the little lizard told the fang hunter some news about the Kingdom of Fire, and also told him about Sariel's back-catching, and wanted to use his mouth to inform Bingyi. After gaining some of his trust, they would simply make a bet with the tooth hunter. The outcome of the bet would allow the tooth hunter to see its wisdom clearly and understand that the best thing they should do is to integrate each other and learn from each other's strengths.

In the end, the little lizard was basically right in all its calculations, but it failed to calculate that the damn dragon hunter actually had the knuckle bone of a dragon to restrain it, and destroyed its perfect plan to pieces with just one finger bone! The little lizard was really going crazy. The feeling of being humiliated to the ground by the polluted finger bones and having his spiritual power stripped away from time to time really made him angry and a little scared.

The owner of this finger bone seems to be extremely restrained by a being with such strong mental power. The other party needs to be merciful at the moment, otherwise it will be completely peeled off in a matter of minutes. A wise man is a man who knows the current affairs. The little lizard soon stopped resisting and tried to talk to the voice in his head while enduring the discomfort of being polluted. At first, there was no word to say, but later the little lizard remembered that the sound appeared and called it "dragon brain", obviously knowing that it was actually a dragon.

But this is also the confusion hidden deep in the little lizard's heart. Its alienated state is clearly that of a dragon, and its alienated form is also a dragon state, but it does not have dragon wings. But why is it that no matter whether he makes a puppet out of his own flesh and blood or cuts his soul like this, the result of the cut is still in the state of a gecko or a lizard? Even in this competition, he became a hunter, but his codename was also Lizard Hunter instead of Dragon Hunter.

Why isn't he a dragon? Are there any areas where we have not been able to break through? The little lizard really doesn’t understand! Now that the voice in his head called it dragon brain, the little lizard subconsciously asked.

'Lizard, dragon? ’

The male voice sounded a bit joking: "Your dragons in the West District are not much different from enlarged lizards."

The little lizard finally found someone who spoke more sinisterly than the tooth hunter. If its little temper had not been suppressed by its phalanges, and if it had not been calmer now that it was sliced, it would definitely have cut it apart at all costs to maintain its dignity. How could it be like now that it was just a mood swing, but it still swallowed its anger and continued to ask: "Chasing" ...The alienated form of the dragon hunter is also a western dragon. Why is he the dragon and I am the lizard? ’

‘Of course it’s because that little dragon is from our East District’

The male voice in his mind said of course. It sounded like a big east district activist. The little lizard was about to be pissed to death, but he could also tell that the person who controlled him had an extraordinary background and was probably not from this generation. Is it the previous generation, or the previous generation? If it is said that the Eastern District powerfully crushed the Western District, he does have the capital to be proud of, just like this bony finger.

The little lizard has always been adaptable when necessary. After listening to the man's nagging, it asked if there was any way to go further. Its tone was very calm and calm, and it even took the initiative to stop resisting and let the man peel off his spirit and energy. More relaxed. Sure enough, the voice was very satisfied with his attitude and gave some pointers.

‘Why does your alienated state have no wings? Why did that kind of dragon lose its wings? Whether our dragons in the East District have wings or not, they are all dragons. But your dragon in the West has no wings. Ask yourself, do you feel like a lizard? ’

"The problem lies in your heart. Think about it for yourself. If you don't understand, no matter how hard you try, your efforts will be in the wrong direction."

The little lizard was stunned, and its emotions fluctuated violently. For a moment, it seemed to have figured out something, and it settled down to think. I don't know what the fang hunter was up to in the old dream, but the little lizard suddenly felt as if he had been struck hard, and the heartbreaking pain came from the depths of his soul, but it did not interrupt the little lizard's realization. After the voice said this, he stopped talking and did not strip him of his mental power. Then the dragon hunter came and escorted the little lizard back to the Land of Fire. It was very quiet and thinking all the way.

When they arrived at the Country of Fire and the finger bone was peeled off from its body, the little lizard finally came to his senses and suddenly found that his mental power had indeed been weakened, but it was also a lot less polluted. Most of what was peeled off from that bone finger was actually pollution, which would be beneficial to it in the long run. After discovering this, the little lizard fell silent.

‘Whose bone finger belongs to? ’

After the dragon hunter exchanged news with Yu Hehui and told him to keep an eye on the little lizard, he hurriedly returned to his old dream. But just then the little lizard called him.

'Who he is is none of your business. ’

The dragon hunter warned, thinking that the little lizard still wanted to sneak into the old dream, and warned it not to daydream. As a result, the little lizard just nodded calmly and did not ask any more questions: "Anyway, he is your person."

It pondered for a moment and finally said: "He did me a big favor. I never like to owe others anything."

After that, the little lizard told the dragon hunters where it hid the archangel Sariel and asked them to take the angel away. It didn't bother to care. Then when both Yu Hehui and Dragon Hunter were surprised, it said: 'Tell him another message, pay more attention to the owl's situation.'

‘The spider can’t hold on anymore’

* *

'That's what it says'

Returning to the old dream, the dragon hunter brought all the little lizard's words to him. Everyone in Bingyi class was silent for a moment, digesting this huge amount of information. This time, the fang hunter was not excluded from the small group. He also listened to the news reported by the dragon hunter and focused on one point.

This little lizard is really treacherous. As soon as he told Bingyi about Sariel, he captured Sariel and sent him over! He is simply treated as a pawn, and he follows the stick when he beats the snake! The fang hunter was really dissatisfied and resentful. He wanted to taunt him a few times, and even said that he despised him for working as Bingyi's thug and didn't bother to join a small group. So what was it doing? Is it repaying the favor of the lizard?


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