Thriller Tour Group

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Immediately behind An Xuefeng, the people on their way out of the cracked vortex were the people on their way back. Wang Pengpai, Mao Xiaole, Wang Yushu, Lu Shucheng, Wan Xiangchun, etc. all came. There was a holy light next to the people on their way back. The First Brigade of the West District All the passengers in Team White Church stepped out of the rift vortex almost at the same time. The first brigades from the east and west districts who were selected as the jury for the pre-heating competition were actually recruited by the hotel, just to completely kill Taoist Master Kongkong.

The hotel still had to do something even more extraordinary. After the two strongest brigades arrived, the vortex crack had not yet closed. However, a few seconds later, another figure appeared. Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the special guest commentator, the astrologer and the psychic. Behind them were dozens of tall men in Wuyangyang and several tour guides wearing silver and purple cloaks. The top 20 travelers and A/B elite tour guides from the east and west areas of the hotel were all recruited. !


After this group of people arrived at the scene, the vortex crack finally closed, but the situation became completely chaotic. Someone wanted to stir up the water. I don’t know who made the move first. The strong men who had just walked out of the whirlpool cracks were still concentrated and did not disperse. This time, Taoist Master Kongkong was not affected, but many of his own people were affected. '!

This situation turned into a complete mess. Although the strong people present could not be hurt too much by this attack, their emotions were tense to the extreme. Not all the strong people came to watch Cen Qin slice and see Kongkong Dao with their own eyes. The president came to the hotel and knew the cause and effect. Some people were immersed in watching the live broadcast in the virtual lobby, and some were recuperating and resting at the station. Now they suddenly received a mandatory killing mission from the hotel, and the rewards were extremely rich. Everyone had different thoughts.

When I arrived here and saw so many people gathered in the hotel (and the person in charge was present!), I suddenly felt a sudden change in my heart. In my mind, who is this person that Dagu Hotel wants to kill, and how strong must he be? At the same time, he felt that there were so many powerful people here. Even if the gods came here, each one of them would be killed directly by being hit by so many people!

The strength of the top twenty experts is also uneven, especially those who have serious injuries and have difficulty recovering, so they just want to fish in troubled waters. If you see someone taking action, just take action yourself. Even though you don't even see the person you want to kill, it's right to do it together. It's just a mission. Even if there were some who were hesitant, when they saw the leader An Xuefeng decisively slashing hard with the return knife, the dim sword energy drew an arc, and the target was clear, and he slashed straight towards the center where the principals were surrounded, several people were ready to move. Seize the opportunity immediately and follow suit!

The scene was completely chaotic. Even if they didn't want to kill Taoist Master Kongkong, in order to protect themselves in this chaos, most of the strong people used their titles. Various swords, swords, shadows, magic and curses burst out like streams of light, and there was a gap between the collision of forces. The repulsion is promoted, and the conflicting strength attributes directly trigger the explosion, especially when the principals take action——

The new passengers who came to join the war began to take action, and the principals could no longer sit on the sidelines. Which of the seven principals was the winner? ? ? Meeting with An Xuefeng and the psychic respectively, the four of them guarded all sides of the battlefield as quickly as possible without directly participating in the battle - although the hotel was not so flexible in some aspects, it would also assess the risks. People like An Xuefeng and others are completely unfit to kill Taoist Master Kongkong. Who knows what they might do in the chaos. But it is most suitable to be sent to defend this battlefield. Their strength in guarding the battlefield can definitely lead to promotion. If something is released, it will definitely be intentional, and the hotel can also convict them.

Does An Xuefeng really have no idea about Taoist Master Kongkong?

The medium looked at him thoughtfully, An Xuefeng was guarding due east. The east is the place where the light path appeared before. In order to prevent Taoist Master Kongkong's pollution from coming up along the light path, An Xuefeng, the strongest man, is the most suitable to guard this place - only he can guard it.

But the light path there is not only the light path of Kong Kong Taoist priest, but now there is no one to stop Cen Qin. Is he going to join the battle to save people, or should he take the opportunity to take the light path and become the person in charge first?

Although the battlefield in the banned domain was full of darkness in all directions and could not see anything outside the darkness, the psychic believed that with An Xuefeng's strength, it would not be difficult for him to push Cen Qin closer to the light path in the dark.

So is Taoist Master Kongkong a chess piece to be discarded?

The psychic didn't believe it, but the battle situation in front of him forced him to believe it. An Xuefeng only cut out the sword and stood guard in the east without interfering, and * * * made peace? ? ? After going to guard the south corner and the north corner, the other five leaders took action at the same time. However, I don't know whether it was a coincidence or whether Taoist Master Kongkong was proficient in divination and changed the future. Two of the five leaders had conflicting powers. Instead of working together, they failed. It also weakened the opponent's strength, and when the other three principals took action, they happened to meet An Xuefeng's sword energy slashing at Taoist Master Kongkong.

Deafening roars and explosions followed by piercing screams came one after another. The screams of arrows tearing the air and the violent vibrations of magic sounded from all directions. Among them, the light of An Xuefeng's return sword was the most terrifying, the dim yellow light. It was mixed with the pollution power of the two thirty-degree north latitudes of the Pyramid and the Great Western Continent. After successively defeating the attacks of the three principals, most of it was finally worn away. However, the truly terrible consequences of the principal's actions have just begun to appear.

The attack of the leader who was chopped up by the Return Sword collapsed in all directions, carrying the extremely terrifying master pollution, especially the leader who had been stationed in the abyss for a long time. The pollution that broke out not only wiped out the last bit of sword energy, but also affected Everyone, alienate the tour guides and distort the tourists.

On top of the pollution, the hotel's urging tortured the soul into unbearable pain. The reason became more and more shaky in the chaos, and the sense of propriety became less and less important when taking action. The smell of blood filled the air, stimulating everyone's nerves, and the melee began completely. The urging of the hotel is like a needle piercing the soul, forcing people to complete the task at any cost. Among them, the strong men of the returning brigade and the peak travelers of Whitechapel performed the most brilliantly. They broke into the circle surrounded by the principal and broke through. Entering the core of the eye of the storm, this place has long been flooded with pollution, making it difficult to distinguish friend from foe.

The Holy Knights of Whitechapel shouted and used holy light to disperse the pollution. On the way back, Mao Xiaole was full of anger and sprayed out many paper figures that absorbed the pollution. However, these methods were only a drop in the bucket in the horrific pollution. The pollution here was not limited to the person in charge. Yes, there is also the stubborn petal pollution caused by Kong Kongdao. The light path was cut off by An Xuefeng, unable to attract the pollution from Icelandic petals. Taoist Master Kongkong was also ruthless and directly planted the last bit of petal pollution back into his own body, instantly turning himself into pollution itself!

Now even the people in charge can no longer influence the situation of the war, especially among these tourist guides who fish in troubled waters with the intention of doing evil to the people in charge. The principals were so annoyed and tortured by the hotel that they really became angry. They gave up all thoughts of saving Taoist Master Kongkong, and showed their thunderous methods without reservation. The principals used powerful force that touched the rules every time, and the melee was fierce. The situation escalated again until someone in the chaotic battlefield shouted:

"It's done! The killing mission has been completed!"

"Stop fighting!"

Is the killing mission completed?

Taoist Master Kongkong was killed? !

Hearing this cry, the hearts of dozens of people in the melee accelerated violently, but it was difficult to stop this kind of fighting - it was not difficult. The hotel lowered the beam and easily eliminated all kinds of offensive attacks, killing the top tourist guides in the battle. Isolate. Now that the killing mission has been completed, the hotel certainly does not want the precious passengers to continue fighting and get injured.

The originally noisy and boiling battlefield soon became quiet. The strong control shown by the hotel made the originally hot-headed tour guides and tourists completely sober up. After realizing the horror of the hotel again, they accepted their names and quickly recovered their injuries by borrowing the power of the hotel. The melee started and ended suddenly. Everyone felt a fire in their hearts and felt extremely unhappy.

Taoist Master Kongkong died like this? Killed by whom? ! A pair of eyes stared at the center of the battlefield.

I saw the tourists headed by An Xuefeng and the tour guides headed by the spiritual medium standing on one side, and the seven principals wearing black robes standing on the other side. Both sides looked extremely ugly. In the middle of them lay There were two corpses that were not humanoid, one was that of... and the other was that of Kong Kong Taoist Priest.

Both bodies were shattered and shapeless. The sharp sword of the 'hotel hero' who killed Taoist Master Kongkong was still stuck in the Taoist Master's chest. The hero wearing a black robe and a hood coldly slashed upwards and then diagonally with his sword, cutting off Taoist Master Kongkong's head. . The remaining petal pollution spurted out from the wound, and piles of bone-deformed petals grew out.

However, the petal pollution did not wait for it to fall to the ground and spread, before it turned into a stream of crystal white light and poured directly into the eyebrows of the black-robed person in charge. When the hood shook, he could only vaguely see a vertical mark on his forehead, opening and closing to swallow the petal pollution. , the faintly diffused butterfly pollution made onlookers shudder.

I originally thought that the special pollution brought by Taoist Master Kongkong could at least protect him, but I didn't expect that there was a person in charge who could restrain and swallow this pollution. No wonder Taoist Master Kongkong died so quickly.

The bright white pollution was quickly absorbed, and even the incomplete soul of Taoist Master Kongkong turned into a cloud of smoke and dissipated. The well-informed people in charge know that this is because his soul has been severely eroded by pollution, and it can even be said that it has been completely assimilated by pollution.

So when the pollution was swallowed up, his soul also dissipated. This made the people in charge who originally wanted to use all possible means to obtain some of the corpses of Daoist Kongkong extremely regretful. Some people were also thinking, is the ability of Daoist Kongkong to survive to this day related to the strange pollution?

But now he has completely lost his mind and there is no possibility of further exploration. No matter how unwilling the principals were to search secretly, they could not find any trace of Taoist Master Kongkong's existence. Now that the hotel has announced that the killing mission has been completed and even the rewards have been distributed, it means that Taoist Master Kongkong's soul is indeed not left at all. It is impossible for the hotel to make a mistake in this regard.

However, not only the people in charge are unwilling to accept it, but also everyone who knows how precious Taoist Master Kongkong exists is unwilling to accept it! But what can you do if you don't want to give in? The whole place was silent, and from time to time someone's eyes swept over Xuanxue.

They saw the bruised metaphysics tourist standing frozen at the place where Taoist Master Kongkong's body disappeared, with red eyes. Wan Anpeng, who always paid attention to his grace, squatted down regardless of his image, and brushed his fingers back and forth over Taoist Master Kongkong's soul before he disappeared. There, he muttered words, but failed to attract even a trace of the remaining soul.

After a long while, he finally stood up silently, his body swaying, showing a bit of fatigue and vicissitudes, as if he had aged several years. Deputy team leader Li Hongxue frowned worriedly, opened his mouth and hesitated, but saw Wan Anpo looking coldly at the black-robed leader who had just killed Taoist Master Kongkong. His eyes seemed to be pierced by poisonous needles, and his tone was cold. people.

"Your Excellency looks unfamiliar."

"I don't know when the hotel added another host.

Hmm? Wan Anpin's words diverted everyone's attention from the disappeared Taoist Kongkong, and they looked at the black-robed leader standing there in surprise. None of the leaders showed their figures, and the black cloaks completely concealed their height and body shape. They were more mysterious than tour guides. It was really hard to tell who was who at first glance.

But after a closer look, everyone felt something was wrong. Indeed, there were only eight leaders in the hotel, and now there were seven standing, one of them was a corpse, and the ninth leader who killed Taoist Kongkong and made great contributions! When did he appear? Where did he appear from?

Could it be that...

"You are..."

Some people had an unbelievable thought in their minds, and their eyes frequently swept over the black-robed man. No way, this shouldn't be the case. Even if the strength and talent are enough, it can't be so fast.

But everyone thought that it was this person who restrained the pollution of the petals that he swallowed. Maybe the hotel was impressed by his ability and promoted him as an exception... But if this person is really the person in charge as everyone thinks, and he killed Taoist Kongkong, then it would be interesting.


When everyone was imagining, they heard Wan Anpin roaring, his tone was cold and serious as never before. The other peak metaphysical travelers looked at the person in charge with extremely complicated eyes. He was obviously the most familiar person, but now he looked so strange.

[The old captain has passed away, this is just the incarnation of pollution]

The person in charge who had been silent all the time finally spoke, and the word "old captain" made everyone who had guessed completely confirm his identity. This person in charge is actually a slice of Cen Qin! This person in charge is really a slice of Cen Qin! When did he finish the light path? How did he absorb the pollution and kill Taoist Kongkong? !

What is metaphysics playing? Killing relatives for the sake of justice? Or is it that Taoist Kongkong himself could not suppress the pollution a long time ago, and simply paved the way for Cen Qin to become the person in charge? However, seeing Wan Anpin's extremely ugly face, the people who were muttering in their hearts were not so sure.

Wan Anpin has always been very low-key, not like the captain of the third brigade in the East District, and he is not even a Taoist priest, not so "metaphysical". However, today he fought with..., and the nine-day black thunder he attracted without a talisman, and the huge difference in strength, all overturned the low-key impression in everyone's mind. Some people even remembered that Taoist Kongkong came from the light road, and the first person he saw seemed to be Wan Anpin, presumably to admit that this captain Wan had worked hard for metaphysics for ten years.

As for Cen Qin, everyone's impression of him is very complicated. Not to mention the West District, few of the peak travelers in the East District know about his past glory, after all, that was the last decade. Many people have been glorious, but few people are always strong. Most people will soon fall to the bottom and be forgotten.

Ten years can forget a lot of things. Even if Cen Qin is still the deputy director of the Laoshan Troupe, he is not the only deputy director. He had not been in the top core circle for too long. Even though An Xuefeng had always recognized him as a friend, and even though people often came to Xuanxue in the past, his own strength level was not enough, and most people would not really take him seriously.

And Cen Qin would almost always avoid Xuanxue whenever someone came. Although some people lamented that Cen Qin sacrificed himself to help Captain Wan gain his position in the brigade, after all, with Cen Qin's position and connections in Xuanxue at the time, let alone losing half of his life, even if he only had one-eighth of his life left, Xuanxue would still recognize him as the captain. When Lao Chen's team hastily chose Wan Anpin to replace Cen Qin as the team leader, many people could not understand it, and some even had a bad temper and did not accept it at all, and took their anger out on Wan Anpin.

It was Cen Qin who talked to people one by one, and then took the initiative to withdraw from Xuanxue, leaving no room for himself. At that time, everyone thought that Cen Qin went to Laoshan to retreat and defend, and as long as he got back half of his life, he would return to Xuanxue as the captain.

Who knew that Cen Qin had no such idea at all. Whenever someone from Xuanxue came, she would hide if she could. If she couldn't hide, she would pretend to be stupid and even ruthless. After a few years, she finally lost her original prestige in Xuanxue. Wan Anpin steadily kept Xuanxue in the turmoil. Although the ranking declined, it also stabilized the third place, and it also won everyone's recognition.

When the old passengers gathered again in the past ten years, they all sighed that the old Chen team was really sharp-sighted. Who would have thought that Cen Qin couldn't get back half of his life in ten years. If it weren't for Wan Anpin, I don't know where Xuanxue would fall now.

It wasn't until Cen Qin climbed to Bingyi that he finally came into the eyes of others. Cen Qin did things on his own and followed his heart, but others had mixed opinions about him, and had different views on his strength. Although Cen Qin seemed to have regained his strength, he hadn't participated in any live broadcast journeys since he regained his strength. Everyone was confused. This time, Cen Qin suddenly cut off his slice and wanted to take the light road as the person in charge, which surprised everyone.

Until they saw that Cen Qin had the means to restrain the petal pollution and killed Taoist Kongkong to complete the mandatory killing task issued by the hotel, some people suddenly realized.

So this is how to be the boss! Don't say it, Cen Qin really calculated the hotel's thoughts, and at first glance, he had a relationship with Bingyi, so they cooperated, which was really amazing. However, the old-fashioned travelers with a decent style were unwilling to agree, which could be regarded as betraying their teachers and ancestors! For a large brigade with rich heritage like Xuanxue, it is indispensable to accumulate generations of predecessors. Cen Qin's ability to become stronger at a jaw-dropping speed was also closely related to Xuanxue's unreserved training of him, and Xuanxue's gratitude education has always been very good.

Ask yourself, unless Cen Qin is a complete egoist and anti-social personality, a metaphysician like him will have a high sense of belonging to the brigade. If one day it is known that the senior passengers who have paid so much for the brigade have not died, But when encountering difficulties and traps, metaphysicians will not hesitate to rescue their seniors, even hiding it from the hotel, and are willing to take the risk of being discovered by the hotel.

Because the elders have taught them by words and deeds since they first entered the hotel, people in the metaphysics department do not think the hotel is unknown and scary. They only regard it as a part of nature and have a peaceful mentality. Unlike some people who become more and more fearful and confused about the future over the years of life and death, they regard the hotel as their sustenance and fanatically regard it as a god, and they will be particularly active in completing all the tasks issued by the hotel.

Metaphysics is different. From the perspective of metaphysics, if you encounter danger, the most important thing is to protect yourself and those like-minded partners, and everything else can be put aside. This is morality, and it is also karma and reward. The more people value fate, the more they will pay attention to this aspect. No matter from the emotional or utilitarian point of view, Cen Qin should not kill Taoist Master Kongkong with his own hands.

If it were true as he said, it would be understandable that Taoist priest Kong Kong, who walked the bare road to the hotel, was just pollution. The problem is that top travelers trust their own eyes more. Taoist Master Kongkong is indeed contaminated, but his own soul was cut clean by a group of tour guides, otherwise he would not be able to walk on the path of light.

Then Cen Qin's statement was invalid. Looking at the very indifferent tone of the person in charge, Cen Qin, Taoist Master Kongkong was emotionless when he mentioned it. He was even indifferent to Wan Anpian's questioning. The onlookers also felt that something was wrong. .

Cen Qin is not someone who would bully his master and destroy his ancestors, but what they are facing now is Cen Qin Slice. It is not surprising that some people were originally good, but after being sliced ​​into pieces, their tempers changed drastically, and some even turned against the original person. There are clear cases in front of us.

"How is Cen Qin himself?"

An Xuefeng looked concerned and asked the question that everyone wanted to know. Wan Anpong just shook his head and looked at Cen Qin's sliced ​​face with a more serious expression: "He is not very well."

Cen Qin was originally seriously injured. Thanks to the secret help of many friends he had made after the melee started, he did not die in the chaos. But his situation was extremely pessimistic. He was so injured that he was groggy. He could only manage to say two sentences. One was: 'Captain Sky... is not the incarnation of pollution, his soul is still there. What is divided is my Taoist heart. Those who stay are said to be sentimental, but those who are cut off may be ruthless.’

It turns out that this black Cenqin is actually a slice of Cenqin’s ‘merciless’! No wonder he only considers his own gains and losses, and being able to carry out such a vicious attack on Taoist Master Kongkong also made Wan Anpian finally make a decision.

"Sorry everyone, Cen Qin is too seriously injured. I will take him back to the station first."

Wan Anpong apologized. Now that the forced killing mission was completed, the hotel no longer trapped people. After Wan Anpong led a group of metaphysicians to greet An Xuefeng and others who were helping, he turned around and was about to leave, but turned around. After a pause, he turned back to Hei Cenqin, who was looking at them indifferently, and said coldly: "You can handle the relationship between you and Cen Qin on your own. It's just that he is him and you are you. Our metaphysics does not deceive the master and destroy the ancestors. "

His words caused a stir in everyone's hearts. Did Wan Anpian mean to sever ties with Cen Qin's slice? This is the person in charge. Anyway, Taoist Master Kongkong is dead, so there is no need to push a person in charge out. Some people thought that Wan Anqian was wary of Cen Qin who was ruthlessly slicing him, but in any case, this was Xuanxue's own business. Even An Xuefeng, who was close to Xuanxue, didn't say anything, and the others just watched Xuanxue and the others leave.

Only astrologers and? ? ? When Wan Anpong asked Xuanxue to sever ties with Cen Qin, he showed a slightly subtle expression, but didn't say much.

Because An Xuefeng asked a question when taking inventory of the battlefield, which attracted the attention of everyone who was still in the field. An Xuefeng looked around and frowned: "Why didn't the Devourer come?"

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