Thriller Tour Group

959 Profitable Immortal Official, Black Tiger Man Stands Up

Pollution is very aggressive and generally difficult to coexist with. Just like butterfly pollution and thirty-degree north latitude pollution collide, they will eat each other and invade each other. The powerful title of tourist guides who can coexist with multiple pollution energies is also mediated by the hotel. The titles that can be worn at the same time on weekdays are also limited, and it is even more difficult to equip titles with conflicting energy at the same time.

Since Zhaogong Mountain itself is the highest peak of Qingcheng Mountain, their pollution should also belong to Qingcheng Mountain pollution. But the terrible pollution that Wei Xun felt in Qingcheng Mountain was different from the pollution from the money plague outside. The perception may be wrong, but Wei Xun's nose was not wrong. He smelled the pollution smell of the money plague and the pollution from Qingcheng Mountain. The faintly permeating smells are similar but never the same.

‘The smell of money sore pollution is a faint smell of fireworks’

Wei Xun said to the dream chaser while spreading spiritual fire on Zhaogong Mountain, and at the same time sorting out his thoughts.

‘It’s just like when the sun goes down and every household starts cooking, the sun falls on the branches and leaves and the earth, the evening breeze blows, and the smell of fireworks comes from the fusion of various smells in the world. ’

‘The smell of pollution in Qingcheng Mountain is the strong smell of incense’

Dream Tiger:.

Whatever pollution or smell, it smelled like a disgusting stench to him. The most a dreamer can tell is that the odors of the Sahara and butterfly fragments are different, one is dry and the other is dark. It's really hard to distinguish between the 'smell of fireworks' and 'the smell of incense'. That is why Wei Xun's special strength can be felt so clearly.

‘You are saying that the entire Qingcheng Mountain, including Zhaogong Mountain, is polluted with the smell of incense. And the money sore pollution that people outside are infected with smells like fireworks? ’

'That's right'

Wei Xun said firmly: 'The weak righteous power that Zhao Gongming still has left here smells like fireworks. It is basically certain that it is Zhao Gongming, not Zhao Gongshan, who brought the contamination of the money plague. As Zhao Gongshan is located in Qingcheng Mountain, Zhao Gongming’s own pollution smell is very similar to Qingcheng Mountain’s pollution smell, and he will not be repelled by Qingcheng Mountain’s pollution attack.’

So he first used money pox to contaminate all the people in Chengdu. Then if the Qingcheng Mountain pollution leak spreads again, there is a high probability that these "already contaminated" people will be avoided, just like receiving a vaccine. This is not necessarily Zhao Gongming's own wish. As Wei Xun just said, Zhao Gongming is most likely dead. He did not feel any fluctuations in divine power here. It is even said that Wei Xun quietly exuded a little spiritual fire. Let them invade Zhao Gongshan, but there was no attack.

After Zhao Gongming's death, his divine power collapsed and was entangled and invaded by pollution. He probably only had a little bit of the God of Wealth instinct to 'protect' his followers.

‘The pollution in Qingcheng Mountain has not yet leaked out, and the situation has not completely gotten out of control.’

Wei Xun said: "The God of Wealth pollution should have caught up with Chang Qiaoqiao's father immediately. Chang Huiming, the richest man in Chengdu and the one who worshiped Zhao Gongshan the most frequently, let him spread the money disease pollution first." 'All of Rongcheng. In this way, even if Qingcheng Mountain completely loses control and the pollution sweeps through Chengdu in the future, there is a high probability that Chengdu people who have contracted the money plague will not be exposed to new pollution.

However, compared with the local pollution in Qingcheng Mountain, the money sores are already very mild. Ordinary people will not die suddenly if infected, and it can even change a person's physique to some extent.

But pollution is still pollution after all, and ordinary people simply cannot bear it. For example, Dream Chasers can only eliminate the epidemic on a large scale at night, but Wei Xun does not have so much honey water and wheat grains to replenish energy for the whole city. The twenty-seventh middle school students are considered lucky. If other people are severely infected, even if the pollution is removed, they may face a long period of physical weakness. It is not surprising that the elderly and children will die as a result.

In the final analysis, pollution should not appear in the world of ordinary people.

"Ouch." 'You are right, the fall of Qingcheng Mountain was the cause of this crisis in Chengdu. I see what You Ziming said, there must be clues in those Taoist priests on Qingcheng Mountain’

Dream Chaser agreed, saying that he has become accustomed to the fact that small things can always turn into big things if he and Wei Xun act together. It's just that the solution to the epidemic in Chengcheng has turned into the fall of pollution in Qingcheng Mountain. We have seen the destruction of pollution sources. A mere mountain god pollution in Qingcheng Mountain is completely within the capabilities of him and Wei Xun.

'I have memorized the scent of those paper figures. Don't go directly to Zhangren Peak. Let's start with the Taoist priests and take our time...'

Pointy crystal horns sprouted from the black tiger's forehead, obviously preparing to use the power of dreams to try to find if there was a Taoist priest trapped in Qingcheng Mountain. From the perspective of the dream chaser, Wei Xun had brought over all the tampered paper figures from the armed police, and he was obviously preparing to attack Qingcheng's father-in-law! For the time being, the Dream Chasers at the source of the pollution cannot fight with hard power like An Xuefeng Ximingren, but with a mere pollution mountain god, the Dream Chasers feel that they have no problem! He also advised Wei Xun to be cautious and cautious.

However, Wei Xun slapped this little horn back before it could turn from illusion to reality.

"The task assigned to you by the hotel has not changed yet. It will naturally send the person in charge to resolve the Qingcheng Mountain matter."

Wei Xun said in a relaxed tone: "This is not why we went into the mountain."

There are three questions now. First, why did Chang Huiming's aura disappear in Zhao Gongshan and where did he go? Second, how did Zhao Gongming die? Third, what is the current situation in Qingcheng Mountain and Qingcheng's father-in-law.

But Wei Xun came to the mountain to purchase goods. The Qingcheng Mountain God was suspected of being involved in pollution and had an accident, but the hotel didn't give them a mission. Maybe the hotel was afraid of their involvement. We still don’t know who is in charge of Qingcheng Mountain. If there is a conflict with the return journey, he and Dream Chaser may not necessarily get a good deal if they get involved rashly.

Dream Chaser's great tour guide is used to it, but his level of caution is different from Wei Xun's. He is used to picking enemies head-on as a tour guide. But Wei Xun is different. Every time he uses his small skills to make a big move, he always seizes the opportunity first, penetrates into the enemy's interior, mixes with the enemy, and then slowly plots against him. Like this time, Wei Xun planned to take advantage of Zhao Gongming's death and the vacant position of God of Wealth to become the God of Wealth himself.

If you do this and that from now on, everything will fall into place...

'coming! ’

At this moment, Wei Xun suddenly felt something in his heart and immediately reminded the dreamer. As early as when he entered Zhaogong Mountain, he spread the small spiritual fires all over the mountain and let them spread secretly. Wei Xun himself is very polluted. The small fires he releases carry the smell of pollution and will not alert other polluters. This is also one of the characteristics of his title of "Pollution Buster". He uses his own pollution as an undercover fishing agent to enforce the law.

But Wei Xun didn't intend to seize the mountain and offend Qingcheng's father-in-law. His real goal was the 'blessed land' in Zhaogong Mountain. The so-called Blessed Land Cave is a place where gods live, more like a hotel attraction, which ordinary people cannot detect or discover. In a sense, it is not a part of Zhaogong Mountain, but more like a space that exists based on Zhaogong Mountain.

Wei Xun wants to take control of the blessed land. This is the best way to invade Zhaogong Mountain without being rejected by the mountain itself! There are many ways to find a blessed land. The simplest one is of course Wei Xun using dragon veins to vibrate the earth veins. However, this would make the noise too loud and easy to be discovered, so he used the simplest and most effective method - the power of the God of Wealth in Zhao Gong Mountain was still there. It has not been completely contaminated, and there is still a small part of it that is still dirty. Therefore, Wei Xun believes that the blessed land, which is the residence of the God of Wealth, has most likely not been completely polluted, otherwise it would be impossible to retain the remaining divine power on the mountain.

In this case, he let the spiritual fire sneak into Zhao Gongshan and spread the word about Vulcan. There will be a response to the contact between divine powers. The pollution in the mountains will ignore the spiritual fire, but if you really touch the blessed land, the remaining divine power in the blessed land will have some reaction to the spiritual fire!

Sure enough, Wei Xun had gained something not long after he entered the mountain. Just as his heart moved to remind the dreamer, the next second he saw a wisp of flames bursting out of the wet earth with a little golden light, flying towards Wei Xun. Come, along with the harsh and sharp sound of the wind, something is chasing behind this wisp of flame. If you look closely, it turns out to be a golden abacus. The flames flew towards Wei Xun in a hurry, and the golden abacus followed closely behind him. When it approached Wei Xun and the dream chaser, it suddenly bloomed with golden light, making a swishing sound, and the golden abacus fell like hailstones, with great power!


However, there was only an angry tiger roar, the giant tiger's long tail like a black iron whip suddenly swept across, and there was a jingling sound. The golden abacus beads fell to the ground like rain, and Wei Xun on the tiger's back waved lightly, smiling and tapping the small spiritual fire that fled to his side in his hand. By the way, grab this ray of golden light. Seeing that he couldn't trace it, the golden abacus spun in the air, and it vaguely transformed into an immortal who was calm and powerful. He was seen wearing a brocade robe, a golden crown on his head, a white beard hanging down to his chest, a golden abacus in his arms, and a pair of tiger eyes that were calm and powerful.

At this moment, his eyes passed over the black tiger under Wei Xun's seat, as if he was a little confused as to how the God of Wealth could let the God of Fire ride on his mount. However, seeing the black tiger with his head down and eyes drooping, looking like he was being forced, the immortal thought he had guessed. The truth is revealed, what a fire god, actually came to provoke! The immortal stared at Wei Xun more and more angrily, his tongue bursting with thunder:

【Vulcan! Why did Yu Huo break into the blessed land and commit theft? I am the Immortal Official of the City under the God of Wealth. Please quickly hand over the thieves and return the valuable treasures of my blessed land, otherwise——】

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the damn Vulcan jumping off the back of the black tiger. The black tiger man stood up and the tiger's skin split from the middle, and a crystal-colored dragon came out of it—— dragon?

When he got angry, how could he see a dragon emerging from the tiger's skin? What kind of dragon is this? Why have I never seen a dragon that looks like a lizard? Countless questions ran through the frightened immortal's mind, and then he saw a large net hood coming over him. The Immortal Official of Lishi, who originally focused all his energy on guarding against the God of Fire, was caught by the black tiger. The big net was like a dragnet, wrapped in a heavy power that would put even gods to sleep. Li Shixianguan couldn't resist at all. His vision went dark and he fell into a deep sleep, completely losing consciousness.

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