Thriller Tour Group

963 Reviewing the blessed land and buying life money

"Gudong dong, Gudong dong."

In the Fountain of Destiny, Wei Xun was drinking heavily. He was very cautious and did not poke his head out. Instead, he immersed himself in the spring water, not even a hair floating outside, and was completely wrapped in the "Norse mythical spring water". Not only that, he was also drinking heavily from the Fountain of Destiny, trying to make Qingcheng's father-in-law experience the noble feeling of "I'm going to Iceland" from the inside out.

This made Qingcheng's father-in-law feel very uncomfortable, and even more uncomfortable things were to come. In the water of the Fountain of Destiny, Wei Xun took off the Taoist robe that the Qingcheng Taoist had just formed with vermilion flames and the crown that covered the sky with cyan flames on his hair with three strokes, and put them away happily. These two robes that reveal the Qingcheng Taoist's original flame immortal power are real materials. They are made of nearly half of the immortal power brought by Qingcheng's father-in-law's split soul. If you take it to a hotel, you can judge it as 'incomparable'. The level-up props can then be transformed into flames, which are pure fairy fires, which can increase Wei Xun's power in flames to a new level.

And the identity of the 'father-in-law of Qingcheng' represented by this set of clothes is even more incredible. Not all immortal fire clothes can represent the true deity. This set of clothes really contains the immortal power of Qingcheng's father-in-law, which is really equivalent to his identity. Qingcheng's father-in-law used half of his immortal power to transform his clothes, and half of his immortal power to suppress the evil dragon. He didn't even transform his weapon, which basically eliminated the possibility of counterattack. But he had to transform this outfit first - it's not that he didn't like Wei Xun's windbreaker. The Chengzhangren's move is essentially the same as Wei Xun's sneaking into the Fountain of Destiny. He uses his own immortal power/divine power to wrap the body in order to restrict the soul imprisoned in the body.

Wearing the clothes, he can suppress Wei Xun's soul and control his body.

It's a pity that the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Now it's Wei Xun's turn to enjoy the clothes. In the future, if Wei Xun puts on this complete set of clothes and disguises himself with some magical power, he can pretend to be Qingcheng's father-in-law and act arrogantly (as long as he is not recognized). From now on, he can go anywhere in the world. If he had worn the same clothes when he went to the Ming Tombs, he would have been the brother when he met Emperor Ming again.

Ahem, Wei Xun suppressed his pride, it was better to keep a low profile and be his younger brother. This set of clothes can suppress other mountain gods only if the other party still has reason and the mountain god's organization. It’s hard to say how effective it can be on the severely polluted mountain gods. The most critical thing at the moment is that without this set of clothes, Qingcheng's father-in-law's hope of breaking free and escaping is even slimmer.

Now his father-in-law's soul in Qingcheng has been completely suppressed and he has lost control. He can only watch as his robes and crown formed by green and red flames are taken away by this white-haired barbarian. It is really a shame that he, the majestic Wuyue Daoist and the Fire Dao Immortal, was defeated at the hands of Yiren Yilong!

Qingcheng's father-in-law didn't say a word. The green light in Wei Xun's right eye faintly transformed into a clear and ethereal human figure. He closed his eyes and sat cross-legged with an indifferent expression. It's not like being in a cage, but rather like being in a dojo in the pupils of your eyes.

But Wei Xun ignored him. After putting away his clothes, he felt the situation on the Half-Life Slice through the soul contract. The Half-Life owner seemed to be slightly injured, but he was in good condition. A whole strand of Qingcheng's father-in-law's soul was trapped in Lost Paradise, which to some extent relieved a lot of pressure on their principal. However, the war situation was still urgent and there was no way to talk about it for the time being. Wei Xun retracted his attention and picked up the Blessed Land Hosta from the Fountain of Destiny, looking at the biggest gain from his trip to Qingcheng Mountain.

All the immortal power that originally controlled this hairpin was taken back by the soul of Qingcheng's father-in-law. Now it is a truly ownerless blessed land. The four wealth energy that originally pierced Wei Xun's collarbones, heart and throat also merged into Wei Xun's body as he completely suppressed Qingcheng's father-in-law's soul. Wei Xun's previous so-called Sun Black Tiger was rich, in essence, it was not really closely related to Zhao Gongming. Now with the blessing of the integration of four pure wealth, he can truly be considered to have great wealth. As long as the myth repeats itself, or he can be canonized as a god on the God List, or canonized by an emperor, there is a high probability that Wei Xun will be truly pardoned and canonized as the God of Wealth.


With one move of Wei Xun's hand, the remnant souls of the four gods of wealth, mainly the Immortal Officials of Lishi, fell into his hands. Being controlled and exploited by Qingcheng's father-in-law, their remaining souls became weaker and more erratic, almost to the point of dissipating. If Wei Xun thought about it, he could even devour the remnant souls of these four Gods of Wealth to better purify their wealth, and they would not be able to resist at all now. But Wei Xun did not do this. He touched the hosta with his backhand and gently sent the remaining souls of the four gods of wealth to Zhaogong Mountain to rest and recuperate.

Zhao Gongming is dead, and Wei Xun is not yet the real God of Wealth. If the blessed land wants to maintain its existence and produce normal output, it must have new support, and now these four remnant souls of the God of Wealth are just right. When Wei Xun threw the remnant soul of the God of Wealth into the blessed land, he vaguely caught a glimpse of the scene in the space of Zhaogongshan blessed land. This blessed land was a green mountain surrounded by clouds and mist. The trees growing on the mountain were not ordinary trees. They were all the unique products of Zhaogongshan blessed land—— Money tree!

The crown of the money tree at the foot of the mountain is green, and the money you get is copper coins, which are the wealth of the people; the money tree on the mountainside has a silver crown, and you can get silver coins, which are the wealth of wealthy families; from one third of the green hill up, the money trees all have golden crowns, What is shaken is all gold, which is wealth; on the top of the mountain grows the largest money tree. It has five branches, no money crown, but is surrounded by five-color auspicious clouds, like a dream. Wei Xun felt something in his heart. He raised his hand and touched it. When he turned his hand, there was a five-color jade coin in his palm. It was crystal clear and filled with fairy spirit. The moment he got it, Wei Xun knew what it was.

This is a ‘life-buying money’!

It can replace the holder of Zhao Gongshan's blessed land and pay for his life! Only when the money trees of the common people, wealthy families, and nobles are all fruitful, can the five-color money tree on the top of the mountain produce a life-buying coin. It costs a lot to make it, but the effect is so good that even an immortal can produce it. Use this as a substitute.

"Chasing Dreams, come here, I'll give you a good thing."

Wei Xun smiled and waved, asking the dreamer to come down to the fountain of destiny, and then put the money to buy his life into his hand. Before the dream chaser spoke in surprise, he put up his hand to stop him: "This life-buying money can still be produced in the blessed land, and it is already more than half. It is not difficult to get another one."

"If you hadn't been here this time, I might have been controlled by my father-in-law in Qingcheng. You should have half of Zhao Gongshan's blessed land, and I will give you a share after I go back - take it, you can use the life money to die for an immortal. , it can also be a substitute for death for top passengers. Even if your tour guide is not afraid of returning to zero after death, you can ensure that you maintain your sanity until you recover, but their passengers can't do this, and Zhang Xingzang can still get an extra life if you accept the life-buying money. .

When Wei Xun said this, Dream Chaser, who originally didn't want to accept his things, pondered for a moment and smiled at him freely: "Then I will accept it."

"You are right, I am indeed worried that Zhang Xingzang will die again."

Although Zhang Xingzang was not actually dead for so many years, but he fell into the hands of someone who wanted to kill him, so why was he not always with the God of Death? Dream Chaser's nerves have been tense for the past ten years. Even when Zhang Xing came back from hiding, he would often wake up from his dreams and find it difficult to fall asleep. He himself didn't lack anything, but if Zhang Xingzang had money to buy his life and had one more chance, he would feel more at ease.

"A treasure of this level must be the top output in the blessed land. Normally, only one can be produced in a period of time."

After accepting the life-buying money, the dreamer asked doubtfully: "How can it be that this life-buying money is still there, and the other one has produced more than half of it?"

"The one that produced more than half of it was the one that was newly produced after I took control of the blessed land, and it corresponds to my life money."

Wei Xun explained: "The complete one in your hand is the life money originally corresponding to Zhao Gongming."

In other words, Zhao Gongming did not use it as a substitute when he died, which further proved Wei Xun's guess. I am afraid that after being eroded by pollution, Zhao Gongming foresees that the Qingcheng Mountain disaster will have an irreversible horrific impact on Chengdu and the world in the future, and he is extremely pessimistic. He has a deep connection with Zhao Gongshan, just like Qingcheng's father-in-law and Qingcheng Mountain. Even if you use your life money to escape death, you cannot escape the fate of being polluted again. Once the peaceful world is destroyed, wealth will suffer the most serious damage. For this reason, he voluntarily dispersed his divine power and dispersed into Chengdu to 'protect' the people in his own way.

Now, if you want to remove the money sore contamination in Chengdu, it is no more troublesome for dreamers to dream late at night. As long as Wei Xun releases his wealth and travels around the city, the money sore pollution will naturally be attracted to the wealth, attached to the wealth, and taken back to the blessed land. Come.

Wei Xun's eyes fell next to the five-color money tree, and he saw a small temple with gold tiles there, which should be dedicated to Zhao Gongming. But the statues in the temple are already empty, with only a little bit of ashes and a thick green three-legged tripod. This tripod is the famous cornucopia!

Are there any treasures in the cornucopia? Wei Xun curiously looked into the cauldron, and then he was surprised.

There are actually two people in this cornucopia!

They were in the deepest part of the cornucopia, so dark that they couldn't see clearly, but they were definitely two people. Wei Xun could even vaguely see that one of them seemed to be wearing a suit, and the other seemed to be wearing a Taoist robe. It's just that they were all in a coma, and they didn't react at all to the great changes that took place in Zhao Gongshan Paradise. Wei Xun wanted to fish these two people out, but it was a pity that they were not the output of Zhao Gongshan's blessed land, so he could not be allowed to fish them out. Now Wei Xun did not have the status of the God of Wealth, and he did not dare to leave the Fountain of Destiny with a look in his eyes. The remnant soul of Qingcheng’s father-in-law entered the blessed land.

Wei Xun was both curious and a little worried about the two people who didn't know whether to live or die under the cornucopia, but for a while there was really nothing he could do.

[I can pardon you and make you the True King of the Golden Dragon Ruyi Zhengyi Longhu Xuantan, and take charge of all the gold and silver treasures in the world, as long as you do one thing for me]

At this moment, a fairy voice came from Qingcheng's father-in-law who had been silent all this time.

He still didn't bother to speak or talk to Wei Xun. Only using fairy sounds to convey meaning, still maintaining the dignity of gods. But the request he mentioned next made Wei Xun curious: ‘What’s the matter? ’

【Kill Taoist thieves】

Taoist thief?

‘Who is the Taoist thief? ’

Wei Xun's heart moved, and he first raised the Taoist thief's strength and status a few points. Why didn't Qingcheng's father-in-law take action himself and asked him to do it? Could this Taoist thief be the source of the Mountain God’s pollution? Is it another big rule-based task? Or is it--

But the next second, all the speculations in Wei Xun's heart were interrupted by Xian Yin. The fairy voice rumbled like thunder, filled with anger, and said decisively: "Kill the thief who lives in your left eye!" 】

[He has obtained the true transmission of the Qingjing Sutra, but he is in the company of the Western Yi bird people, singing and cooperating without knowing what he is saying. He is really a giant thief of our Taoism, and he should be killed! 】

Ah this?

Wei Xun choked, hearing the Qing Jing Sutra sung by Kong Kongdao and the Satanic song sung by Michael and others intertwined. The two completely different voices did not make people upset, but seemed somewhat harmonious. For a moment I don’t know how to put it... Ah, this is actually because Taoist Master Kongkong and the Fallen Angels all have soul contracts with Wei Xun. They are essentially a group of people. There is some soul resonance in singing sutras and Satanic songs. It sounds very harmonious.

But you can't tell your father-in-law in Qingcheng!

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