Tiancai Monopoly Of Hokage

Chapter 85: Their Own Plans!

Everything in front of him was unimaginable to Sasuke. Is this the true strength of a strong man?

One moment it was a doomed situation, and the next second the situation was reversed and everything turned upside down!

A sea of ​​thousands of snakes and a rain of swords fill the sky.

Such a terrifying ninjutsu was destroyed in the air by Brother Tiancai's unrivaled power in just a split second.

Sasuke still can't believe his eyes.

A powerful ninja who could conquer a country died like this?

Tiancai looked towards the puddle of rotten flesh left by Orochimaru.

"There's no point in pretending to be dead. You don't think you can deceive me with such a clumsy performance."

He would not believe that Orochimaru, who was like an undead monster, could die so easily.

"What a terrifying monster. At your age, I don't have this kind of strength at all."

Following Orochimaru's eerie and cold voice, a pale-faced guy like a soft monster grew out of the puddle of rotten flesh.

That puddle of rotten flesh was like a protective shell. Within the rotten protective shell, a monster grew again.

Orochimaru style stand!

Like a snake shedding a layer of skin.

At this time, Orochimaru's face was even paler and his skin was crystal clear, like a newly born monster.

"It's a disgusting, but very practical ninjutsu.

Tiancai commented like this.

"I prefer the technique you just performed. Is it the blood inheritance boundary or the secret ninjutsu?"

Orochimaru asked Tiancai his curiosity without hesitation.

"Are you impressed by my strength?"

Incai didn't answer Orochimaru's question.

He said in a relaxed tone, "Do you want to change your mind and take refuge in me? After all, in a few years, it will be time for you to look up to me again."

Orochimaru smiled sternly, showing his sharp teeth.

"He is indeed the most genius monster in the history of Konoha."

"If Sasuke is just a genius and all he has is potential, then your potential has turned into strength.

"Just like the Fourth Hokage, unless you insist on fighting to the death, it is difficult for someone to kill you."

He stuck out his long tongue, licked his lips, and said in a dangerous tone.

"I hope you don't die early like the Fourth Hokage."

"Our battle will end here first. Next time, I will find your flaws."

Seeing the opponent's terrifying strength, Orochimaru already had the intention of evacuating.

Unless you can find the other party's flaws, there will be many traps.

Otherwise, the battle with such a monster cannot be ended in a short time.

He has many ninjutsu, but there are very few that can hurt the opponent right now.

When he was knocked away, he laid a trap with the overwhelming formation of ten thousand snakes and the Kusanagi sword. This was already the best killing move he had performed in a short period of time.

The extreme speed can be doubled again. Such a monster cannot be hit by conventional attacks.

Only powerful ninjutsu over a wide range can limit the opponent's speed.

But he didn't expect that the numerous murderous intentions he had laid out would be so easily cracked by the opponent.

Thinking back to the ninjutsu the other party had just used, Orochimaru was still frightened.

It seems that the opponent's terrifying amplification state increases more than just speed.

With the power of his body, he destroyed the Ten Thousand Snake Sword Formation in one fell swoop, and his strength increased at least several times.

Even Tsunade's strange power can't compete with his opponent.

Now in Konoha, it is not a good idea to continue fighting with such monsters.

The powerful attack just now should have alarmed the examiners here.

This time he came to Konoha with a major plan, and it was not appropriate to cause more unnecessary problems.


At this moment, another figure broke into the battlefield.

"It's you, Orochimaru."

A mature female ninja wearing fishnets and a pineapple haircut appeared in front of everyone.

She stared at Orochimaru closely and spoke in a cold tone.

"You suddenly appeared in Konoha, what conspiracy are you planning?"

When he saw the visitor, there was an expression of interest on his face.

"Anko, it's been a long time since I saw you. Your tone has become cold."

Anko looked coldly at Orochimaru's affectionate tone.

She looked at Orochimaru warily.

"You are not here to assassinate Lord Hokage, right? Apart from this, it is hard for me to imagine that there is anything else in Konoha that would attract a monster like you."

Orochimaru's tone was calm and he looked very calm.

"How come the few people under my command can't withstand the consumption of sheep? I just want to find some malleable talents in the village."

Orochimaru said in a contemptuous tone.

"What a pity, Anko, you lack potential and have been abandoned by me."

0…please give me flowers…

"Compared to you, they are the real geniuses, with amazing strength and good looks. They are definitely ideal heirs."

Orochimaru looked at Tiancai, then glanced at Sasuke with regret.

"Sasuke, it's such a pity that with this guy here, I can't give you the curse seal."

Then he laughed again.

“Although I couldn’t leave the curse mark on Sasuke as planned this time.

"But there's a surprise this time, isn't there?"

Orochimaru looked at Tiancai with very satisfied eyes.

"Konoha Tiancai, doctor of ninjutsu, I am more and more optimistic about you. Compared to the young Sasuke, the mature you seem to be more suitable for me."

"Whether it's blood inheritance or secret ninjutsu, I want to obtain the kind of power you just had. Your body may bring me even greater surprises."

Tiancai touched his chin and said seriously.

"Maybe I should beat you to death here."

This is Tiancai's true thoughts.

He was thinking that if Orochimaru was killed here in advance, the plan to collapse Konoha would be terminated.

In addition to the Konoha collapse plan, a series of early conspiracies and conspiracies were also put to rest.

A few more years of peace will be very helpful for him to continue to strengthen and develop.

Orochimaru looked at Tiancai with a calm expression.

"Don't think I can't see that you don't have much strength left. How can such a powerful ninjutsu have no limit?"

Orochimaru didn't care about Tiancai's threat.

Tiancai sneered and said nothing.

Although he was determined to stop Orochimaru's plan, he even thought about killing the boss.

But after careful consideration, it is very difficult to realize this idea.

At Kage-level strength, unless it is a fight to the death, it will be very difficult for one party to kill the other.

Just like Orochimaru now, as long as he concentrates on escaping, such a master can come and go freely throughout Konoha.

Kage-level is difficult to kill, and Orochimaru is the most difficult monster to kill among Kage-level.

Not to mention the spare bodies he had hidden everywhere.

With the strength reflected in the original plot, Orochimaru is now able to use Impure World Reincarnation.

Orochimaru himself possesses Kage-level strength, Impure World Reincarnation, and can even summon Kage-level helpers.

Under such circumstances, it would be even more difficult to kill Orochimaru.

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