Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 96 Elder Chen

Su Chen and the others found a creek, Feng Qixing built a bonfire, roasted the wolf legs they had just cut off on the bonfire, sprinkled some salt on them, and soon a fragrant aroma spread out.

Su Chen sat cross-legged next to the stream on one side, smeared the blood of the two-headed blood wolf all over his body, and then ran the "Chaos Immortal Record" to begin to absorb the essence of the blood and use it for his own use.

After only a quarter of an hour, the thick blood became extremely thin, and the essence in it had been completely absorbed by Su Chen.

Su Chen stood up, and his bones made a crackling sound like fried beans. His whole body became more upright, and his flesh and blood seemed to be filled with an inexhaustible force.

In addition, Su Chen clearly felt that his flesh and blood had become denser, and the toughness of his skin had increased again. Now, if a warrior of the same level scratched his body with a sword, his skin would probably not be broken.

The improvement of physical fitness is of great significance to a warrior. In addition to increasing the warrior's actual combat ability, it can also increase the warrior's ability to cope with sneak attacks. For example, if a warrior in the Condensing Yuan Realm is conscious, his true energy can be spread all over the body. , it is impossible to be injured by Qi-entraining realm warriors. But if a Condensing Yuan Realm warrior is unconscious, his body’s defense capability is not much higher than that of a Qi-Entering Realm warrior. This also means that if a Condensing Yuan Realm warrior is sneak-attacked by a Qi-Entering Realm warrior while sleeping, he will die in confusion. The possibility is not impossible.

However, if the body can be improved, this problem will not exist, because the defense brought by the body will always exist.

It's just that improving one's body is not an easy task. The resources that need to be consumed are terrifying. Just like the snake blood ginseng consumed by Su Chen in his last body quenching bath, it is worth a lot of money. And that is just the beginning of improving one's body. From now on, More and more natural materials and earthly treasures will be consumed.

Su Chen came to the campfire and started eating roasted wolf legs. The meat of monster beasts contains the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so it generally tastes good. In addition, the meat on the legs is tendon meat, which is moderately tough and chewy. When you bite it, the meat juice enters your mouth, and it also has a light fragrance.

While Su Chen was eating, the Chaos Immortal Record in his body was also running, absorbing every bit of the essence in the meat without any waste.

“What a delicious barbecue smell!”

Several figures suddenly appeared not far away, apparently following the aroma of barbecue.

"Who is so brave and dares to barbecue in the Xingyang Mountains without fear of attracting powerful monsters?"

There were three people in total, two men and one woman. The clothes they wore looked very familiar. They were the same as the clothes worn by the two Iron Clothes Sect warriors just now. They were obviously from the Iron Clothes Sect.

"Huh? Boy, I seem to have never seen you before. Are you not from the Iron Clothes Sect?"

One of the men spoke directly and asked Su Chen who was sitting on the ground.

"People who are not from our Iron Clothes Sect are actually able to enter the Xingyang Mountains?"

"Hey, boys, who are you and how did you get in?"

Another person asked in a very unkind tone.

Su Chen shook his head. He didn't want to cause trouble at first, but these people always found trouble for him, so he couldn't blame himself.

"You don't have to worry about who I am. I killed people outside to get in, so if you don't want to die, it's best to disappear in front of me now."

Su Chen didn't beat around the bush and said it directly.

"Ha ha……"

When those few people heard this, they all laughed on the spot, as if they had heard the funniest joke, and they were overjoyed.

"Boy, look at how young you are. Although I don't know how you got in, what you said is too ridiculous. The people coming from our Iron Clothes Sect today are at least masters of the first level of the Condensation Realm. How could they be... You're a little brat?"

"If you dare to step into the area blocked by the iron gate, this kid is impatient. No need to talk nonsense with him, just do it."

Another person said coldly.


Feng Qixing listened and couldn't help but shook his head. From what he knew about Su Chen, these three people were simply seeking death. He prayed for these three people, hoping that they would have a chance to die beautifully, at least not Just like the two people before, they were bloody and bloody.


Feng Qixing's sigh made the three people notice him.

Just now, Feng Qixing was sitting in the corner wearing black clothes. The three of them didn't pay attention at all, thinking that he was just an ordinary follower. But now after taking a closer look, the expressions of the three of them changed slightly.

"This guy's cultivation level..."

Although Feng Qixing had suppressed his aura, the aura of a strong man could not help but reveal a little bit, making these three people aware of it.

For a moment, these three people were hesitant and wanted to take action, but they were not sure of Feng Qixing's strength, so they took action.

When Su Chen saw this, he waved to Feng Qixing and said, "Go to the back."

Then, Su Chen calmly said to the three people: "Aren't you going to attack me? Come on."

As soon as the three people saw Feng Qixing retreating far away, they immediately became bolder. After exchanging glances, they all released the cultivation power in their bodies and charged at Su Chen.

These three people are all at the second level of the Condensation Realm. If they were placed in Qinghe City, they would be considered to be moderately powerful.

Su Chen stood there without moving. When the three men reached him, he stretched out his palms, one to the left and the other to the right, to face two of them.

Bang bang! The weapons held by the two men were directly cut off by Su Chen's extremely hard palms.

Su Chen's palms kept hitting the two people's chests.

boom! boom!

With two muffled sounds, the eyes of the two men suddenly became dull, and their hearts were smashed to death by Su Chen.

The remaining woman suddenly became extremely frightened, her whole body was shaking, and her eyes looking at Su Chen were as if she was seeing a devil, full of panic.

She really couldn't understand that her two companions were obviously second-level masters of the Condensation Realm, but they were killed by Su Chen easily with one palm.

"Help, I don't want to die, don't kill me..."

The woman screamed at the top of her lungs. Even she felt that she had no hope and no one would come to save her.

However, at this moment, a loud shout rang out out of thin air: "Ignorant fanatics, those who dare to kill my iron-clad sect are seeking death!"

Then, four figures were seen swooping out of the dense jungle, surrounding Su Chen.

When the woman saw the person clearly, she was overjoyed and almost cried with joy: "Elder Chen! I'm saved!"

No wonder she was so happy, the visitors were all top-notch experts in the Iron Clothes Sect, especially Elder Chen, one of the nine elders of the Iron Clothes Sect. Su Chen would definitely not be their opponent.

The four visitors lowered their heads and glanced at the two corpses on the ground, and anger suddenly appeared on their faces.

One of the old men in gray robes, about fifty years old, looked at Su Chen and asked sternly: "Did you kill these two people? Did you kill those two people when you entered the mountain just now?"

"Elder Chen, he killed him!" the woman said quickly to the side.

"You are a brave beast who dares to kill people from the Iron Clothes Sect. Elder Chen, let's kill him."

"That's right, knowing that today our iron gate is blocking the Xingyang Mountains, they broke into the Xingyang Mountains, and they didn't hesitate to kill people for this. I'm really impatient to live."

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