Time Smuggling Starting from the Year 2000

Chapter Forty-Six Collecting Money

The two weeks in early June were a huge test for Li Shenggang. Before the electrolytic aluminum plant started operating, the plant consumed an average of 500,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per day. As Huang Xuan's agent in China—and the only one who could Li Shenggang was asked to guarantee the power supply. He didn't know why Huang Xuan had such a strange request, maybe it was a business secret of the Huang family? But for him, the most important thing is to hug the thick legs tightly. As long as he hugged the young master of the Huang family's leg, he could say anything. However, the good times didn't last long. The power consumption of the aluminum plant soared, reaching 1.8 million kWh per day at one point. Such a high power consumption even exceeded the consumption of the power plant in its heyday, and basically reached the maximum output of the transformer. And in this hot summer, the peak of civilian electricity demanded factories to reduce production and limit electricity. Li Shenggang was very busy with all kinds of things. When Huang Xuan informed Li Shenggang that the power supply was going to be increased, Li Shenggang almost burst into tears. Holding the phone, he shouted: Boss, I can't add any more. These days, not only the factory manager suspects me of corruption, but also people from the city come to talk to us and ask us not to steal electricity. They think we are using the electricity here to supply other factories. Supply, I didn't dare to speak, I invited people to have two meals, but now the civilian electricity is so tight, the factory will continue to use it, and the electricity consumption will be restricted. Huang Xuan only said softly Got it, and then encouraged: You just need to continue to guarantee the use of electricity, and don't worry about the rest. I'll reimburse you for the treats. In addition, you only need to be responsible to me. What are those factory managers doing? What Li Shengang was waiting for was Huang Xuan's words. He said yes again and again, and hung up the phone in satisfaction, thinking: You are so good, do you know the boss's phone number? Is it useful? What's the use? Thinking of it, he laughed. Neither Huang Xuan nor Lorraine are very concerned about the production situation of the electrolytic aluminum factory. For Huang Xuan, with such backward production equipment, it would be good if the products produced can not lose money, so why waste energy on it, and Lorraine is more straightforward. He doesn't want normal production to affect his energy income after the factory starts operating. After all, the load on power transmission equipment is fixed and cannot be increased without limit. After hanging up the phone, Lorraine said, About 12 million kilowatt-hours of electricity is needed, and the base can be upgraded and transferred to Brazil. Huang Xuan let out a sigh of relief. He is now a poor man. He even had negative equity for the money from Xinye Company. Turning off the computer casually, Huang Xuan shook his head and said, Lorraine, we're going to run out of money. But there will be soon. Lorraine was still very concerned about our money. He turned on the printer himself, made it spit out a dozen documents, and said: There is a Japanese named Jiro Nakajima who wants to buy our whale meat and sell them. We will rich. good. Wish we had money. Huang Xuan stretched his waist. Sometimes, he also wondered whether he was using Lorraine or Lorraine was using him. The little money he finally made was basically turned into energy and fed to Lorraine, but The help I hope to get has not yet been seen. It would be embarrassing to be deceived by a stupid machine.... The Japanese are the cleaners of the world. They not only wander around the Straits of Malacca, but also travel across oceans. Sniffing the smell of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, I hope I can get some leftovers from others, or food that I forgot to eat. The Japanese of Jiro Nakajima, who was favored by Lorraine, is a small businessman—compared to those large Enterprise, a company with only 4 people can be called a leather bag company. But relying on 3 employees, Nakajima operates import and export trade throughout Latin America, buys anything that can be bought, and sells any commodity that can make money Nakajima's business always satisfies his clients. The only thing that may cause dissatisfaction is probably the profit. Nakajima's strong demand for profit even exceeds his bow. At some point, he even asked to take away 60 % of the income, but for Huang Xuan, he is very happy to give up part of the profits. He never pursues huge profits, although his transaction itself is huge profits. In addition to Nakajima Jiro, there are two Japanese and an American to join After joining the bidding process, Huang Xuan didn't need to meet them. The development of science and technology requires high-speed business cooperation, especially when the courier delivered a kilogram of whale meat to the other party's apartment, the friendship between the two parties instantly increased. Credit is the most direct The receptors are naturally commodity quality, and the whale meat from 400 years ago is already a superior product in essence. With the intensification of environmental pollution, whether it is dried shrimps or sharks, serious problems have appeared in the organisms in the earth's environment. The phenomenon of enrichment. This phenomenon was first discovered in ddt-in the original assumption, this insecticide has the characteristics of high efficiency and low usage, but in the following ten years, people unexpectedly discovered that Excessive ddt residues appear in organisms at the high end of the food chain. This situation is becoming more and more prominent in marine organisms, which may be due to the longer biological chain of marine organisms. When small fish eat shrimps, big fish eat small When the fish's usual activities happen, the residues originally left in the shrimp's body will accumulate on the small fish, and then on the big fish. After many times of superposition, the organisms at the top of the food chain will be seriously enriched What is reflected in the whale is mercury enrichment. Although it is not enough to cause disease-after all, it is impossible to eat whale every day, but for the merchants, they hope that people will not reduce their purchases for any reason. Desire, like their desire for profit.

In addition, the Japanese government has also imposed strict restrictions on the mercury content of fish, which does not exceed 0.4 mg per gram. However, even in many whale meats sold in the Japanese market, the content is often several times or even dozens of times higher than the normal value. Therefore, after Nakajima and others inspected the sent whale meat samples, their interest in this batch of products became even stronger. In Japan, the biggest problem in selling whales is the quota issue. Every year, the Japanese government announces the estimated number of whaling for scientific research, and companies that can obtain whale sales quotas are also registered and certified. When Huang Xuan asked Nakajima Jiro how to solve this problem on the phone, he replied: As long as there is no problem with the whale meat, the government will not check the total again. Since the Japanese themselves don't care For this problem, as long as Nakajima is willing to pay, it doesn’t matter even if those Japanese businessmen bought the whale meat from Santos and replaced the whale meat they originally bought. There are a lot of couples in Japan who want to buy whale meat. store, such a storefront can hardly calculate the total amount. As long as it doesn't expose Lorraine, it's fine. Whether it is Huang Xuan or His Excellency the Guardian, they are not interested in the final destination of the whale meat. What Mr. Lorraine cares about is the stable and efficient energy delivery. Although Huang Xuan cares more, the first step is to sell the meat from Spoils from afar. According to domestic prices in Japan, the price of better parts of whale meat is around 6,000 yen, while the price of the remaining parts ranges from 1,000 yen to 4,000 yen. Lorraine is a professional slicer. No matter which part the other party wants, he can prepare it in an instant and store it in the container. In addition, he also mixes different types of whale meat together unless someone inspects it. Every piece of whale meat that would otherwise be hard to spot was mixed with species that are now endangered such as arctic and gray whales. In fact, with the commercial nature of Nakajima Jiro and others, although it is necessary to find a professional inspection, the scope must not be too large. As long as Lorraine pays attention to follow up, it should be safe. On average, the price of whale meat per kilogram is 3,500 yen, but due to the huge quantity, it may affect the consumption of the entire whale meat market. Huang Xuan's final income is only around 2,500 yen. Since the transaction itself is not very legal, he did not ask for the unification of currency units. After all, the yen is also considered a major international currency. Nakajima happily bought a total of 13, almost 3,000 tons of whale meat, and bought all the whale viscera at a price of 12,000 yen per kilogram-this is the best source of fish oil health products and vitamin supplements the best biological components. The whale oil was sold to the Americans in the name of bio-lubricating oil, and his bid was 27,000 US dollars per ton. And the final profit is also a huge number, 34,000,000,000 yen, which sounds like a lot, but it is actually 320 million US dollars. Huang Xuan threw the bank card into the drawer with disdain. At the same time, the staff of ibm also quickly contacted Huang Xuan, saying, The two z990s you ordered are ready. Lin!! Why are there two? During the exam, you agreed to one, but later you asked to deal with problems such as lip-syllables, and of course you need another one. Huang Xuan was speechless, he didn't know Lorraine That's how it was calculated, it's 2 million, his hand holding the phone creaked, and a Porsche just wobbled away. Lorraine did not forget to tell Huang Xuan, The base upgrade will be completed tomorrow, and the base will be moved to Brazil in a short time, so please prepare the relevant facilities. In addition, z990 does not require training and can be hung up. Finally, Huang Xuan gritted his teeth and went back to play with the computer. If Lorraine was in front of him, he would have ripped off this fellow, but now... Fortunately, the income is quite good, Huang Xuan can only comfort himself.


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