Titan and Dragon King
: About body and renewal
It was confirmed in the afternoon that tuberculosis was worse than I expected. I started taking medicine for half a year.
My tuberculosis was detected because it had not yet started, so I could stay at home to cultivate and not be infected (negative sputum test and no cough)
To update the problem, I try to keep the daily three changes, but the update time can not be as stable as before. At noon, I try to make two changes, the third change will be later. If possible, the three changes will be sent together (I have OCD)
As for Jia Geng, I can do nothing during this time. My body does not allow me to do this, depending on the effect of my treatment in the later period.
I will start taking medicine tomorrow. It is not clear if I will have any adverse reactions after taking these medicines. The doctor said that most people are fine.
Alas, so much for the time being, the weather during this time is not normal, and readers should remember to pay attention.
And readers who stay up at night, sit for a long time, and have many bad habits, I warn you as someone who comes over, go to bed early, get up early, have time to walk, exercise, and improve your body's immunity.
Because the decline in immunity is actually a very frustrating thing, I suspect that my tuberculosis is caused by the decline in my immunity ...
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