"The next match will be between Konosuke Katakami, the general of Mibu Junior High School in Mibu Town, Tochigi Prefecture, and Kyousuke Hojo, the general of Tojo Junior High School in Tokyo!"

Hearing the referee's voice, people in the three surrounding playing fields fell into silence for a moment.

The name Hojo Kyosuke seemed to have magical power. On the field filled with referees' whistles and players' roars, it clearly penetrated into everyone's ears.

"Hey, is that the handless demon who dominates Tokyo?!"

"Don't you want to live anymore? Lower your head quickly, don't let your eyes come into contact with me, you bastard!"

"So strong! I can feel a scary aura just by looking at him. Fortunately, our team has been eliminated long ago, so we don't have to worry about meeting him, otherwise I will definitely be scared to the point of weakness in my legs."

These are people from some teams closer to Tokyo. They are more familiar with Hojo Kyosuke's deeds, while those a little further away know him through the comic "One Punch Man".

"So handsome! No wonder he can draw comics like "One Punch Man". Ryoko, I'm going to ask him to sign autographs later. Do you want to come with me?"

"Together, I want him to sign it on my kendo uniform!"

"So cunning! I want it too!"

Don't get me wrong, this is a girl. Kendo competitions are divided into men's and women's groups, and not all are monk temples like Dongcheng.

Mitsuba Miyamizu, who suddenly became the center of attention, did not panic. She was ready to fight even after the vanguard and the secondary vanguard were defeated one after another.

Taking a deep breath, she stood up and let Tetsuta Kisaki help her put on the mask.

"Can you do it? If not, just say you don't feel well. Don't embarrass me. It's too late to give up now." While tying the rope, Tetsuta Kisaki said in a low voice with a calm expression on his face.

Bastard, you can't do this!

Miyamizu Mitsuha, who was under the mask, rolled his eyes unscrupulously, said nothing, and just walked forward past Kisaki Tetsuta.

Hatagoro and others next to him didn't know what Kisaki Tetsuta was thinking. Even though Mihashi Ryoma lost the first battle, there was no loss on his face, because they all firmly believed that their boss would definitely bring victory back, and each of them gave them a sure-win goal. bless.

The wide kendo uniform will always make the height smaller on other people, but on Hojo Kyosuke, who has extremely excellent body proportions, he is as handsome as the sword master in the anime. When walking, the hem of the kendo uniform shakes slightly, which will cause a burst of exclamations from the players in the women's group next to him.

Konosuke Katakami, the general of Mibu Junior High School in Mibu Town, Tochigi Prefecture, who had already walked onto the field, curled his lips and even waved the bamboo sword in his hand in boredom. He didn't believe that the opponent was really as powerful as the rumors said. The one named Tetsuta Kisaki before was also said to be a strategist. Didn't he only get a draw despite all his efforts?

Watch him defeat Hojo Kyousuke cleanly later and steal the cheers from those girls!

"Kunosuke! Bastard! Be more serious!" A woman on the sidelines yelled loudly.

"Yes." After hearing the instructor's voice, Konosuke Katakami quickly turned around and bowed continuously, which was in line with the style of Tochigi Prefecture people. Most men are indecisive, while women are extremely assertive.

Walking towards the competition venue step by step, Miyamizu Mitsuha thought he would panic, but he didn't.

Although the bamboo sword in his hand is not as smooth as Hojo Kyosuke's exclusive bamboo sword, when he took it into his hand, the memory of countless days and months of practicing in the Kagura Hall until he lost all strength and fell over came to mind, and he was brutally slashed by Onizuka in the Tojo Kendo Club. The physical sensation is still clear.

Holding the bamboo knife, the noise on the field seemed to disappear in an instant. The girl seems to have found the feeling of dancing Kagura dance in front of everyone. The bamboo sword in her hand seems to be no different from the Kagura bell. One cuts down the enemy, and the other dispels evil spirits.

She can win!

He walked up to the opponent whose name he didn't remember and looked at the opponent's provocative expression through the mask. Inexplicably, the miko lady thought of Toshiya Yamanaka in the fashion trio. He seemed to be like this at the beginning, but now he has become a loyal believer who comes to the shrine every day to help with hygiene.

Following the referee's order, Konosuke Katakami impatiently raised his bamboo sword and rushed over with a roar, looking like an idiot who had no strategy and could only use brute force.

No, it looked like he was going to hit me on the head, but his left foot was already exerting force, so it was a feint from the front, and he was going to turn to the left to attack my left forearm.

The expression on the miko lady's mask is unusually calm. Let alone you, even if the Onizuka ghost in Tokyo can scare children to tears and screams at me, I won't be afraid.

Countless sparring sessions brought practical combat experience that no one could match. Before, Mitsuha Miyamizu didn't know whether it was because of his own talent for kendo or because of Hojo Kyosuke's body.

As early as the first time she went to the kendo club, she discovered that she felt like she was pointing at her arm when wielding Hojo Kyosuke's sword. At that time, she was curious and wanted to try it again, but was interrupted by Qisaki. After continuous practice, she discovered that even that side of her body could get feedback.

Including studies, before she was in Itomori's school and wondered why her grades in science were so much better. You must know that she had decided early on to study liberal arts in high school. But later, when she was switching bodies, she understood that it was because of the many exercises and kendo exercises she did here that she borrowed Hojo Kyosuke's talent!

In short, she saw everything, and saw all the flaws in the man opposite!

Four minutes of game time, how long is a round? The answer is five seconds!

From the time Konosuke rushed over to the time he was hit in the head, to the time three referees raised the flag at the same time, only five seconds passed!

The three referees confirmed the score together, and the players from both sides returned to the competition line.

Tetsuta Kisaki in the audience looked in disbelief, while Goro Hata, Ryoma Mihashi and others cheered excitedly. But then, Kisaki felt excited. Yes, my training must have worked. It seems that the merger of big brother's personality is just around the corner!

Mitsuha Miyamizu calmly waited for the second round to continue, while the face of Konosuke Katakami on the opposite side was still confused under the mask. He still hasn’t understood what happened, and he hasn’t even changed direction yet. Is it worth it after all?

The referee once again announced the start of the game. Mitsuha Miyamizu did not wait for the opponent to make the first move. He used the footwork shown by Kyousuke Hojo that he had seen on the video and brought Konosuke Kataami into the attack range with just one step.


The three referees' flags were waved neatly, and this round only took three seconds!

Seeing Konosuke Katakami who was still stunned on the spot, the referee stepped forward to see if there was anything wrong. After all, Mitsuha Miyamizu hit the head twice. Although he was protected by a mask, it was normal to be frightened by such a fierce attack.

After all, even the three referees made their decisions based on instinctive reactions. When the flag was waved, they realized that they were also shocked by Hojo Kyosuke from Dongcheng Middle School. Fortunately, the opponent did score.

When the referee was concerned about Konosuke Katakami, the talents in several surrounding arenas who were paying attention to this side finally started cheering and talking. But I didn’t dare to be too reckless, after all, points would be deducted for disrupting the game. Of course, those girls who can’t help but take out their phones to take pictures are not included.

But the heroic figure standing on the field holding a bamboo sword instantly became an unforgettable memory for everyone. No matter how many years have passed, they will remember that at the 49th All-Neon Middle School Kendo Competition, a man named Hojo Kyosuke The swordsman is officially wreaking havoc on Neon Kendo.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Konosuke Kataguchi and that he was simply frightened, the referee continued to announce the start of the game. The boy who was full of beautiful longings at the beginning continued to start the game that would end his kendo career.

Because both the vanguard and the secondary vanguard lost, while Tetsuta Kisaki was tied, and only the deputy general Hata Goro won, Miyamizu Mitsuha not only wanted to win, but also let the team surpass the opponent in terms of total gain, that is, the total score. . So even after winning, she started scoring unscrupulously.

And she still remembered that Hojo Kyousuke wanted to change his nickname of the handless devil. Although he had left and right forearms that were easier to hit, he still chose to hit the head, abdomen or throat every time.

The referee's flag was waved again and again, and the numbers on the scoreboard kept getting bigger. After confirming that her score would allow the team to win, the miko lady finally stopped holding the bamboo sword in her hand and bowed to her opponent. Although it was strange why the other party didn't bow, the miko lady, who was filled with joy, just wanted to share her joy with Aunt Miyoko in the stands.

Walking to the edge of the venue, looking at Aunt Miyoko who had stood up and waving her hands, Miyamizu Mitsuha took off her mask and showed a big smile.

In the morning, Aunt Mijiko saw that it was still her, and she didn't show the slightest worry. Instead, she kept encouraging. This is also the reason why Miss Miko can be so calm on the court. Whether it is Kyousuke or Aunt Miyoko, they all trust themselves and believe that they can win.

In this case, Mitsuha Miyamizu, who believes in them as much as they believe in themselves, also believes that they can win!

Seeing that his elder brother's split personality actually had such strength, Tetsuta Kisaki immediately changed his strategy. In a game that allows one person to defeat the opponent's entire team, putting the strongest combat power last is the stupidest choice.

Mitsuha Miyamizu was decisively placed in third place, and the two in front were rotated so that everyone could get a chance to practice. If someone lost, Mitsuha Miyamizu was allowed to fight all the way until he won the third game. . Tetsuta Kisaki knows what kind of monster physical strength his elder brother has in his body. Even if he is allowed to compete alone for the whole process, he will not feel tired at all!

After making such adjustments, Dongcheng Middle School quickly became the fastest team to win in the game.

In the evening, all the games are over.

The All-Neon Kendo Federation, referred to as the All-Neon Kendo Federation, organizes the national competitions for the junior high school and high school departments, and now it is their people who present the awards.

"You should be Hojo Kyosuke from Minato City whom Ono Yamamura reported to. How come you haven't come to my house for so long since you came to Tokyo?"

When Mitsuha Miyamizu received the prize for winning the individual battle, the man in a black suit across from him said suddenly after finishing his celebratory speech.

ha? Who is Yamamura Onobu? What is this family doing?

Mitsuha Miyamizu remembered that the host had introduced him before, and the man in front of him was Akashi Naito, one of the 47 directors of the All Sword Federation, and the representative of the Hokushin Itto-ryu clan of ancient kendo.

However, you may know Hojo Kyosuke, but I really don’t know you.

Smiling awkwardly, the girl spoke in a perfunctory manner, "I'm sorry, I had something to do before, but I'll do it next time." Then he walked off the stage in a panic. Because there were other winners behind him, the person who spoke didn't ask any more questions.

There are rewards for winning in group battles, rewards for daring to fight in group battles, rewards for winning individual battles, and rewards for daring to fight in individual battles. These are the rewards that Hojo Kyosuke went up to receive on behalf of Tojo and himself. In addition, Tojo also won the third place in the individual competition, and it was Hata Goro. This guy was also very strong. After all, he was trained by Hojo Kyosuke.

After the awards were over, Naito Akashi originally wanted to have a chat with the kendo genius his junior brother Yamamura Ono said, but he saw that he was surrounded by students from various schools. He had no choice but to shake his head and follow the people from the local kendo organization. . He was not like Hojo Kyosuke who could enjoy the joy of victory as much as endless entertainment was still waiting for him.

The Hojo Kyosuke he was following, Mitsuha Miyamizu, wanted to share it with Aunt Miyoko immediately after winning the award, but he was surrounded the moment he walked off the stage. Those people with fanatical faces made her a little scared, and she suddenly thought of some indescribable virus.

"Hojo-san, can you exchange contact information?" This was an opponent who was neatly defeated by Mitsuha Miyamizu. Conquered by the opponent's powerful swordsmanship, he even had the urge to transfer from Kyushu Island to Tokyo to follow him.

Mitsuha Miyamizu politely rejected the other party. Although she was quite happy to help Kyosuke take in his younger brother, that was Kisaki's responsibility.

"Get out of the way, don't squeeze me, Hojo-kun, can you sign your autograph for me?" Ryoko, who had just agreed to sign the kendo uniform, now opened her kendo uniform to reveal the white T-shirt underneath, with an eager look on her face. He said pointing to his chest.

No, your breasts are too dangerous, I can't let you get to know Kyosuke! Otherwise, his kendo strength will regress.


After the game, the stadium seemed to have turned into a star-chasing scene. Even Hata Goro and others who wanted to rescue their chief were blocked outside and were unable to do anything.

In the stands, Hojo Mikiko looked at Mitsuha Miyamizu who was a little embarrassed but still responded to everyone's requests calmly, with a happy smile on her face.

In the past, she only saw Mitsuha Mitsuha swapping bodies with her son as an interesting thing, but now she sincerely thinks it is a good thing.

Because from the story of the little witch yesterday, she saw a girl who was bound by many rules and who was a little timid and inferior because of her family and environment.

But now it seems that because of switching bodies with Kyousuke, the girl named Mitsuha Miyamizu has undergone an astonishing transformation. Confident, calm, and sharp, she has become what she once dreamed of.

Hojo Mikiko likes to see this, which is why she likes Sakura, Glass, and Naoka so much.

Because her son became fond of sports, Sakura became optimistic, cheerful and sensible; because her son learned to speak, Glass went from being a marginal person to a cutie that everyone loves now; Naohana also became frank, daring to love and hate; There is also Yinglili, whom she has never met. I heard that her son has become healthy because of her.

This is because Mrs. Hojo didn't know about Kasumigaoka Shiu's existence. Otherwise, she would be even happier knowing that her son had saved a girl's self-esteem.

That's great.

Hojo Mikiko is not just a creature of good looks, but the girls around her son have grown up in her aesthetics.

She felt joy from the bottom of her heart when she looked at these girls who had become better because of her son, because this was all proof of her Kyousuke's excellence.

Not only is he great in himself, he also makes the people around him better because of him.

Just like Glass before, she had also worried about whether Glass would rely too much on Kyosuke because of those things. She also mentioned this concern to her son, but Kyosuke, who was only in sixth grade, said something that moved her as a mother.

"I promised Glass's mother that I will always be by Glass's side. Glass will not lose herself, and I will make her a better person!"

Just like Glass, just like Mitsuha in front of her, Hojo Mikiko can see the light of her son shining in them.

Such a person was her son, a son she had trained through all the hard work alone in Watergate City.


Even though the soul in the body of the person in front of her was not her son, Hojo Mikiko couldn't help crying.

"Oh, my wife, why are you crying again? It's not Kyousuke who won the award." Compared with Mikiko Hojo, Ichiro Hojo's thoughts are obviously much more rigid.

"Idiot! Mitsuha became so good not because of my Kyousuke! Without Kyosuke, Mitsuha might still be the little girl who was ridiculed by her classmates when she danced and was unable to do anything!"

Although saying this seemed a bit disrespectful to Mitsuba's efforts, after hearing her husband's words, Hojo Mikiko couldn't help but refute.

She naturally knew that the changes in the girls were the result of their own efforts, and her son only exerted influence. Just like Glass who practiced pronunciation and speaking over and over again at home in elementary school, Mikiko was moved by the little girl's hard work and perseverance. But everything has its cause and effect. Without Kyousuke, Glass would still be the little girl who could only communicate with people through a notepad, and Mitsuba would still be the little miko who was overwhelmed by the burden. They would never change. It became what it is now.

Without Kyousuke, there would never be Mitsuha Miyamizu who is confident and high-spirited on the court now.

It might be easier to win if her own precious son came, but now, girls who are simply influenced by their own sons can win the game. The satisfaction brought by this fact makes Hojo Mikiko even more proud of it.

At this moment, Hojo Ichiro could only think of his wife crying, nodding and apologizing, hoping that she would stop her tears quickly.

Finally, with the help of his subordinates who broke into the siege, Miyamizu Mitsuha was able to escape.

"Thank you for your hard work, Chief!"

A huge and uniform roar resounded in the gymnasium. The four people from Dongcheng, headed by Kisaki, all bowed ninety degrees to themselves and shouted.

Mitsuha Miyamizu was slightly startled, then raised the trophy in his hand and shouted equally loudly:


"Dongcheng!!!" The four subordinates straightened up and raised the trophies in their hands, roaring angrily.

If anything were to happen in the past, other schools would definitely boycott it collectively if they saw such an arrogant team. But this time, I'm sorry, they have too many trophies, and the generals are too strong and handsome.

The people who had just gathered around Mitsuha Miyamizu applauded one after another, and even Quan Jianlian and his party who had walked to the door were attracted by the shouts.

Naito Akashi turned around and looked at Hojo Kyosuke, whose face was filled with dazzling light in the center of the crowd.

"These students are so outrageous. Do you need me to stop them?" A clerk stepped forward and said.

"It is the right of the strong to enjoy victory. If I don't have to have a boring party with you guys, I would rather compete with that fellow disciple for a few rounds."

Of course, this was the thought in Naito Akashi's head. In reality, he just smiled and shook his head gently, then turned around and continued to walk out of the door with the large army.

Although they worship individual heroism and like to read all kinds of Ikkito novels, this kind of deeds that can lead the team to victory is what Neon Society likes to see most. No matter why, the entire society emphasizes teamwork anyway, although it eventually developed into a culture where if you are not coordinated with the team, it is your problem.

But at this moment, seeing everyone in the Dongcheng Kendo Club sharing the joy, everyone felt the joy and applauded them one after another.

After everything was over, Ichiro Hojo drove a few children to the Robata Shirakaba store yesterday. At this time, in addition to gathering at home, the environment of an izakaya is indeed more suitable for celebration.

Sure enough, when they heard that the group was the winner of the just-concluded All-Neon Middle School Kendo Competition, and that Hojo Kyosuke had achieved the astonishing achievement of the Thirty Person Dare Fight Award, everyone in the restaurant raised their glasses in congratulations.

In the first year of junior high school, he won the national competition. Even the usually calm Kisaki couldn't help laughing while eating. Hata Goro and others kept using their mobile phones to chat with their friends in the chat room. They kept sharing various things about today’s game, as well as photos showing off their trophies.

Even the weaker forwards Mihashi Yoshima and secondary forward Kuroki Koji, who often lose games today, did not feel the slightest bit embarrassed when they were teased. They just happily expressed their determination and said that they would not disgrace the president next year. !

Miyamizu Mitsuha sat next to Hojo Mikiko like last night, quietly watching the noisy subordinates. Swapping bodies not only brought about changes in herself, but also brought about these "strange friends". They were obviously thousands of miles apart, but they gathered here, worked hard for the same goal, and sat together to celebrate the victory.

After eating, the group continued to divide into two groups like last night. The game was over, and there was no need to return to the hotel early to rest, so Tetsuta Kirisaki rejected Hojo Kyosuke's father's suggestion to send them back to the hotel later, saying that they would go back on their own after they had enough fun. After all, it was only a few kilometers away. Just a road.

Hojo Ichiro followed behind consciously, while Hojo Mikiko walked in front with Miyami Mitsuha on her arm.

As the two walked together, the topic of conversation would naturally not leave Hojo Kyosuke. By constantly talking about the dirty information they knew about Hojo Kyosuke, their relationship quickly became closer.

Walking to a convenience store, Hojo Mikiko suddenly asked Hojo Ichiro to go in and buy a bottle of drink for the two of them.

"Sanye Sanye, you must try this drink. It is sold only in Hokkaido in the world!" said Mrs. Hojo, whose smile had not disappeared from her face all day long.

Mitsuha Miyamizu expressed her expectation, and while she was waiting outside the door, she took a deep breath. The air in Kushiro felt much higher in oxygen content than in Tokyo, but there was also a "water vapor" that Itomori didn't have. She guessed this was probably because Kushiro had a large swamp.

Taking another deep breath, the girl said anxiously: "Aunt Miyoko, do you think I have taken away Kyousuke's honor?"


Hojo Mikiko was originally looking through the glass of the convenience store at her husband inside looking for that special drink. When she heard this, she couldn't help but be startled. She turned to look at Mitsuha Miyamizu, only to see her face full of apologies.

"Ara, why do you think so?" An unexpected tone.

"Because it was Kyosuke who was supposed to be standing there enjoying the glory." Mitsuha Miyamizu said. At the time of the competition, all she could think about was winning. Later, when she was in the Robata Shirakaba, she looked at the happy Kirisaki and others. She just realized the problem.

"Hahahaha" Hojo Mikiko raised her head and rubbed Mitsuha Miyamizu's head vigorously, and said in a funny voice:

"Really, this isn't Itomori. There aren't that many people who will watch your every move and find fault. Don't think about it all day long. I don't know how happy that lazy guy Kyousuke will be if someone can do these things for him."

Seeing the girl's still gloomy expression, Hojo Miyoko thought for a while and decided to reveal some deeper black information about her son.

"When I was still in Minato City, I discussed with Kyosuke about returning to Hokkaido to study. You know Sakura. Of course Kyousuke couldn't let her go, and even proposed to stay in Minato City alone. Then I suggested that Kyosuke's grandfather hire Sakura Ryo’s father, Mr. Yamauchi, asked the whole family to follow him to Hokkaido.”

The miko lady was stunned when she heard this. Although she knew that Aunt Miyoko's thoughts were different from those of ordinary people, she didn't expect that they would be so outrageous. But the relationship between Kyosuke and Sakura is indeed...

"A joke! I was just kidding!" Hojo Mikiko explained with a sweet smile:

"Ordinary children would feel that their parents are interfering in their lives, right? They might even be rebellious, but that kid Kyosuke actually agreed without hesitation at all."

"Hehehe, it's Kyousuke's character. He never refuses to take shortcuts."

Mitsuha Miyamizu said with a smile, just like that guy would join the Rampage Angels because he wanted a group of subordinates who could improve the quality of life, or he would not mind using the relationship that his subordinate's father is the editor-in-chief of a publishing house, or he would use his subordinates to lead own comic sales. That guy would never mind doing things that could reduce his workload.

"You don't know it yet, but when Kyosuke said he could pay for my husband and I to start traveling around the world, my dear wife actually agreed immediately and didn't think there was anything special about using her son's money to enjoy life. In In this regard, father and son are exactly the same."

Hojo Mikiko looked at her husband who had already taken the drink to the counter to pay, and said with a chuckle:

"So, you don't have to worry about it at all. If Kyousuke can get everything done without doing anything, I don't know how satisfied he will be. Compared with fighting here with a bunch of smelly people, maybe he will I'm probably having fun inside your body right now."

"Ah, there is no such thing as having fun in my body!" The miko lady immediately turned red and waved her hands vigorously.

Hojo Mikiko did not dwell on this point, and changed the topic after laughing teasingly:

"But after agreeing to the idea of ​​bringing Sakura and his family to Hokkaido, Kyousuke raised another question."

"What?" Mitsuha Miyamizu asked. Something must have changed later, otherwise he would not have become a handsome boy from Tokyo but a handsome boy from Hokkaido.

"Kyosuke said, 'What if it's not just Sakura?', you should know, right? Kyousuke was talking about Glass and Naoka."

After saying this, Hojo Mikiko turned her head and looked at Mitsuha Miyamizu with squinted eyes and a smile. Naturally, she was not just trying to enlighten Sanye. As a mother, she naturally had to prepare early for her son's life-long events. She didn't believe that her son was willing to let go of any girl around him, so she, as a mother, would have to work harder.


Yes, I only knew that Kyousuke was a perfect boy, but I forgot that I was not the only one who could see this, and I even forgot that his perfection was also reflected in his fraternity.

Fortunately, the miko lady was prepared for this and quickly forgot about it with an ostrich mentality. It was too early to think about it now. He still had the task of inheriting the shrine, so it was impossible for Kyosuke to abandon everything he had in Tokyo and come to Itomori. Unless the shrine suddenly disappeared and she no longer needed to be a miko, it would be more like going to Tokyo to find him.

Putting this matter aside, Miyamizu Mitsuha began to talk about how his father was so scared by Kyosuke that he still dared not talk to him, which made Hojo Mikiko laugh so hard.

When they parted at the door of the hotel, the two made an appointment to go shopping and buy clothes together tomorrow.

There was vague music in his ears, and Hojo Kyousuke slowly opened his eyes.

The bright light made him raise his hands to cover his eyes. He knew that he had entered Mitsuha Miyamizu's body. Although he didn't know why he would swap even if he was sleeping on the plane, he didn't care. After all, the exchange between the two was abnormal from the first time. That time, they could swap from the meeting place even after taking a nap. This time Nothing more surprising.

"Next, Miyamizu-san, please prepare."

Before Hojo Kyousuke could adapt to the change in light, he heard an old voice coming from in front of him.

Putting down his hand, Hojo Kyousuke quickly looked around. At the front, an old lady wearing glasses sat behind a desk, and a student stood in front of her and sang.

Damn it, it’s a music exam!

Someone who suffers from agiasia is shocked, well, it's not actually agia, he is just tone-deaf. Even after getting Naohua's talent and gaining stronger control over his body, singing is still his biggest weakness.

What a wonderful reincarnation. Mitsuha Miyamizu helped him take the exam before, but now it's finally his turn. But why is it a music exam? Why is the music test at Itomori Middle School not a written test!

For example, their Dongcheng Middle School's exam this time is written, and tests the names of some singers and simple music theory knowledge. As long as he can pass the questions, Hojo Kyosuke is not afraid of any exam.

Before he could finish his random thoughts, the classmate in front of him had already finished his exam. Hojo Kyosuke slowly stood up, raised his left hand, and said in a rough voice:

"Teacher, my throat is not feeling well today. Can I take the exam again tomorrow?"

When things get tough, Mitsuha Miyamizu can handle this kind of thing by herself, so that he won't harm her. Examinations such as music and art are not as serious as the five major subjects. Even the format of the examination is decided by the teacher, so Hojo Kyosuke made such a decision.

"Is that so? Of course you can, but Miyamizu-san, do you need to go to the infirmary?"

As a music teacher who had gone to Miyamizu Shrine to seek enlightenment the night before, she thought guiltily that it was probably because she had to keep talking to the townspeople every night that Miss Mitsuha behaved like this.

"Thank you, teacher. I'll be fine if I take a day off." Hojo Kyosuke smiled and bowed to thank you.

"Mitsuha, what's wrong with you? Didn't you just say that you should behave well?" Sayaka asked worriedly.

"Nothing, just adjusting my state." Someone continued naturally.

After class, Hojo Kyosuke went to the classroom office.

Knocking lightly on the door, Hojo Kyousuke walked in after receiving a response, and then saw Yukino Mokari sitting at his desk writing something.

Wearing a black suit, Xueye and the gray-white desk formed a picture. Of course, the desk could only be left blank. The essence of the whole picture was on that beautiful woman.

The little black suit jacket couldn't hide Xueye's beautiful waistline at all. With her body leaning forward slightly, a touching arc swelled from her hips, dropped at the junction of her waist and hips, then slightly curved on her back, and finally extended to that point. Snow-white neck. She is so stunningly beautiful even when she is wearing clothes. I really don't know how delicate the body wrapped in fabric is.

Facing such beautiful scenery, even the air he breathed seemed to become sweeter. Hojo Kyousuke didn't want to speak for a while, so he stood there silently like a student who made a mistake.

I don’t know how long it took, but it seemed that the document in my hand was finally finished. Hojo Kyosuke heard a slight moan coming from Yukino Momori's mouth, then put down his pen, stretched his elbows back, and did a chest expansion exercise. It was also at this time that someone discovered that Xueye's seemingly slender body actually had such a perfect paradise.

"Huh? Sanye, why are you here?"

Xueye, who had finally finished the annoying files, was about to open the drawer and take out a rice ball to replenish his energy, when he saw a figure suddenly appear next to him.

"Xue Ye, it's me."

Uh-huh! ?

Those black eyes, which were somewhat dim due to the endless files, seemed to have broken into a galaxy for a moment, blooming with endless surprises.


Xueye raised his hands to cover his mouth in disbelief, and screamed in surprise.

"Well, it's me." Hojo Kyosuke smiled slightly, then pointed at the drawer that Yukino had opened and asked:

"So, do you want to have lunch together?"

This was the purpose of his coming here, ever since he first saw food being fed into Xueye's mouth with chopsticks.

Not only Xueye, but also himself became obsessed with such a process.

"Yes!" Yukino Momori nodded heavily, and her fluffy black bob flew up with joy as she moved. She hasn't eaten the food Kyousuke fed her for almost two months!

There are less than a hundred people in Itomori Middle School's junior and senior high schools combined. Although it looks very miserable from the perspective of development, the two people who easily found a deserted corner to eat at this moment are obviously very satisfied with the current situation.

The large playground is not the corner where discarded tables and chairs are piled up where Mitsuha Miyamizu and her two close friends often eat. Although Hojo Kyosuke is very satisfied with the green shade under the big tree, what he has to do now is the feeding task. He doesn't want to embarrass Yukino, even though the shy look on his face is cute.

Under the same big tree, I don’t know if they were tables and chairs brought over by a baseball club or something like that. They were now a bargain for Kyousuke Hojo.

On the table was a rice ball bento made by Yukino herself. In order to facilitate feeding, the two of them sat opposite each other.

Although he had agreed so simply before, looking at Hojo-kun who was holding a rice ball and looking at him with a smile, Yukino could not help but feel shy in his heart, and his pretty fair face was stained with a delicate red glow.


Looking at the woman who was obviously a mature woman but was as shy as a little girl, Hojo Kyousuke just felt that the world was really wonderful. The cuteness of most girls gradually disappears as they grow older. With the influence of various factors in life and work, they will gradually mature and forget their cute side.

But the woman in front of her, although she had suffered so much malice in life, still retained a heart like a child. Every move and every move shows the unique cuteness of a girl, and even her voice is as sweet and innocent as a child. This series of performances forms a sharp contrast with her appearance. It is really indescribably cute.

Listening to Hojo Kyosuke's voice and looking at the other person's familiar expression, Yukino Ninja felt shy in his heart. He leaned forward slightly and said softly "Ah~~"

Hojo Kyousuke's eyes moved from Yukino's mysterious black eyes to the rice ball. His neat white teeth connected with the seaweed on the rice ball, and then he bit it gently, and kissed the rice ball with his soft lips.

After feeling a slight tug on his hand, and looking at Yukino Momori who was chewing with satisfaction, Hojo Kyosuke really felt that it would be great to be able to switch bodies with Mitsuha Miyamizu! Then he picked up the rice ball with his other hand and took a big bite.

I'm five minutes late, sorry.

Double last day, please vote for me! ! !

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