Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 232 High School Starts

【Ruyi Liao】

The mansion naming contest was ultimately won by Yamauchi Sakura. The selection process was absolutely fair and impartial because it was a secret ballot system, and she received all the votes.

Even Eiri, even though she muttered that she was going to change the old Furukawa Garden into a Coca-Cola Garden when she got home, she still voted for her schoolgirl.

Sobu High School was originally a public high school located in Chiba City. However, in order to further improve the quality of teaching and receive a large number of social resources, it not only moved to Tokyo, but also became a private university.

April 1

The furry Momotaro was surprised to find that the man who usually got up only when the sun was shining on the pool actually got up early today. The stupid puppy thought that the owner had finally lost his mind and wanted to take it out for a walk in the early morning. The little tail shook so hard that it almost turned into a propeller.

But the strange thing is why the male host and hostess are all wearing similar clothes.

"Sorry, Momotaro, I can't play with you today."

Glass squatted down and gently rubbed the puppy's head. There were a lot of things before the start of school. They didn't even have time to make a house for the puppy, so they just asked Zhihua to make a simple mat.

It is worth mentioning that although Momotaro’s owner is Kasumigaoka and his favorite person is Eiri, the person responsible for training him every day is Sakura. Before, the family was still worried about the problem of their dog peeing everywhere, but who knew that Sakura was able to train her dog well after only three days at home.

"Momotaro, sit down!"

Sakura called softly, and the fluffy puppy sat on the ground obediently, then tilted its head and waited for the next instruction.

"Yo Xi, yo Xi, what a good dog." The girl smiled happily, tore off a small piece of bread in her hand and threw it over.

It needs to be emphasized here that except for things that are clearly harmful to dogs, otherwise, it is okay to eat small amounts of things like bread.

It's less than half past six, and breakfast is bread baked the day before. Hojo Kyosuke was so rare that he didn't even bother to eat. He slumped on the sofa and leaned his head weakly on the back of the sofa.

It was too early, it made him feel like he was back in his previous life.

"So why do you have to get up so early? Your senior sister has already set the right example. Get up at eight o'clock. After the class meeting ends at eight thirty, the teacher goes out from the front door and we go in through the back door, just in time for the first class. , and then start a happy study life.”

That's right, the only people in the living room at this moment are Hojo Kyosuke, Glass, and Sakura. The three students studying at Toyosaki were still sleeping soundly.

"Ah, please get up quickly. Your clothes are wrinkled. I just ironed them for you last night!" Sakura shouted, walking over and pulling someone up.

When we mention this, we have to lament the benefits brought by technological progress. If he had replaced it with an old-fashioned electric iron, even if he bought three more sets of school uniforms, they wouldn't be enough for Ying Lili to practice with. There would definitely be countless holes in each set.

When several girls were preparing clothes for the next day last night, they sat around on the carpet in the living room and ironed his school uniform five times like the precise operation above. The school uniform jacket, worth 15,000 yen, enjoys benefits that even million-level clothes cannot have.

"Zhihua's entrance ceremony has ended, but ours has not. We need to go check out the venue a little earlier."

Yamauchi Sakura spoke plausibly, and Glass next to her actually nodded seriously. Just like when she was in elementary school, this girl would be serious and nervous whenever such an occasion came up. If possible, Hojo Kyousuke would really like to give her the task of speaking and give her a good practice.

The entrance ceremony and the opening ceremony are different. The entrance ceremony corresponds to the graduation ceremony, which is more grand and full of ceremony. Some schools hold them separately, and the entrance ceremony is held some time before the start of the school year. This is the case at the private Fengzhiqi Academy. Some schools are held together, like Sobu High School.

"It's enough to see all the classrooms so far in advance."

Although he said this, Hojo Kyousuke still obeyed and let Sakura pull him out of the door. It only takes more than ten minutes to walk from his home to Sobu High, so there is no need to rush through the morning rush hour.

"Momotaro, remember to wake up Eiri and the others." Before leaving the house, Sakura warned her seriously.


When they reached the road, Hojo Kyousuke realized that they were not the only students who got up so early. Students wearing various school uniforms were walking on the road in twos and threes, talking and laughing. Looking at the anticipation and excitement on their faces, even without the skill of identifying grades by looking at school uniforms, he knew that the other party was also a freshman in high school.

"Hey, Kyosuke, what do you think?"

Someone was casually spreading his thoughts, and Sakura's voice came from in front of him. He turned his head.

The Somei Yoshino cherry blossoms on the side of the road took special notice. Sakura Sakura under the tree held Glass with one hand and the shoulder strap of her schoolbag with the other, looking at him with a smile unique to spring.

Black school uniform jacket, white shirt, red bow on the collar, plaid skirt. Sakura's eyes were full of smiles, showing her white teeth. Although Glass next to her was a little shy, she also looked at the man timidly, anticipating what he would think of herself as a high school student.

The girl's bright smile and the swirling and falling cherry blossoms turn into a spring scene. Withered flowers, a girl who is about to enter the best time.

Hojo Kyousuke's heart also swirled down like the petals, floating towards the hem of the girl's skirt. It was like traveling through a gap in time and space. Suddenly, he and they had crossed over from elementary school to Watergate City and arrived here together.

"Are the cherry blossoms so beautiful? Why can't I see you?"

People are as beautiful as cherry blossoms, and they confuse my heart.

"Hahaha, Kyosuke is so cunning, can't he say a few nice words seriously?"

Sakura laughed playfully, let go of Glass's hand, and spun around in a circle. Her black, white and gray plaid skirt floated up, revealing the safety pants underneath.

"Today is our first day as JKs. Aren't you excited to go to school with us?"

"Glass, the new hairstyle suits you very well." Hojo Kyosuke stepped forward and stretched out his hand to remove the cherry blossoms from Glass's head. Under the illumination of the morning sun, Niazi's light brown hair seemed to turn pink, making it even more adorable.

Maybe he wanted to give his new classmates a brand new impression, so he tied his hair into a bun on the back of his head, exposing the smooth back of his neck. It does feel a little less silly than when I put my hair on my shoulders. From a cute girl to a livable girl.

"Ah, is only Glass cute? I also have a new hairstyle today!" Sakura protested. She also had her hair in a bun, but instead of tying up all her hair neatly like Glass, it looked like a whirlpool. .

"My mother had done this for you on the third day I met you."

After knowing each other for so many years, the girl's appearance has been imprinted in his heart. With that said, he took steps again.

"Huh? That's how it is!" Sakura's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly retorted: "How can it be the same? That was Yamauchi Sakura, an elementary school student, and today she is Yamauchi Sakura, a female high school student."

"Yes, yes, Sakura is 100% today."

"That's pretty much it~"

While talking and laughing, the gate of Sobu High School was already in front of us. Hojo Kyosuke had come here to go through the formalities and attend the orientation session for new students before, so he looked carefully at the school's drawings and saw that the entire campus was shaped like a "mouth".

The gorgeous building that can be seen from the door is the multimedia building. Behind it is the teaching building on the left and the special building on the right. The two buildings are connected by corridors on the second floor. The former is used for daily classes, while the latter is used for cooking classrooms and club activity rooms.

The center of the word "口" is the atrium, with a large number of green plants and seats. The most eye-catching one is a cherry blossom tree near the special building. It has grown for an unknown number of years. This cherry blossom tree is as high as two stories. Kyousuke Hojo saw this in person. Standing on the second floor of the special building, the visual effect was great.

Needless to say, this place is naturally the main scene for campus love. At noon, a large number of men and women will gather here to have lunch or chat. Even after school in the afternoon, a large number of people skip club activities and continue to hang out here. .

"Ahhhh, I'm so sleepy." Just as he was about to enter the campus, Sakura yawned suddenly, then suddenly remembered something, put down the blue schoolbag behind him, and rummaged through it vigorously.

"Oh no, no, I forgot my modern literature textbook. Kyousuke, please go back and get it for me, please." She turned her head and stuck out her tongue cutely at Hojo Kyosuke.

"Sakura, I don't seem to be going to school this morning... huh huh." Before Glass could finish his words, Sakura quickly covered her mouth.

"I know, I will come back as soon as possible." Hojo Kyosuke gave Sakura a determined look, then smiled and rubbed the head of Sakura who was confused.

It's still an hour before eight o'clock. Even if we get home, go to Toyosaki, and then back to Sobu High, it's still more than enough time. Sakura, she...

What a fool.

In front of the neon school, what is always indispensable is not a bookstore, but a coffee shop. They don't have a breakfast shop. If you don't want to use bread or leftovers for breakfast, then the cafe is the only option. So Sakura, who had just eaten, took Glass into the cafe and made an appointment to wait for Hojo Kyousuke here.

After waving goodbye to the two girls, someone walked home.

While waiting at the traffic light, his eyes involuntarily drifted to a girl in front of him. Not because of her light peach hair, nor because of the other person's strange behavior of walking the dog at seven o'clock, but because of the shining cursor:

[There is indeed a problem with My Youthful Love Story · Yuigahama Yui (protagonist)]

Um? Aren’t youthful love stories and such things just casually spoken? There really are such people. Although he often accompanied Eiriri and shouted about youth love stories, Hojo Kyosuke never expected that such a world and such celebrities actually existed.

Her light peach-colored hair, pink with a hint of orange, was tied into a bun on the right side of her head. It's natural that her face is beautiful in profile, how could she not be beautiful if she could become the protagonist. She was wearing clothes and shorts that were clearly identifiable as pajamas.

Moreover, his smart brain immediately thought that with such a place and such a person, it was obvious that the other person must be in the same school as him. But the opening ceremony is about to take place soon and I still have time to walk the dog. The other party must be the same senior sister as Eiri and the others who are still sleeping, right? This kind of margin is in sharp contrast to the nervous Glass.

He was just thinking about what kind of youth story would be called problematic, when he saw the dog leash in the other person's hand falling to the ground. Unlike the harness-type dog leash used by Momotaro at home, Yuigahama Yui's hand is a retractable dog leash.

That is to say, carrying a large round box can store the rope. When the dog walks away, the rope automatically lengthens, and when the dog comes back, the rope automatically shortens. It is quite suitable for leisurely walking the dog. The disadvantage is that the box is a bit heavy and may fall if you are not careful. The automatically shrinking box will chase behind the dog's butt, scaring it into running around.

Well, now, the pet of the girl with light peach hair, a brown dachshund, rushed towards the road crazily and ran under the wheels of a speeding high-end car.

This long series of thoughts flashed through my mind, but in reality, less than half a second passed. Soon after, in order to save the life of the unattractive dachshund and win the favor of celebrities, Hojo Kyosuke opened the twelfth-level genetic lock and rushed to the front of the car without hesitation, blocking the puppy with his body. meeting.

Then he was thrown up by the car and spun two full 720 degrees in the sky. Then his hands and feet were broken at weird angles and he fell into a pool of blood.

It's strange that even those dog lovers who march with slogans all day long can't possibly risk their lives to save a dog they don't know! Dog meat lovers are also impossible. If he sees an unopened bottle of iced Coke about to be crushed by a car, the first thing that comes to Kyousuke Hojo's mind is how good it is to avoid being hit by the flying bottle cap.

So he just calmly pulled out a knife exuding a torrential cold air from the crack in the void, and jumped in front of the dachshund. He held the knife in a Tang Bamboo style, and from top to bottom, cleanly and neatly spread out the high-grade paint all over the body. The car shining with money was split into two.

As for the people inside, hey, compared to the traffic accident that may cause it, the dachshund that we have never met is more important!

Hojo Kyosuke wondered whether he was infected by Sakura and Glass, or whether he was also excited about the wonderful high school life that was about to begin, and always felt that his thinking was a bit divergent.

In reality, he neither attempted to block the car with his body nor caused a traffic accident. Instead, he stepped forward and stepped on the dog leash. He had been paying attention to the girl, and he saw her when the dog leash was taken off her hands.

He could even catch Ying Lili who fell off the sofa, so how could he not be able to step on the rope on the ground. Don’t underestimate his years of practice! Even if you can't cut iron, it's not impossible to create an illusion of shrinking into an inch using the movement method.

Shaking his head, he lowered his head, picked up the dog leash under his feet, and handed it back to the girl.

"Be more careful, Yuigahama-senpai."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he became more and more sure that he was not normal today. In the past, even if he knew the name from the cursor, he would pretend not to know, but now he actually shouted it out directly and also expressed his reasoning.

"Oh, sorry, sorry, thank you." After holding the dog leash again with her little hand, Yuigahama Yui came back to her senses and quickly bowed to apologize and thank you.

After the dog leash box was released, she was about to call out the dog's name loudly, but unexpectedly, a super handsome boy stepped on the dog leash and handed the box to her. All this happened in just two seconds.

But, what happened to Senior Sister? A junior from junior high school? Impossible, there is absolutely no way there is such a boy in their school! "Air Reading Master" Yuigahama Yui is absolutely sure of this. If she doesn't even know which handsome guys are in the school, she will definitely be kicked out of the girls' group.

But that's not right. His school uniform is also that of the first year of high school, and he is in the same grade as himself.

Yes, although she was still walking her dog an hour before the high school entrance ceremony, Yuigahama Yui was indeed a freshman in high school who was about to start her high school life. She is also very nervous and looking forward to it, so she chooses to walk the dog at this time. This is her special way of relaxing.

Before she could say anything else, the green light turned on. The boy who called her senior despite being in the same grade smiled at her again, and then stepped onto the zebra crossing.

What a handsome and warm smile!

Yuigahama Yui's orange eyes flickered. Although she couldn't say anything except thanking her, she couldn't help but look forward to her high school life that was about to begin. Then she didn't rush to cross the road. Instead, she led the puppy to the inside of the sidewalk, squatted down and began to educate it.

At this intersection, these two people were obviously not the only ones paying attention to the stranger dachshund.

Three or four meters away from the zebra crossing, a boy on a bicycle breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the puppy was saved.

Hachiman the Great Bodhisattva testifies that he, Hikigaya Hachiman, is really not a dog lover. If I have to say, he prefers cats. At least he will provide food to the cats at home on time every day.

But, but, just now, in the morning when his Hikigaya Eighth Youth Love Story was about to begin. When he saw that the escaped puppy was about to be hit by a car, he actually wanted to break the limits of the human body, rushed in front of the speeding car on his bicycle, and used his own body to help the puppy get out of the car.

What the hell, let alone how I came up with the idea that a bicycle is faster than a car. Think carefully about the people in the car. If you see yourself suddenly rushing ahead, what if you scare the driver and he suddenly turns the steering wheel and rushes towards the sidewalk or a street tree? No matter what, you can't sacrifice human life for the life of a dog.

No, no, am I developing self-destructive tendencies? Destroy yourself before you even get hit? Is this another way to prepare for a rainy day?

Wake up, Hikigaya! This is the school you finally got into, and you will be able to meet that adult soon, but you can’t fail at this moment, as you have agreed to compete in the national competition with your seniors! Beautiful campus love is waiting for you!

Alas? etc! Could that person just now, the one who saved the puppy, be Hojo-san?

Hikigaya Hachiban stopped his bicycle and took out his mobile phone. The new mobile phone I bought for high school didn't store much on it, and I only had a few contacts, most of whom were seniors in the high school kendo club. Open that separate folder in the photo album.

Yes, there are subtle differences, but that face is none other than Hojo Kyosuke, the handsless devil!

Lucky! I saw Hojo-san before school officially started. He was indeed a hero. He saved a dog on the first day of school.

Feeling slightly excited, Hikigaya couldn't help but look forward to the high school life that was about to begin.

Another character on the stage, in a high-end car.

In the back seat is a girl wearing a Sobu High School uniform. The same uniform can achieve different effects on different people.

For Kyousuke Hojo, it became a garment that would be considered a high-end dress when attending a dinner party. For this girl, it became a sample for display in a clothing store. Even in a sitting position, both the top and the skirt are meticulous, without a trace of wrinkles.

Her long black hair was spread loosely, with a strand of hair tied with a red bow hanging down on both shoulders. The bow on the collar of the white shirt, the curvature on both sides is as symmetrical as if it had been calibrated with a protractor. The plaid skirt falls on the round and slender thighs, with no gap between the legs.

The two hands seemed to adhere to some special rules and were placed motionlessly on the legs. There was no expression on his delicate face, and he turned his head slightly, his light blue eyes moving, as if he was still looking at the intersection behind him.


If you must define a girl's beauty, then no matter who sees it, they can only think of this word.

Such a girl will definitely become the dream of countless people in the school. Countless years later, drunk in an izakaya late at night, the cold figure with black hair will still appear in my mind.

Although it was just a quick glance, she also noticed the boy on the roadside who was equally impressive in appearance and height.

"Mr. Tsuzuki, do you know that person just now?" She would ask, not only because the other person was wearing the Sobu High school uniform, but also because of the driver Tsuzuki Hongbo's unusual reaction. She was curious as to why her family's driver knew a high school student.

Tsuzuki Hongbo carefully raised his head and looked at the rearview mirror in the car, looking at the second young lady of the Yukinoshita family, Yukinoshita Yukino, who was wearing a seat belt in the back seat.

"Yes." He didn't mean to hide anything. The smart second lady must have seen his reaction when he asked this question. Moreover, this is not something that needs to be hidden.

"The boy's name is Hojo Kyousuke. He is my brother Yoshio's junior in school. No, he should be said to be his minister."

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded her chin in understanding. The driver, Mr. Tsuzuki, had a younger brother, Tsuzuki Yoshio, who was admitted to the University of Tokyo. This was something everyone knew, and his mother even gave him a gift.

It turns out that he was the one who gave the opening speech in my place. She thought silently in her heart, but she didn't feel any unwillingness. Although my sister spoke as a freshman representative in high school, that doesn't mean much.

The driver, Mr. Tsuzuki, was still talking endlessly about things related to Hojo Kyousuke. Yukinoshita just nodded slightly to indicate that he was listening.

When Hojo Kyosuke returned home, Naohana was already up, standing in a T-shirt and shorts, frying eggs in the kitchen. Because she was wearing an apron, it looked like she was wearing nothing from the front, and her long, snow-white legs were really eye-catching.

"I'll do it." He walked over and was about to take over the task.

"You're wearing a school uniform, and it won't be good if you get the smell of cooking fumes." Naoka refused with a smile, and didn't ask why Kyosuke Hojo came back at this time. It was obvious that he had known Sakura's plan for a long time.

"Haha, let's try Naoka's cooking after a long time."

"Don't make it sound like I rarely cook!"

Zhihua protested, but then her face suddenly turned red. When she was in Watergate City, she often had to be responsible for the family's meals. But after living together with Kyousuke, they rarely cook. It was clearly agreed that they would take care of the housework...

"I'll go up and call Eiriri and Shiwa-senpai first." Hojo Kyosuke casually touched Momotaro. Although he didn't understand why the male owner came back, he was obviously very happy.

I knocked on Ying Lili's door, and as expected, I got replies like "It's so noisy," "I know," and "I don't want to think about it."

He knocked on Senior Shiyu's door, but there was no response at all, which made him worried. After all, the other person often stayed up all night reading novels, so it was not impossible that he would sleep too much and miss the start of school. So after knocking on the door again, he opened the door worriedly.

What needs to be emphasized is that this is by no means a case of him being lustful and entering other people's rooms without permission. Even as a landlord, he knows what to do and what not to do. The current behavior was entirely because Kasumigaoka Shiyu had told him in advance that sometimes she would be too asleep to hear the knock on the door, so she asked him to just walk in and wake her up.

Opening the door, he looked to the right. There was no familiar face on the white pillow. Senior Shiyu curled up into a ball, exposing her white shoulders. The dark blue quilt covered her body, and the graceful lines of her legs were clearly visible, as if she had turned into a mermaid.

If it was night now, Hojo Kyousuke would gently lift the girl's head and put it on the pillow, then tuck the quilt into place. But now, all I can do is walk over, slowly shake Senior Shiyu’s shoulders, and call her name.

Suddenly, a flash of red appeared in the dim room, and then Hojo Kyousuke was grabbed by the collar and pulled to the bed. Senior Shiyu, who was originally facing the wall, turned over and their foreheads were touching.

"Good morning, Kyosuke."

The moist and hot breath is full of laziness, forming the ultimate temptation. The burgundy eyes became deeper and deeper in such an environment. It felt like as long as you looked into those eyes, it didn't matter even if you never stepped out of this room again.

"It's time to get up, Senior."

"Sleep with me for a while longer~"

"Just a little while longer and it's time for Yinglili to rush in."


Hearing this, Kasumigaoka Shiu couldn't help but let out a crisp laugh, and then released her hold on Hojo Kyosuke. He sat up and inserted his long fingers into his hair. No matter how beautiful she was, she would still be in a daze for a while when she just woke up.

After having breakfast, the four of them walked to school. The uniform of the private Fengzhiqi Academy is more lively, with a navy blue sleeveless shirt on top of a white shirt and an ordinary pleated skirt on the bottom. Below, you can play freely. Yinglili is wearing black knee-high socks, Shiyu-senpai is wearing black stockings, and Naohua has her bare legs as always.

The closer he got to the school, the more Hojo Kyousuke could sense Eiriri's popularity in the school. People kept saying hello to her, and she also wore a bright smile that made someone feel strange. She called out everyone's name accurately and said pleasantries without repeating them.

Someone walking beside the princess also became the focus of the crowd's attention, and people kept casting curious glances. Of course, this gaze may also be enhanced by another beautiful girl from Toyosaki beside him.

"How about it, it's terrible, isn't it? This is the perfect young lady of Toyosaki." Kasumigaoka leaned close to Hojo Kyosuke and whispered.

It was said softly, but Yinglili on the left immediately turned her head and glared at her fiercely.

"It's rather cute. Even if it's very hard, I still try hard to maintain it."

Hojo Kyosuke said with a smile that even though they have known her for so long, he has never tried to let Eirili liberate herself or release her nature. That was the reality that the girl had worked so hard to achieve. The otaku side was her, and the perfect lady side was also her. All equally beautiful and lovely.

"Really, Kyousuke, if you act like this, I will become more and more unable to live without you."

Although students wearing the same school uniforms were walking around him, Kasumigaoka Shiyu still said with a carefree smile. Unlike Eiri, this one was known as the Snow Girl in school, and even her classmates had very few conversations with her.

"You understand if I can't see you after school!"

At the school gate, Eiri turned around and wrinkled her nose at Hojo Kyousuke. She was so honest and cute at this time.

"Okay, okay~" Someone agreed easily. This was what was agreed upon before. If there is nothing urgent, we can go shopping and eat together after school.

"Naoka, you have to work hard for school." He finally rubbed Ueno Naoka's head.

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