Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 252 Hikigaya Hachiman is determined to fight to the end

Take Hojo Kyosuke's Class F as an example. The ratio of boys to girls is close to one to one, and the total number of students is thirty. There are seven classes from Class A to Class J, with 630 students in three grades. Even if it is divided into three parts, it is not easy for so many people to gather at the venue.

I don’t know what the distribution principle is, but in short, the white team went to the gymnasium, the blue team went to the open space in front of the special building, and the red team came to the new activity room of the Kendo club thanks to someone’s blessing.

"Does our school actually have such a luxurious place?"

"Really, this floor feels completely different when you step on it. There are really springs underneath, right?"

"Which club's activity room is this?"

"Idiot, didn't you see the curtain on the wall? Of course it belongs to the Kendo Club."

"Our school also has a kendo club? This kind of venue is not enough for the volleyball club. After all, it almost qualified for the IH (National High School Integrated Sports Conference) last year."

"You really don't understand at all. Isn't the person from the Tojo Kendo Club at Sobu High School? Didn't the principal say in his entrance speech that everyone should actively participate in the Kendo Club?"

"Oh, I was so busy reading Hojo-kun's novels that I completely forgot about this."

Even though the venue was already very large, after holding two hundred people, it still felt like arriving at a trade fair, with noisy sounds all around. Although it can be said that he has come to his own territory, Hojo Kyosuke has no intention of maintaining discipline.

The moment he walked in, members of the kendo club and baseball club from other grades lined up to come up and say hello, and the group immediately became the focus of the audience.

After sending those people away, Hojo Kyosuke took advantage of the host's advantage and led several people from his class to the corner to occupy the stools. Then he drooped his eyelids and yawned.

"There are so many people."

Yuigahama whispered to Glass beside him, who nodded repeatedly. Now let alone Hojo Kyosuke, even she was afraid of the troupe's performance in the future. Then you have to perform in front of the whole school.

"This is what makes it lively. How can we be happy when there are less people?"

Sakura said happily. The unbearable noise seemed to turn into a symphony in her ears. She even raised her little feet and swayed while sitting on the chair.

Seeing Hojo Kyosuke next to her who seemed to be about to fall asleep due to exhaustion of energy, she reached out her hand and took him over, leaning on her shoulder. Some of the habits of my childhood sweetheart are like codes written into my computer, so that no matter what happens, I will respond as expected.

It's his nap time now, so he can't cheer up. Looking at the rare listless face, Yamauchi Sakura held the other person's big hand and smiled with crooked eyebrows.

"Hojo, do you want to be the captain?"

Kisaki Tetsuta suddenly asked. The leader of the sports festival is not an important position. Generally, third-year students recommend themselves. If there are more than three people, they need to give a speech in front of the whole school and then vote. It's a position that offers little benefit and is very tiring.

But that's not what they said. This was the first large-scale event for me and others after entering high school. The entrance speech is a good start. The next step is to constantly emphasize the leadership status of the eldest brother in the hearts of the whole school. Serving as the leader during the sports festival is a good opportunity.

Show your eldest brother's courage, foresight and leadership, and be strong in all aspects of morality, intelligence and physical fitness. Then in the second half of the year, when the student union was changing, he won the president in one fell swoop, achieving the achievement of being elected as the student president in his freshman year of high school.

The next step is to rectify the clubs in the school, abolish all those that have no value, and vigorously support the clubs that can create results. Strive to win more than three national competitions before graduation, so that when you get to university, you can naturally serve as the president of the student union, become a rising star in the alumni association, be valued by graduates, join their circle, and enter the society to start real life. journey.

All he needs to do is say "yes" to all this, and I, Tetsuta Kisaki, will definitely help him complete it all!

"Shh-" Sakura looked fierce.

Tetsuta Kisaki turned his head, his eldest brother was good at everything, but he was too addicted to beauty. Although this is also a necessary quality for a successful person, there are too many beauties and I have no energy to pursue a career.

If he talked to his eldest brother, he could still persuade him, but the sisters-in-law would forget it. He knew very well the importance of Yamauchi Sakura in his elder brother's heart. As long as the other party said a word, the elder brother would abandon him immediately.

But this is also what he admires about his elder brother, he is so cold and decisive.

The stadium was noisy. The first-year students participating in group activities for the first time were extremely excited, while the second-year and third-year students were reminiscing about the past.

There were also people from some sports clubs complaining loudly, saying something like, "It's so tiring to have sports meets even if you're already a high school student——". Although it is true that their club training will not be reduced during the sports festival, it will be a bit more strenuous than others.


"All the complaints were just to highlight my hard work. When it came to the sports meeting, I took it more seriously than anyone else and enjoyed the sports meeting more than anyone else. It was like treating the entire festival as a hunting ground and using my own strengths to crush them. Ordinary people having fun.

Dominated by instinct, he is as ugly as an incompletely evolved orangutan. It is because of such false excellent people that truly excellent people are in such a difficult situation. "

A cold voice came from the side, and Yuigahama Yui, who happened to be peeking at Hojo Kyosuke, suddenly shivered as if the cold wind had blown into her sleeves. Then he turned his head sharply to look at the speaker.

There was obviously an empty chair behind her, but she still stood stubbornly where she was. Underneath the pleated skirt are black knee-length socks, creating a dazzling absolute realm between the two, with her hands clasped around her chest without any ups and downs.

Her straight black hair is hanging behind her back, and her light blue eyes that seem to be shining when viewed from the side give people a sharp feeling.

So beautiful, Yuigahama couldn't help but admire it in her heart, and then habitually agreed: "Yes, that's it."

"Hey, Yukinoshita-san?" Glass called out softly.

The person coming was none other than Yukinoshita Yukino. People from the first-year Class F were obviously gathered here. It was at the edge of the dojo. I didn’t know why she came here alone.

Sakura first turned her head to look at Hojo Kyousuke who was leaning on her shoulder to make sure that he was not awakened by the "cold wind", then turned to look at Yukinoshita and said with a smile:

"So really good people should help others like Yukino?"

"I just say that it is a way to eliminate conflicts. It does not require others to pay and use their efforts to satisfy their own moral values ​​on the grounds of justice."

Yukinoshita turned her head in displeasure and began to regret why she had so accidentally spoken out what was in her heart. She almost turned into a little girl complaining to her friends. Yamauchi Sakura is not his friend, and he has no reason to confide in her.

"Also, please call me Yukinoshita."

"Soga, then if Yukino becomes the leader, wouldn't there be a reason to ask them to share their spare time with others?" Yamauchi Sakura continued.

"That's true, but..." Yukinoshita nodded.

"Then just become the leader!" Sakura delivered the verdict happily.

"No, I don't want to and have no reason to be the leader. There is no precedent in the history of Sobu High School for a first-year person to serve as a leader. Even a second-year student has only served as leader three times, and one of them even initiated a school-wide vote. .”

Yukinoshita flatly refused, as her sister said, as long as you enjoy the sports festival. A smart person will not behave in a way that is discordant with the group. Although he does not agree with it, but...

If you do that, if you don't succeed on the spot, you'll give a speech in front of the whole school. Then my mother and sister will know, and they will ask themselves why they bothered.

That annoying person will definitely put on an annoying smile and say in an annoying and unserious voice: "Hey~ It turns out that Yukino also wants to be the leader. That's great, sister, I didn't even have such an idea at that time, and Yukino is also taller. It’s too big.”

It was as if he was doing this just to surpass her.

"It's amazing, you actually know it so clearly." Yuigahama interjected.

"These are all written in the school history. They can be easily found in the school library. I just wrote them down when I saw them." Yukinoshita said. This was definitely not a lie. Her purpose in reading the school history was indeed It's not about the sports festival.

"Is that so? But I don't even know where the library is, so it's still awesome." Yuigahama praised with a smile.

Glass sat on the right hand side of Hojo Kyousuke, and she was just watching the conversation of several people quietly at this moment. This was her pleasure.

"But Yukino is a truly outstanding person, shouldn't this be the time..." Yamauchi Sakura continued.

Looking at her face, Yukinoshita thought of her sister for some reason. She always felt that her smile seemed to see through everything.

"Okay Sakura, is it because you want to be the group leader and you want to find someone to run with you because you are shy?"

Hojo Kyosuke straightened up and rolled his stiff neck as he spoke.

"Ah, speaking of it, Kyousuke is the kind of outstanding person that Yukino hates. He is obviously capable of serving as the leader and doing everything well, but he hides here and sleeps." Sakura clapped her hands and suddenly realized.

"Idiot, taking a nap is the third most important thing in daily life."

Someone said casually, and then yawned again. The few minutes of nap made him even more sleepy, and he couldn't help but take out his mobile phone and start looking at the class schedule. Unfortunately, the first class in the afternoon was Xueye's ancient prose, so I couldn't sleep. What a shame, if it was a modern novel written by Hiratsuka-sensei, I could have slept well.

"Then what are number one and number two?"

Yuigahama looked around. Glass and Sakura both smiled and said nothing, obviously knowing this. But asking this sentence is her passive skill of reading the air master, which allows the speaker to have a comfortable environment to output his own ideas.

"Of course it's eating and sleeping. Sleeping here is at night." Hojo Kyosuke said matter-of-factly. He suspected that the reason why Neon Medical was so advanced was because they slept so little. None of them seemed to need to sleep.

"Oh, that's it." Yuigahama nodded heavily, feeling that it made sense, as if he wanted to join the Nap Association.

Yukinoshita glanced at Hojo Kyousuke sideways, and saw that the other party looked ignorant when Yamauchi Sakura said that. She sighed inwardly, and then said nothing more. As expected of a person valued by his mother and sister, they all look the same.

The dojo was still noisy, and Hojo Kyousuke even felt that the air had become turbid. Fortunately, at this time, two people finally walked into the door of the department room and came to the front of the students.

It was a little quieter, but still noisy.

"Everyone, calm down!"

With a very powerful roar, Hojo Kyosuke nodded secretly, which was very consistent with the momentum he had when he threw that punch in the office.

"I am Hiratsuka Shizuka, the instructor of the red team, and this is Teacher Yukino who is here to help."

Yes, the person who came was none other than Shizuka Hiratsuka. As the only person in the school who was not qualified to say that Zaimokuza Yoshiki was still wearing a windbreaker on a hot day.

In fact, after they met, Hojo Kyousuke doubted whether the white windbreakers that looked like medical uniforms were all hanging in the other person's wardrobe. Of course, this is a joke. Because of Miki Okudera, they still had dinner together many times. He even saw her wearing a skirt and her figure was quite good.

Under the roar of the lion, the students all fell silent. The second and third grade students were already very familiar with Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka, who would be assigned to play whenever there was an event in the school. She knew that if she angered the other person, she would be punished in disguised form. Of course, she was usually an easy person to get along with.

As the noise disappeared, the temperature in the dojo seemed to have dropped a lot. At least Zaimuzhao's shirt was no longer soaked. This kind of confined place with so many people is simply hell for him.

But, fortunately, I am in a group with Brother Hojo. It was like a dream for him to be able to stay with a group of friends who he could talk to and discuss the upcoming activities like now.

The swordsman general cheered from the bottom of his heart, and then silently mourned for his brother Hikigaya Hachiban, who was in the blue team. No one could imagine the situation of Eighth Master better than him.

At this moment, he must be huddled in a corner alone. He is neither with his classmates nor actively making friends with people in other classes. He is exuding an ominous black mist and has a big "lonely" sign on his forehead. word.

This scene appeared in Zaimuzo's mind as clearly as a photo, making him laugh with schadenfreude.

However, the reality is slightly different from what he thought. You must know that there are more than just a few people in his class in the Kendo Club. Even in tennis class, Hikigaya Hachiman could figure out how to hit the ball against the wall alone. As soon as he arrived at the gathering place, he found someone who was in the kendo club in the same grade and started an awkward chat.

There are many topics they can talk about, such as

"Ah, damn it, why didn't I get together with Mr. Hojo?"

"It's terrible now. If there is still a reverse pole competition, the minister can defeat us all by himself."

"Moreover, haven't you ever fought with the minister during sparring? After the swords and swords met, you couldn't move at all, let alone look for opportunities."

Hikigaya Hachiman discovered that as long as everyone talked about common acquaintances, the atmosphere would instantly become heated. In fact, this was a secret he had discovered long ago. In junior high school, he had no one to chat with after class, so he could only observe the surrounding environment silently.

Even if the scene suddenly becomes deserted, as long as you mention a person who is famous enough, everyone will rush to talk about their connection with that person. Even if they just meet in the cafeteria while shopping, they can all use it as conversation material.

It's a pity that he didn't even have such a partner at that time. Otherwise, he would never have kept this unique skill until now.

Praise Minister Hojo.

Hikigaya Hachiman cheered heartily, full of expectations for the upcoming sports festival. Even if he is defeated by Minister Hojo, he can still moan and complain with his friends around him, "There is nothing I can do, he is so strong~"

Yes, failure is also a form of youth. The important thing is to have people around you who will fail with you. It would be better to say that this kind of youth is more memorable. Countless years later, at a class reunion, you can still say to the people next to you, "I remember that you fell to the ground after being pushed casually. You were so weak." ". Then the other party would immediately hit back, "Aren't you the same? During training the next day, you still covered your butt and screamed."

Then everyone held wine glasses together, raised their glasses to the key person in this memory, and recalled other happy things together.

Damn it, when did I join this youth scam full of lies and sins! Even failure has become a symbol of youth, so who are the successful people? A youthless wretch?

Looking back, Hikigaya severely scolded himself for his fickleness.

No, how can you be so depraved, Hikigaya Hachiman, please wake up...

"What's the code~~"

A clear, girlish voice came from the side. Even though he knew who it was, Hikigaya still had the illusion that he was in heaven for a moment. Really, can you stop smiling at me like this? Are you an angel sent by God to save me?

"Scream again." He asked calmly.

"Huh? What number?" Totsuka Ayaka tilted her head.

"Again... Ahem, Ayaka, didn't you go find someone from the tennis club?" Hikigaya Hachiman used great perseverance to reverse his thinking, and the rebuke he had just given to youth disappeared in an instant.

"Well, I said hello to the seniors and then came to find you." Totsuka said with a smile.

"That's right." Hikigaya nodded, his brain running wildly, trying to find a topic.

"I heard from my seniors that our blue team's performance project seems to be an adaptation of "The Story of Torajiro."" Totsuka took the initiative to talk about something else.

"Huh? Aren't the troupe leader and performance leader not yet determined? How come you already know about the performance?" Hikigaya frowned.

"Isn't it quite normal? Anyway, the seniors who will be the group leaders must be the sophomores who were very active in the sports festival last year. They probably thought about how they would play in their senior year last year." Totsuka obviously listened. Got a lot of useful information.

"I see." Hikigaya Hachiban nodded clearly. He just lacked information sources and was not stupid. He figured it out after just a little thought.

"Damn it, I'm going to make everyone dance the Masked Superman dance when I'm a senior in high school!" He said fiercely, determined to participate in this evil act of letting his juniors and juniors accompany him in the carnival.

"It turns out you also like Kamen Rider, Hajima. That's great. The seniors said that our blue team's support action is Kuuga's transformation. You can join the support team later." Totsuka clapped his little hand and smiled. said.


These guys are so unscrupulous because of their status as seniors. In my senior year of high school, I had to dance Ultraman dance and build a plasma spark tower. Hikigaya Hachiman is determined to use his heroes to fight against this unfair system.

Thank you guys for your monthly votes, thank you

It’s a new month, so I’ll work harder, so I’ll be a little lazy today. After all, everyone should know about the disease that makes you feel weak on the first day of every month.

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