Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 295 He is the father of my child

"That's a really good lecture, Hojo. I want to discuss it with other math teachers and let you give a lecture to the whole grade every week from now on."

Only half of the class had passed, and Hojo Kyousuke had already explained the entire test paper quickly. Anyway, every time he asked the students below if they had any questions, they all shook their heads, and even the math teacher applauded happily.

"Forget it, I'm just better at answering questions. Professional matters must be left to the teachers." Hojo Kyosuke put down the chalk and rubbed the dust off his fingers.

"That's right. Don't delay Hojo's own study!"

Hearing this, Kazuma Ide nodded with satisfaction, "Very good, he is indeed a good student."

After nodding to the teacher, Hojo Kyosuke took the test paper and walked away, returning to his seat.

And the math teacher also started his own performance:

"What Hojo just said is very good, but there are some parts that are not suitable for you. It's not that there is something wrong with what he said, but that you are not capable of coming up with solutions to problems at a glance like him, so I'd better be honest. It’s done using ordinary methods…”

The teacher on the stage was talking non-stop, and the students below the stage looked resentful.

Everyone knows that Hojo-san is awesome, but there is no need for you to hit everyone like this.

The class passed quickly, and when the get out of class was about to end, the math teacher left one last sentence:

"You should think carefully about Hojo-san's problem-solving ideas, which will greatly increase your upper limit!"

The bell finally rang, and the students immediately turned their heads to the lower right corner of the classroom. They expected to see that familiar handsome face, but unexpectedly they only saw a problem student sleeping on the table.

Well, we can’t learn problem-solving ideas, but sleeping in math class is totally fine!

Such thoughts emerged in the minds of the math geeks headed by Hikigaya Hachiman, but they also knew that if they dared to sleep in the math teacher's class like this, the man would definitely let them stand outside the classroom without hesitation. If you are energetic, call your parents directly when your experience bar is full.

At the same time, Toyosaki Academy

The students in Class C of the third grade were surprised to find that Kasumigaoka, who was supposed to be sleeping, was looking at her mobile phone full of energy.

However, Kasumigaoka Shiha still stayed up a lot of times at school, just reading novels. What frightened the students more than this was that her beautiful face, which seemed to have been shrouded in dark clouds, now turned out to be so brilliant. A dazzling smile.

Oh my god, is the world going to end?

Apart from the possibility that the world will be destroyed, the students could not think of any other possibility that would make this flower of the high mountains, who seemed to not care about anyone or anything, smile so beautifully.

Although she is completely opposite to the approachable and perfect eldest daughter Eri, the cool and quiet Kasumigaoka has many fans in the school. Her cold aura that does not allow strangers to enter has made people in the school angry. She became even more fanatical, thinking that this was Yu Jie's ultimate form.

Right now, several girls in Class C of the third year, looking at the smile on Kasumigaoka's face, couldn't help but want to approach her and ask her what happy thing happened to her. However, due to the opponent's long-term majesty, he hesitated for a long time and did not dare to step forward.

Kasumigaoka Shiu glanced at the screen of her mobile phone and slowly raised her head. She originally planned to look out the window in the direction of Sobu High, but she noticed the gazes of the students in front of her.

When several girls appeared in the red eyes, those people seemed to be under the spell of Medusa. They stayed there like groundhogs. Their minds were full of thoughts of apologizing. Although they I don't know what reason to apologize for.

"Is there a problem?"

Although Kasumigaoka's voice was still cold, the smile at the corner of his mouth never disappeared, and his whole face looked very soothing.


The three prairie dogs squealed, and then two of them quickly pushed the middle one out, telling her to go find a good Samaritan for food. No, I was replying to Queen Kasumigaoka who seemed to be in a really good mood.

The girl who was pushed out was named Rimi Shirai, and she was the chairperson of the Kasumigaoka support group in her class. Although there were only three of them in the entire support group, she was the chairperson just to prevent the organization from getting angry when Kasumigaoka discovered it. Just ready scapegoats, like being pushed out right now.

Wow, it’s so scary. Even though I’m smiling, it’s still so scary! But it’s just this kind of Kasumigaoka-san who is so beautiful!

With this thought in mind, Shirai Rimi was once again pushed by two black hands and took two firm steps forward to face the terrifying Great Demon King.

"That, that..."

What should I do? I really want to run away! The girl thought this, but noticed that the curve of Kasumigaoka's mouth seemed to be calming down, and she quickly spoke:

"We would like to ask..."

idiot! Don't talk about us, just talk about you! The two girls behind him screamed in their hearts.

"...I would like to ask, Kasumigaoka-san, if you have encountered anything happy."

After the little girl finished speaking, she immediately took a step back, as if don't hit me, I'll do everything. The two people behind them also showed their heads and began to look expectantly at the beautiful girl in front of them. Then they discovered that the other person was in a very, very good mood!

"That's it~"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu moved her chair back, lifted her right leg and put it on the knee joint of her left leg. Such an action made the delicate insteps wrapped in black stockings look even more sexy, and the three little girls couldn't help but their eyes began to drift.

"Because the person I like won the award." There was no concealment or pause, and there was no shyness or secretiveness. The girl with black hair and red eyes never bothered to hide anything.

"Hi, the one you like!?"

Shirai Satomi screamed, and then two black hands stretched out from her side and immediately covered her mouth. But the two people next to her were no less surprised than she was. Their mouths were so big that they could swallow half a fist. If it were a puppy as big as Momotaro, it could eat the entire dog's head.

Kasumigaoka-san, who is as cool and beautiful as a snow girl, actually has someone she likes! ? who is it! ? Male and female! ? When did it happen! ? Why I don’t know! ?

Countless questions filled the three girls' minds.


Seeing the surprised expressions of the three of them, Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt better and better, and even picked up her phone and pointed the screen towards the three of them.

Rimi Shirai quickly took two steps forward and bowed down. The three little ones looked like they wanted to press their faces against the screen.

On the mobile phone is an interface of Neon Yahoo News. The bold and black font on it uses four or five "の" and exclamation points to attract attention.

[Passionate collision, full of fire, will the new king ascend the throne to continue the invincible path of genius, or is it another victory of the predecessor's culture? 】

People with poor lung capacity may have to take two breaths to read this title, but this is already a relatively small number of words in the neon journalism world. And I watched it completely lonely, not knowing what the news was trying to say.

The three of them then looked down. The text of the news still did not appear below. Instead, a photo was posed. A super handsome guy in a dark blue suit was looking at the camera with a smile.

Um? Is this the person Kasumigaoka-san likes?

A perfect match! Just by looking at this face, the three of them immediately screamed in their hearts.

Continuing to look down, there is no longer a photo of the man alone. The main subject of the picture is a man wearing a dark red suit.

nausea! He's blocking our view of the handsome guy! After another glance, the three of them saw the handsome guy from before behind a middle-aged uncle. From the liver-colored face in the crimson suit and the elegant smile on the handsome boy's face, it was obvious that there must have been some conflict between the two.

This media is obviously very good at doing things. It knows that the effect of showing an unrelated photo of Hojo Kyosuke first will be much better than directly showing photos related to the incident. And it also successfully stimulated the interest of the viewers.

The following finally begins to introduce things.

Honya Grand Prize, strong contenders for the grand prize winner, Hojo Kyosuke and Ishida Hidenori.

The news was not long, and the three of them finished reading it quickly. The award ceremony had not yet started, but Hidenori Ishida had already made harsh words to ask Kyosuke Hojo to applaud him below.

Who is this uncle? He really has no self-awareness at all.

Although I didn't remember who Kyousuke Hojo was for a while, and I didn't know what the Honya Grand Prize was, the three determined face-controllers awarded him the award as soon as they saw the handsome guy in the suit. Even if you don't look at the handsome guy, if you stand on the awards podium with that pig liver-colored face, it would be so unappetizing to look like a villain.

"Kasumigaoka-san, is this your boyfriend?" Shirai Satomi immediately pointed at the screen and asked excitedly, completely forgetting her previous indignation at having her idol snatched away.

Naturally, she was pointing at the photo of Hojo Kyousuke that occupied the entire screen. No one in their right mind would think that Kasumigaoka Shiu was talking about another person.


When she said this, Kasumigaoka's mind flashed through Yamauchi Sakura, Nishimiya Glass, Miyamizu Mitsuha, and Eri... Even though her thinking speed was very fast, it still took her two seconds to think through that group of people. After a few seconds, the three girls opposite looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

The girl put down her right leg, and then put her left leg up again. Her long, round and beautiful black stocking legs once again attracted the attention of the three girls of unknown sexual orientation.

Gulu swallowed a sip of saliva, Shirai Satomi thought silently in her heart, I am not a lily, I am not a lily, it is human nature to like beautiful things! Then he looked expectantly at those bright red and plump lips, expecting to hear the answer he wanted.

Kasumigaoka-san and that Hojo Kyousuke would look great together!

"Not yet, but in the future he will be the father of my child."

On this point, Kasumigaoka Shiyu is 100% certain. If she were speaking English now, she would use the plural form.

Child, child! ?

Shirai Rimi stared at the girl in front of her with wide eyes, her face seemed to exude the glory of motherhood. The reactions of the two people beside her were no calmer than hers.

What is the sense of contrast? The cold beauty who usually has an indifferent face and exudes the aura of "Don't approach strangers". The first thing she says is "Don't waste my time". Now when she mentions the person she likes, she actually starts to act like an ordinary girl. Thinking about the parenting life after marriage.

God, this, this is so beautiful!

After just a little fantasy about the handsome man, beauty and cute baby, Shirai Rimi felt like she was going to faint from joy.

I'll be a nanny! Cleaners, too!

The little girl screamed in her heart.

"By the way, I remembered, is this Hojo Kyosuke the one who won the "This comic is awesome!" last year and wrote "The Devotion of Suspect X"! "A groundhog suddenly shouted in surprise.

"Is that the one the principal originally said was going to study in our school, Hojo Kyosuke, who won the individual team championship in the All-Neon Kendo Competition for two consecutive years?"

After the two friends said this, Shirai Rimi finally found the source of the familiarity with this name in her head.

Yes, this person has been to their school before, and seems to know fellow second-year student Sawamura. She was lucky enough to see him once. There was no difference between the real person and the photo. She just changed into a suit and didn't recognize him.


Shirai Satomi thought of this word again, and an abnormal blush appeared on her face. I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl, but if it’s a girl, she will definitely be as beautiful as Kasumigaoka-senpai. Boys are not bad either. Anyway, the child born from such two people will definitely be super cute!

"Congratulations, Kasumigaoka-san!" She said sincerely, clasping her hands in front of her chest.

"Well, thank you~"

Kasumigaoka's usually cold face was filled with a bright smile. Looking at the sincere blessings on the faces of the classmates in front of her, she thought for a while and said:

"I remember you are also members of the drama club, right?"

"Yes, but he is currently in a state of retirement."

Rimi Shirai replied, the drama club is the only club that Kasumigaoka classmates join, how could the three of them not join! It's just that the other party is the soul figure, and he still retires even in the third grade, while they put all their energy into their studies early on.

"I will take Kyousuke to the drama club in a while to give you some guidance. I will also introduce you to him then."

Kasumigaoka's face was unabashedly showing off, and her burgundy eyes under her bangs were full of happiness. She obviously has the appearance of a royal sister, but the feeling of a little girl is almost overflowing.

"Ah! Really? Is it really possible?" The three little girls asked in surprise.

"Well, Kyousuke is an easy person to get along with, unlike me." Kasumigaoka chuckled and said this without any concern.

"How could it be possible? Kasumigaoka-san..." Shirai Rimi paused. Even a stupid fan couldn't tell that Kasumigaoka Shiu is an easy person to get along with.

"I will inform you later."

Kasumigaoka is very clear about his own nature and what image he will have in other people's minds, and he doesn't mind at all.

"Thank you!" The three prairie dogs bowed in unison, as if they were facing senior classmates.

"Go~" Kasumigaoka waved her hand.


After receiving such important news, the three people immediately ran back to their seats and started discussing. The people next to him also hurried over after taking a secret glance at Kasumigaoka Shiyu. They were also curious about why the flower of the high mountain in Toyosaki showed such a bright and bright smile, and why these three little ones were able to talk to her for such a long time.

Facing the classmates' questions, Rimi Shirai showed a troubled expression on her face. After struggling for a moment, she turned to look at Kasumigaoka Shiu:

"Kasumigaoka-san, can you tell others what happened just now?"

Ahhhh, are you crazy? How dare you ask that! Is your brain broken? Why do you think we came to ask you instead of directly asking Kasumigaoka-san? Do you want to kill us?

The classmate who had just come to eat melon screamed in his heart, not daring to turn his head to look at Her Royal Highness Xue Ji, for fear of seeing those cold blood-red eyes and being killed by her eyes.

"It's okay, it's okay~" Kasumigaoka nodded her pointed chin, her voice surprisingly soft.

"Yeah!" Shirai Satomi nodded vigorously, and then talked excitedly to the boys and girls next to her. The two marmots next to her also kept talking, and even raised their mobile phones to find information about Hojo Kyosuke.

"It's a lie!" "Real or fake!" "Si Guoyi"

Similar sounds kept ringing, and Rimi Shirai kept nodding, obviously excited that her idol had finally found happiness.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu stretched her hands behind her neck, lifted up her long straight black hair and draped it behind the back of the chair. She slowly leaned over, with her beautiful black stocking legs still folded together, without revealing any gaps.

Looking at the classmates in front of her who kept discussing her and Kyosuke, the girl narrowed her eyes slightly.

Very good, just pass it on, spread it throughout the school, spread it to Naohua, and spread it to the ears of Eri Kashiwagi. Let me see how the blond lady will react. Should he abandon the disguise and recognize his feelings for Kyousuke, or should he still cover his eyes and ears and continue playing house.

Just thinking about the young lady's reserved smile that instantly broke down after Eri Kashiwagi heard the news, and how she said "nothing" aggrievedly in the face of her friend's concern, Kasumigaoka felt even more joyful in her heart.

She likes Yinglili's talent and her efforts for success. She admires her, likes this opponent and this friend, and looks forward to cooperating with her, but that is only after she has won.

How quickly does gossip spread on campus? If it were news that Kato Megumi had two new friends, it might not have spread beyond her and her friend Ohashi Renko until graduation.

But if the owner of the gossip is the top of Toyosaki, the cool and charming imperial sister Kasumigaoka Shiu who has never fallen outside the first place in the regular exams in the two years since she entered school, the speed will be unimaginable.

The class bell rang, but the students' mobile phones lit up frequently. The messages on everyone's mobile phones were mostly the same, and occasionally exaggerated. However, they would soon be corrected by messages from another person, but they would immediately be different. Higher level of information is covered.

The few who don’t know this news may be the only one. Even if he doesn’t understand, he still stares at the blackboard and writes down pages full of exquisite class notes. His study attitude is as perfect as his appearance. Sawamura Spin Sai Yingli pear.

"Hey, Eiriri, have you heard? Third-year Kasumigaoka-senpai and the famous writer Hojo Kyosuke already have two children, and they are twins!"

Hisamari Ishizawa couldn't wait to run over as soon as get out of class was over to share the newly harvested melons with the princess.


The sound of a pencil breaking.

"Um, Yinglili, are you okay?"

Hisamari Ishizawa looked worriedly at the broken pencil in Eri's delicate little hand. Is she so strong?

"Ah? What, it's okay, I'm fine, what will happen to me?"

Yinglili had a robot-like smile on her face, and her speaking voice seemed to be squeezed out from between her teeth one by one, stiff and gritted.

"But your pencil is broken, and you look angry."

"Pencils? It doesn't matter. I have many more. Look, Kyousuke helped me sharpen them all!"

Ying Lili put the broken pencil on the table and opened the toast-shaped pencil case, which was full of sharpened pencils.

Well, in Neon, even in high school and college, pencils are still the stationery that is used the most time and on most occasions, not only for taking notes, but also during exams.

"That's not the problem." Hisamari Ishizawa said.

"Um, what happened to Kasumigaoka Shiu you just mentioned that she has two children? Could it be that her ex-boyfriend who was ruthlessly abandoned by her in her hometown in Wako City found the school with her children?"

Yinglili smiled, and the two small dimples on her face were so cute that she was intoxicating.

"Ah? Kasumigaoka-senpai's hometown turns out to be Wako City."

Ishizawa Hisamari's attention was attracted by this news, and she didn't notice that Eiriri didn't use honorifics for a moment:

"But no, it's not an ex-boyfriend. It seems that he is already married to the famous celebrity Hojo Kyosuke who said he would come to our school to study. He also gave birth to twins."


The new pencil she had just taken out was broken again. In the past, Erili had already begun to feel sorry for the fruits of Hojo Kyosuke's labor, but now her heart was filled with anger.

"Where did this kind of ridiculous news, like a monkey flying a plane, come from?" The smile on the blond lady's face was still sweet, but a little stiff.

"Is it ridiculous?" Hisamari Ishizawa scratched her head:

"I think they match each other very well. I really want to see what that child looks like."

"Of course it's ridiculous. Think about it with your brain. Have you ever seen that woman with a pregnant belly in the past two years? There are limits to making things up!"

Eiriri suddenly raised her voice, and Hisamari Ishizawa on the opposite side was startled. Although she didn’t know why Eiriri was suddenly so angry, there was one thing she had to explain:

"Well, Eiri, you can get married at the age of 16. We didn't even enter school when Kasumigaoka-senpai was in the first grade. It might have been at that time..."

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Yinglili's head shook like a top, and her golden twin tails turned into a whirlwind with special effects.

"Um, but it seems that Kasumigaoka-senpai told her classmates personally, and said that Hojo Kyousuke will win the Grand Prize tomorrow."

"Of course he will win the grand prize from this house, but he has nothing to do with that woman Kasumigaoka Shiu!"

Wow, Ying Lili's expression is so scary right now.

Hisamari Ishizawa's eyes widened. Although there was still a smile on her face, there was no smile at all in her usual blue and pure eyes. Instead, she seemed to be full of anger. But no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't figure out where this anger came from.

"Well, I suddenly remembered something, so I need to leave first."

Ying Lili pursed her lips, squeezed out a word, stood up and was about to leave the school.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom? Let's go together." Hisamari Ishizawa shouted quickly, but only a little golden hair could be seen at the back door of the classroom.

Dong dong dong dong dong——

The heavy footsteps clearly showed the girl's anger. You must know that if Yinglili's petite body wants to step on such footsteps, she must use her entire body weight with every step. Well, it's probably similar to the way a child imitates a sumo wrestler and stomps his feet at the beginning when he gets angry.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu! ! ! !

The girl shouted angrily in her heart and rushed towards the classroom that she had talked about countless times but had never been to before.

Unforgivable, unforgivable! That liar! That woman who likes to lie! ! !

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"It's really hard to be the mastermind behind the scenes in the world of Kexue"

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