Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 349 “She” is the most special

The two share two bodies, and time and space are intertwined. While dealing with the daily affairs brought about by their completely different identities, the most novel thing is seeing the world from different perspectives.

After entering his body, she realized that the world could still look like this.

Colors and light can be so colorful and interesting, light and dark, light and heavy, strong and weak... The raindrops are divided into sections by the dim street lights, each section coming straight towards the ground; the wind whispers in the ear, telling its past , telling where it is going; the cake is no longer just a beautiful picture, if you bite the strawberry lightly, it will complain in its mouth that it took two days to pick before it was eaten...

Even time has a shape, it will turn into the morning light through the gaps in the curtains, calling me to catch the morning bus; it will pass through the turning green leaves of the oak tree, shining the white scorching sun at noon on my face and whispering Kyousuke's " It’s time for the body to take a nap; when the neon lights in the city light up and try to blur the boundaries between day and night, the yellow glow disappears at any moment, and it will turn into the color of the cherry blossoms on Tokyo Tower...

How does it feel to see the world through someone else’s eyes? Even though VR technology has developed very much now, Mitsuha Miyamizu feels that even in a hundred years, he will definitely be the most powerful person in the world on this matter.

She used his eyes, his hands, and his feet to feel a completely different world from every angle.

When her soul lingers on his body and wanders through the streets of Tokyo, what are her hands and her body doing? The biggest trouble caused by body swapping is the difference between men and women, a problem that makes people blush but has to solve it.

You drank my chewing wine! ?

You rub my there every morning when you wake up! ?

Is your mysophobia so severe that you have to take a shower three times a day? ?

He is also using his body to feel everything he is accustomed to.

three years

I came to Tokyo in person, followed in his footsteps, and walked through the scenery he saw every day, but I could no longer feel the same mood as before.

Instead, with their fingers clasped together, the two of them walked along the steps of the sunset into the fateful family restaurant, facing each other, eating familiar but unfamiliar food, with a slightly bitter taste that made people think... The sweetness of crying and saying "it's not easy".

Feeling the warm and soft touch that remained on her hands, and looking at the curvature of Eri's little lotus, Mitsuha Miyamizu wanted to say no longer "send Kasumigaoka Shiu to that world", but "send Kasumigaoka Shiu to that world" Fortunately, Kyousuke helps me check my puberty development."

Although I'm not sure whether the massage was really useful or if some big pervert just fooled Yotsuba, it was an iron-clad fact that I could stand with my head held high and my chest confident.

Seeing that Kyousuke didn't ask, he directly took the shoes that fit Shiwa's size from Miss Amamiya. Mitsuha Miyamizu had a slight smile on her face and shook her head slightly in her heart.

She can do such a thing herself, not because she has good eyesight, but because she has seen all this in Kyousuke's body.

This is the biggest difference between her, Mitsuha Miyamizu, who has a unique bloodline, and others.

Yamauchi Sakura, even when walking across a stone bridge, would hit every stone with her cane. Kyousuke, who was so careful and cautious to a terrifying degree, would be hidden by her. However, when faced with herself in Kyousuke's body, she easily revealed the hidden secrets in Kyousuke's body. The deepest secret in my heart. Even if she knew about the body swapping, she could still feel the complete integration with Hojo Kyousuke in their daily interactions, walking, sitting, and standing.

What Miko-san remembers the most is that when everyone went out to play together, Sakura would never walk side by side with them. Instead, she would always walk half a body to the right of her, even if Shoko and Naoka were side by side with her. Same thing. She curiously asked why she had such a habit.

Sakura's bright yellow eyes as bright as the sun first flashed with doubt, as if asking, isn't this natural? Then she realized that she was not the childhood sweetheart she was familiar with, and a happy smile broke out on her face:

"Because this way, even if Kyousuke falls, he can hug me immediately."

That's it, that's it...

Until she walked into the restaurant, Miyamizu Mitsuha was still thinking about four words in her heart. When Kyousuke walks, part of his heart is always on Sakura. Faced with this love that made her feel a little suffocated, Sakura enjoyed it while using her own way to reduce Kyosuke's workload.

If this kind of thing hadn't entered Hojo Kyousuke's body, if he hadn't seen it with those eyes, if he hadn't accidentally entered their frequency like himself, he would never have been able to see the fluctuations in the girl's heart, and he would never have been able to feel the hidden meaning in it. like.

Nishimiya Glass is like a girl like the moon in the lake. Even if a pebble is thrown into the water and splashes a circle of water, making the moon shadow sway, she will calm down unconsciously. That fleshy little face A peaceful smile will appear again. No matter who sees this girl, they will only think of the word gentleness.

But no one can see the flexibility that can face any setbacks calmly. As long as the moon in the sky is not covered by dark clouds, the moon in the lake will not waver. It was as if there was something that was helping her drive away the dark clouds and providing her with the motivation to face all the hazes in life calmly.

For this kind of thing, if he hadn't entered Hojo Kyousuke's body and talked to her with his face, he would never have been able to feel the insignificant but ubiquitous dependence from the girl's shallow smile.

Kasumigaoka Shiu is like a beautiful girl who was born with the favor of the gods. She is so proud that nothing in the world can leave even a trace of her wine-red eyes for even one second. However, on the Internet and "herself" But he was so cautious when chatting, as if he had to worry about every word and every sentence for a long time. No one would have thought that the new best-selling novelist and the most beautiful girl at Toyosaki Academy would have such a side that looks like a little girl in love.

Especially when they were shopping together, she tried every possible means to get her into the Neon National Psychiatric Research Center Hospital. It was really hard to imagine why she thought she was so easy to deceive that she would run away from the center of Tokyo with her. Going shopping in Xiaoping City where the hospital is located?

In short, if this kind of thing hadn't entered Hojo Kyousuke's body, held his mobile phone, and held the account number of "Sayuka", I would never have believed it.

Sawamura Spencer Eri, her smile and blond hair are as precious as works of art, a perfect young lady that everyone loves. To actually show such a arrogant look in front of him, it is like a child who knows that as long as he cries, he will get something, and he is completely living in a favor that can be called doting.

If you want Kyousuke to enjoy the doujin exhibition, just say it directly, if you have to say it in a roundabout way, it will be useless even if he goes to the booth. Of course, this coquettishness can only be shown to that one person.

If he hadn't entered Hojo Kyousuke's body, Mitsuha Miyamizu would never have imagined that a person could be so awkward.

Yukino Momori, the dream girl of all the men in the school...

That gentle Yukino teacher actually showed such a hurtful and disappointed expression after he realized that Kyosuke's soul was not in his body. I'm really sorry for not completely giving my body to Kyosuke. Really, thinking about it now, Mitsuha Miyamizu wants to grab that bastard by the collar and ask him what kind of messy things he is doing with his body!

If he hadn't been able to enter Hojo Kyousuke's body, it would have been completely impossible to see Yukino's charming appearance, blinking her mysterious black eyes like the Milky Way, and sticking out her little tongue to beg for food.

Ueno Naoka even told herself the treasure in her heart, the story of her relationship with Kyosuke.

Miki Okudera, those emails, it seems like she studies cooking every day just to see Kyosuke’s satisfied smile.

In addition to these girls who are close to him, those subordinates and friends.

The Onibaku duo, who looked fierce in front of outsiders, turned into idiots who took everything they said as the Bible when they entered Hojo Kyousuke's body. Kisaki Tetsuta never minded speaking out in front of him those horrific plans that would scare people into calling the police.

Aunt Meijizi, Uncle Ichiro...

The Miyamizu family has inherited responsibilities for thousands of years, and the strange abilities flowing in their blood have created a wonderful connection between the country girl Mitsuha Miyamizu and the Tokyo genius Hojo Kyosuke, forming an unbreakable bond.

Although everyone is unique, she has seen far more than anyone else when it comes to relationships.

Through his eyes and body, she saw their love for him and his love for them.

She could see Nishimiya Glass's determination to stay with him even if she gave up everything, she could see Kasumigaoka Shiu's ambition to defeat everyone and become the first, and she could also see Eri Riri who is still as ignorant as a child. childlike innocence...

You can also see what a terrifying thing Sakura Yamauchi is doing.

This was the reason why she sighed and compromised with that playboy. She couldn't do without him. She knew that he couldn't do without them, and they couldn't do without him. She is the most special being, and no one knows that better than her.

In fact, every relationship has her presence in it.


Just thinking about it gave Mitsuha Miyamizu a headache.

For example, right now, watching Eri-ri stepping on Kyousuke's feet bitterly, she spat out angrily, "You touch other people's feet without knowing anything. Aren't you afraid of contracting athlete's foot!"

Mitsuha Miyamizu knew that such a sentence would be automatically translated in Kyosuke's head as "Except for my feet, you can't touch anyone else's!"

Why? Because she knew about the initial encounter between Kyosuke and Eiri, and knew that he helped her check the injury on her foot.

It was... painful.

With a sigh in her heart, Miyamizu Mitsuha stretched out her hand and passed under Kasumigaoka Shiu's arm to hold her.

"Let's go." The girl said softly with a smile, without any trace of her previous appearance of wanting to send the other person to "that world".

"Well, it's almost time to pass."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu was stunned for a moment, and then a smile spread across his face. Although his chest was still aching, his mood suddenly brightened like the sun breaking through dark clouds.

Mitsuha Miyamizu is her best friend! Even after he and Kyousuke get married, he will allocate the most time to her!

Love is war. Since there is war, it is not surprising that there is a temporary alliance. After all, on this battlefield, not only are the two of them fighting, but there are countless enemies lurking around.

This is why after moving into Ruyi House, she would get angry when she saw other people moving in or coming over as guests, but Mitsuha Miyami immediately accepted them when she saw them.

Eiriri, who has always been proud of the comic-like encounter between herself and Kyosuke, saw someone want to touch the feet of Kasumigaoka Shiha in front of her, and she was instantly filled with anger. Her sapphire eyeballs were burned into another form.

Fortunately, Sanye couldn't stand it anymore and helped herself to stop the bastard's rude behavior. However, even with the promise of "I will never touch my feet unless I understand her in the future," the blond lady still had some lingering anger. remove.

But before she could continue to say anything, she saw Mitsuha and Kasumigaoka Shiu, who had been fighting to the death just now, walking out of the locker room arm in arm, talking and laughing.


Eiri tilted her head. Even with her extremely smart and adaptable brain, she couldn't figure out how things developed into what they were now in the time it took for her to say a word to Kyousuke.

Could it be? Have they remembered all the reprimands you just given?

The girl could only come to the conclusion that although one of the two people was angrier than the other after what she said just now, they were all pretending to be embarrassed. In fact, they were already silently repenting in their hearts. , so I am acting harmoniously now, maybe I will pick up the sword and start a more fierce battle when I get home.

These two people are really awkward. I need to tell Kyousuke later and ask him to pay more attention.

In an instant, she straightened out the cause and effect of the matter, and even made predictions about the future development of things. Yinglili scored 101 points for her performance today. Although the perfect score is only 100, she is really great!

"Let's go, Aunt Miyoko and Kashiko are definitely looking for you now." Eiri said coquettishly, took Hojo Kyousuke's hand and prepared to catch up with the two people in front.


Hojo Kyousuke knew very well why Mitsuha and Shiba-senpai became like this in an instant, but even if he didn't know, he would not delve too much into it given his character of choosing to sleep one step ahead when the sky fell. Now after hearing Ying Lili's words, she immediately raised her voice and agreed.

He hadn't seen his mother and sister for a long time, and he missed them very much. Oh, I forgot, there is that bastard father whose wife is a slave to his daughter.

Why doesn't he stay at Otaru's ranch and help his grandfather? If Kashiko returns home and sees Maverick losing weight, he will be sad! If the calves don’t have enough to eat when I get home from vacation, grandpa’s other cows will suffer! If he doesn't have enough to eat, grandpa will beat him.

Couldn't he have thought of these things with his mind that allowed him to get into the University of Tokyo and become a famous lawyer?

Thinking of such an idiot father, Hojo Kyosuke felt as if his steps were two points lighter. He couldn't wait to give him a bear hug and tell him how great the award he got today was and how many more great awards he would get in the future.

But as soon as he took a step forward, he was pulled to a stop.

"Idiot, clothes!"

Eiri raised her right hand and pointed at Hojo Kyousuke's white shirt.

Well, the one who was most injured today was not Kasumigaoka Shiu or Miyamizu Mitsuha, it should be Ueno Naoka.

Now this white shirt was also made by her own hands. In addition to being full of wrinkles, the buttons where Senior Shiyu's butt was sitting were already loose.

Although, even though he looks handsome like this, he is like the hero who rescued a beautiful girl from a burning mall.

The collar was open, and there were red marks burned by fire on the collarbone and part of the exposed chest muscles. The face was full of joy after rescuing the princess.

Very handsome, but don’t let others see it!

Thinking of this, the blond princess took a step forward, raised her hands to hug the man's neck, and pulled him down with a slight force, so that the face was almost parallel to her line of sight.

"Don't look at me! Your hot breath is on my face!"

With a sweet moan, Eirili stretched out her right hand with a blushing face, put her index finger on Hojo Kyousuke's cheek, and pushed his face to the left.

Really, why are you so close? I can see myself in your eyes. I was just worried that Aunt Mijiko might mistakenly think that I hit you when I returned to the venue with you, so I helped you tidy up your clothes.


Hojo Kyousuke, who had just had such a violent interaction with Shiba-senpai without blushing, felt the rare tenderness of Eri Riri and actually blushed slightly for the first time.

Feeling the rustling movements of those small hands on his neck, the expression on his face couldn't help but become a little softer.

This guy could be a good wife if he wanted to.

He never thought that the girl's arrogant character was anything troublesome, because he could feel the unique cuteness in the girl's unique way of caring for him.

"Really, don't you know how much effort Zhihua put into this dress?"

While mumbling, Ying Lili first turned up the somewhat messy collar, carefully smoothed out the wrinkles, and then folded it down again. The white and slender fingers arranged it bit by bit along the circle from the back of the neck.

"Hehe~~ I will apologize to her properly later." Hojo Kyosuke squinted his eyes and smiled, and then made a gesture with Amamiya Miki to let the other party go first.

"Be more careful. You are the president of the club. You can't act so recklessly. You have to know how many people are waiting to talk to you later! Really, you are not sensible at all! If you look like this, Aunt Miyoko will be worried!

She would be thinking, oh, is my Kyousuke living in such dire straits in Tokyo? In just a moment, even the clothes were torn. "

Yinglili brushed her fingers along the connecting line of the shirt's shoulders, then lowered her head and focused her eyes on the crooked button. The little mouth kept talking, just like a wife who after ten years of marriage helped her husband undress when he came home drunk. She scolded her unceremoniously, but the movements of her hands were extremely gentle.

Noticing that the girl in front of him had lowered his head, Hojo Kyousuke slowly turned his head and lowered his head as well. While listening to the murmurs with enjoyment, he began to observe the pattern of the hair rope Eri used to tie her twin tails today.

Bright red, two centimeters wide strip of cloth, very beautiful!

Although the red color is such an ordinary red, and the material of the cloth strip is not an exaggerated fabric that sparkles with the light of stars, as long as it is tied on the blond hair like a handicraft, it is the most beautiful hair rope in the world.

So what, thank you guys for your monthly votes, recommendation votes and rewards, more updates tomorrow

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