Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 375 You are so annoying that you have managed to survive until now.

In a vacant room, Hojo Kyosuke is playing Fruit Ninja with Eiri and Shiba-senpai.

The two girls stood in front and threw apples, oranges, cantaloupes and other fruits over them. Hojo Kyosuke stood behind and brandished the sword "Silver", and Tetsuta Kirisaki stood beside him holding a fruit plate and catching the fallen fruits.

Someone would only do this if the sword had never seen blood. Judging from Eri's appearance, she did not regard this sword worth thousands of gold as a violent object, but simply regarded it as a decoration and gave it to Hojo Kyousuke. .

After cutting a cantaloupe into six pieces and letting them fall into the fruit plate held by Kisaki, Hojo Kyousuke cleanly swung the knife to prevent the sweet juice from flowing along the blade to the handle. After playing around, you must take good care of the knife, otherwise it will get rusty soon.

Kisaki Tetsuta's cell phone rang. He put the fruit plate on the table nearby and looked at Hojo Kyosuke:

"Commander, the scheduled interview time is coming soon."

In other words, Akane Benisaka is coming.

"Well, I understand. You go down first and take her directly to the interview venue."

Hojo Kyosuke nodded, picked up the hand towel on the side and began to wipe the blade.

Time flies by

A woman with fiery red hair and wearing a sleeveless long skirt with high slits walked into the door of Carbonic Animation Production Company with her long black legs and a heroic momentum.

Looking at those people staring at him with unkind expressions, Akane Akane took off her sunglasses and smiled disdainfully.

"Interviewers, please come this way." Kisaki said expressionlessly.

Akane Kurisaka didn't say anything, and just led the followers behind her to follow Kisaki's guidance and walked upstairs, stopping from time to time to admire the posters on the wall.

There was no one around, as if she was the owner of the place. The strong cleaning staff in black suits were so angry. Everyone already knew what happened today. There was quite an atmosphere of humiliation and death. They wanted to be kicked out immediately. He opened his coat, revealed his sword, and rushed forward to kill the woman.

"As a child's game, it still looks like that." Akane Kurisaka raised the corner of her mouth and praised loudly.

Although her followers were frightened by the fierce black suits around them and their legs were weak, they were still forced to respond tremblingly due to the Queen's long-term power. But he quickly lowered his head again and wanted to run away through the door.

"The interview time is coming soon. If you miss the time, you will be deemed to have given up your qualification for the interview." Tetsuta Kirisaki said expressionlessly.

"Oh? I thought today's interview was my special session." Akane Kurisaka chuckled. Her somewhat hoarse voice was not as magnetic and charming as other ladies, but instead had an aura of controlling everything.

"The owner here is Hojo Kyosuke!" Kisaki said no more, but took a step forward and walked to the front.

【Meeting venue】

Looking at the Coke clinking logo and the word carbonic acid, Akane Hongsaka smiled again, thinking that if Hojo Kyosuke was willing, they could keep this name as the name of the project team.

Kisaki Tetsuta opened the door and walked in first.

Akane Benisaka walked into the venue and said loudly with a smile:

"I thought I would be blocked directly from the door, but I didn't expect Mr. Hojo's magnanimity to be so amazing."

When they arrived at the interview venue, this woman still only called Hojo Kyousuke teacher, and her arrogant attitude was as undisguised as her fiery red hair.

"Of course, my mother has taught me since I was a child that the most important thing in life is to be polite."

Hojo Kyosuke stared straight at Benisaka Akane, and quickly hid the katana that Eiriri had pushed hard under the table with one hand. How could he not let you in? This guy plans to behead you as soon as you come in.

On the side, Eiri was explaining, "When the teacup fell, three hundred axemen came forward and hacked Akane Akane Benisaka to death". She didn't expect the person to come so quickly. She coughed twice and sat back in her chair.

Akane Benisaka's eyelashes flickered and she looked at the three people in the interviewer's seat. Hojo Kyousuke is sitting in the middle. On the left is Eri Kashiwagi, the artist of the fan club egoist-Lily, and on the right is the light novel writer Kasumi Shiko, whose cumulative sales have reached 1.5 million.

After hearing Hojo Kyosuke's words, she naturally knew that he was mocking her for not practicing martial arts and conducting a sneak attack, but:

"My mother told me the same thing, and I did the same thing until I saw the true side of society."

After saying this, she didn't wait for the interviewers to respond, supported her amazingly thin waist with one hand and said with a smile:

"This is the first time we meet. I am Akane Kurisaka. Please take good care of me."

After bowing at 45 degrees, she did not straighten up in a hurry, but raised her face:

"I remember this is what the interviewer did, right? Sorry, this is my first time."

"It's rare that you still know some social etiquette." Kasumigaoka said coldly, her expression was much colder than that of Eiri, who had just nearly been embarrassed and was still trying to adjust.

Akane Benisaka ignored these words, smiled lightly and walked to the chair in the middle of the room to sit down.

"The interviewer hasn't allowed you to sit down yet!" Ying Lili said stiffly.

Akane Hongsaka's movements were without pause. After sitting down, she naturally crossed her legs and looked playfully at someone with blond hair. For a woman, her gaze was too sharp. And the latter lived up to expectations, tilting his head with a guilty conscience, then turning around forcefully, tilting his head guiltily, and then turning around stubbornly. In the end, he even changed from a person who made things difficult for others to a pitiful expression as if he was being bullied.

A trace of helplessness flashed in Kasumigaoka Shiyu's eyes. She had guessed that it would be like this. The princess was really well protected. This kind of occasion was not her home field at all.

But having said that, Yinglili's performance is already very good in her opinion. After all, this can be regarded as her first real face to society.

"The true side of society? Isn't what we see society?"

Hojo Kyosuke looked at Akane Benisaka with a smile, and he felt a little sympathy for the other person's experience. A work that had put countless efforts and high hopes into was turned into a piece of shit, and even the original fans were lost. It can be said that the word "tragic" is written on the forehead.


"Moreover, it is precisely because society is real that it is malleable. As a creator, isn't it necessary to present the world in your own eyes and mind to the audience? Since you don't like the so-called real society, dye the world with Wouldn’t it be nice to have your own color?”

Yep! That's what I thought!

Listening to this, Yinglili nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice, very satisfied with her mouth.

Akane Hongsaka showed no emotion at all, and even lowered her head and shook her head helplessly:

"Young, so young. Looking at your faces that have not been beaten by society makes me realize once again that what I did is not wrong."

"That's right? Do you know what you are talking about!" Eirili slammed the table, not caring about the pain in her hand, and glared at Akane Benisaka.

"After earning a large amount of royalties, I didn't buy luxury cars, squander money in Roppongi, or rent a private island and invite models to have parties. Instead, I bought a house and an office building with all the money, and went to school to play boring things every day. Play house game.

Hojo Kyosuke, you really have no ambition at all. I don’t see in you your so-called awareness of dyeing the world with your own color. "

Akane Benisaka looked straight at Hojo Kyousuke, and her tone of voice became colder and colder.

Yinglili blinked, then blinked again, and finally turned her head uncontrollably to look at the boy beside her.

It turns out, what should boys do after they have money? But wouldn’t Mom be happy to buy a house as soon as she heard that Kyousuke had money? He also said that if the money is not enough, his family will pay for it. Is there any problem with this?

There was something unnatural on Kasumigaoka Shiu's face. Although she had been working hard to be the perfect wife who could help Kyousuke's career outside and take care of the peace of the family home, she was still immersed in the unenterprising Kyousuke. You can't extricate yourself from the peaceful and peaceful life you create.

Hojo Kyosuke thought to himself, what should I say after you have finished speaking? Where do you see that I have no ambition? I work hard every day towards the most perfect dream, okay! How can you understand my happiness. He didn't know how to explain it for a while. After all, his dream was so great that it was difficult for ordinary mortals to understand it.

Fortunately, he is not alone, there is always someone who will understand him and help him.

"So this is the excuse you used to cover up the despicable means you used?" Ying Lili asked.

"Despicable means? Haha~"

Akane Kurisaka laughed a few times as if she had heard a joke, and then stared at Eri in front of her with those oppressive eyes that seemed to make people fall in one breath:

"I think you must have misunderstood something. What I did was not against Hojo Kyosuke. On the contrary, I was trying to prevent Hojo Kyosuke's unparalleled talents from being wasted on such boring things. Neither he nor You, or Kasumi Shiko, should be grateful to me."

"Are you crazy? What kind of explanation is this!?"

Yinglili, who had always been proud, was angered by the arrogance of the person in front of her.

"It's very useful, isn't it? I think after such an incident, it is enough for you to know that the so-called industry is not a child's game."

asshole! how dare you! ?

Eiri picked up the mineral water bottle on the table and was about to throw it to the ground, but Hojo Kyosuke took it and helped her unscrew the bottle cap.

Stupid chore! I don’t want to drink water! Where are my three hundred swordsmen?

"You're such an old person, it's time to stop suffering from chuunibyou. No matter how you look at it, you are just meddling in other people's business. Spending time and energy on things that make me happy will never make me happy. Call it a waste, right? In your opinion now, do the experiences you had when you participated in the comics research club at school were a waste of time? "

Hojo Kyosuke said.

"That's right! After drinking Coke, do you think you can quench your thirst by just drinking water, denying the happiness you feel when drinking Coke!" Ying Lili cheered in her heart for the excellent performance of the mouth substitute, and at the same time responded loudly.

Kasumigaoka looked at the two salted fish beside her, with a hint of doting helplessness on her face.

Hearing this, Akane Benisaka lamented that Hojo Kyosuke was really a hopeless flat fish, and at the same time, his overwhelming arrogance inevitably diminished.

Fortunately, in the past three years, she has never stopped paying attention to Hojo Kyosuke, and she has a deep impression of what kind of person he is. Giving up on the salty fish without salt and oil, she turned her head and looked at Yinglili on the other side. This was the core goal of her strategy today.

"Teacher Eri Kashiwagi, long time no see."

"If you were trying to lighten the mood by acting like you're only now noticing me, congratulations on your success."

Ying Lili's face was tense, and she had no doubts about why the other party knew her pen name.

"Hahaha, why would I think that? I just saw you outside a fan exhibition after a long time, and I'm happy that you are still in good spirits."

"I don't need your concern, not so much..."

Before Erili could finish her words, she was rudely interrupted by Akane Kurisaka opposite her.

"But it's not surprising. Anyone who lives such a happy life under the protection of Hojo Kyosuke will always be full of energy. Three years have passed, and the progress I have seen from your works, Eri Kashiwagi, is simply pitiful. .”

"Huh?" Yinglili's eyes widened.

"Kensaka Akane, have you paid less attention to the industry because you left the business of the doujin club to your subordinates for too long? The egoist-Lily club to which Eri Kashiwagi belongs ranked first among all similar clubs in sales at the last doujin exhibition. We are in the top 20, and the queue length is one of the longest in the museum.”

Kasumigaoka Shiha said, Eiri didn't know why Benisaka Akane knew her so well. She knew that Benisaka Akane's Mars company not only had animation and comic novel business, but also had a fan club for cultivating new people. But last year it was completely handed over to other people.

"You too, Teacher Xia Shizi, three years have passed, where is your new book? I can't see any progress on your part."

Akane Benisaka did not respond to Kasumigaoka Shiu's words at all, but directly replied:

"Frankly speaking, the purpose of my coming here is to get you. But in fact, you and I are not on the same level at all. I am looking forward to you in the future. But, unfortunately, except for Hojo Kyosuke, three years have passed. The progress I've seen from you has been minimal.

As far as I know, Hojo Kyosuke’s original intention in founding this company was to animate your works by Eri Kashiwagi and Shiko Kasumi. "

Although she didn't know what the other party was going to say next, Ying Lili still raised her chin proudly.

"So, do you think you can make a good work with the current situation?"

Akane Benisaka put one hand on her knee, bent down and rested her chin on the back of her hand, looking at Eiri in front of her:

"Original artist?"

Looking at Kasumigaoka Shiyu:


"Do you think that in the production team, will you be a help or a burden to Hojo Kyosuke?"

"In your hands, will Hojo Kyosuke's works turn into shit, or will they be masterpieces?"

"Shut up, when did you become the leader here?"

Hojo Kyousuke said coldly, but his next words were interrupted by Eiri. This coward, soft-hearted fool who could be shaken by the slightest hint of wind held his hand tightly, and his blue eyes flashed crazily as he looked at Akane Akane.

Even a blind person could see that she was persuaded by the other party.

"This may be a bit too cruel to you, so let me put it another way..."

Akane Benisaka ignored Hojo Kyousuke's words and looked at Eiri, whose eyes were already wandering:

"Do you think that as long as everyone gets together happily, it doesn't matter if the work turns into shit?"

"Huh? Kashiwagi Eri, Miss Sawamura Spencer Eri, what do you think? What is your goal in coming to this company?"

This person didn't behave like an interviewer at all. Instead, he started to torture Yinglili with a suffocating momentum.

"Eiriri, there is no need to listen to her seriously. This is just a trick." Hojo Kyosuke looked at Eiriri, whose expression was getting worse and worse, and began to regret not letting Kisaki sink Akane Akane Benisaka into Tokyo Bay from the beginning.

Why do I look forward to coming to this company that belongs to us with Kyousuke so much?

Why did I start to get excited a month ago? Why did I roll in bed all day last night and couldn't sleep at night?

Why would he bury his head under the quilt and make an uncontrollable sound of excitement?

Because this is the place where Kyousuke and I can turn our works into animations.

At first, Yinglili never thought that there would be such a formal company. In the girl's imagination, their animation studio should be their bedroom. He serves as the supervisor and artist...Kyosuke serves as screenwriter, animator, and miscellaneous...

The progress of the work will be very slow, but it doesn't matter, she and Kyousuke have a lifetime to complete this matter.

However, she could not accept that the work that she and Kyousuke had worked hard on was destroyed because of her lack of ability.

"Miss Spencer, is this the only level of awareness you have as a creator? Have you never thought about turning your work into a popular masterpiece?"

Akane Benisaka chuckled in her heart. As expected, it was the same as the information she had received, and Eri Kashiwagi was the best breakthrough!

She chuckled and glanced at a figure outside the door.

"An Yi, you can come in."

Akane Benisaka turned her head and shouted towards the door.

Her follower, a boy wearing a blue T-shirt holding a thick stack of document bags, walked to the door.

"excuse me."

"I'm An Yilunye, a part-time student at Mars Company. Please give me your advice."

Yes, the person who came was none other than An Yilun who had disappeared for who knows how long.

Looking at the boy standing in front of him, Hojo Kyosuke's eyes gradually became dangerous.

"An Yilun, you are really annoying and have survived until now."

He made no secret of his disgust.

Ah, my head hurts after reading the comments. Thank you all for your support.

Then ask for a monthly ticket at the end of the month. I have updated almost 200,000 words this month, which is quite hard.

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