Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 585 The Misery of Social Animals

With only one day left before the new book was released, Hojo Kyosuke took a break from his tedious work and quietly enjoyed campus life.

When grades, career paths, and the future are no longer a worry, high school life will show its true charm. Rosy youth is as gorgeous and charming as cherry blossoms.

Sleeping in high school classes is like skipping classes and sleeping in college. If you close your eyes and worry about the exam three days later or whether the teacher will call your name, then the joy of sleeping will be halved.

If you can't even waste time on things you like, you must be the biggest fool in the world. ——Yamauchi Sakura

As a high school student who doesn't even need internal promotion and can get special admission to the University of Tokyo at any time, Hojo Kyosuke's school life is boring and interesting. Boring because he has lost the sense of accomplishment of learning from teachers, and interestingly, he can sleep peacefully. It's amazing that at home, you need to ensure that the room is quiet and dark to fall asleep, but at school, you can sleep very comfortably listening to the teacher's lecture.

This class is now a biology class. As someone who can accurately stab the opponent's gallbladder with his eyes closed, Hojo Kyosuke naturally doesn't need to listen anymore. If he looked at the teacher with his eyes, the biology teacher who looked like a mantis would be under great pressure. Xue Ye had told him before that the biology teacher cried to her, saying that every time she taught Class F, as long as Hojo Kyosuke didn't teach, he was very scared, always felt that he had said something wrong, and was about to lose the courage to be a teacher.

There was no way, Hojo Kyosuke could only choose to sleep or write and draw and do something of his own. Even so, as long as he made a slight movement, the teacher on the stage would tremble with fear and ask him if he had said something wrong. Really, didn't he just take the individual test of the University of Tokyo and got a full score? Is it necessary to make such a fuss?

After Hojo Kyosuke fell asleep peacefully, Glass silently closed the window a little.

Wind, be quiet, don't disturb Kyosuke.

The famous swordsman general Zaimokuza Yoshiki, who claimed to be the No. 1 fan of Hojo Kyosuke and the third best swordsman in Tokyo, immediately climbed down after seeing his idol sleeping. He was already strong, and when he lay on the table, he was like a small mountain. It was hard for such a small chair to bear his weight.

The No. 1 swordsman must have his reasons for doing this. Maybe sleeping in biology class can better connect the energy of the other world.

Thinking of this, Zaimokuza felt his head was muddled, as if, as if he had seen another world.


The sudden explosion scared Zaimokuza, who was about to fall asleep, and he jumped up. Seeing the bear standing up, the biology teacher was startled and quickly turned his head to look at Hojo Kyosuke. Seeing the latter still sleeping soundly, he was relieved.

"Go to the back and stand." The biology teacher waved casually.

Zaimokuza was furious. He had just connected to the other world and had no time to communicate with the beast-eared loli! He stood up angrily, and pushed the table forward with his big belly.

"Yes, I'll go right away!"

Hikigaya Hachiman, who was watching the joke, felt a huge force coming from behind him, and then he couldn't breathe and almost died.

"Be careful not to wake up Hojo!" The biology teacher glared, and raised the textbook in his hand like the forelimbs of a mantis, as if he wanted to execute Zaimokuza immediately.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

Zaimokuza immediately bent down to apologize and walked to the back row.

When he walked to the back of the classroom, he heard two boys sitting in the back row discussing in a low voice.

"It's great to have good grades. I think Mr. Kuroki can't wait to cover Hojo with a blanket."

Oh! It's a good idea. Let's discuss it with Hachiman later and let him bring a blanket from home. Zaimokuza nodded repeatedly.

"Idiot, just having good grades won't get the same treatment as Hojo." A boy next to him shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you have internet access? Have you forgotten that I blocked you in the toilet cubicle yesterday?"

"Asshole, you still dare to say that? What kind of trick is that!"

"How can that not be a trick? Do I have to pretend to be a girl like you to trick me into ordering takeout for it to be considered a trick?"

"Hehe, of course that's a trick!"

When boy A said this, he suddenly lowered his head slightly and said in a deep voice:

"Are you satisfied with my trick this time?"

Oh! ! So there is this trick. I will go to Hachiman tonight after school to try it out. By the way, just pretend to be Totsuka! Zaimokuza nodded repeatedly. Sure enough, everything is a learning! Sure enough, there is a reason why Minister Hojo is sleeping now, otherwise I would not have learned this trick.

The conversation between the two boys continued.

"Your lunch box is mine today, or we'll break up."

"No problem, I didn't bring a lunch box today anyway."

"...I'm going to kill you."

"Then you'll never get compensation from me."

"Qi Kexiu, is this also your trick?!"

"From the moment you were obsessed with ordering takeout for me, you should have thought that this day would come! I'll eat you for this for the rest of my life!"

"Asshole, you're the one who owes the debt, it was you who tricked me into ordering takeout for you! Don't talk like you're the victim!"

"Shut up, tell me what this has to do with Hojo-kun sleeping."

"Hojo-kun's new book is about to be released. He has been preparing for it during this period. It is very hard to prepare for the release of the new book and take care of his studies. Think about it, if Hojo-kun really becomes a world-famous Great writer, how happy are you, Mr. Kuroki? If you want to change jobs in the future, as long as you write that you have coached Hojo-kun on your resume, won’t all the famous schools be rushing to get you?”

"Hiss... So, when I apply for college or find a job in the future, I can also write on my resume that I was a classmate who served as Hojo-kun?"

"You guy..."

Boy B was shocked:

"Is this your trick too?!"

So, having slept in the same room as Hojo-kun, I will become a popular person? After all, sleeping with me is equivalent to sleeping with Hojo-kun?

Zaimuzo's eyes widened suddenly.

In the afternoon, Hojo Kyosuke simply asked for leave in the name of baseball club training, and by the way, he invited the first army members of the baseball club to train with him.

Now he is pitching decently, at least every ball can be accurately thrown into the strike zone, and the ball speed is steadily increasing, from the initial 130 to 150. When the number 151 appeared on the speed gun, Minister Tsuchiya thought the machine was broken. It wasn't until his wrist started to wail as he caught the ball that he realized that it was indeed a "high-speed ball", although it was not comparable. The ball speed in professional baseball is 160+, but it is absolutely invincible among high school students. Besides...

This is Hojo-kun's second week of playing baseball. One hundred and fifty is not his limit, but his own limit.

Covering his painful wrist, Ryota Tsuchiya gritted his teeth and tried hard not to show his painful expression. Fortunately, wearing a helmet, he was the person on the field who could best hide his expression except the referee.

Yes, let alone a thug, even he couldn't catch Hojo Kyosuke's ball!

151 is already the limit. If it is any higher, his wrist and grip cannot bear it, and the ball will slip from his glove, turning a good ball into a bad ball.

It was himself who dragged Hojo-kun down.

Tsuchiya Ryota threw the ball in his hand and shouted to Hojo Kyosuke to continue shooting.

We can't go on like this, we have to find a way...

He set his sights on Masako Fujikawa, the former ace pitcher of the baseball club.

Compared to the pitcher who shines and attracts all the attention, the catcher as his partner really has no sense of existence. People will only remember the talented pitcher who threw the 160-speed ball, but will not pay any attention to the catcher who gritted his teeth to catch the ball. .

Chip ball, slider, fork ball, butterfly ball, sinker ball... every pitcher's show off skills is a test for the catcher. If the team cannot catch those wonderful pitches and the team loses points, it will be a nightmare. .

In professional baseball leagues, highly paid pitchers will even ask catchers to play games every now and then.

Fortunately, although the team's original pitcher Masajo Fujikawa is an ace, he is just the tallest among the shortest. Not to mention the feat of one person shutting out all the opponents, even striking out is very difficult, and teammates must cooperate with the defense. .

I think you're a very suitable guy to be a catcher!

Thinking of this, Tsuchiya couldn't bear to see the former ace Fujikawa standing next to Hojo-kun, sharing his pitching experience with a sincere face. But then I thought about it, both labor and management gave up the position of catcher. To say that the sacrifice was the biggest, it was myself. Besides, with Hojo-kun's presence, Fujikawa probably won't have the chance to stand on the pitcher's mound again. It can be said that switching to a pitcher is the best option.

So, I am the only one who suffers?

No, that's not right. As long as the team can reach Koshien, my name, Ryota Tsuchiya, will be written into the school history of Sobu High School as a minister and be passed down through the ages!

WINWINWINW, triple win!

Hojo Kyosuke didn't know that Tsuchiya Ryota had so many thoughts in his mind at that moment. He just felt a headache. Tsuchiya squatted there with his hands constantly making seals between his legs, sometimes asking himself to hit an inside slider, and sometimes asking himself to hit a sinker, but the problem was that he only knew one straight ball.

Tsuchiya said that even if you don't know how to throw, you should adapt to the code as soon as possible to avoid being in a hurry on the court.

Hojo Kyosuke shook his head, raised his left leg, exerted force on his waist and abdomen, and used his arms to throw it out. The white baseball quickly hit Ryota Tsuchiya.

He has been playing baseball for a while, and the more he plays, the more fun he finds.

As long as you keep pitching and pitching, your opponent will keep getting struck out and struck out, and one person can completely wipe out the opponent. This epic heroic thrill is really fascinating.

Speaking of batting, you don’t have to think about anything. Just aim, swing, and try your best to hit the ball as far as possible to score. Stepping on each base, listening to the cheers of teammates...

The only pity was that there was no cheering from the audience. Sakura wanted to come as a manager, but Xiaojing rejected it. Sakura, who didn't even bother to read storybooks, couldn't say that her Chinese language performance was a mess. She could only say that she had to take extra classes.

However, among the other students in physical education class, many girls sneaked over and stood nearby to watch the training. As soon as Hojo Kyosuke raises his leg to throw the ball, he will feel the burning eyes on his buttocks and crotch. When he turned his head speechlessly, the girls didn't hide at all. Instead, they shouted loudly, come on, and jumped up and down with frightening enthusiasm.

When Hojo Kyosuke spent his youth in school, the promotional materials for the last day were also released, which was the short comic about the miserable life of a social animal.

The entire article is posted on his personal website for free, and reprinting is not prohibited.

Yesterday's "This time, are you satisfied with my trick?" trend has not passed, and it has even become more and more popular because more and more celebrities and people from all walks of life have joined in. Therefore, the propaganda army led by Xisaki only guided it slightly on various social platforms, and a huge amount of traffic poured into his personal website.

The number of registered users on the website rose sharply, from the original 120,000 to more than 300,000 in an instant. This is because his website is open, that is, you can post without registration.

Xisaki, who was well prepared, rented a server in advance and steadily received this wave of popularity.

As for the response to the comic titled "Blood and Dreams of Social Animals"?

It can be valued by the editors of the three major comic magazines in Japan and strongly recommended to serialize a long comic. How bad can it be?

Although it is a weekday, there are obviously many people who are slacking off. Some office workers who took the opportunity to relax in the smoking room and browse their phones almost cried after seeing the comic.

"I am a clerk at XX Trading Co., Ltd., and my salary is twice as high as the protagonist, but the doctor has recommended that I take a long rest.

Sleeping has become my biggest fear.

When I think of having the same nightmare tomorrow, I feel that sleeping, which allows the body and mind to be cultivated, is just so that I can continue to work. I dare not sleep, and the alarm clock is like a death knell, but I have to continue working."

This is a highly praised post on Hojo Kyosuke's personal website. The company name is coded by the netizen himself. If it were Xisaki, he would definitely want to dig out the netizen's company and personal information and even the hospital's diagnosis and post them on the website, so as to cause a heated discussion. He is a professional at taking advantage of others' misfortunes.

I believe that the eldest brother also supports me, otherwise why would he create such an immersive comic?

Unexpectedly, the replies in this post are not empathy, but cursing, because although the host said it was miserable, he has a high salary! It's hard work but the money is high, and it's obviously a well-known large company, so he dare not reveal the name.

Some netizens posted their pay slips with curses, angrily scolding the poster for enjoying the blessing but not being satisfied, saying that they were forced to work overtime for free by their boss.

This kind of comparison of misery is the most resonant. Looking at the miserable appearance of the protagonist in the comic, the office workers who are overly depressed every day seem to have found a vent point and speak crazily. Of course, there are also winners who have a happy life, high salary and easy work, and they are also happy to enjoy a wave of envy from the common people.

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