Tokyo Girlfriend Illustrated Book

Chapter 658 The Third Golden Age

"Mystery novels are a mirror that reflects the times and society."

A calm voice sounded, and after bowing, Morimura Seiichi held the microphone with both hands and began to talk about the reason why he came on stage:

"This is the view that I and my colleagues have held since Mr. Seicho Matsumoto pioneered the social mystery novel. Career, marriage, love, friendship, buying a house, raising children... The author incorporates these social issues into mystery novels, inspiring readers to pay attention to life, think about human nature, and face social reality..."

When Morimura Seiichi spoke, everyone in the audience subconsciously reduced the weight of their breathing, even those famous writers who were about the same age as him.

"There is only one person who can compare with Seicho Matsumoto"

This is the evaluation of him in the literary world. From this evaluation alone, we can see how amazing his status in the literary world, especially in the mystery novel world, is.

But everyone listened to him quietly, not just out of respect, but also because they wanted to learn from the bottom of their hearts.

Starting from the concept of the social school, Morimura Seiichi talked about his own ideas about creation, talked about the excellent works he found in recent years, and even went into details about small writing techniques.

The summoning structure that can improve the reader's acceptance is the aesthetics of acceptance... the design of vision and distance, the sublimation of puzzles brought about by the aesthetic distance...

The people who came back to participate in the Neon Mystery Writers Association Award Ceremony, except for those who came purely for socializing, are basically people who love literature. Regardless of their literary creation ability and appreciation level, they are not lacking in literary literacy, so after listening to Mr. Morimura Seiichi's words, they have more or less insights. Even Kenzo Kinno, who was just chatting with Hojo Kyosuke, couldn't help but admire him and whispered:

"Just a few words, I feel that I have benefited a lot. Mr. Morimura is really amazing. I feel that he can still inform Neon reasoning for another 20 years."

"Not that long."

Hojo Kyosuke looked at the stage and listened quietly. What Mr. Morimura Seiichi said was like an experience package to him. The old man not only studies literature, but also involves four aesthetic theories and five psychological studies in what he said just now. Even if he just listened quietly, Hojo Kyosuke could clearly feel that his "artistic content" was rapidly improving, and his "artistic talent" was constantly being realized.

"Huh?! What do you mean, kid! Are you saying that Mr. Morimura won't live for another 20 years? I caught you, right?" Kenzo Chino was serious for no more than two seconds.


Hojo Kyosuke ignored this idiot. Kenzo Chino was obviously too excited and spoke too erratically.

After the foreshadowing, Morimura Seiichi silently looked at Hojo Kyosuke and started to get down to business. His expression became serious, and his short body was full of majesty:

"... Mr. Tsuruta said earlier that Hojo's work "The Devotion of Suspect X" should not be selected as a candidate work. I think this is wrong. First of all, this work is undoubtedly a mystery novel, and it is an excellent work, a cross-era work!"


The people in the audience were all shocked. When they saw Morimura Seiichi coming on stage at this time, everyone more or less guessed something, but no one expected that this gentleman would give Hojo Kyosuke such a high evaluation.

Behind, Yukinoshita Yukino's tense shoulders suddenly relaxed, she slowly leaned back on the chair, and there was a trace of relief on her little face.

Yes, this is Hojo Kyosuke, and this is what he would do.

When he doesn't have the ability, he closes his eyes and sleeps, and when he has the ability, he simply punches him.

"In the past, the difference between social works and orthodox works was that we paid more attention to the criminal's motives, but Hojo-kun's works went a step further. He got rid of the cliché of previous mystery novels that downplayed the description of characters, and focused on portraying the characters in the novel, truly walking out of his own path.

No matter what type of novel or what school, characters and plots are the basic elements of the novel. An excellent mystery novel can be talked about by readers with relish. In addition to the attractive story content, the character image with distinct personality is indispensable, and it can also make the novel contain aesthetic charm..."

When a new trend of thought emerges, it is always accompanied by controversy and difficulties.

"…I know that when such a young genius appears, everyone will wonder whether he is ready to face the world and whether he needs to continue to grow. Regarding this, I found the answer from Hojo-kun's works.

In "The Devotion of Suspect X", the protagonist Ishigami can only silently endure the unspoken rules in the academy, and eventually loses the opportunity to continue his research and further studies. When he meets love, he can only retreat. Similarly, Hanaoka Seiko can only silently endure the violence of her ex-husband, and appears ruthless when accepting the kindness of others.

In his new work "The Dream and Death of Writer K", the protagonist is an ordinary person who is far less talented than Ishigami, but he chooses to resist. I can see Hojo-kun's thinking and his response to society. A genius like Ishigami chooses to commit suicide in the face of life's unsatisfactory life, and even if he sees the light, he is afraid to step forward, while an ordinary person like writer K seizes a glimmer of hope and fights hard.

The whole novel mercilessly dissects the dark side of society in laughter and anger. The best part is the ending, using a trick that makes people applaud, killing the enemy, the novel is reprinted, and the family is happy. is obviously an ending that is too good to be true, but it always makes me feel an unspeakable depression in my heart. I think, in the face of a dark society, can we really achieve happiness by just raising a knife? Thinking of this, I couldn't help but think of the title of the book - "The Dream and Death of Writer K". Suddenly, I suddenly realized that maybe...writer K is indeed dead..."

On the award podium, Mr. Morimura Seiichi simply expressed his deep affection for Hojo Kyosuke’s works. The part about the selected work "The Devotion of Suspect X" in his words is far less than that of Hojo Kyosuke's new work "The Dream and Death of Writer K". This seems very unreasonable, but in fact all the guests here can understand it.

The selection of novels itself is a complicated matter. The judges can even directly say, "Although it is indeed a bit weak for the author to nominate this award with the novel xxxx, I have read the author's xxxx before, because the author is in this work The dazzling talent shown makes me want this author to be selected as the winner of this award.”

Of course, the reasons for the negative votes of the judges can also be very nonsensical. They can simply say, "Although this author's novel is indeed excellent, compared to his previous work, I have not seen any improvement at all."

The reasons of the two judges before and after can be announced directly without fear of being scolded, because those factors in the selection are indeed objective and can affect the selection.

So everyone can understand what Morimura Seiichi said. The old book "The Devotion of Suspect X" and the new work "The Dream and Death of Writer K" that Hojo Kyosuke entered the selection are put together to prove the progress of Hojo Kyosuke and his He has indeed formed a unique set of writing concepts, and his success is not accidental.

To put it simply, "This is indeed the author's idea, not me doing reading comprehension! He writes like this in every book!"

But even if they can understand it, many celebrities in the literary world and celebrities in the audience still feel that Morimura Seiichi's words are too exaggerated. This is simply consuming his own reputation and forcibly promoting Hojo Kyosuke. However, what they didn't expect was that this was just the beginning.

"...For a long time, friends in the media world, including some colleagues in the literary world, have called me the successor of Mr. Matsumoto Seicho. I am secretly happy but feel that I deserve it. After all, I really don't For the world of mystery fiction..."

Before Morimura Seiichi finished speaking, a shout suddenly sounded from the audience:

"it's not like that!"

Everyone in the hall looked back and saw that the person speaking was a boy sitting in the last few rows. Everyone knew that he was the lucky audience who came from the lottery.

"Mr. Morimura, you ushered in the second golden age of socialist mystery novels and continue to dominate neon mysteries. You deserve this!"

After the boy in the white T-shirt finished speaking, he bent down and bowed at a 90-degree angle. There were obviously tears in his eyes. People who originally thought he was rude were relieved. This is a fanatical fan of Mr. Morimura.


Morimura Seiichi also bowed and smiled back, then said with a smile:

"As a remnant of the old era, I really can't do anything more than give my descendants some experience of failure. Although Hojo-kun is still young, I see in him the potential to carry the banner of neon mystery novels. He will usher in a new era.

I believe that his ideas will be accepted by more and more creators, more and more works with the same style as his will appear, and he and his comrades will set off a new wave!

Perhaps... this is the third golden age of socialism? "

When Morimura Seiichi said this, he showed a funny smile:

"Finally, as an older man, I have something to say to Hojo-kun.

I suggest this author not to immerse himself too much in his great talent. "

The old man made a stunt at the last moment. Is this really criticism? If there were no previous high praise for Hojo Kyosuke, then this sentence would be a severe criticism, telling Hojo Kyosuke not to be arrogant. But Morimura Seiichi praised Hojo Kyousuke so much before, and this sentence became an admonishment that contained the loving heart of an elder.

At this moment, many big guys in the audience looked at Hojo Kyousuke with complicated eyes. Is this kid already engaged to the granddaughter of Mr. Morimura's family? Are you sure you want to marry into your family? Otherwise, why would Teacher Morimura, who had a flawless life, come eagerly to help him like this when he was enjoying his old age?

Not to mention those rising stars in the literary world, even young and powerful literary stalwarts like Kenzo Konno and Tsuyoshi Aisaka were filled with envy at this time. If Teacher Seiichi Morimura could educate them in front of so many people, he didn't know what a happy child he would become.

Morimura Seiichi finally said sorry for taking up so much of everyone's time, and then bowed and left the stage. Warm applause immediately resounded throughout the venue. Being able to hear Seiichi Morimura deliver such a long speech on a day like this is already an honor in itself.

When he reached Hojo Kyousuke, the old man raised his hand and patted the strong young man on the shoulder, saying in a deep voice:

"Listen to people who have experienced it and you won't get retribution, kid."

Hojo Kyousuke, who had taken advantage of all the benefits, was naturally full of nice words and took the initiative to bend down so that the old man could take the photo more comfortably.

The elder members of the mystery association in the audience had completely forgotten what Tsuruta Masatake said. The super boss, Mr. Morimura Seiichi, had said that on the stage. It would be really rude for anyone to jump out. Everyone was ready to give sincere blessings to Hojo Kyosuke and waited for Kenzo Chino to come on stage to announce the award.

But what everyone didn't expect was that after Kenzo Chino came on stage, he didn't take out the card, but came up with a foreigner. It was the assistant of the Hollywood director Mav Araoz, who was known as "Little Hitchcock" and won the Golden Globe Award. This assistant did not hide the foreigner's exaggeration at all. He came up and praised Hojo Kyosuke and his works, saying that he would definitely win an Oscar after making a good movie.

The entertainment industry and reporters in the audience almost stood still when they heard it, and the people in the literary world were not much better. That was Hollywood, the father of the United States.

The assistant director saw this and tried even harder to brag, saying that maybe with the blessing of their movie, Hojo Kyosuke would win the Nobel Prize in Literature and create history in the mystery novel world.

This was too outrageous, even Kenzo Chino didn't dare to respond, and quickly asked the foreigner to leave.

The people in the hall finally came to their senses. It was not enough for Hojo Kyosuke to invite Mr. Morimura Seiichi to sit in, and he kept increasing the value of his award.

But now we can finally start the award ceremony, right?

First, Morimura Seiichi, who can be ranked in the top five in the history of Japanese mystery novels, came to argue for him, and then directly announced that he had reached a cooperation with Hollywood. This is not amazing, it is incredible!

But what everyone couldn't understand was that Kenzo Chino invited another unrelated person to come on stage.

There was no time to be shocked by Hollywood Daddy, and the next person to rush to the battlefield was the Japanese political star, the future leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, Daisuke Yamaguchi.

This congressman also came with good news, saying that thanks to Mr. Hojo's novel, he finally noticed the problem of homeless people in Tokyo.

"... I have prepared a proposal and will submit it at the next National Assembly to solve the problem of homeless people in the country and strive to eliminate homeless people in Tokyo this year..."

Yamaguchi Daisuke talked freely. There were so many big names in the audience, it was simply the show he had always dreamed of. But fortunately, this guy was a little familiar, and he didn't forget Hojo Kyosuke when he boasted about himself. (End of this chapter)

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