Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and forty-six, day 2

"Good morning, Kasumigaoka-san."

"Good, everyone."

Shiyu looked around and asked, "Where are the others, Kato-kun?"

"Brother Kato said he was going to Lawson outside to buy a sandwich. He should be back soon."

The three people from the baseball club responded in a polite and informal tone. Among them, Saito, who was in charge of unpacking the box, even shouted "That's right", directing her eyes to the one on the left side of the entrance. position.

"Look there! Kasumigaoka-san. Our booth is hung in such a conspicuous place. Brother Kato, he is really awesome——!"

Although the tone and movements were slightly exaggerated, Shiyu understood that the other party was only sincerely expressing his excitement and emotion.

Because the moment she saw that location...more specifically, the moment she saw the huge poster hanging on the wall, even she couldn't help but curl up her lips, and a feeling of excitement rose in her chest. The feeling of honor.

"Egoisticlily welcomes you——! East A28b"

Above the eye-catching slogans are several beautiful girl characters with gorgeous and unique styles.

With Sayuka and Shinui standing in the C position as the center, the busts of the other characters are arranged in an arched position at a slightly higher position.

From Risa Kimura in "Early Summer Time", to Yui Obata in "Guide", to Kazuya Touma and Yumeng Belia in "The Prism of Snow" and "Tolove" Debbie Luke.

Many characters with different styles are cleverly integrated into the same picture, and then the picture is enlarged dozens of times according to the proportion. The final result is the impactful color poster, which brings a visual impact. Shocking.


The leader, Ito, clenched his fist and said, "It can be done! Now that we have reached such a conspicuous position, we must sell more today than yesterday. Remember to use your energy! Sato! Saito!"


The two people whose names were called responded equally energetically.

"Santo Combination——!"


"Santo Combination——!"

"Killed——!!" x2

"Santo Combination——!"

The three of them hugged each other.

Boom, boom, boom!

"——-Oh!!!" x3

The sound of vigorous stomping and vigorous shouting were intertwined, and instantly exploded in the exhibition hall at 8 o'clock in the morning.

The stadium at Nuo Da was as silent as a heavy snowfall.

Shiyu, who was just looking at them playfully at first, had already walked far away without knowing when.

Immediately afterwards——

"Hey! Three people over there! This is the Tokyo Comiket event venue, not the Hanshin Koshien Stadium. Loud noises are prohibited——!"

The staff member wearing a bright blue two-dimensional T-shirt shouted loudly, and hurriedly put on the green peaked cap on his head and walked over.

"R-I'm sorry——!!"

The three men immediately bent down and bowed to apologize.

The bachelor's appearance made the surrounding participants burst into laughter.

As the tension in the hall dissipated, a relaxed atmosphere began to flow around the three of them.


Shiyu, who was watching this scene from a distance, recorded the scene with his mobile phone, and then sent it to someone via Line with the following text:

——Single-celled DQN (a Japanese Internet term, a contemptuous term referring to people who are cynical and without common sense).

Not long after, the small words next to the chat box changed to "Read".

[Kato Yusuke:? ? ? 】

The three simple question marks deeply showed the confusion and confusion in the heart of its owner.

Shiyu raised the corners of his mouth happily, and then sent another message.

"Black coffee☆☆☆☆☆, thank you?????"

After five seconds.

[Kato Yusuke: ...OK.

There is a large blank space in the middle.

——Are your brains broken? 】

As if imagining the scene on the other side, the girl couldn't help but chuckle and continued the chat.

"The effect of the poster is very good. After seeing it, the three people seemed to be working hard to increase sales. But now they are being lectured for being too reckless."

[Yusuke Kato: After all, they are members of the baseball club, plus the morning exercises and special training some time ago, I think they are used to this. Help me tell them that they don’t need to pay too much attention, because today is a day where they can understand even if the sales are not high. 】

"what does that mean?"

[Kato Yusuke: You will know later. 】

After ten o'clock, the same scene as yesterday happened.

"Good morning! Participants who want to queue egoistically are invited to come here... uh-?"

Just as Sato and Ito were getting ready to welcome today's guests... they saw that the crowd gathered at the entrance had a subtle change compared to yesterday.

So much so that they instinctively blurt out their inner thoughts.

"...Huh? Do you feel like there are fewer people today than yesterday?"

"You mean there seem to be a lot more female participants?"

"Brother Kato...?" The two of them cast their gazes on Kato Yusuke's face in unison, and received a calm nod from the other party, which meant "receive as usual."

So they felt relieved, and then held up the sign again to greet the crowd.

"Hey, Kato-kun."

Sitting behind the table, Shiyu asked someone: "What on earth is going on?"

The tail of the slender eyebrows was slightly raised, and there was a hint of confusion in his expression.

Kato Yusuke explained: "Because Comiket focuses on different contents during the three days. In order of time, they are male-oriented (more people), female-oriented (few people), male-oriented (adult-oriented, and super crowded). ) like this, so there will be fewer people today.”

Nevertheless, the "few people" here is just a feeling for those who experienced yesterday's event. For those who did not participate, there were not many people at the scene.

"Is this the reason...Thank you for your answer, Kato-kun." Shiyu nodded thoughtfully.


Seeing that she seemed very interested, Yusuke continued talking while observing the outside.

"That's it, but it is said that in its earliest days, Comiket was basically a club organized by female fans. As for male-oriented works and participants, it was only later that the number of male-oriented works and participants gradually increased. It has actually been a long process until now to narrow the gap.”

"Hey - so those Danmei posters that have been appearing in my eyes since just now are also for this reason?" Shiyu said, pointing to a stall diagonally opposite.

"...Although there is a certain relationship, I don't think it is entirely the case. After all, no matter what type of work it is, there are people who like it, right?"

"This cannot be denied, so is our stall destined to be deserted today?"

"This statement is also somewhat problematic."

Kato Yusuke glanced at a certain place with a smile on his face, "It should be said that the effect of the poster wall is not as bad as you think, Shiba-senpai."

As if to prove his words.

I saw a team composed mostly of women, hurriedly walking towards here under the guidance of Sato.

The second day of egoisticlily began like this.


Happy New Year everyone.

(Touch the fish a little.)

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