Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and ninety-four, the road to the third industry (four thousand)

It took quite a while.

The shocked An Yilun only recovered from this fact.

Although he did learn about the popularity of the other party's works on the Internet, when the specific data behind it was actually put in front of him, he was still greatly shocked.

Don't blame him for being insensitive in this regard.

As a lawful otaku with his own ethics, all the works he enjoys are for all ages, but he doesn't pay that much attention to adult-oriented works.

Although he had the urge to taste the forbidden fruit, he was restrained by his long-term persistence.

That's why he seems a little slow to the achievements of his friends around him.

However, as a partner with a common pursuit, he didn't mind sending him a blessing.

So he took a deep breath and said: "All those who are facing the enemy are arrayed in front. Damn it, let me explode——!"

"You did the wrong printing, Aki." Kato Yusuke reminded casually, stretched out his hands, made a 1 with his left hand and a 9 with the right hand, and then grabbed the index finger of his left hand with his right hand, with his thumb raised upward.

"That's how it should be, but you did the opposite."

"Damn it, there must be something wrong with you!? You actually know so much about otaku knowledge, you just got the wrong template! It's really despicable!!"

"If you want to blame it, blame yourself, even I have watched "Naruto". "

After the ridicule, we returned to the topic again.

Facing his scrutinizing gaze of "What are you going to do?", An Yilun was slightly speechless for a moment.

Then he took a deep breath.

"I see--!"

He put his hands together on the ground in front of his knees, facing Shiyu in a sitting posture, and said seriously: "In any case, you have to convince Shiyu-senpai first, right? Please forgive me for my immature speech just now, although it was suddenly It’s a little presumptuous to mention this, but can you please help us play games together?”

After saying that, he lowered his head slightly in a sincere gesture.

No matter what thoughts he had in his heart, he still couldn't say it shamelessly now, asking two business authors to lead him to make a game that although the profit was uncertain, it would definitely be interesting.

After all, neither Kato Yusuke nor Shiyu are related to him, and the relationship between the two parties is not good enough for him to command them at will.

Not to mention that this project is still based on the story told by one of the parties, so it is reasonable even if there are requirements.

Therefore, all we can do is make requests from the bottom of our hearts.

"Well, if you just polish the original story frame a little, it's not that difficult. And I'm also a little interested in Kato-san's plan, so I can accompany you."

Shiyu said lightly, and raised his hand to stop A Yirunya who wanted to celebrate loudly, and turned his eyes to Kato Yusuke.

"——But." She changed the topic and said: "Programming, art, sound, script, in addition to what you just said, there is also the most important part of budget. What are you going to do? Kato-san."

"Speaking of this, I still have a lot of salary from last month's work in my living account, which I can use..." An Yilun also raised his hand silently.

Shiyu gave him a funny look and said something incomprehensible: "It's better to keep the little money you have to buy animations. Student Ethics, you have to know that other people may have bigger ideas, right?"

"Bigger? What does that mean?"

"You didn't think that what you were going to do next was a fan game until now, right?" Faced with An Yilunya's question, the girl asked with a weird look on her face.

Then she lightly opened her lips and said, "After listening to Kato-san talk so much, if you still can't understand the concept of this being a commercial work, maybe I should re-rate your IQ."

"Eh——? Wait, wait, is what Shiyu-senpai said true? Kato??"

"As expected of senior sister, have you been seen through?" Kato Yusuke smiled and praised.

"Even Kato-san, I would be angry if you looked down upon me like this. Besides, you didn't want to hide it at all, right?" Shiyu pretended to look at him displeased, but the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a beautiful smile. radian.

So Yusuke simply said bluntly: "Although the details still need to be worked out, I will spend 12 million to complete this project."


The stoneware tea cup in his hand fell to the ground, making a silent sound.

Fortunately, it wasn't broken because it was not high, but the tea inside spilled on my pants.

But An Yilun didn't care about this. He just asked in a trembling voice in shock: "1, 12 million——!?!?"

Then he fell into some kind of fantasy and kept muttering something. He didn't even respond to the tissue paper Sayu handed him to wipe his clothes.

He looked like he was cut off from the outside world.

Although his reaction was not as strong as his own, after hearing Kato Yusuke's personal admission, even Shiyu opened his eyes slightly in surprise, then thought for a moment and said:

"Isn't this a bit too risky? After all, it's basically all your savings, right?"

Because I knew about the agreement between him and the Eiri family during Natsu Comi, I could come to this conclusion with just a little calculation.

Kato Yusuke nodded in affirmation. In fact, even if he included the bookstore's follow-up book payment next month, he only had a little over 10 million in funds.

On top of this, we have to ensure the living expenses, but fortunately, this money will not be spent all at once, but will be spent slowly as the development of the game progresses.

In the meantime, you can still rely on the sequel of the book to continue to recover blood, so there is no rush.

According to some surveys on the Internet, the figure of 12 million is not high in the field of commercial Galgame production. If you want to hire well-known painters and scripters, the cost will be even higher. It happens that he himself The conditions are met.

If you really want to lose face, even the identity of "Eromanga Teacher" can be used for publicity.

Works from popular book painters will give you the ultimate warmth and healing.

I guess it can attract some attention.

In short, if you save, you will make money, and the saved expenses can be used to hire music companies to compose music, and hire well-known voice acting firms to dub.

This wave.

Him, Kato Yusuke, Tenhu.

"-Having said that, this is only a temporary idea. The specifics are still open to discussion. At least I will not make a decision until the situation becomes clear."

"Well, that's good if you think about it that way."

Shiyu said with concern: "After all, this level of investment is completely a commercial work. Even if it is really done, it should be entrusted to a more professional company..."

"Wait a minute, forgive me for not agreeing-!"

An Yilun, who didn't know when his soul returned, also interrupted her and said: "Listen up, whether it's Kato or Shiyu-senpai. According to my many years of experience, even well-known game companies have made shit. do.

There are also cases where works that cost a lot of manpower and financial resources end up selling less than the same people’s works. So even if it is a professional company, it does not mean that it is completely trustworthy!

In the end, the game still depends on whether it is interesting or not, and those big companies just need more experience in planning and analysis. But now that the industry continues to slump, even these advantages are weak.

In other words, it is no different from a fan club. It can also be said that everyone has returned to the same starting point. However, with the amazing painter "Eromanga" and the super writer "Kasumi Shiko", we have a natural advantage in this regard. . so--! "

He slapped the table and said in a high-spirited tone: "Even we can definitely make the strongest Galgame that everyone will love!!"

The sonorous and powerful words echoed in the room, making people deafening.

The scene fell into silence for a moment.

Knock-dong, knock-dong.

Until there was a dull knocking sound on the wall.

"Wow, your voice is too loud, An Yi-kun, you will disturb others!" Sayu reminded him as if he had just woken up from a dream, pressing her hand to signal him to keep quiet.

"Yes, I'm sorry——!" An Yilun immediately clapped his hands to apologize to the neighbor.

Shiyu narrowed her eyes and glanced at him, "Hey, Ethical Master. I have something to ask you about what you just said. Could you please turn around and speak?"

"...Yes?" The other party turned around and looked doubtfully.

"I'm just asking straight to the point. If I'm offended in any way, please bear with me."


Without giving him a chance to speak, the girl asked straight to the point: "The reason why you talk so much is not so much that you are giving advice to Kato-san, but actually because you want to personally participate in a commercial work of this level, right? And you don't need to Contribute money and effort.”

"Why is this like this? I also want to do my part!"

"Oh——? Then apart from the scripts and art that Kato-san and I are responsible for, I wonder which of the remaining programming and sounds can you be responsible for?"

" assistants and deputy directors...?" An Yilun also asked cautiously.

"I see, he's a slave, right? He's self-aware."

"No, so you seem to have heard wrongly..."

"What? Did you just say something?"

A cold and biting gaze came towards him.

"No~ not at all."

The scene was completely immersed in the questions and answers between the two people.

Facing Shi Yu's full aura, a certain weak otaku obviously couldn't resist, and could only shrink back in defeat, as if he was being punished to kneel down.

"Furthermore, even if the game company fails to live up to its expectations, it seems that it cannot be compared to the fan club formed by high school students, right?"

"But there are also high school students in "rouge en rouge"...? Senior Shiyu. " An Yilun also raised a hand tremblingly, but he still didn't follow suit.

The girl who thought of a certain name through this group organization glanced at that person, and then continued to show her cold tongue.

"...That's a special case. Or do you think you are better than Akane Kurisaka in this regard?

"Uh... no, it's really disturbing to be compared to the fan queen without permission."

""If this project is entrusted to a professional company, there will be no chance to participate in it." This is probably what you have in mind, right?

Although I can't understand your feelings, if you lose such a large amount of money because of your suggestions..." Shiyu paused for a moment, and his eyes became a little strange.

"Loss, if you lose...?" An Yilun also swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The girl whispered in a nonchalant tone: "Private lending? Or selling kidneys? As an advocate, you should also bear the corresponding responsibilities, right?"

"Hey——! It's too dark, senior! Don't do that, please spare me!"

An Yilun finally realized from this that the heart of the person in front of him was darker than the black hair on his head and the black stockings on his feet.

It seems like a dark demon hiding in the bottomless darkness, which makes people feel chilled all over.


Sayu couldn't help laughing when she witnessed this scene, "Aki-kun is very interesting, like a comedian."

For An Yilun, who was trapped in hell at this time, the girl's silver bell-like laughter was tantamount to the dawn from heaven.

Even if the words didn't sound like compliments, he was unwilling to let go of this opportunity.

Then he moved his body to the vicinity of the other person, reached out and grabbed someone's shoulder and shook it, "Hey, Kato, you know me, right?" Even if you don't need any reward later, please hurry up and help me learn from Shiyu. Sister, please explain~~~!”

Kato Yusuke raised his hand to push away his arm, turned his gaze to Shiyu, and said warmly: "Thank you for your suggestion, senior, but I am still going to try this game myself, sorry."

Then he added: "Of course, if it's really impossible, I won't force it, so don't worry. After all, you still have the basics of doujinshi, so you won't end up living on the street."

After hearing this, Shiyu turned her eyes to him and said, "Do you think this is okay? Sayu."


Sayu, who was suddenly asked, showed a little surprise on his face, then nodded vigorously and said, "No problem~! I believe in Yusuke. Even if he fails in the end, it doesn't matter, because I can also raise him~"

After saying that, she started laughing happily.

That happy smile made Shiyu squint his eyes slightly, and replied lightly: "Hmm... Is that so? It seems that I am meddling in my own business."

Kato Yusuke shook his head in denial: "That's not the case. It should be said that it is precisely because of the participation of senior Shiyu that I am 80% sure, so thank you."


A slight blush suddenly appeared on the girl's snow-white cheeks. She hurriedly raised a cup of tea to cover it up and said calmly: "... Even if you praise me like this, it won't do any good."

"No, getting Xia Shizi is already the biggest gain."


The tea in the cup suddenly started to slosh.

Subconsciously I wanted to touch my pocket.

But then I remembered that I didn’t bring a voice recorder when I went out today.

Shiyu suddenly felt unhappy, but because he was talking to Kato Yusuke, it was not exposed.

The two began to discuss the script.

Looking at the scene in front of him, An Yilun, who had been forgotten aside, suddenly realized a serious problem.

When a "director" with no skills but no enthusiasm collaborates with a master painter and a super writer, what is the chance that his opinions will be adopted during the production process?

Even if he thought with his feet, An Yilun felt that the probability was infinitely close to zero.


Do you want him to feel at ease?

It is impossible to make soy sauce, and it is impossible to make soy sauce in this life.

In order to let his right to speak in the future be taken seriously, he immediately began to think hard.

‘Speaking of which, is there anyone around me who is willing to take care of my preferences in this regard? ’ An Yilun also thought about it, and then a brilliant golden color appeared in his mind.


He couldn't help but take a breath when he thought of a certain existence, and finally came to this conclusion with a bit of toothache:

——Although it needs to be driven by tribute, if that person is there, you should be able to ensure that your opinions will not be easily ignored, right?

Then he raised his hand and said: "That! I know someone who can definitely help. Can she also join us -?"

Kato Yusuke and Shiyu, whose conversation was interrupted, turned their attention to him.

Certain things have been decided somewhere...


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