Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and ninety-eight, gift from senior sister (four thousand)

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If I write the ending of the character he likes, will he be happy?

If Sayuka, who is my clone, is allowed to be happy, will I also be able to be happy...?

While the girl was thinking about this in her heart, she couldn't help but let out a secret sigh.

I'm afraid Kato-san would be more happy to see the sales of my works increase than the characters in the book... Why can't I be smarter?

We must change our strategy and figure it out slowly!

Thinking of this, Shiyu couldn't help but secretly clenched his fists.

An evil smile bloomed on his lips, full of strategizing.

Laughing, haha, banging.

However, she was so immersed in her thoughts that she completely failed to notice that the chasing and fighting children had gradually moved the battlefield closer to them without even realizing it.

Puff, puff, haha!

The transparent river water was compressed by air and then sprayed out from the muzzle of the toy pistol, extending a thin and straight transparent line in the air.

The whole space was filled with bright and energetic laughter.


Until the water splashed on the girl, wetting her dress, shoes and socks, leaving a slightly darker mark on them.

The laughter of several children suddenly stopped like a duck that had its neck pinched.

And Shiyu, who was soaked by the water that suddenly fell from the sky, also recovered from the coldness on his body.


First he hummed instinctively, then lowered his head and looked down.

He saw that his clothes were quite wet from the waist down.

The originally Tiffany blue dress turned deep and almost blue, and was sticking wetly to the skin. Along with it, a breeze blew by, bringing the coolness of early autumn.

Shiyu shivered uncontrollably, and Shiyu raised her hands and hugged her arms tightly.

"Are you okay? Senior!"

Kato Yusuke asked concernedly, and at the same time stood up and looked at the group of naughty children on the river bank.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Shocked by his rude question, several children looked at each other and nodded vigorously.


"He's coming after him!"

"Wow, the weirdo big brother is coming!"

Shouting very presumptuous words, the naughty children suddenly dispersed, even throwing their original lightsaber sticks on the ground, and turned around and ran away.

It attracted several pedestrians passing by to stop and cast curious eyes here to inquire.

However, after seeing that there was nothing interesting to see, he withdrew his gaze indifferently and continued to walk forward at a certain pace.

It fits well with the cold image of Tokyoites across the country.

If it were Osaka in the Kansai region, there would probably be a few warm-hearted people speaking a rough Kansai accent who would come up to ask for help.

Dazai Osamu once wrote in the book "Setting Sun":

——Happiness is like the faintly glowing gold sand deposited at the bottom of the river of sorrow.

But Shiyu, who had suffered such an inexplicable misfortune, could not feel any happiness at all at this moment. Only the fishy smell of river water lingered around him.

Frankly speaking, although the river water here is not turbid, it is not that clear and clear either.

Clothes stained by the water here still need to be washed carefully.

In addition, as a girl who loves to be clean, Shiyu really can't stand that smell stuck to her body all the time.

"I'm sorry, senior sister. It was my fault for not warning you in advance. How are you?"

"...There's no need to say this. It's because I didn't pay attention to the problems around me. It has nothing to do with Kato-san." Facing Kato Yusuke who returned from the shore, Shiyu stood up from the ground and shook his head.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

Then he changed the subject, "But I'm feeling very uncomfortable right now, so I want to change out of my pantyhose first. Could you please lend me your shoulder?"

"Here?" Kato Yusuke looked around. Although the flow of people here is relatively sparse, there are still people passing by. It can't be called private.

"Would you like to change places?" he asked.

"...Do you want a girl to run around with a bad smell?" Shiyu said with a slight frown, obviously not wanting to endure this situation for a moment.

"But if you take off your pantyhose right here, you will be seen, right?" Kato Yusuke couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"...It's not underwear, it's just legs. Would anyone be interested? At this level, even unknown passers-by A and B would seem to have nothing to care about." Shiyu seemed very indifferent to this, or indifferent?


Kato Yusuke said nothing, just touched his nose.


Seeing his reaction, Shiyu couldn't help but let out a sigh in her heart, and paused in her movements.

As if she had discovered something brilliant, the girl's jewel-like dark red eyes flashed with doubt.

The red lips opened slightly, then closed again.

"Or..." She tilted her head slightly and asked tentatively: "Kato-kun, do you want to take a look? My underwear."

"Not at all."

Kato Yusuke sternly denied it: "I just think this is still not good. At least go over there and change it, senior sister."

After saying that, he took her slender wrist wrapped under the sleeves of his suit and hurriedly walked under a bridge not far away.

"Huh? Wait a minute..."

"There doesn't seem to be anyone under the bridge there, senpai."

It means you are too tough...

Shiyu, who was being held by him, thought so and pursed his lips slightly.

But the scorching force coming through her clothes made her unwilling to refuse, and she was led step by step to the empty bridge.

"Well, it should be fine here." Kato Yusuke let go of her wrist and said, "Then I will go outside to help look out, Shiba-senpai."

"Wait a minute." Shiyu opened her red lips lightly: "Can I trouble you to stay here? Kato-san."


"...Because my sense of balance is not very good, I might need to lend you your shoulder later, so I just stay here."

"?" After hearing this, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but glance at the stone bridge wall aside.

"...As the person who brought me here, you wouldn't let a girl bend down and stay here alone with her hands on the wall, right?" Shiyu said quietly, as if she knew what he was thinking.

Is there only yellow paint in this person's world...?

Kato Yusuke thought a little speechlessly.

"Or do you feel embarrassed when you see a girl's legs? Kato-san." Shiyu had a smile on her face, but she almost didn't write "Do you like legs" on her face.

How could the majestic and majestic Kato Yusuke endure such slander, and he was immediately ready to refute.

"By the way, I hate leg control the most in my life." - I originally wanted to say this, but when the words came to my mouth, I realized that it would be a cover-up.

So he replied helplessly: "I'm just afraid that senior sister will mind..."

"I don't mind at all." Shiyu interrupted him with a smile, "Don't you already know about this? It should be said that the person who dragged me here is Kato-san, right?"

"...Oh, then I'll stay and help." Kato Yusuke cleared his throat and said.

"Well, thank you. After all, I've almost reached the limit of my tolerance~"

Saying this, Shiyu bent down and stretched his hands under the hem of her skirt.

The light ruffle design skirt was slightly lifted up, and in Kato Yusuke's eyes, the original arc turned into an irregular curve.


As the girl leaned over, the other person's voluptuous and graceful curves became more and more prominent.

Under the jacket of a small suit, a one-shoulder dress supported her heavy breasts, which were as deep and white as the Maria Trench.

The soft black hair flows down her face, with a faint sheen like high-grade satin. The faint fragrance of shampoo is intertwined with the smell of surrounding grass, making people feel fresh and comfortable.

Kato Yusuke silently looked away.

Swish, swish.

The subtle movement coming from my ears was slow and lyrical, like a low chant playing softly in my heart.

It's like the willows blowing in the wind, and it's like spring silkworms spinning silk, which is short but long, not thick but not fine.


Shiyu called softly: "Can I trouble you?"

The voice was soft and charming.


Kato Yusuke followed the sound.

What caught her eye was a pair of black stockings rolled up to just below her pink knees.

On top are the smooth, snow-white thighs, dignified and surging; below are the slender calves covered in hazy black gauze, mysterious and sexy.

The strong contrast between white and black exudes an inexplicable charm, just like the girl's beautiful, slightly moist eyes.

The extremely impactful picture caused Kato Yusuke to feel a thrill in his heart.

Then he silently took two steps forward and raised an arm for support.


Shiyu stepped on a pair of low-heeled shoes, reached out to support him, and stepped on his shoes with her feet wrapped in black stockings.

The distance between the two instantly became much closer.

"...My shoes are hard to walk on. Can you lend me them for a while?" Shiyu asked.

"Senior, haven't you already stepped on it...?" Kato Yusuke smiled bitterly.

"Hmm, just be patient for a little bit, I'll be fine soon." The other party smiled noncommittally, as if he couldn't feel the breath of both parties blowing together.

Then he lowered his head, leaned over and reached out to hook the stockings wrapped around his feet.

Rustling, rustling——

The small sound of cloth rubbing against the fabric kept echoing in my ears.

The two parties also had a lot of physical contact because of her actions.

Kato Yusuke could even feel the softness in his chest, so he could only move back as much as possible to keep his distance.

He wanted to directly lift his feet and retreat, but he was also concerned that the other party's situation made it impossible to do so.

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait too long. The girl who straightened up reached for the shoes she had taken off on the ground, inserted her delicate bare feet into them one after another, and then stepped back.

Kato Yusuke suddenly felt light, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

They saw the girl lowering her head to straighten the slightly messy skirt on her body. Her beautiful legs, with her pantyhose removed, were slender and pretty. Her skin was warm and fair, and she also had a lively lightness, exuding an alluring charm.

The other free hand held a bunch of wet pantyhose and a small women's shoulder bag.

"Ahhhhhhh~ Where are you looking, you pervert~"

Shiyu, who seemed to feel his gaze, let out a scream without even a hint of scream, which was very consistent with the complaints of female characters in anime, and seemed very perfunctory.

Kato Yusuke just shook his head helplessly and was about to say something.

"Ding, you have triggered a limited time task, please check it carefully."

"[Senior's gift (0/1)]."

"Task description: Please accept as a gift a piece of original black silk as a representative of the senior sister's signature items within ten minutes."

"Task reward: 5,000 points, 1% off intelligence coupon*1."

"Countdown: 09:59."

An electronic female voice suddenly sounded in my mind, and then settled down quickly.

Only the large countdown was left counting down in my mind.

Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment, but his brain started to work rapidly as a conditioned reflex.

Question: How much is a pair of women's pantyhose worth?

Answer: Even taking BALENCIAGA’s letter socks as an example, the price of one pair is only about 36,000 yen.

Q: How much are the mission rewards worth?

Answer: In the case of equal value conversion, 5,000 points can be exchanged for 500,000 yen. The redemption point requirement for 1 point of intelligence is 100,000 points. When there is a discount coupon, the redemption price is 10,000 points. Therefore, it is known that the value of a 10% discount coupon is at least equivalent to 90,000 points or 9 million yen.

Q: Are the mission objectives and reward values ​​equivalent?

Answer: Wait for a G2 (tremor)——!

Are you kidding? This system is definitely not serious, right? ? !

Are you still a human being? ? !

Kato Yusuke couldn't help roaring in his heart, his face turned the color of pig liver with anger.

Can this task be accomplished? Of course not!

A true man never eats his own food, and an orc will never be a slave!

Unless food and accommodation are included! (Blackened.)


What's wrong with time-limited missions? Is it possible to arbitrarily destroy people’s will?

He, Kato Yusuke, is full of righteousness!

I will never accept this humiliating deal because of this!

Unless food and accommodation are included! (Blackened.)


So what if you are tempted by a reward that is higher than the previous labor-intensive painting book sales?

If you say you won’t do it, you won’t do it!

Unless food and accommodation are included! (Blackened.)

cast a glance--

Moreover, the other party must be given a gift to agree to such a thing. Is this possible? ?

Doesn’t this mean that you have to take the initiative to ask for it before it can be achieved?

Unless food and accommodation are included! (Blackened.)

After all, even if it was a joke, no one would say such a thing, right?

Um? generally……?

Except for a certain senior girl in black stockings who keeps making dirty jokes...?

Tick-tick-tick, tick-tick-tock.

Tick-tick-tick, tick-tick-tock.

Thinking of this, Yusuke Kato hesitantly raised his head and looked in front of him.

"Kato-kun?" Shiyu, who had arranged her clothes and raised her head, looked back at him and asked in confusion: "Is there something on me? Why do you keep looking at it?"

"Having money...well, it's nothing." Kato Yusuke shook his head, and then took a deep breath: "If we have packed up, let's go, Shiba-senpai."

"Well, okay~"

Shiyu smiled and nodded at this: "Thank you for your help just now. In return for expressing your gratitude, is there anything you want me to do? Kato-san."

As he spoke, he slung his satchel on his shoulder and walked up to him with the pair of pantyhose he had taken off.

Kato Yusuke turned around and couldn't help but pause. He forced himself to ignore the annoying countdown sound in his head and replied: "...No need."

[Countdown: 05:29]

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