After lunch break.

"I'm done, thanks for the treat!"

"Really delicious! Thank you Kato!"

Yamaguchi and Takei said separately.

The cause of the incident was that Kato Yusuke brought a bento to the two of them.

"You're welcome."

Kato Yusuke said.

"I bothered you last time about the phone, so let's take this as a thank you gift. That's what the parties meant."

"It's really enviable." Takei Ichiro held his belly: "Kato actually eats such delicious food every day."

As he said that, he hiccupped, and looked at the empty tinfoil box in front of him with some nostalgia, his eyes seemed to be aftertaste.

That is Sayu's fried meat roll bento. The fried pork roll is wrapped with chopped carrots and green beans. It tastes very refreshing while combining meat and vegetables, and it is not greasy at all.

It is also drizzled with tomato sauce, not the kind bought in the supermarket, but handmade tomato sauce, which is not only very healthy, but also has a stronger taste.

In order to prepare this meal, someone has been preparing since last night.

In fact, Kato Yusuke had persuaded Sayu to cook some simple dishes, but he was rejected by the other party. The reason given was—

"They're Yusuke's friends, aren't they? And I've also been blessed with the phone thing, so I can't think of anything like that."

Although a bit stubborn in some respects, he is indeed a sensible child.

"here we go again."

Yamaguchi Takashi pouted, his eyes focused on Kato Yusuke's mouth.

"You've been showing this inexplicable expression lately."


Kato Yusuke came back to his senses and looked at Yamaguchi Takaya suspiciously: "What are you talking about?"

"Even if it's useless to play stupid, Kato, the curvature of the corner of your mouth has already betrayed you!"

As he spoke, Yamaguchi Takashi looked at Ichiro Takei beside him.

"Have you seen it too? Takei."

"Hmm..." After scrutinizing Kato Yusuke's expression, Ichiro Takei laughed suddenly and agreed, "Ahaha, that's true."


Yamaguchi Takaya spread his hands and turned to look at Kato Yusuke, his eyes seemed to be saying, "How? I didn't lie to you?" It was full of jokes.

"It's an illusion."

Kato Yusuke spoke calmly, and at the same time touched the corner of his mouth without a trace, and said casually: "The exam is about to be taken, is it okay for you to be so leisurely?"

"take an exam?"

Yamaguchi and Takei were stunned for a moment, then looked at Kato Yusuke in unison, with a relaxed smile on their faces.

"No problem no problem."

"After all, it can't be worse than Kato."

"That's right! That's it!"

"Ahaha! Sure enough! If Kato is around, I will feel at ease."

"That's right!" Yamaguchi Takashi laughed, put his hand on Kato Yusuke's shoulder and said, "Then please, "Mr. 40"! "

"Pfft, hahahahahaha! You're too bad-hearted, aren't you? Filial piety."

Takei Ichiro was lying on the table, and the palm of his hand clapped the table.

"But I'm quite fond of this! Ahahahahahahahaha!"

The two seemed to have a tacit understanding, as if they did not pay attention to Kato Yusuke's efforts over the past month.

Looking at the performance of the two, Kato Yusuke's head gently floated a string of question marks, and a certain question could not help but emerge in his heart.

"Did you, Nobita, float away? Or is my fat tiger unable to hold a knife?"

"Since that's the case." He asked without a smile: "Then let me mention by the way, what was the last ranking of the two of you in the class...?"



Yamaguchi and Takei said separately,

That righteous tone made Kato Yusuke speechless for a while.

After a long time

"Really..." He murmured, then looked at the two of them with an inexplicable expression: "Then wish you good luck."

In his heart, he silently sentenced the two to death.

"Huh? What do you mean by that expression?"

"Have we been underestimated?"

Yamaguchi Takashi and Takei Ichiro exchanged glances.

"In that case."

The two said in unison, "Let's work hard this time, and strive to improve each other!"

"Speaking of Kato, you took a leave of absence from your part-time job recently, didn't you?"

Yamaguchi Takashi looked at Kato Yusuke: "Why don't we just take this opportunity to hold a study meeting after school?"

"This is good! I agree!" Takei Ichiro immediately raised his hands high: "You will go!? Kato!?"

"Study meeting?"

The movement on his hand stopped, and Kato Yusuke raised his head: "Where are you going?"

"Cafe, family restaurant, where can I..."

Saying that, Yamaguchi Takashi paused, then put on a slightly subtle tone and continued, "Of course, it doesn't matter if you want to bring your 'friend' with you."

Kato Yusuke hesitated for a while, but finally nodded and agreed: "Then let me ask."

He took out his phone from his bag and started editing his emails.

Yamaguchi and Takei glanced at each other with an expression that said nothing.

So, after school.

Gusto family restaurant near the station.


The sound of glasses crashing sounded from the table.

On a four-seater seat, a group of people sat down opposite each other.

On one side are Takayama Yamaguchi and Ichiro Takei, on the other are Yusuke Kato... and Sayu Ogihara.

"My name is Sayu, the word "Sha" of Bishamonten and the Chinese characters in "Excellent" make up Sayu, please give me more advice~! "

The girl said with a smile, the curvature of the corners of her mouth curved upward like a crescent moon, and a beautiful smile like a spring rippled on her face.

"Oh...oh, hello, I'm Yamaguchi..."

"I'm Takei..."

The two looked away unconsciously, staring at the glass in front of them, as if counting the number of water droplets on it.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but sighed: "What are you shy about? Isn't it usually full of words of tigers and wolves?"

"Who, who is shy? We're just trying to order something to eat, right?"

Yamaguchi Takashi exaggeratedly said, and Takei, who was beside him, nodded sharply.

"That's good."

Kato Yusuke nodded, without dismantling them, and introduced to Sayu beside him.

"Ichiro Takei and Takashi Yamaguchi, my classmates and friends."

Then he turned back to look at the two of them.

"Sayu Ogihara, my... um, childhood sweetheart. By the way, she made the bento that you guys thought were too delicious."

"Is that true?!"

Hearing Kato Yusuke's words, the two raised their heads in unison and said, looking at Sayu with undisguised surprise and admiration, as if saying—

"How can such a cute girl cook such delicious food!"

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