Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Three hundred and fifty, brother

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Higashi-Kagurakucho on the outskirts of Asahikawa.

Today's Ogiwara Foods Co., Ltd., Asahikawa Branch.

A special visitor is welcomed.

When his secretary brought a handsome young man into the office, Ogiwara Kazusa couldn't help but feel deeply confused.

Even so, it didn't show on his face.

First, he waved away the secretary who had finished leading the way, then put on a polite adult-like smile and turned his attention to the young man sitting across from the desk.

Just when he was about to say something, the other party spoke first.

"It's the first time we've met, so I'm interrupting you with a rash visit."

The young man bowed his head slightly in greeting, then raised his head and said, "I am Yanbo, your sister's classmate. Please give me your advice, Brother Isa."

"Isa...Brother?" Ogiwara Isa frowned and repeated, his eyes a little incomprehensible.

Although he had heard his secretary inform him of the other party's identity before, he still felt a little abrupt when he heard such an intimate name from a stranger.

"Yes, you can just call me Yusuke." Kato Yusuke nodded, looking calm.

"...Yusuke-kun, right?" Ogiwara Kazusa's eyes flashed, looking at his face without leaving any trace, and then said with a smile: "I see, but I don't seem to have heard of you from Sayu."

"Actually, when Sayu injured her foot before, I sent her home and met with my aunt, but I didn't meet Brother Yi Sa. I wonder if you have heard about this?"

"Sorry, mother, she never said anything about this."

"So, does Brother Yisa know about Sayu serving as the deputy monitor at school?"

"Well, I've heard about this."

Kato Yusuke nodded and continued: "As her partner, the monitor is me."

In order to gain trust, he dictated Sayu's phone number again and used his mobile phone to show their friendship on Line.

Faced with the many facts before him, Ogiwara Kazusa finally no longer had any doubts, but another doubt arose in his heart.

"I'm sorry Yusuke-kun, I already know your identity, but why did you come to see me today?"

Seeing him being called "Brother Yi Sa" in a friendly manner, Yi Sa reciprocated and called him "Yusuke".

After all, it can be said that this principle applies everywhere.

"Brother Yisa."

Kato Yusuke was not polite, and immediately entered the topic, "I want to talk to you about something about Sayu, because it is more important, can I take up a little of your time?"

"What about Sayu?" Ogiwara Kazusa asked as if confirming: "What is it about?"

"School and Family."

Yi Sa's brows furrowed deeply, and he slightly emphasized his tone: " mean family?"

"No, it's school and family."

"What do you mean?"

"Because I have been with Sayu recently, I overheard some things. Maybe you will think that I am nosy, but I think these things should be understood by Brother Yisa."

"It's Sayu. Did something happen to her?"

"If you're asking her if anything bad has happened to her, then she's been going through it all her life, but she hasn't told anyone about it."

"...Since you haven't told anyone, how did Yusuke-kun know?"

"On the one hand, it is what I observed at school, and on the other hand, there are some things that Sayu told me, plus some of my inferences. It may be quite long. Are you willing to listen?"

Hearing this, Ogihara glanced at him deeply, then picked up the intercom phone on his desk and dialed.

Kato Yusuke just watched him quietly and told his secretary to postpone some business arrangements without making any remarks.

It wasn't until everything was settled that Ogiwara Kazusa put down the phone and asked, "I have coffee and mineral water here. Is there anything you want to drink? Yusuke-kun."

"Then coffee is ready, thank you."

"You're welcome, please use it."

Yisa got him a can of black coffee from the small refrigerator in the corner of the office, and she got a bottle of mineral water for herself.


After sitting down on the boss chair again, Ogiwara Kazusa took a sip of water and said, "If you are ready, you can start talking at any time, Yusuke-kun."

Kato Yusuke nodded in response and put down the MAX coffee in his hand, "Sayu has always been excluded in school, does Isa-san know?"

"No, I haven't heard of such a thing. Are you saying that Sayu was bullied?" Yi Sa sat up slightly and her expression became a little more serious.

"To be specific, she probably suffered cold violence because a popular boy confessed to her before, which aroused the jealousy of a girl in the class."

"What did that girl do?"

"Some things were arranged behind the scenes to prevent Sayu from making friends at school."

"These...did you see them with your own eyes?"

Kato Yusuke affirmed and then changed the subject, "Not only that, but another girl who wanted to be friends with Sayu was also suppressed. This incident caused a lot of pressure on Sayu."

Ogiwara Kazusa frowned slightly, a look of reminiscence flashed in his eyes, as if he was recalling Sayu's reaction at home, and then asked in a deep voice: "Do the teachers at the school know about these things?"

"This kind of thing is difficult to define. There are also issues like incompatibility between people, and there is a lack of substantive evidence, so it is difficult to do anything."

"Is it just limited to students..." Yi Sa tapped the table with her index finger, thought for a moment and said, "But if that's the case, then why was Sayu chosen as the monitor?"

"It's the deputy squad leader."

Kato Yusuke corrected his words and explained: "Because no one was willing to accept it at the time, and those girls tried to use this matter to tease Yuko...that is, Sayu's friends, so it ended up like this."

"In other words, Sayu is trying to protect his friends?"

"That's right."

"Is the monitor Yusuke-kun?"


"Is it also forced?"

"No, I did it voluntarily."

"Why do you do this?"

"Because I like her, so I want to protect her."

"That's it..."

Ogiwara Kazusa's eyes fluctuated, as if he was surprised by his reaction, and he said with emotion: "You are really direct, Yusuke-kun."

Kato Yusuke declined to comment, but said calmly: "After all, I am not the kind of passionate young man who draws his sword to help when encountering injustice."

They were both quiet for a second.

"I see, you are such an interesting person, Yusuke-kun." Yisha smiled and nodded repeatedly, showing some affinity on his face.

Then he asked: "Then you came to me, do you want me to do something?"

Kato Yusuke shook his head, "Although this is indeed the case, before talking about this matter, I want to discuss another issue with Brother Yi Sa."

There was a brief silence.

"...Is this the problem of our family?" Ogiwara Kazusa emphasized the word "family" and suppressed his smile, as if he was drawing a line.

"This doesn't seem like something you should get involved in." - Yusuke read this meaning from the other person's face.

After all, this is extremely disrespectful behavior.

Not to mention Japan, which values ​​privacy very much, even within the country, it is extremely disrespectful to inquire about or comment on other people's families without permission.

This is also the reason why Ogiwara Kazusa became serious, but Kato Yusuke turned a blind eye and stabbed the wound directly.

"From some details, I found that Sayu actually lacks family love. Does Brother Yisa know about this?"

There was a blank space for about ten seconds.

Sure enough, it's here... Ogiwara Kazusa thought to himself, then narrowed his eyes slightly and asked: "Did Sayu tell you about this matter?"

"She never mentioned things at home, but when we occasionally talked about this aspect, she would show a very lonely expression."


"To be precise, it's more like a feeling of emptiness in the heart. Often she was still smiling one second, but the next second when related topics were mentioned, she suddenly stopped talking."

"The Romance of Fairy Wood"

When Yusuke Kato said this, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on the other person's face, as if it was unimaginable to see such a scene, and he fell silent immediately.

Seeing his silence, Yusuke continued: "Not only that, Sayu never agrees to other people's invitations to go out, including during school and rest days."

"Even if I ask her why, she won't tell me. I can only see a hard-to-speak expression. But it doesn't seem like she doesn't want to go, but a feeling that she can't go."

——Knock knock.

Ogiwara knocked on the table and interrupted him, "What are you implying? Yusuke-kun."

A sense of tension spread in the room.

"It's not just me."

Kato Yusuke directly said the following words, "Through various signs, everyone is wondering whether Ogiwara-san has been imprisoned at home."

The air seemed to suddenly freeze for a breath.

Ogiwara nodded slowly, his expression was very calm, only his eyes were gleaming with sharp light.

"This kind of joke is not funny at all. You seem to have some misunderstandings about our family, Yusuke-kun."

"I think so, but it's understandable that everyone would think so, so I wanted to come and talk to Brother Yisa."

"Talk to me... In other words, this is not just a simple notification."

"After all, I am a monitor with a strong sense of responsibility."

"I see, then I'll just pretend I don't know why you appear here during class time."

"If Brother Yisha can do this, I will be very grateful."

Ogiwara Kazusa nodded. Since the boy's words were still within the acceptable range and he didn't say anything extreme, he was still willing to listen for now.

After all, although he denied it, he had always been very clear about the problems and conflicts at home, but he just didn't want to talk about it to others.

Even so, it doesn't mean that he is so heartless that he can let his sister be bullied without any reaction.

In Ogiwara Kazusa's logic, as long as he is not asked to choose between his mother and Sayu, then he can actually be called a qualified brother.

Kato Yusuke knows this very well, because he has experienced all this in the future, so he decided to change his strategy this time.

Let's solve the problem of the uncle first. As for the mother... he has plans later.

The two looked at each other, each with their own thoughts in mind.


Ogiwara Kazusa put his elbows on the table, clasped his hands in front of his mouth, and asked: "Can you tell me now why you came to me to talk about this?"

"I hope you can pay more attention to Sayu, Brother Isa." Yusuke Kato responded bluntly.

"…care about her?"


"Why do you think I don't care about Sayu? Yusuke-kun."

"Brother Yisa's care is material care, but for Sayu, who is lacking in her heart, what she needs more is spiritual care from her family."

Ogiwara Kazusa's expression moved slightly. He was a little surprised to hear such words from a stranger. This made him slightly absent-minded for a while, and then asked noncommittally:

"that's all?"

Kato Yusuke shook his head, "If possible, I hope you can persuade my aunt so that Sayu can have time to hang out with friends."

Hearing this, Yi Sa smiled slightly.

"Are you doing it for those friends, or for yourself?"

"I didn't mean to hide my selfishness, but the two things don't seem to conflict. It's just that Sayu now doesn't even have the right to make a choice."

"So didn't I say that although mother is a bit strict, she doesn't restrict Sayu from going out as you think. It's better not to say such things again."

"Then can you make a guarantee and prove it? Brother Yisha."

"Guarantee and proof? What do you mean?"

"I guarantee that Sayu can go out with friends after school and on holidays like other girls, instead of having to go home as soon as school is over. Can you prove this to everyone?"

"Are you really still doubting our family?" Ogiwara Kazusa shook his head, helplessly spread a palm forward and said with a smile:

"Even if my mother is strict about Sayu's access time, she is essentially worried that she will be in danger outside. If Sayu really wants to go out, her mother will not stop her."

Regardless of the tone or expression, Yi Sa felt very sincere at this moment. Indeed, there was not even a word of guarantee or proof.

Kato Yusuke seemed unaware of this, he just showed a relaxed expression as if the work was done, smiled and said "That's fine."

"Since Brother Yisa said so, I am willing to believe you. In addition, Sayu doesn't know about the fact that I came to see you today. Can I ask you to help keep it secret?"

"So that's it...I understand. I won't tell her about this. Thank you for your concern for Sayu, Yusuke-kun."

Kato Yusuke stood up from his chair and politely said goodbye, "No, then I won't interrupt. Thank you for taking the time to listen to what I have to say, Brother Yi Sa."

Ogiwara Kazusa also responded with a smile: "Be careful on the road, Yusuke-kun. You are welcome to come and play again when you have time."

The words are extremely friendly.

Yusuke nodded, walked to the door, held the door handle, and then seemed to remember something, turned around and said, "Sorry, there is one more thing I forgot to mention."

"What is it?"

Under Yi Sa's gaze, the young man smiled and said this -

"Originally, everyone in the class was still thinking that if Ogiwara-san was really restricted from going out by his family, they were thinking about whether to call the police or report it to the PTA for investigation. But thanks to Ichisa, everyone can now rest assured. "

Ogihara Kazusa's pupils shrank suddenly, and he called out to Yusuke Kato who was about to go out.


"Brother Isa?" Kato Yusuke stopped again and looked back in confusion.

Ogiwara Kazusa stared at him intently for a few seconds, suddenly laughed, and said in gentle words: "I also forgot to promise you, regarding Sayu, you will understand that it is just a misunderstanding. .”

Kato Yusuke nodded to show understanding, chuckled and said a good word, and then stepped out.

At the last second before the door was closed.

Through the narrow gap, there was an ugly expression on Ogiwara Kazusa's face.

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