Yusuke Kato doesn't know what happened in the Immortal River Manga Club.

However, he still took the time to go out and bought a copy of "Young Undead". He read it casually when he got home, and then put it aside.

Instead, I picked up the fourth volume of "Metronome of Love" that I bought the day before yesterday, and continued reading where I had read yesterday.

The battle for the first heroine in the book has completely heated up.

Up to now, even Kato Yusuke, a nominal consultant, could not predict the final result, and Shiyu did not tell him, or even Shiyu himself had not thought about it.

An Yirunya, who had read the fourth volume five times, really wanted to exchange his thoughts with him, so he launched a series of bombardments on him.

The methods include line, email, and phone calls, and the level of perseverance is close to harassment.

Kato Yusuke finally blocked him directly.

In the middle, I received a call from Yue Suo. The other party said that he would come to him in the afternoon because he had some study questions that he wanted to ask him.

As for why the appointment should be at home instead of outside the library.

When he raised such a question, the girl responded naturally.

——"I think Yusuke is more accustomed to staying at home than outside, right? I'm used to it too, so I will bring the ingredients to cook as a thank you for helping me with my homework."

So Kato Yusuke said no more, said "good" and ended the call.

Inexplicably, the people around him seemed to vaguely regard him as the kind of squatter at home.

But if I just talk about himself, he rarely goes out except when necessary.

Therefore, it will cause misunderstandings among people around you, which is not such a difficult thing to understand.

At noon, I had lunch at a Chinese restaurant a few blocks away from my home and ordered mapo tofu and fried rice.

The boss is a couple from Sichuan. They came to Japan ten years ago to seek development, and then settled down. Their Mapo tofu is very authentic.

If we follow the saying in the Chinese Little Master.

Numb, spicy, hot, fragrant, crispy, tender, fresh and lively.

——This motto of Mapo Tofu is almost reflected in the taste.

Kato Yusuke had a good meal and thought he could come back several times in the future, but then he was put off by the overcrowded situation in the store.

Return home.

I took advantage of the time I was feeding the cat canned food to check out this month’s system store.

[Products: Dried fish (10), wind chimes (10), USB flash drive (100), tracker (1000), beauty cream (1500), Dongyun's scarf (3000), Qi and blood medicine (30000)]

(Note: A new purchasable item is added every month.)

[Dongyun's scarf: A scarf studied by Dr. Dongyun of the Dongyun Research Institute. Animals wearing it can establish communication with humans. 】

A new product that seems interesting at first glance, but extremely scary when you think about it.

Kato Yusuke glanced at the black cat at his feet and thought about the scene when it spoke. He didn't want to make his daily life bizarre, so he didn't plan to change it.

Next are skills.

[Skills: Entry-level hypnosis (100), proficient-level chess and card games (1000), proficient-level camping (10000), master-level painting (100000)]

This time there was no prompt that you could redeem advanced skills at a 20% discount.

He didn't hesitate and directly exchanged it for master-level painting and proficient-level camping that he felt might be useful.

"Ding, 10,000 points will be deducted, and the host will obtain proficient level camping."

"Ding, one hundred thousand points will be deducted, and the host will obtain a master-level painting."

A mysterious and mysterious feeling came to my mind. There seemed to be something in my mind, but it was untouchable, like an untouchable data stream.

As the skill was successfully redeemed, his personal panel also changed.

[Character: Kato Yusuke (Intruder of Time and Space)]

(Explanation: Time has left traces on you. About ten years have been deducted from your life, accompanied by certain negative effects.)

[Age: 16 years old]

[Stamina: 8]

[Intelligence: 8]

[Charm: 7]

[Items: USB flash drive, qi and blood medicine (22 pills)]

[Skills: Dodge (entry level), shooting (proficient level), fighting (proficient level), camping (proficient level), painting (master level)]

[Points: 847680]

【Money: 68000】

The Sawamura family's debt: 19.5 million.

After exchanging the skills, Kato Yusuke exited the system panel.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the doorbell rang.


Kato Yusuke stood up and walked to the entrance, and the door of the apartment opened by itself.

"Ah~ Good afternoon, Yusuke."

Hui, who was holding a supermarket shopping bag in her hand, said hello, put the spare keys back into the rucksack on her shoulder, and walked in naturally.

Today's girl is wearing a white cotton skirt with a Japanese-style dark blue cardigan outside. It is a style that looks simple but very attractive.

There is a sense of familiarity like the girl next door.

"Good afternoon." Kato Yusuke nodded in greeting and stretched out a hand, "Give me the stuff."

"Hmm~~ Then please take it to the kitchen." Hui said so and gently picked up the plastic bag in his hand and handed it to him, ready to change shoes.

"How much does the thing you bought today cost? I'll give it to you."

"Ah, I'm here to ask you for help today, so it doesn't matter."


Kato Yusuke opened the plastic bag in his hand, looked down at the ingredients inside, made an estimate, took out his wallet, found two thousand-yuan bills and handed them over.

"Thank you, but I'll give it back to you, I'm working part-time."

"Hmm~ That's it..."

Seeing his insistence, Hui, who had just taken off her casual shoes, just thought about it and agreed simply.

"Well, then I understand, thank you."


The two walked into the living room one after another.


The black cat raised his head and called, no longer wary of Hui, as if he was saying hello.

Seeing this, Hui squatted down gently, tentatively stretched a hand in front of its face, and spread it upward.

"Good afternoon, Xiaohei~"

"Meow meow."

The black cat lowered his head and sniffed her hand, then stretched out his tongue and licked it twice to express friendship.

Megumi also smiled, and followed Yusuke's usual behavior and scratched its chin twice with her fingers.

One person and one cat formally established diplomatic relations.

Kato Yusuke walked to the kitchen with the bag, put the plastic bag on the counter, and then asked: "Oolong tea and coffee, what do you want to drink?"

At this time, Huicai suddenly noticed the changes in the room.

"...Hey~~ So Yusuke, did you buy a coffee machine and a cat climbing frame?"


Kato Yusuke shook his head and said, "These are gifts from senior Shiyu."


"Well, congratulations on the comic series."

"...? Well, in other words, Yusuke, have your comics been serialized?"

"Yes, the magazine is on the bedside table. You can read it if you are interested."

"Hey, that's it..."

Hui responded emotionlessly, picked up the magazine from the bedside table, leaned against the bed and started reading.

There was no need to remind her which article it was, because Yusuke didn't hide it from her when drawing the manuscript, so she quickly found the corresponding page number according to the table of contents and started reading.

The girl has a light body. When she sits down, her knees will be slightly close together. The two calves exposed from under the white skirt are as white as milk. Her feet are wearing white lace socks.

She exudes a graceful and elegant temperament like Qiu Shuyuan.

Kato Yusuke asked again: "What do you want to drink? Megumi."

The girl hummed: "Then I want cunt...ah, I'm sorry, I'd rather have coffee."


While Megumi was reading comic magazines, he began to prepare.

Take out the whole milk from the refrigerator, and then take out three mugs from the 100-yen store from the cabinet above.

Because of the promotion, he bought a set of 6 cups like this. The price is equivalent to buy 4 and get 2 free, which is a very good deal.

In the past two days, Kato Yusuke has been making a cup of coffee basically every morning, and has become a little familiar with the use of the machine.

Grind beans, press powder, and extract.

One cup was filled to the top, and one cup was only about a quarter full.

Then pour the milk into the empty cup, turn on the steam switch and put in cold water.


Along with the sound of steam, airflow began to spurt out from the steam head next to the machine.

When the temperature becomes hot, turn off the switch, place the cup with milk under the steam head, then turn the switch back on to start whipping.

The milk is slowly heated and whipped under the action of steam until the surface becomes as smooth as cream, then the steam is turned off.

Kato Yusuke slowly poured the whipped whole milk into Megumi's cup, allowing the coffee and milk inside to gradually blend together, and a cup of milk coffee was ready.

"Your coffee."

"Yeah~~Thank you."

He placed the other person's cup of coffee on the low table, returned to the kitchen to clean up and finish the work, and then took his own cup of black coffee to the desk and sat down on the swivel chair.

Hui had just finished reading the comic at this time. He held the coffee cup with both hands, brought it to his mouth, blew lightly on the light brown coffee for a while, and then took a sip.

"Ah, this tastes delicious~ Yusuke." She licked the milk stains from her mouth and her tone became lighter.

Kato Yusuke nodded and replied that the beans sent by senior Shiyu were better, and then asked: "What don't you understand about the homework you mentioned?"

"Well, it's a question about science. I'll take it out now." Hui said as he put down the cup, then turned around and took out the exercise book and stationery from the rucksack placed beside his legs.

Although there is a three-day holiday after the sports meeting, the midterm exam in the middle of this month is like a sword of Damocles hanging above the head, making it impossible to completely relax.

The two sat down around the low table and began to study.

I reviewed the question and found that it was a big chemistry question, an essay-type question with no calculations.

"Lend me your mechanical pencil." Kato Yusuke stretched out his hand, and Megumi put her pen in his hand.

"Yeah~ Here you go."

Kato Yusuke took a pen and started drawing on a blank piece of draft paper while explaining at the same time.

"Adenine (a), guanine (g), cytosine (c), thymine (t) and uracil (u), these are the structures of the five bases. Do you know this part?"

"Yeah, I know." Hui nodded his head slightly, took another mechanical pencil, put the back of it against his lips, and watched him draw the five base structures.

"Then according to the question on the picture, the answer here is cytosine."

"...Um, can you explain it more specifically?" The girl frowned slightly, half understanding.

"What don't you understand?"

"...Well, if you want to talk about it, how can we deduce cytosine here?"

"Is that so?"

Kato Yusuke understood and began to explain in more detail...

The two people were studying seriously, and the black cat was sleeping in a cloth bag on the cat climbing frame.

Time passes peacefully with the gradually dwindling coffee...

An hour later, all the study questions were answered.

The time came to four o'clock.

Just as what was said on the phone, Hui put away her books and exercise books, put on her apron, and ran to the kitchen to cook.

Kato Yusuke continues to draw the new manuscript of "Chainsaw Man".

Hui didn't ask him to help, and prepared the dishes for tonight unhurriedly.

First, I started to stew the rice. Considering that some people might have it for breakfast the next morning, I added two more bowls.

Then start preparing tonight's main dish - tomato stewed beef brisket.

Boil water in a pot, blanch the washed tomatoes in the boiling water for a while, take them out, turn off the heat and peel the tomatoes.

The black cat, who was full of sleep, walked to her feet, patted her feet with his front paws, raised his head and called out "meow", and licked his mouth twice.

Seeing this scene, Hui blinked slightly, took out a bamboo wheel from the refrigerator, put it into a paper bowl, and put it on the ground for it to eat.

Then he continued to be busy.

Crush the peeled tomatoes, put them into the pot and stir-fry briefly, then turn down the heat and simmer slowly.

Cut the washed beef brisket into pieces, put it into another pot under cold water, add a few slices of ginger to remove the fishy smell, wait until the water boils and skim off the blood foam, turn off the heat, take out the beef brisket and set aside.

Methodically clean pots and pans that are not in use.

Megumi reached out and opened the lid of the pot where tomatoes were simmering.

——Gurgling gurgling.

The rich tomato flavor and white heat immediately overflowed, and the sweet and sour aroma spread in the room.

Seeing this, the girl nodded, poured all the beef brisket in, and added a little more water so that the water just covered the beef brisket.

While humming, stir with a small wooden spatula so that each piece of beef brisket is coated with tomatoes, then cover the pot again and continue to simmer over low heat.

This process probably takes more than an hour.

After being free for the moment, Hui looked back at the living room, thought for a moment, then took out a bottle of iced oolong tea from the refrigerator, unscrewed the lid and poured it into a glass.

I can't explain why, but I always feel that I am a little stronger than before, and things that require physical strength are now easier to do.

Place two glasses of oolong tea on the tray, then pick up the tray and walk to the desk, placing one of the glasses on the table.

"I put the drinks here, Yusuke."

"Well, thank you." Kato Yusuke stopped writing and thanked him, picked up the cup and took a sip, then continued to work hard, with a look of concentration on his angular profile.

After staring at him quietly for a while, Hui came to the low table, placed the tray on the table, and sat down on the carpet.

She looked around, then reached out and took the fourth volume of "Metronome of Love" from the bedside table, and turned around to ask.

"Well, Yusuke, can I read this book by Kasumigaoka-senpai?"


"Yeah~~Thank you."

So Hui returned to his face, first wrote down the number of pages he saw, and then started reading from the beginning.


The black cat that had finished eating the chikuwa came over, jumped from the ground onto her lap, found a comfortable position and started licking its fur.

Face it with this move.

Megumi, who was originally sitting with his knees bent, stretched his legs forward, lowered them so that he could lie down more comfortably, and then continued reading.

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