Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Seventy-eight, the favored Ogihara-senpai


"--ready, go!"

As the PE teacher's loud voice rang out on the playground, a group of girls on the starting line immediately rushed out.

The weather in Hokkaido is getting colder and colder, indicating that winter is coming soon.

Every mid-November, Hokkaido will usher in the first snow of winter. Although it is now the end of October, the average daily temperature has hovered between 8 and 13 degrees.

Today is Xugao's Marathon. According to the school's tradition, students will hold this event in the third semester.

The distance for boys is 10,000 meters and the distance for girls is 8,000 meters.

Amidst the cheers and cheers of the crowd.

On the track, a beautiful figure gradually distanced herself from other contestants.

One lap, two laps, three laps, the distance keeps increasing,

Four laps, five laps, six laps, the gap does not decrease but increases.

Her long brown hair was simply tied into a high ponytail on the back of her head, swaying lightly and brilliantly in the wind, like a hare jumping around, full of vitality, attracting people's attention.

In full view of everyone, the girl wearing a red long-sleeved sportswear with an impressive figure was far ahead in the queue. She did not know how many laps she had lassoed the last player.

Even athletes who have been practicing track and field for many years are left far behind her and can only fall behind.

It was under such circumstances that the girl completed the prescribed number of laps first and reached the finish line first.

"That's amazing! Sayu-chan~!

Yuko Masaka, who was standing near the finish line, cheered loudly and ran forward, thoughtfully giving her the mineral water she had prepared.

"Thank you for your hard work! Drink some water~~~"

"Well, thank you ~ Yuko."

Sayu agreed softly, with a soft smile on his face, and drank the mineral water in small sips.

"You can actually surpass those in the track and field department. Why are you so powerful?"

"Eh~~No, you are exaggerating."

"That's not an exaggeration! Because Sayu-chan is number one!"

"Hmm, I'm not sure. Maybe I'm just in a better state today, right?"

Sayu said as he put down the bottle, reached out his right hand to the back of his head, and untied the hair tie from his ponytail. The fluffy and soft hair suddenly spread out and flowed down.

Next, she temporarily bit the hair tie in her mouth, and then used her fingers to loosen her hair and tie it up again.

There was a vague exclamation of admiration all around.

Masaka Yuko looked away from the faces of the stunned boys and continued with a smile: "Here, please use a towel."

"Thank you, phew~ I sweated a lot, it helped a lot."

"Don't care, don't care~"

While the two were talking, the consultant teacher of the women's track and field department came over.

"Ogiwara-san, can we talk for a while?"

"Ah, yes, what can I do?"

"No, don't be so nervous, I just want to chat with you."

The female teacher with neat short hair smiled and waved her hand and said, "You are very fast. Do you usually practice long-distance running?"

Sayu shook his head at this and politely replied no.

"Do you think you are the talented type? Your foundation is very good. Have you considered joining the track and field club in the future?"


After hearing this, Sayu couldn't help but blinked his eyes, tilted his head slightly in confusion, and said: "Teacher, you are not talking about high school, right? I will graduate next year?"

"of course not."

The track and field teacher shook his head and said with a smile: "I am referring to the university. If you are interested, you might as well try to participate in track and field competitions. You seem to have quite outstanding talent in this area. Maybe there is a high chance that you can be in the track and field competition." I won a prize in the competition.”

Masaka Yuko on the side intervened in the topic.

"Hey~ The competition that the teacher is talking about, is it the kind of national competition!?"

"That's right~ I'm very optimistic about Ogiwara-san's talent, but it's a pity that I discovered it a little late, otherwise I would have been able to participate in the competition in high school. With detailed guidance, maybe we can even refresh our Hokkaido record."

"Really! Although I know Sayu-chan is very powerful, is it too exaggerated to set a new record? Ah, it's not that I don't believe the teacher, I'm just a little scared."

The track and field teacher smiled at this, did not pay attention to her words, and continued: "It's not an exaggeration at all. Ogiwara-san's performance just now has proven his potential. If you want to say who is really exaggerating, there was a horse in last year's competition. Dark horse?"

"Dark horse?" Yuko Masaka tilted her head in confusion.

"Yes, the opponent is a high school student from Tokyo. Although he is still in his first year of high school, he has already been able to run as fast as a professional player in the competition. This matter was even published in the newspapers at the time."

"It's Tokyo again. Sure enough, all outstanding people will go to Tokyo? Speaking of which, teacher, what's that person's name?"

"I remember it was Kato Yusuke."

At the moment when the words were settled.

Sayu, who was drinking water, suddenly paused, while Yuko suddenly let out a startled cry.

The scene suddenly fell silent.

"What's wrong with you? Ogiwara-san, Masaka-san." The track and field teacher asked strangely after seeing their abnormal reaction.

Masaka Yuko couldn't help but glance at Sayu.

Sayu looked calm about this, shook his head, and said apologetically: "Nothing, teacher, thank you for your kindness, but I'm not that interested in track and field, so I'm sorry..."

The track and field teacher who heard this seemed a little regretful, but also expressed his understanding. After briefly chatting with them for a few words, he turned and left.

"Hey, Sayu-chan." Masaka Yuko couldn't help but ask: "Sure enough, that Kato Yusuke is the person who pestered you before, right?"

"'s hard to say, right? After all, the hair colors are completely different. We probably just made a mistake." Sayu said ambiguously, not wanting to talk more about this matter.

Just being mentioned that name suddenly made her involuntarily have related associations.

Pictures of the past began to appear before my eyes.

'I don't know where the person who disturbed my peaceful life is now...'

She was thinking a little vaguely, the picture in her mind was fixed on that lonely back, and an indescribable emotion suddenly surged in her heart.

This emotion comes out of nowhere, but there is no reason for it to feel sentimental.

Just when she was immersed in this emotion and tried to analyze it to its source...

"——That! Sorry to bother you, Ogiwara-senpai!"

The girl's uneasy voice suddenly reached her ears, causing Sayu to wake up and subconsciously turn her head to look.

Two junior girls were standing behind them, their eyes full of nervousness as they looked over, looking like they were hesitant to speak.

"...Yes? What's the matter?"

The two girls looked at each other, nodded as if to cheer each other up, and then said in unison:


that! If you can, please take a photo with us, Ogiwara-senpai! ""

A clear voice echoed.

Sayu couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded, "Uh... take a photo?"

"Yes——! Ogiwara-senpai looked so handsome when she was running just now! I am deeply touched!"

"Please! Just one picture is enough. Please take a photo with us!"

The two girls clasped their hands in front of their chests and made a request.

Seeing this, Masaka Yuko smiled and spoke.

"Ahaha, if that's the case, then I'll take pictures for you~ Give me your phone."


——Masaka-senpai! Thank you! ""

"You're welcome~ And it's not like I don't understand how you feel."

In Sayu's somewhat embarrassed expression, the two girls stood on either side of her body and posed according to the instructions.

Yuko Masaka held her mobile phone and shouted "Three, two, one.", smiled, took a group photo of them, and then returned the mobile phone.

Such movement attracted the attention of many people around, but after seeing what happened, they showed understanding expressions.

It is really an ordinary thing for the princess of Xugao to be admired by others.

After sending away the two reluctant girls, Sayu turned his gaze back to his friend, narrowing his eyes in feigned displeasure.

Masaka Yuko stuck out her tongue slyly and said: "It's great to be popular ~ Ogiwara-senpai?!"

"Is this the mouth that's talking nonsense~? Watch me tear it apart."

"Yeah! I'm sorry, I know I was wrong, so don't pinch me anymore."

After playing around for a while, the two chatted about another thing.

"Speak of it, Sayu-chan."

"What's up?"

"Aren't we going to Tokyo Disneyland next week? Do you want to go shopping on the last day of free time?"

Sayu nodded noncommittally.

What Masaka Yuko was talking about was an excursion arranged by the school for third-year students. The main purpose was to ease the emotions of exam-taking students. The nature was similar to that of the second-year school trip, which lasted for three days in total.

She thought for a moment and then said: "Well, if possible, I actually want to visit Tokyo, but we are actually going to Chiba Prefecture, right?"

"That's right~ It's so strange. Why is Tokyo Disney built in Chiba? And the name is actually Tokyo Disneyland. Shouldn't it be Chiba Disneyland?"

"Ahaha~ I've actually thought about this question too. Sure enough, it's because Tokyo is more famous, right? If it's named after Chiba, people might think it's unattractive or something like that?"

Masaka Yuko thought about it carefully and felt that it did make some sense. She couldn't help but said with emotion: "It really deserves to be Tokyo. Isn't it completely incomparable to the countryside like us?"

"Why have you suddenly become sentimental? Yuko, aren't you talking about free activities now?"

"Yeah! Free time. Actually, I also want to go shopping in Tokyo. Why don't we ask the teacher to take a look when we get there?"

"Generally speaking, they would definitely refuse, right? Moreover, the time for free activities is uncertain, plus the round trip, maybe there is no need to go shopping at all?"

"Appeared! Sayu-chan's cruel remarks!"

"Cruel remarks..." Sayu muttered dumbfounded, wondering: "What does this mean?"

"You don't match your appearance. You sometimes say very unlovable things. Sayu-chan, don't you want to go to Tokyo too?"

"These are two different things. Although I want to visit my chosen university, it is not appropriate to do so during the excursion, so I will find another time to go there later."


Yuko Masaka wanted to say more about this, but the loud whistle that marked the end of the marathon sounded at this moment, and the students began to gather to prepare for the following award ceremony.

"It's time to gather, let's go too, Yuko." Sayu glanced in the direction of the crowd, retracted her gaze, and stretched out a hand.

Yuezi, whose thoughts were interrupted, sighed helplessly, hummed, and then took her hand.

The two of them just walked towards the center of the playground together...

It's evening.

the other side.

Apartment near Toyosaki Station, Room "403".

Kato Yusuke, dressed in casual clothes, sat cross-legged on the ground. Next to him was Kanoko Hasumi, who was wearing a Tiffany green suspender dress with a style between home and casual.

Today, Kanoko Hasumi is dressed differently than usual.

Her face, lightly powdered, looks good, with bright eyes and rosy lips.

The long brown hair is tied into a braid with a retro-style silk scarf, which is dotted with indigo and brown polka dot elements, giving it a unique sense of fashion.

The whole person exudes a gentle and ladylike temperament.

The air conditioner in the room was blowing, and the temperature was adjusted to about 20 degrees, sending a comfortable breeze, as warm as spring.

The air is filled with the faint scent of orchids.

The time now is 7:30 pm.

After dinner, the two of them were busy separately. One was drawing cartoons and the other was grading homework.

In the kitchen drain basket were dishes for two that they had used an hour ago.

As for the reason why Kato Yusuke came here, it was because of the invitation of the apartment owner.

This was the first time the two met in private since the last incident.

Although it wasn't that Hasumi Kanoko didn't want to talk to him in school, she was still worried about the rumors that might arise.

After all, Kato Yusuke has been in constant trouble this week.

Taking Shiyu's incident as an opportunity, the discussion about his battle for the throne has not only become a hot topic on the school's anonymous forum, but even Hasumi Kanoko and Nakamura Masaru have heard about it.

As a result, the people around him also became noticeable.

Under such circumstances, Hasumi Kanoko didn't want to be observed with a magnifying glass, so she could only stay away from him for the time being. Even if they met in school, they would just say hello briefly and dare not talk more.

It was not until today that I finally found the opportunity to call him home. The purpose was naturally to ask for detailed information, and Kato Yusuke did not refuse.

Having said that, Hasumi Kanoko did not ask questions directly as soon as he came up. Instead, he patiently prepared dinner first, and then accompanied him to correct his homework.

It wasn't until I saw him finish drawing the original manuscript of a chapter that I suddenly asked him if he wanted to have something to drink and take a rest.

Kato Yusuke nodded in agreement, and while moving his shoulders, he said casually: "I thought you would insist until the end, Kano-chan."

There was a hint of ridicule in his calm tone, and he clearly knew what she was thinking.

After hearing this, Hassan couldn't help but get angry when he saw Kanoko, and gave him an annoyed look before getting up and heading to the kitchen to start making coffee.

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