Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and eighty six, cultural festival (9)

As the sound sounded in the kitchen, everyone present immediately looked over there.

A girl from the class hurried in and after a few minutes opened the curtain and walked out with a look of relief on her face.

"I'm so sorry, dear guests."

The girl bowed apologetically to everyone and explained: "Our companion accidentally knocked on the table just now. He is fine now. I am really sorry for causing trouble to everyone."

Hearing this, people's faces showed expressions of understanding.

"So this is ah……"

"I thought something was wrong."

"scared me."

After a brief discussion, they stopped paying attention.

Kato Yusuke instinctively felt that something was wrong, and did not bother to study the things in his hands anymore, but looked towards the kitchen with a frown.

Yinglili seemed to have the same idea. While observing the scene of the incident frequently, she asked him worriedly:

"Now, let me tell you, that sounds like Shinjo-san's voice just now, right? Is she okay?"

"have no idea."

"I'm so worried...otherwise I'd better go and take a look." The girl said.

After all, everyone is a student union companion who gets along day and night. In this case, if she doesn't check the situation, she will feel uneasy.

Thinking like this, Yinglili planned to take action.

However, the next second, Shinjoka walked out from behind the curtain.

She was holding a tray in her hands, and the smile on her face looked the same as usual, as she walked slowly and crossed her legs.

Compared with the way he was jumping up and down before, the person involved was walking very slowly now, as if he was deliberately maintaining dignity.

"...I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

Shinjoka placed the tray on the table, her voice slightly distorted.

"This is the black tea and potato chips you ordered~ Yinglili. This is your coffee, Master?~"

Click, click, the hand holding the teacup was trembling slightly.

Kato Yusuke raised his eyes and saw a pair of watery eyes, which seemed to be telling something affectionately.

What's going on?

He couldn't help but frown slightly, feeling deeply puzzled.

Eiri asked with concern: "Are you okay? Shinjou-san, are you injured anywhere?"

"Yeah... no~ thank you, Eiriri." Shinjoka smiled and waved her hands, her breath slightly disturbed.

"Is that so...? But you just made such a loud noise."

"Hmm, sorry~ I just came into contact with a new product... um, so I'm a little confused, hey?~"

"...So that's it."

Eiriri nodded ignorantly, her eyes gently rolling on his face, and she blinked subconsciously, "Sure enough, Shinjou-san looks very cute in this outfit."

"Eh~ But I think Ying Lili is cuter? Everyone says they want to vote for you~"

"It's okay to vote, I don't really care about it anyway. Didn't I mean to be polite just now? I was just telling the truth."

"Hehe, thank you then~ I'm so happy to be praised by Ying Lili~?"

Shinjou replied with a smile on his face, his whole person looked more juicy and sweet, exuding a buttery sweetness, mixed with a little charm.


Yinglili tilted her head slightly in confusion, her expression becoming confused.

"...That's strange. I should say, Shinjou-san, have you got a boyfriend? You feel like you've become sexy all of a sudden?"

She couldn't help but feel very curious about this.

Of course, she wouldn't be surprised if Shinjoka actually dated someone. In a sense, the cultural festival is originally the season of confession.

Including herself, the number of advertisements she received in the past two days suddenly increased to an annoying level, but she rejected them all.

Although there are some boys with excellent academic performance and outstanding appearance among them, there is no one who can meet her basic requirements.

As for what are her basic conditions?

As I said before when I was teaching outside the school, a man who is not capable of setting up a stall in the upper gate area of ​​CM will not be able to arouse her interest.

——That’s all.

There are not many people who can meet this condition, and there are even fewer people in schools.

Furthermore, even if we look at the entire industry, there are only a handful of organizations that can win the gate area at the CM Exhibition.

Even the club she spent several years running could only get a second-tier wall position.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

Only a super-popular club like the one founded by Akane Kurisaka can stand in that area for a long time, and the difficulty is not that high.

But Kato Yusuke is able to satisfy this.

Although the other party did not follow the path of fan creation, the sales volume of the comics created by him have long been extremely popular.

"I got a boyfriend?"

Faced with her question, Shinjou Xiangpeng blinked his eyes and asked instead: "Ahaha, what about this? What about you, Eirili?"


"Hmm~ Speaking of which, why are you walking with the master~?"


A flash of panic flashed in Yinglili's eyes, she unconsciously shrank her shoulders and replied: "Ah, well... I have something to ask him about."

"So that's it~"

Shinjo Kasugaru innocently echoed, without revealing the insincerity of her words.

Yingli lowered her head guiltily and drank the black tea.

"If you have finished speaking..."

Kato Yusuke said at the right time: "I have something to give you, Shinjou."

Hearing this, the other party immediately looked over and said, "Hey~ give it to me??"

Kato Yusuke nodded gently, then took out a white bath ball from his coat pocket and handed it over, "Thank you for taking care of Xiao Xi, this is a condolence gift for you."

Shinjoka opened her mouth slightly, her expression seemed a little surprised, and she didn't move for a while, but her eyes were slightly bright.

After a while, she took a gentle breath, moistened her pink lips with the tip of her tongue, and asked, holding on to her numbness, "Wow...can I take it?"

Kato Yusuke nodded instead of answering, and Shinjoka gently stretched out her hand towards the bath ball.

Soft fingers slid across his palm as if inadvertently, and the nails traced lightly, causing an itch.

"Thank you master for the gift~I'm so happy~" she said with a smile.

Kato Yusuke calmly retracted his hand, picked up the coffee and sipped it.

Looking at this scene, Yinglili lowered her eyes unconsciously, and felt an inexplicable feeling of depression in her chest.

Although she knew in her heart that Kato Yusuke would not give gifts to just her, she still felt slightly uncomfortable.

At this moment, Shinjoka suddenly came close to her ear.

"How is it~? Are you ready to confess your love to the president? Yinglili~"


It was like a thunderclap in the ears.

After being stunned for a few seconds...


Yinglili's eyes wavered violently, her face quickly turned red to her ears, and she reflexively wanted to stand up from her seat, but someone held her shoulders down.

"Shh~! Calm down a little first, Yinglili."

Shinjoka sealed her lips with an index finger, continued to bite her ear and said, "I just want to say, I wish you success~~~"

"I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!" - Yinglili wanted to reply like this, but her chaotic brain distorted her logic, and in the end she just stuttered out a few words.

"haha a……?"

Shinjoka smiled and said nothing, giving the other party a tacit wink.

But suddenly, a frightening trembling feeling rose from beneath her feet.


Shinjoka's body shook violently, as if he had been struck by lightning. He stumbled suddenly and placed one hand on the table with a "pop~" sound, his slender fingers slightly digging into the tablecloth.

"S-Shinjou-kun...??" Eiri looked at her in surprise and was stunned in her seat for a moment.

On the other side, Kato Yusuke, who was tinkering with the electric bell, also stopped and looked following the sound.

His face was blank.

Originally, after seeing the two of them whispering, he picked up his previous research again and pressed the bell experimentally.

As a result, before the sound of the electric bell could be heard, there was a sound coming from the other side for unknown reasons.

"What happened?" he asked, frowning.

"I don't know, it's Shinjou-san, she suddenly..."

Eiri explained uneasily, but was interrupted by Shinjoka.

"...Huh, I'm really, really sorry...two guests, um~!"

The person involved spoke out the syllables word by word, as if each word was expended with great effort, and his slightly hoarse voice was trembling slightly.

Kato Yusuke looked at her suspiciously and met a pair of provocative, moist eyes.

As if she felt uncomfortable, Shinjoka slightly twisted her thin eyebrows, a thin layer of sweat hung on her red face, clear and transparent sweat beads oozed from her delicate nose, and her small red lips were tightly pursed.


Her hands and feet were also trembling slightly, and her whole body was panting as if she had just run a marathon, showing an abnormal but very familiar side to someone.

After being stunned for a short time, Kato Yusuke's childish eyes suddenly shrank, and a huge wave of panic suddenly arose in his heart.

Like a bolt of lightning piercing his mind, he immediately stopped all research.


Shinjoka covered her face with one hand, her body teetering on the verge of falling.

"——Shinjo-kun!" Eiri hugged her quickly and touched her forehead with her hand.

"Wow! Your head feels so hot. Do you have a fever?"

"...Sorry, maybe I was a little cold last night..." Shinjoka said weakly with a weak smile.

"Why is this happening? Just hold on, I'll take you to the health room right now."

Kato Yusuke also stood up from his seat, "I'll take you there."

"No, just wait for me here."

Eiri shook her head firmly, "Besides, it's not convenient for you to touch Shinjou-san. Since it's no use, don't cause trouble. Do you understand?"


Kato Yusuke didn't know how to refute for a moment, and just watched the two of them helping each other out of the classroom.

People were attracted by the commotion and looked at him curiously.

Kato Yusuke raised his hand to lower the brim of his hat, sat down on his seat again, lowered his head and pulled down his mask, and drank coffee calmly in a sheeplike disguise.

But even if he poured the entire cup of coffee into his stomach, he still couldn't calm down.

On the contrary, caffeine stimulated his brain to become more active, clearly replaying each frame in his mind.

He never expected that someone would be so bold as to be so crazy and dare to come to school while having a fever, and he didn't even notice it in time.

——This is so unsafe!

Let’s put aside the issue of paying attention to physical health. What if someone finds out?

It happened to be during the celebration and in full view of the public.

If something really goes wrong, no one here can afford the consequences.

The more Kato Yusuke thought about it, the drier his mouth became. He couldn't help but reach for the coffee again, but when he picked up the cup, he found that it was empty.

——Only then did he realize that he had finished the coffee.

At this time, the girl's light and melodious voice suddenly sounded in my ears.

"Um~ Do you want to refill the coffee, this guest?"


Kato Yusuke turned his head, and Huizheng, who was holding a coffee pot in his hand, looked at him with a smile.


"What's wrong, don't you want coffee~?"

"No, I want it...thank you."

"Well~ Then I will add it for you now."

The girl said as she tilted the coffee pot and slowly filled his cup.

"By the way~ The coffee here has just been brewed, so be sure to scald it carefully, right?"

"...Well, thank you."

Kato Yusuke nodded, picked up the cup and took a sip.

The hot coffee is still wafting with heat, and it warms the body after drinking it, making people relax unconsciously.

He put down the cup and asked, "Are you done yet? Megumi."

"Well~~~ That's not the case yet, but we can't leave the guests in need of help alone. Plus I'm relatively close to you, so I'll take care of both." The girl explained in a gentle tone.

Kato Yusuke said oh but said nothing.

"So?" the other party asked, "What happened to Shinjou-san, Eiriri and the others?"

"...It seems that Shinjou is not feeling well, so Eiri took her to the health room."

"That's it~"


Kato Yusuke reached into his pocket, took out the last bath ball and handed it over, "This is a gift for you, Megumi."

"Ah ~ so beautiful. Did you do this?"

"Yeah, I did it in Nakano-senpai's class."

"Well, thank you then. Although it seems like it can only be used once, I will cherish it~"

Hui said in a leisurely tone while taking the bath ball from his hand naturally and generously.

Kato Yusuke replied that you were welcome, and then glanced at the seat by the window with his peripheral vision.

The two girls from before seemed to have arrived and were reluctantly leaving their seats to make way for the guests at the next table.

Seeing this, he didn't want to delay the girl for too long, so he said, "Thank you for the coffee. If you have anything to do, go ahead and get busy. I have nothing to do here."

For some reason, the other party tilted his head and looked at him strangely and asked, "Hey~ Is this all it takes?"

"Huh?" Kato Yusuke was confused.


Hui blinked twice in confusion, "Well, Kako told me that if you come, she told me to treat you specially."


"Eh~ isn't it?"

"What is it?"


The girl blushed slightly and whispered:

""If Kato-san comes, please remember to provide him with maid food! Because he is embarrassed to tell you, so he has to ask me to convey it~", Yoshiko said this..."

Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes widened as he looked for a certain figure in the classroom.

What a lovely Himekawa Yoshiko!

How dare you stab him in the back——!

Seeing his reaction, Megumi seemed to understand, "...I see, so Kako is really lying to me, right?"

Kato Yusuke opened his mouth, then nodded heavily.

"That's right~ So you shouldn't have that idea?"

"No, Kako was just joking."

"Yeah~ I understand, then I won't consider what Kako said."


"Okay~Then what follows is what I want to say~"


"What about that~ Because Yusuke has worked very hard, I have to give you a reward."


Facing his puzzled look, the girl reached into her pocket, took out a piece of chocolate, and tore open the tinfoil packaging.

"Thank you for helping our class attract so many customers, so..."

As she spoke, Hui bent down slightly, put a hand over her mouth, and whispered to him: "Chocolate, please, Master~?"

The sweet voice is like a nightingale, sweet and beautiful.

Kato Yusuke's body shook slightly and he was stunned.

The next second, the piece of chocolate was put into his mouth.

The embarrassment in his heart made him shut up subconsciously.

The cold, soft fingers accidentally touched his lips, and then he hurriedly took them back.

"Yeah~ That's good."

A smile appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth, her cheeks were tinged with a blush, and her eyes as pure as spring water contained a soft and intelligent light.

"Then I'm going to work first. See you in the evening, Yusuke."


Kato Yusuke sat there quietly, watching her back slowly walking into the halo, and a hint of sweetness gradually melted on the tip of his tongue.

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