Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

One hundred and eighty-nine, cultural festival (12)

After leaving the haunted house, the two walked in the corridor.

Unconsciously, there were fewer tourists than in the morning.

Kato Yusuke had no intention of observing these, he was just worried and walking aimlessly.

When they rounded a corner, Yinglili, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped.

Kato Yusuke also stopped.

This is in front of the student guidance room. Because there are no queues in the two adjacent classes, it forms a relatively quiet space.

"Ah, it's true!"

The girl turned around, glared at her, and scolded, "Why don't you say something! Isn't that embarrassing!"


Kato Yusuke raised his eyes and looked back at her. His eyes unconsciously fell on the soft cherry mouth, and then moved away unnaturally.

"...I'm sorry, but I don't know what to say right now."

Yinglili showed an expression of tears for a moment, lowered her eyes and said:

"You won't leave me because of this, right? You said you wouldn't alienate me, and you promised it yourself..."

Kato Yusuke clenched his fists tightly, carefully considered it in his mind, and then let out a heavy breath.

"...To be honest, regarding your feelings, I am wondering whether I should reply or give an answer."


Yinglili suddenly panicked and said urgently: "Wait a minute! Why are you talking like a confession??"


"Because, because! I didn't confess to you, so stop being so sentimental...!"

Kato Yusuke tilted his head slightly with confusion on his face, "Then what was your behavior in the haunted house just now...?"

"Uh, um, that was just my impulse..."

Yinglili turned away with a blushing face, and stammered: "...How should I put it? I was led by you to visit the haunted house, and my head and heart were all hot, so I unconsciously..."

The voice became quieter and weaker.

"Is it impulsive..."

Kato Yusuke looked into her eyes without hesitation, "Then what do you mean now...?"

“…Life Discussion.”

Yinglili pretended to look out the window, and occasionally glanced at him secretly from the corner of her eye.

"...I hate being treated as your sister all the time, or in other words, I hope you can treat me as a girl in the future! This is my trouble and discussion in life!"

"God's Coming"

Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment, then frowned in confusion, "Even if you say so, I have always regarded you as a girl..."

"No, no, no, no -"

Ying Lili shook her head vigorously and retorted, "You are just treating me with what you think is a good attitude... This is not what I want...!"

Ignoring Kato Yusuke who was speechless, she continued.

"I don't hate you being like a brother, but I hate the kind of brother who always treats me like a child...!"

"Rather than taking care of me wishfully...shouldn't you also listen to my voice and respect my thoughts?"


There was a hint of sadness in his nervous eyes.

The slender eyelashes cast a dull reflection in the setting sun.

The flow of people in the corridor gradually accelerated.

Some students are rushing to the next destination, while others are busy recruiting customers. People come and go without stopping.

The two of them did not identify the figures of those people, and the noisy sounds had nothing to do with them.

To them, the crowd is just a background, a monotonous and lake-like ambient sound effect.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but feel suffocated slightly.

We asked ourselves that before today, he had never regarded the other party as an equal, but as a sister who needed to be taken care of like a family member.

Although he feels that everyone around him is equally important, subconsciously, he does not put Yinglili on the same level as other women.

As the other party said, this is indeed a kind of wishful thinking and arrogance, so he cannot refute it.

There was a long silence in confusion.


Kato Yusuke took a deep breath, touched the back of his neck, and then slowly said: "What are we going to do now? Do you want me to treat you as a love interest? Or as a family member?"

A flash of panic flashed in Yinglili's eyes, she swallowed unconsciously, lowered her head, and then raised her head as if praying.

"...On the basis of being a family member, I want you to treat me as a girl!"

"Let me tell you... do you know what you are talking about? You are a family member and you are a girl. These are two completely different concepts. What exactly do you want others to do?"

"I don't care, I don't care, I just want to...!"

"Well, even if you say so... things that can't be done just can't be done. These two relationships are different to me..."



"As long as it's Yusuke, it's definitely...definitely possible...!"

A brief moment of silence.

"...You seem to be too determined." Kato Yusuke lowered his head, "Even I, there are many things that I can't do."

Ignoring the wavering look in the other person's eyes, he continued slowly and firmly: "...So, if you need an answer, I can tell you."

"——I said I don't want it!"

Yinglili took a step forward and covered his mouth with her hand, " least not now."


Even through a layer of mask, Kato Yusuke could vaguely feel the soft fingertips that were trembling slightly.

The girl put down her hand and continued: "Hey, besides, I'm not confessing, why do you want to give me an answer...!"

"……What does it mean?"

"That's what it means! There is no confession between us now. Today is just my life discussion, and it's over."

This is a self-deception, but at least it allows her to continue the progress of the game instead of entering the Bad End branch early.

Yinglili said tremblingly: "So what happened in the haunted house just now, you just... you just..."

"You don't have to worry about it" - Yusuke Kato thought he would hear this sentence, but it backfired.


Yinglili took another step closer and stood in front of him, looking directly into his eyes.

Then, the person involved took a deep breath, clenched his fists and closed his eyes.

"——You must take good care of it!


! "

The girl shouted with all her strength, making Yusuke Kato who was mentally prepared, instantly dumbfounded.

"I can't treat that as if it never happened! So you have to remember it too.

I hope you don’t treat me like a family member, but I hope you treat me as a girl and a love interest! "

Yingli kept gasping for air and lowered her volume again.

"However, I'm not ready yet. Because I haven't sorted out my feelings yet, I will never admit that what happened today is a confession."

When the person involved said this, he opened his eyes and looked straight over.

"On top of this, although I don't know if that day will come, but if one day I am ready, I will seriously challenge you and sink you... Just be prepared for it!"

Kato Yusuke was stunned.

The corridors are full of people during the school anniversary.

Attracted by Ying Lili's opening shout, all kinds of excited looks came to her.

Kato Yusuke's expression changed slightly.

"Idiot, are you crazy? Anyway, I've written down what you said. Let's get out of here first!"

Not caring about feeling the shock in his heart, he quickly took off his coat and put it on the girl's head, then pulled her up and ran towards the stairs quickly, and fled.

The two of them ran in the busy corridor one after another, and the clichéd words of several executive committee members were all forgotten by them.

Ying Lili slightly lifted the coat covering her head and stared at his tall back, with a slight smile on her flawless little face.

As if she found it very funny, the girl burst into laughter.

Half past five in the afternoon.

All external visitors to the school will leave and the campus will be returned to the students again.

In the packed gymnasium, most students and teachers gathered here to prepare for the closing ceremony.

After removing his disguise, Yusuke Kato put on his uniform again and returned to the team of Class E of the first year.

"Hey, Kato, you are so elusive."

"Indeed, I haven't seen Kato all day today."

Yamaguchi and Takei, who were sitting in the back row of the team, turned to look at him.

"What are you busy with today? We wanted to ask you to go to the cultural festival together, but we couldn't find anyone anywhere."

"Sorry, I have a little something to take care of."

"Come again, come again, is that just an excuse?" Yamaguchi asked with disbelief: "Why don't you tell me, what are you busy with today?"

"Life Talk."


"Someone came to me for a life consultation, and I have been dealing with this matter mostly today." Kato Yusuke said calmly.

Zhujing on the side couldn't help being a little dumbfounded when he heard this, "Wow, no, is your student union still responsible for this kind of work??"

"Occasionally, people usually come to complain about their troubles, but most of the time it is Hui who receives them."

"What a surprise, there is such a thing. Then why is it Kato who is hosting you today?"

"You are such an idiot, Takei, what else could be the reason for this? Of course it's because Kato-san has been busy with our class's activities, so this guy has to do it himself?"

"Isn't it too much to call others stupid!? Ah Xiao!"

Ignoring Takei's protest, Yamaguchi looked at Kato Yusuke with a smile.

"Speaking of that Kato-san, Kato, what are you going to do next?"

" to do what?"

"Stop pretending to be stupid. Of course it's a folk dance at the Houyue Festival. Are you planning to invite Kato-san to dance?"

"Ah, speaking of this."

Takei also echoed, "I remember in our school, if you take the initiative to invite others to dance at the night festival, it seems to mean "please date me", right? "

"That's right. So you invited Kato-san, or did the other party invite you? Kato."

Faced with Yamaguchi's wink, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but frown slightly and replied:

"...We have never invited each other, but thank you for reminding me. I will invite Senior Shiyu now."

After he finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and took action.

At the same time, the lights in the hall also dimmed, and the spotlights above the stage became the only light source.

The girl who was the head of the executive committee walked up to the stage and made a loud announcement.

"Then, the closing ceremony of the 9th Private Toyosaki Cultural Festival begins now——!"

The sound came out through the loudspeaker, sounding the prelude to the end.

After the speech part is over, the next step is the project selection process.

The girls on the executive committee took the list and announced the top ten most popular projects at this cultural festival in order from back to front.

Skipping the last seven, let’s go straight to the highly anticipated top three.

"Third place, Drama Department, "Rhapsody of Harmony" stage play!"

Hua Hua Hua Hua——

The audience immediately burst into warm applause.

Several members of the drama department stood up from their seats excitedly, shouting and hugging each other, with tears shining in the corners of their eyes.

The expressions of the audience who saw this scene became gentle, and their applause became more enthusiastic.

After three days of performances, the drama department has already proven its strength through superb performances, and it is well deserved to be ranked among the top three.

The girl on the executive committee waited for a while, and then continued: "Then the second place... eh? Animation Marathon Appreciation, the first-year Class A... An Yilun also...??"

The surprised voice was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears through the speakers in the museum.

Taking this as an opportunity, the applause that had not completely subsided suddenly fell silent, and the gymnasium of Nuo University suddenly became silent.

In this silent void, an excited boy's voice suddenly sounded.

"Hey! Did you hear that? Lun Ye! It said you were second! You're so strong——!"

A voice full of impatience followed.

"Ah, I heard it, and I heard it clearly. Speaking of which, Kiyan, you guy! Don't just shake other people's shoulders -!"

The voices of the two were not loud, but they were clear and incomprehensible.

Almost everyone present heard their conversation, so...

With a "boom", the crowd exploded!

"Are you kidding!? There must be something wrong with this, right??"

"That's right! You actually said that animation appreciation will be second? Did you make a mistake——!"

"Can it be that with all the clubs we have, we can't compare to one that shows animation——??"

"We need an explanation-!"

Feeling strong suspicion and dissatisfaction with this ranking, the crowd broke into commotion.

Facing this passionate scene, the girls on the stage couldn't help but feel panicked.

But immediately, other members of the executive committee trotted onto the stage and presented her with a piece of information.

The girl hurriedly glanced at the information in her hand, and with a bit more confidence on her face, she put the microphone to her mouth.

"Everyone——! According to records, the animation screening event at this cultural festival set a record for the highest number of people present indoors!"

Like a duck being strangled, the noisy environment quieted down.

Everyone looked at An Yilun in disbelief. The expressions on their faces were surprised and speechless. They were choked and had nothing to say. Finally, they sat down again with displeasure on their faces and stopped.

The hall immediately burst into sporadic applause, full of compassion and charity.

Perhaps sensing people's resistance, the girl on the executive committee smiled bitterly and did not dare to delay, announcing the next project in a hurry.

"In the end, it was the first place with the largest number of receptions, the highest sales volume, and the highest popularity at this cultural festival—! First-year Class E, the maid cafe~!"



! """

The audience burst into cheers from the girls.

"It's President Xiaoyou's class~~~!"

"President Xiaoyou is the best~~~!"

"Come on, President Xiaoyou~~~!"

No one doubted it, and everyone clapped.

In Class E of the first year, the students were both happy and helpless, and they all looked at the young man sitting at the end.

Amid the ridicule from the Mangkhut brothers, Kato Yusuke could only nod apologetically to his classmates.

After all, except for the morning of the first day, he never made any contribution to the class, but now he has become the biggest contributor.

——It makes people feel a little helpless.

Fortunately, everyone knew that he was not to blame, so the fuss didn't last too long.

After the winners were announced, the girls from the executive committee presented the final highlight.

"Well~~~ Then comes the last part of the closing ceremony, which is this beauty pageant. The girl who won this year's championship is——"

The girl trailed off, deliberately whetting the audience's appetite for a while, and then gave her answer loudly.

"First-year class F, student Eri Sawamura, please come up to the stage to receive your award~!"

In an instant——

Blah blah blah!

The stadium immediately erupted into the loudest applause and cheers to date.

In this expected atmosphere, Yinglili stepped onto the stage slowly. With every step she took, the light skirt swayed.

Under the splendid spotlight, the girl wore an exquisite silver lady's tiara and a ribbon representing Miss Toyosaki.

From a distance, the silver tiara complements the gorgeous blond hair, and the pearls and sequins adorning the tiara are also dazzling.

The audience was all captivated, and immediately cheered and applauded even harder.

“Oh oh oh oh——! It’s Sawamura-san——!

! "

"Oops! Sawamura-san is so beautiful like this!"



Unlike Kato Yusuke's time, the noisy group now was mainly composed of boys, but the girls were also looking at the stage with longing.

The dazzling client stood in the center of the stage, smiling and waving to the excited audience.

Kato Yusuke looked forward in unusual silence.

The center of the stage, illuminated by spotlights, is undoubtedly the most suitable place for girls, beautiful and gorgeous.

At a certain moment, the two people on the stage and off the stage suddenly met their eyes.

Yinglili's originally calm expression suddenly froze, and a touch of red glowed on her snow-white cheeks.

She subconsciously wanted to look away, but somehow stopped.

Then, the girl pulled up her skirt and bowed to him gracefully, with a hint of mischief on her face, and then pretended to be calm and waved to the crowd again.

Because of this action, the boys couldn't help but jump up from their seats, raise their arms and shout.

"I declare! From now on Eri will be the cutest in the world——!

! "

"Bah! Who do you think you are? How dare you call Ying Lili by her first name!"

"Draw your sword! Gentlemen! This is war——!"

“Tata open—!”

The boys got into a quarrel, and all of them were blushing and thick-necked.

Kato Yusuke looked at the sparkling figure on the stage and couldn't help but lower his head and think.

Deal with emotions appropriately.

Keep an appropriate distance as well.

——So, is taking one more step forward a good thing?

A school anniversary is a celebration, and celebrations are extraordinary days.

Because it is extraordinary, the basis for judgment will be slightly different from the past.

On days like this, maybe even he would make some misjudgments.

Faced with the life discussion that the girl proposed to him, he clearly felt the other party's determination.

If it were a different time and place, would he still accept this ambiguous situation?

The young man was immersed in thinking about the unknown future, and the closing ceremony came to an end.

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