Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and fifty-seven, happy birthday

The helicopter flew over Tokyo, all the way to Yokohama Port in Kanagawa Prefecture, and then returned the same way.

The two said goodbye to the enthusiastic pilot uncle and left from the helicopter airport.

Unconsciously, the sky has darkened.

In the blue sky, Venus can't wait to bloom.

Shiyu originally thought she would go home directly, but Kato Yusuke took her and slipped across the road. The two of them chased each other hand in hand, and finally stopped in front of an eye-catching luxury car.

"Get in, my queen."

Kato Yusuke opened the back seat door and bowed gracefully to make a gesture of invitation.


Shiyu crossed his arms and looked at the driver in black suit standing respectfully aside for a moment, then turned to his face.

"So, what does this mean?"

"Well, if you want to say that, this is also part of the itinerary."

"What trip?"

"Sightseeing trip part 2?"

"What do you mean?"

"A bumpkin who wants to experience the high life by chance?"

Faced with someone pretending to be dumbfounded, Shiyu had a smile in his eyes and raised a hand in a pretentious manner.

"Really? Then help me up."

"As commanded."

Kato Yusuke immediately held her hand, gentlemanly invited her into the car, and then followed her.

The driver closed the door, jogged back to the driver's seat, started the car and drove forward slowly.

Seeing this scene, nearby passers-by took out their mobile phones and took pictures of the extended white Lincoln.

Shiyu glanced at the flashing lights outside, and then looked around again.

The surprisingly spacious rear space is arranged like a bar hosting a party.

Cloud-like ambient lights float overhead, changing between pink, lavender and blue like breathing.

At eye level, fashionable music MVs are playing on the LCD monitors placed one behind the other between the corners of the car's grab handles.

The warm air blowing from the air conditioner blows the colorful balloons on the seats.

On the leather seats arranged in a C shape, the two people sat on the long side of the car. Opposite them was a long bar with a large number of light strips and many goblets on it.

Just when Shiyu wanted to take a closer look——


The sound of the cork being pulled out of the bottle suddenly echoed throughout the car.

She instinctively looked over and saw Kato Yusuke had found a bottle of "champagne" from somewhere and had just opened it.

"Hey... do you want to drink?"

She asked in surprise, earning a grin from the other person.

"No, this is just a sparkling drink. It's a little early for seniors to drink."

Kato Yusuke said, taking two goblets from the bar opposite and slowly pouring amber liquid into the glasses.

"This cup is for you, Senior Sister Shiyu."

Shiyu took the cup, raised his eyebrows, and shook it gently twice, "Do you want to get me drunk?"

"I repeat, this is 100% alcohol-free, right?"

"What's your intention in doing so many tricks?"

"I just want to do something special with my senior."

"Where are we going now?"


Kato Yusuke pondered and said: "I don't know the specifics, but generally it's just a walk around the city."

"Isn't that just sightseeing...?"

"Yeah, I told you before getting in the car."

Shiyu looked at him incomprehensibly, "You're really weird. Is there any point in doing this kind of thing besides wasting time?"

"It means..."

Kato Yusuke pretended to think for a moment and laughed, "Then just think of it as a waste of time. It's not bad to do this occasionally, right? Anyway, do you want to come and cheer?"

He said, raising the goblet in his hand and hovering it between them.

Shiyu frowned and looked towards the front row.

——What comes into view is a mirror.

The front row and the back row are completely separated, forming independent spaces, and no one can see each other.

This kind of design is very private, allowing people to relax to the greatest extent, without having to deliberately maintain dignity because of concerns about outsiders.

Shiyu thought about it secretly for a while, feeling a little dissatisfied with his pretentiousness. He depressedly raised the goblet in his hand and clinked it with him.


Ding ding~

The glass makes a pleasant sound.

The two took a sip of the drink, and the lemon-flavored sparkling water danced in their throats, stimulating their taste buds.

As the limousine passed the Rainbow Bridge, the Skytree in the distance and the Tokyo Tower in the distance overlapped in front of us, and the lights turned on and off.

In a short time, the bridge is red with the clouds reflected in the clouds, the willows are dark in the smoke cage, the silver cicadas are about to ascend, and the river is full of fishing fires.

Different from the time when you looked down from the sky, the lights in Tokyo are starting to light up now, as if there is a fireworks show composed of lights, which is colorful and dazzling.

Shiyu looked at the lights outside, his burgundy eyes reflecting the blooming hexagonal snowflakes.

——That’s a large Ferris wheel near Odaiba.

"Hey, Yuu-chan."

"What's up?"

"Next time, take me on a date."


The girl took a sip of the drink gracefully, a smile spreading across her lips.

An hour later, the limousine stopped on a certain street.

Shiyu pressed her hair that was messed up by the evening breeze while pretending to be reserved and asked: "What's next?"

Kato Yusuke smiled without saying a word, took her hand and led her forward.

The two came to the door of the old apartment and opened it.

"Please come in."

"This is……?"

"As you can see, it's my apartment."


Shiyu's heart suddenly jumped, and her embarrassment was mixed with a hint of expectation.

"...I know this is your apartment, what I'm asking is why are we here...?"

"After playing for so long, I thought you must be hungry, so it's time for dinner."


"Hey, you shouldn't have a frustrated face here, right?"

"Are you going to cook yourself?"


Kato Yusuke scratched his cheek,

"Actually, I have thought about eating out, but my senior sister said before that she prefers me to cook. If you don't want to, we can go out now."

Shiyu looked into the dark room.

"...No need, just stay at home."

She said, taking off her shoes and entering the house.

After walking a few steps, there was the sound of a door closing behind me.

The dark and lightless environment made the girl stop unconsciously.

"Yu-chan, won't you turn on the light?"

"Sorry, the light in the corridor seems to be broken. Senior sister, can you help me turn on the light in the living room?"

"……let me try."

Shiyu didn't think much and groped on the wall according to his previous memory. He quickly found the switch and pressed it without hesitation.


The dark room suddenly became bright.


Her attention was immediately drawn to the low table in the center of the room...or rather the things placed on it, and she froze in place unconsciously.

——The bright and blooming red roses come into view.

That might be fifty or sixty.

There were countless roses clustered together, wrapped in a black barrel gift box with two lines of golden text printed on the surface.


Next to the rose gift box is a delicate strawberry cake about 6 inches in size that looks delicious.

"——Happy birthday, Shiyu-senpai."

Kato Yusuke walked up unhurriedly, and his gentle voice was as beautiful as a slowly playing cello, bringing Shiyu back to reality.

She turned her head, her wide eyes were as full as autumn water and as bright as stars, and she looked at him silently, quietly and faintly.

"You...have been ready for a long time?"

"What does senior mean?"

"……why did not you tell me?"

Kato Yusuke smiled brightly and asked: "That would lose the meaning of surprise... Well——"

Before he could finish his words, the girl hugged his neck.

A pair of burgundy eyes swayed like quietly burning candles.

"...Do you know that this will make me fall in love with you?"

The soft and fragrant body squeezed forward, making Yusuke Kato's breath stagnant, and then he joked: "I just did what I had to do, shouldn't it be that exaggerated?"

"Don't ruin the atmosphere..."

Shiyu stared at him for a moment, gently lifting his bangs to the side with her fingers, her eyes a little blurred.

"...You provoke my emotions without permission, Yu-chan, you should be prepared to wake up, right?"

Kato Yusuke was slightly startled, aroused by these provocative actions and words. He put his arms around her and pulled her closer to him.

"...What preparations?"

"There's no point in pretending to be stupid. No matter what, I won't let you escape today."

Shiyu said, taking his lips and exploring them affectionately and passionately.

Her clothes were smooth and cool, and her graceful waist was not tight.

Kato Yusuke hugged her tightly, his breathing became heavier, and his possessiveness was obvious.


Shiyu panted slightly and pressed her forehead against his to support her weak body.



"……you are mine."


Kato Yusuke suppressed the throbbing in his heart and said: "'s getting late, I'll go prepare dinner."


Just as Shiyu was about to refuse, his stomach let out a dissatisfied "Gulu...".

"This, this is!"

She blushed and tried to argue.

"Okay, okay, I didn't arrange the time well, which made me hungry for so long. You should eat some cake first."

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but chuckle, gently pushed her shoulder away and walked to the table to get ready.

Shiyu felt a little embarrassed for such a shameful behavior. He came to the table and sat down glumly, watching him put candles on the cake.

She reached out and touched the rose gift box next to her. The feedback of the touch made her let out a light sigh.

"This... doesn't seem to be a flower?"

"Well, this shop sells preserved flowers. I heard that they are made from real flowers. Both the color and fragrance can last for a long time."

"Really... Yu-chan, where did you find this store?"

“I saw on the website for booking sightseeing helicopters that they cooperated with this store, so I searched for it myself and then placed the order.”

I couldn't tell whether he sounded happy or disgusted.

"...There is a helicopter and a limo, and flowers and cakes are also prepared. Why do I feel that you are getting better and better at coaxing girls?"

Kato Yusuke glanced at her and casually lit the candle with a match.

"After all, today is Senior Shiyu's important birthday. I don't think we can be too casual. Don't you like it?"

"I don't like it, it's just..."


Shiyu gently raised his left hand, his ring finger slightly upward, like an innocent girl dreaming, and said affectionately:

"If you want romance, isn't the most important part missing?"

Kato Yusuke looked back at her sparkling eyes and sighed softly.

"Shall I remind you about the legal age for marriage in Japan?"

"Hey~ you mean, are you willing to marry me...?"

"What about completing school, getting approval from each other's parents, and all kinds of things before that? Can you not skip so many necessary prerequisites at once?"

Shiyu lowered his voice and smiled, shaking his body slightly.

"Thank you for making me happy. This is the best birthday gift I have ever received."

...If she hadn't been aware of the situation around him, she would have been intoxicated in such innocent fantasy for a while longer.

The topic breaks here.

Kato Yusuke waved his hand to put out the almost hot match, and followed the surface meaning of the words: "In the sense of "best", wouldn't the requirements of the senior sister be too low?" "


Shiyu's eyes flashed, as if asking, "Then what else can you get?".

"So, I decided to treat you with a dish that I have worked hard on for a long time, so that you will find it delicious and unforgettable...probably."

"...Aren't you completely lacking confidence?"

"Hey, don't underestimate other people's efforts to improvise!"

Kato Yusuke rolled up his sleeves and made a funny muscle-flexing move.

Shiyu sighed charmingly, "I don't hate your cute appearance. I will look forward to it for the time being."

"Understood, let's blow out the candles then?"

"Wait a minute, I want to take pictures first."

The girl took out her mobile phone from her pocket and took several photos of the birthday cake and roses.

"You took a lot of photos today."

"It's rare that you have prepared so many rituals. Of course I have to record it carefully."

Seeing that her eyes were still on the phone, Kato Yusuke asked with a smile: "Can you blow out the candles now?"

"Well, that's all."

"Then I'll turn off the lights."

Kato Yusuke walked to the wall and turned off the light, then returned to the table.

"Then... once again, I wish you a happy birthday, Senior Shiyu."

Shiyu suppressed the loneliness lingering in her heart and smiled sweetly, "Sing me a happy birthday song."

A flash of hesitation flashed across Kato Yusuke's face, and he seemed a little embarrassed, but he still took a deep breath.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear..."

The little happy birthday song blends into the faint candlelight, like a whisper, like a whisper, as if it is going to take the owner directly to a distant place.

The orange candlelight illuminated each other's faces.

In the dim candlelight, the boy's outline gradually blurred.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock, tick tock...

The candle melted, leaving tear stains on the body.

Shiyu gently closed her eyes, listened intently to her favorite voice, and made a wish.

——"I hope that next year, the year after, the year after, and all the birthdays from now on can be celebrated together."

In order to let her recall today when she is alone at night.

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